Terminator: Dark Fate
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The first and second were great and good, but most of the Terminator series has been complete and utter shit.
I will never, ever watch that, not even the trailer. Does anyone remember the last Terminator with that Game of Thrones actress and an Easter Island statue? Learn a lesson and let it die already.
I just hope normies finally stop supporting this franchise.
So there's no question right? This is the laziest shill thread so far. No attempt at discussion or trying to co-opt board lexicon. Just a straight up advertisement for the new trailer as if people should care about the next dumpster fire shit with the name terminator.
Get fucked OP
Am I the only one actually looking forward to this? That combination solid-liquid Terminator is what Skynet should have done the first time: piggyback a -1000 on top of an -800 endoskeleton.
>Am I the only one actually looking forward to this?
That CGI blood and falling limbs look so bad. Bad as in, not good, you Boomer fuckers.
That Cameron producer nod would count for something if he didn't sign off on Genisys too
The way they used "I'll be back" at the end was the cringeist thing I've heard ever. Terminator is super dead.
>am I the only shill in this thread?
At a guess, no
what? isn't just like the T-X except with black colouring?
Glad I never saw Terminator 5.
honestly this looks really good
>video game effects
>bombastic trailer drums BRRRRRM
>CGI punching
Christ, as if there hasn't been enough of that the past 20 years already. It's the same headache-inducing fake rubbish as all the capeshit etc.
It's the same thing
Gonna enjoy when that shit flops
Who can even be bothered to give a shit about this?
Look at the scene with the truck. It's a liquid metal Termy riding on a solid metal one, which I assume eats that antitank missile.
I usually watch trailers without sound these days. If they can't captivate your interest that way, you can be sure the movie has nothing.
Surprisingly enough, this worked okay without sound.
There is some unfinished CGI there though. The terminators rising from the water looked especially off.
With writers like those, what could go wrong?
>from the director of Deadpool
>story by: David Goyer
No thanks.
This is pretty stupid. Sarah Connor was a believable badass long before feminist shit was put into movies for brownie points.
I agree, but James Cameron only directed the first 2 films, not the others. James Cameron has now returned as the producer and said the films besides 1 and 2 aren't canon and take place in an "alternate timeline" and that this will be the true successor to 2 which is why i'm interested.
How does Goyer keep getting work?
So what gender is that thing in the middle right supposed to be?
OMG super cereal d00d it'll be totes radical
Why does Sarah want to kill Arnie? I thought he was good at the end of T2.
Well I thought he was dead at the end of T2. But regardless, he's still a Terminator.
dont forget Edward Furlong has been confirmed to come back as John Connor, but the trailer has shown known of him
inb4 he's sequel bait
where's the slow piano cover of a pop song?
read the leaks. he's killed 10 mins in
Well they had the Cops theme in the last one, so your chances are good
>"sad" scene between ancient Sarah Connor and dusty old Arnold
>Summer breeeeeeze....
>make me feeeel...
Breathy female vocals for extra emotion yeah?
It's gonna be great, that's gonna be great
Just watched it on Eric's channel just to spite incels ahaha
Where is John?
>not a single good shot or composition
>no modern color theory, everything looks like a deviantart drawing from the 00s
Suck more cock, please.
Most of the Terminator films are complete shit, and you're a fucking idiot for wanting more. Let it die, and do something new.
>>not a single good shot or composition
>>no modern color theory, everything looks like a deviantart drawing from the 00s
Yeah, the green filtered parts looked like Dawn of the Dead 2004 outtakes. Just painful.
>not a breathy female vocal cover of "You Could Be Mine"
With a single acoustic guitar and loads of delay and reverb
Fuck sake, why is every shitty idea so predictable
Do you have this same attitude toward any movie series? You suck a cock, mine, open up user!
>story and screenplay by David S. Goyer
Hard fucking pass
Yep its up
"its a terminator movie , even the bad ones are fun" Eric Butts 2019
That's not a T-800, that's the Skynet designer who built the T-800s. THAT'S why she's pissed at him.
Just stick to Reddit you fag
I can't even bring myself to watch the trailer. What's the TL;DR?
Mostly shit movie series, sure, and
Alien is mostly shit
Predator is mostly shit
Terminator is mostly shit
Robocop is mostly shit
Star Trek is mostly shit
Star Wars is mostly shit
Superhero nonsense is mostly shit
Keep sucking those same old cocks though, you go girl! Eat your shit, go on
No. The action seems decent and I like seeing Terminators duke it out so I'll watch it. But I've given up on ever having a proper sequel after T2.
Why did they release two slightly different trailers on the same day?
Not even Angry Pedro is excited for it
>I like seeing Terminators duke it out
May as well play a video game
it's the Genysys trailer except with Linda Hamilton instead of Khaleesi.
The new Terminator dude is based in the interviews
>hhurr kill da border patrol!
>we're so progessive!
Why is the Terminator saga now a Democrat party ad?
Fuck the haters. This shit looks fucking good.
My shill-o-meter is almost exploding
BASED is he? Is he BASED?
Yeah you're totally real and not a shill.
Sarah is boomer with shotgun
Arnold is terminator with feelings
Spic terminator can split in two
Spic woman is future mother of new savior of humanity
I'm legit fucking hype. This has the grit the last one was missing and doesn't seem like it's trying so hard to be funny that it comes off as parody.
Is it gonna flop?
>wypipo evil!
May as well go suck your fat momma's dick.
Arnold is in it?
I love davis ever since halt and catch fire.
Some girl is the new Sarah Connor for reasons unknown. The old Sarah Connor looks like she's a veteran of killing terminators. McKenzie Davis is the new Kyle Reese and is a human-robot hybrid thing. The new T-1000 looks plain but is pretty brutal in action. John Connor is nowhere to be seen (leaks seem true). Arnie is a T-800 again that looks like he's started a normal human-like life for some reason. Sarah Connor hates him but has to work with him for whatever they're doing. That's about it.
Yeah its over. They had one shot: Get Seagal in shape to play the bad terminator and have a show down between the giant egos of Arnold and Steven, but they failed
Now that Arnolds career is dead, what was his best movie?
Nice mental gymnastics
The future is literally female
>Now that Arnolds career is dead, what was his best movie?
3 way tie:
-Conan the Barbarian
-Terminator 2
-Total Recall
By writing shit like Blade, Dark City, Batman Begins, and The Dark Knight, and that's just the ones I know you're guaranteed to like.
That was a great trailer and I'm excited to see this film.
whats the consensus
what are you talking about? this isn't the batwoman trailer. there's literally nothing in it that says they're forcing feminist shit. most of the characters are just female. just like how most of them in T2 were male. if there's no feminist shit being forced then who gives a fuck?
Yeah, like, it's simple-- if you don't like it, don't watch it (just to be clear tho I *do* like it and I'm going to watch it on opening day)
>Nice mental gymnastics
t. brainlet
You're saying, that during all this crap about immigrants...that a Spiconator killing Boarder Patrol agents and inadvertently freeing Mexicans to run, run, run for great justice and freedom is by accident?
yes and I feel sorry for him
I wish the first post was “no one cares” because I honestly couldnt care less about this franchise.
John Connor is female. Deal with it.
You're looking for it. Some far left writer might've thought it. But no-one else even notices or gives a fuck about that shit in the background.
what's worse is the terminator is found to be created by the government as part of a false flag attack to start a border crisis
What's the difference if the person being saved is male or female? Tell me incel. There's no gender politics at play. It's nothing more than a 50/50 gender choice.
Perturbed Jose
I think you replied to the wrong post
Suck a dick. This feels like a Terminator movie. If you don't think it does, then you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
The usual lefty smug ironic sophism. And still not an argument.
It's just his voice and cgi face on a kid.
Not him, but you're testament to what this site does to your brain. You can't stop seeing politics everywhere you look. I bet chocolate milk is just blackwashing, right?
The real issue this movie faces is that there's already been a crapton of shitty Terminator sequels (including your fabled TSCC), which have already left the general audience skeptical to any other potential installments.
But this genuinely does look better than most of the films post T2, especially the last one with that Emilia hoe.
Why did you write all of that?
>let's just show the entire movie in the trailer, like we did last time
Not falling for your tricks, T-1000.
t. actual NPC
>what's worse is the terminator is found to be created by the government as part of a false flag attack to start a border crisis
Sounds legit because it's so stupid.
Yer dumb. Sowwy.
Why do we write anything at all?
>But this genuinely does look better than most of the films post T2
I've had bowel movements that look better than any Terminator post T2
The effects were a lot better too, more believable
Did you seriously not get the significance of the line, "You may have changed the future, but you didn't change our fate"?
That means that what they accomplished in 2 was to kick the can further down the road. If they pushed judgement Day just twenty or thirty years out, then all bets are off. John Connor could either be too old to lead or just not survive at all.
Great arguments.
I dunno what you're going on about, user. Why are you defending a pile of shit?
>implying that you can't see the obvious social commentary
You're cute.
T2 is far better than T1
This looks great.
Can't wait for Yea Forums to be BTFO
Why is it automatically a pile of shit? Because you're scared of brown women?
This looks really good, pleasantly surprised. James Cameron's involved, so this raises the bar bigly. After Rise of Skywalker, this one's on the top of my list of must-see movies this year. Tres cool!
Cute, but more importantly sane. I also find it dishonest to write off a movie this quickly without having seen it. The Predator looked shit from the get go, and to my surprise, it turned out worse than I thought it would. But there was a small chance that it'd be good, and I wouldn't have known if I haven't seen it.
>inb4 shill
Wrong. Torrent the movie, watch it, and then talk shit, when you know it's shit. For me, it's too early to judge yet.
>and I wouldn't have known if I haven't seen it
He's beyond help, isn't he?
even the title is cringe
So you know an entire movie just by seeing a trailer?
It's been reported that Cameron didnt even visit the set, he is just giving his name as a producer.
So that's all you got? Typical.
It’s the terminator that killed John Conor after the future had changed since they stopped judgement day.
>Cute, but more importantly sane
ah doubt it
>The Predator looked shit from the get go, and to my surprise, it turned out worse than I thought it would.
Confirmed doubt.
>>inb4 shill
>Wrong. Torrent the movie, watch it, and then talk shit, when you know it's shit. For me, it's too early to judge yet.
Fuck you. I'll talk shit all I want based on a trailer since a movie trailer usually showcases the best parts to gain audience excitement. Honestly, it looks embarrassing. I'd rather watch Firewalker with Chuck Norris.
He's clearly baiting. Although he's not entirely off the mark.
Just end this franchise already
I'm not convinced that you understand the purpose of a trailer.
>since a movie trailer usually showcases the best parts to gain audience excitement
You're genuinely retarded. Enjoy Firewalker though.
You sound like you might kill your self soon, but first have sex.
I'm not convinced that YOU understand the purpose of a trailer, but apparently some people who are responsible for said trailers don't either
>itt: fans of the franchise who are cautiously optimistic defending it against race-baiting counter-shills that are bucking for Disney passes
Fuck off, Disney Moms. You corporate master doesn't get to own everything.
Thanks for the translation, retard
What the fuck is going on in this thread?
Pretty much every user in previous threads shit on this movie, and tore the trailers and the pics from the production to pieces, and now suddenly the majority of anons love it...
Something fucky's going on here.
Terminator 7: Termilesbians Scissor Day
Terminator 8: Termipedo: Rise of the CPs
Terminator 9: Termawine: Drunkinated
you're a weird dude
Read it again, meme-spouting fuckwit
I'd say you get two good movies (three if you're lucky, one if you're not) then a couple of mediocre ones so dumbasses don't notice the decline until suddenly the franchise has been coasting off name recognition alone for the last twenty years and eight films.
Good pun bro. HAHAHAHAHA
After he completed his mission he went off to live a normal life or someshit.
She's a fucking geriatric now, totally out of place in an action part.
You're a genuine shill with curly hair and a surname that mentions precious metals.
Nah, just a few fags who base their identity around the products they consume and feel personally attacked by criticism.
>itt: fans of the franchise who are cautiously optimistic
I've been called a Disney shill too, so that's off the table. Unless a film is out, and you at least give it a chance, you can't know with 100% certainty that it's going to be shit. And even then, it might be a divisive movie that you either simply hate or you love. Take Predator 2 for example. Technically a "bad" movie, and spat on by critics, but a lot of people think it's great.
I'm starting to like it.
>ok, input the data into the analytics!
>what?! Using a lezbo and hispanic didn't increase sales?! But the over-payed scamster consultants told me it would!
There's no caution here. It's undistilled shilling.
This literally looks like Terminator Genisys 2.0 with feminism.
Everyone who doesn't immediately shit on something here is a shill to you, plain and simple.
Either go kill some jews and put your money where your mouth is or kill yourself instead, you piece of shit.
The Terminator saga ended with T2's ending. Accept it and move on.
Well, that was worse than I expected.
stop crying and have sex
>go kill some jews
Why would you ask someone to do that Mr. FBI?
Anyway the movie looks like emergency diarrhea provisions.
God this looks like fucking shit.
Fucking kek so true
I had sex 2 hours ago.
>I'm the FBI now
Like I said, you have the option to kill yourself too. No CIA glowniggers to stop you.
>consume faggot product or commit crimes
Lame opinion,FBI.
Are you one of the two robbery guys?
Suddenly T3 looks like T2.
I purposefully recommended torrenting it, so you can't pull that card anymore. Feel free to consume Cyanide.
They just put on their mom's underwear 2 hours ago.
Yes, my dad's Nintendo and he's producing the film.
Perfect two parter. There's no need for anything else.
>in 2019
Than-q for the laffs
As long as the use the original soundtrack idgaf
And I'm supposed to be the shill? You don't really know what you want to do with your life, right?
system checksumed
Everyone agrees with that though. My argument was that X shitty sequel might be better than Y shitty sequel.
>it's really about my life now
Oh user.
I've been excited for a while. The people shitting on it for having a female lead, etc are really trying too hard to look cool on the internet. This trailer was legitimately great.
I think you replied to the wrong post but I agree with you anyway
Yeah, you're clearly a shill too. Because Yea Forums is advertiser friendly, with all of the 20 people who participate in any given thread.
So you dislike Brie, and like what you see in the new Terminator trailer? Lol Sorry about your malfunctioning brain, bro.
It's not like I'm dying for people to agree with me, but it's common sense. Until I see actual feminist propaganda being pushed, and until I see it's complete garbage, I'll be skeptical to such claims.
>we have to pass the ACA to see what's in it!
t. Nancy Pelosi
Says the faggot saving pics of an insufferable cunt who gets paid more then you and your whole family times 1000. Fucking loser
Seething shill^
I won't watch it and I will mock it.
>So you dislike Brie
Not at all. She's actually a better actress than the one who she was up against for the role of Sarah in Genisys.
>and like what you see in the new Terminator trailer?
It looks better than all the shitty sequels I mentioned previously. Best case scenario I wash Genisys outta my brain and have things end on a slightly better note.
This one's definitely the better of the two.
Briefags should be hanged
Remember to make a thread to apologize when you're proven wrong.
>nobody liked Genysis
>kek let's make that movie again it'll surely work this time
okay user, time for your meds
Okay, I will, unironically.
Test audiences
I'm not the guy you replied to, but if that's what you wanna do go ahead.
Spics will love it
Struck a nerve I assume? Good.
that poor bastard that gave his body to science, thinking they'd find a cure for some dread disease, gets his body sold to art school dropouts who reconfigure his corpse fer the lulz, then strangers can laugh at your remains until doomsday
So is this going to be better or worse than genisys?
that was someone else, I'm the guy you replied to and for some reason I want you to live. Just thought you should know.
where is John?
Terminator needs a low budget addition. Like some "in universe" separate story that is a dark horror like the first one. The fault of everything after T2 is that they've tried to recreate the ambition of T2 and focus on the background story. Every sequel really didn't understand T1 and T2.
Sniffing coke off of Chrystal
Look again at the effects in that trailer. It's less than mediocre. The crane scene in T3 beats anything this movie has to offer.
How do you fuck this up so badly? So many movies, and all of them so shit (and counting).
I'm touched.
It doesn't need any addition at all, like most of these franchises. But the thing is, there's already an addition out soon, so might as well critique it like any other film.
People get paid to shill products user.
call to John now
Cool shit. I'm sure this was idea of based Cameron.
Something with the film style of Drive would give it some integrity back
Where is John Connor?
6ft under
>That N64 dust cloud
>an Easter Island statue
So all flash and no substance. The Chinese will love it at least
Orange Man Bad
Terminator: California
Typical reddit movie choices
You will dream of bicycles eating squirrels, faggot.
Holy shit good joke.
10/10 in originality.
Seems sound to me.
>changing the future and erasing cyberdyne doesn't stop robot apocalypse from happening
This is so shitty. No movie can ever be good when it has to be setup for literally infinite sequels. Stories are supposed to have an ENDING after which NO SEQUELS ARE MADE.
Fuck Hollywood, they all deserve to burn.
Digits suggest Terminator Genysis: Good Version
>crane scene in T3
OK, this legitimately has to be Disney or someone else paying people to shitpost about Dark Fate online. That scene had TERRIBLE effects even for the time it was made.
I've saw a guy call T3 superior to T2 yesterday. People just have shit taste.
>OK, this legitimately has to be Disney or someone else paying people to shitpost about Dark Fate online. That scene had TERRIBLE effects even for the time it was made.
What make the scene even worse than being too long is that there's no fucking music.
It looks better than Genisys, at the very least, but it still doesn't look great. Didn't they do the half-human half-terminator thing in Salvation too? I really don't know why they keep trying with this franchise.
Good post. Thanks for the lack of autism.
Whats sad is Arnold paid for the crane scene, as the budget was gone and he felt it needed to be in the movie
T3 is seriously one of the worst films of the 2000's. Absolutely wretched on every level. Kristanna Loken was hot in it, I guess.
The music in T3 is just as offensively pedestrian as the rest of the film. It looks like a 90's TV series with the way everything is lit, has absolutely no grit to it visually or thematically. People just give it a pass because the nukes launch at the end.
>Terminator needs a low budget addition. Like some "in universe" separate story that is a dark horror like the first one.
No. Terminator needs to end. Stop making these fucking movies. You cannot ever make a good one again. It isn't possible anymore. To make a good one you'd need James Cameron directing and Arnie in his prime acting, and you can't have either of those things because one is old and the other is locked in the smurf mines.
Stop making soulless sequels to franchises that people loved for reasons you cannot reproduce. All you do with that is hurt people.
>It looks like a 90's TV series
Spot on. Was surprised to learn of it's budget. Where the fuck did even go? Loken's tits?
That is sad. T3 is such a mess of a film, it's worth watching all the making-of featurettes and reading the writing duo's (Brancato/Ferris) now-defunct blog to understand better just how inept on every level the production and decision-making was.
Worst of all, they hired Brancato and Ferris AGAIN for Salvation, and YET AGAIN to write a first treatment for Genisys. If you want to understand why Terminators 3-5 are so aggressively terrible, the buck needs to stop with their screenplays, and then the producers giving their "creative input" on top of already-terrible ideas.
>the mere presence of these things in the movie is automatically a condemnation of their existence
No user, you are the soi.
Correct. Yours. Sorry, Disney. You're not stopping me from backing a studio you don't own.
*crack* *sip*
T2... Now THAT was a movie
does he have face cancer?
cringe and bluepilled
This. Nothing's a clearer sign of a faggot than a pic of that bitch.
Its a beauty mark
thanks for linking this one. :)
Kek, did you just throw a Trump reference in there in a vain attempt to appeal to the board's culture?
Fucking wew, lad.
>James Cameron's involved, so this raises the bar bigly
You shill cocksucking motherfucker. James Cameron PRAISED Terminator: Genysis.
His opinion is SHIT.
>OP trailer Sarah takes credit for stopping Judgment Day
>this trailer Sarah says her and John stopped Judgment Day
Why would they do this? Also, do they explain why Arnold terminator is old?
Maybe it's the Captain from Terminator 3?
1, 2 and hell, even fucking 3 had a simple premise with a small cast.
Everything after that overbloats the premise and tosses in like 5 new fucking characters or reinterpretations of past characters to something we're not use to. How do they keep managing to fuck this up? Do they think overly convoluted = deep and complex? They already did this Android (Technically Cyborg, but whatever) fucking angle in Salvation and that was a waste of fucking time.
>James Cameron's involved
He's not involved, he just let them use his name for marketing. Unless he sits in the fucking director's chair and directs the fucking movie he's not involved.
>Also, do they explain why Arnold terminator is old?
The flesh parts of terminators age just like normal humans, it's living tissue after all. It just usually doesn't come into play because they're not supposed to stick around for decades.
I only saw the first 2 and he died at the end of 2. I'm not sure why he's still around.
>It looks like a 90's TV series with the way everything is lit, has absolutely no grit to it visually or thematically.
I agree, it does feel like a made for TV Terminator movie.
is there really an ice detention center scene?
Why does the feminator show emotion?
All I could think was wonder if she sounds like that normally or if the film made her voice that way.
All of the leaks are fucking true.
I think a lot of the passes for T3 are from people who were kids when it was released. That's just my theory.
After Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, judgement day happened and humanity was destroyed. Then Terminator: Salvation was supposed to be the beginning of the trilogy about the war against the machines in the future, after judgment day. But then Salvation was a failure and it all went to shit. For me they should have had made 2 sequels more to Salvation telling the story of how John Connor and the resistance fight the machines and finally win. And The End.
Yes, but it's not leftist social commentary, promise, goy!
>I only saw the first 2 and he died at the end of 2. I'm not sure why he's still around.
Maybe T-800s/T850s look like Arnold, in fact they all look like him, except for the one in a flashback or dream sequence in T1.
Her voice seems pretty deep for the whole trailer. Would they really alter it for the whole movie?
Yes. Yes, you are.
You do realize that Dark Fate is a direct sequel to T2 and recons the others out of existence, right?
I'm pretty sure he only did this to help out Arnie, because he needed money for the dreaded alimony.
the movie is for chinks
>is there really an ice detention center scene?
It looks like there's a scene in a Border Patrol facility since they're trying to get across from Mexico. Didn't the whole media fascination with ICE started after went into production?
They literally cast a Scandinavian supermodel specifically for sex appeal. So she does lots of shit in the movie an emotionless, murderous cyborg probably shouldn't. Even when the T1000 emoted it made more sense because the emotions were appropriate to his frustrations in trying to kill the Connors.
>Didn't the whole media fascination with ICE started after went into production?
No, shill, that was a thing years before T6 was even a thought.
So that means another one came back without her knowing and just lived a long life?
It really is the kid's version of Terminator, now that you mention it. Violence dialled down, dumb humour, etc.
David Goyer wrote it, I'll pass
Terminator 3's explanation is that Skynet sent a T-850 (Humanoid Endo-Skeleton Terminator) Model-101 (Arnold skin) after John during the future war, specifically because he was fond of that particular image and he let his guard down around him. I'd imagine they're going to use the same excuse here, except this time the execution happens in the past and the T-800 is left stranded in the past without a mission.
That's exactly what they went with, user. We are to believe that during the events of T2, another T-800 was sent back to just chill and lay low because lol those losers ain't really doing anythin'.
Yeah, I know that. I'm just saying how I would had ended the story.
(Trilogy about the war against the machines in the past trying to avoid Judgment Day)
The Termiantor
Termiantor 2: Judgment Day
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
(Trilogy in the future after Judgment Day couldn't be stopped and when we see John Connor and the resistence fight the machines and finally win)
Terminator: Salvation
Another sequel
Final movie
Nope. Only T1 is watchable. T2 is pure crap, the kid can't act.
he looks completely fucking deranged, it's hilarious
He was only one of the writing staff. The other names are reliable, lot of people from TSCC involved.
Sorry, SGT.,
Ah I see. Reasonable. The circle is completed. And I enjoyed Salvation, but never bothered to see 5 which just looked awful.
beauty marks don't look cancerous. I honestly thought it was a scab from someone beating him up
>Only T1 is watchable. T2 is pure crap, the kid can't act.
Based. Even if I disagree on T2, still based. You can't go wrong with T1 if you want to be hardcore, but kids are cringey in real life too, you're being too hard on T2 which is such a landmark piece of cinema that I don't even believe you're not trolling me, but some people probably honestly think that.
I watched Genisys just for the laughs and is one of the most ridicule movie that I remember. It has cool scenes but nothing more. It's like a parody of Terminator. I still don't know what was the objective of that movie. If they did it like a parody or was actually a serious movie with people writing that story thinking it had some sense.
>Red moles, or cherry angiomas, are common skin growths that can develop on most areas of your body. They're also known as senile angiomas or Campbell de Morgan spots. They're usually found on people aged 30 and older.
zzzzzzzzzzz another feminsit agenda movie
>dumb humour
Like half of that movie is cringe comedy scenes or the double charisma vacuums that they laughably called "main characters" trying to "interact". Only watchable parts are the action scenes and the ending. T3 is pure schlock.
What amazes me is that they had filmed even MORE cringe comedy scenes that got cut from the movie, so it was originally supposed to be even worse.
Not sure if I ever want to see it. My Terminator head canon is already polluted by 3.
They sisnt even make an attempt to cast decent actors or at least actors that looked close enough to the original actors in Genisys. When I see this image, I don't see Kyle, Sarah or Reese. Just a bunch of faggots in Halloween costumes.
I saw T2 in theater when it came out. I rewatched it 5 years ago, without the music track. I was stunned how bad it was. The kid make it unwatchable, the fact that Arnold wanted more dialogues and refused to killed cops on screen, make it absolute shit. The T1 scene in the police HQ is kino as fuck.
Conan the Barbarian is the most anti-reddit movie ever made
>No. of writers: 5
>No. of screenplay writers: 3
>Buddy comedy scenario with the two terminator models
>"Reference" everywhere
>The guy writes okay at best movies and is good with special effects
>Clear marketing campaign to show them ladies they can fight those terminators just like the men despite the fact this was already shown with Sarah Connor being the protagonist of the first movie and grew to be a capable warrior to prepare for the oncoming war with the machines in the second movie.
>Also that "We don't give a shit because you'll go see it" movie poster is garbage for even that caliber.
Fuck Hollywood. You're a joke.
yeah if only it didnt have strong female characters like the... other... terminator........ movies
Most of us hadn't even heard of ICE until a few months ago when blue ticks started screeching
>The kid make it unwatchable, the fact that Arnold wanted more dialogues and refused to killed cops on screen, make it absolute shit
t. nigger
Seriously, I don't think the acting on Furlong's part was bad, but his voice-cracking was irritating, I'll grant you.
How can someone watch the original Terminator and then think making something like Rise of the Machines is acceptable?
He didn't kill the cops cause John told him not to. Also, why are you watching a movie with the music track? Do you do that with all movies?
>Most of us hadn't even heard of ICE until a few months ago
18+ to post here, now leave.
>refused to killed cops on screen
Really? Know where I can read more about this? Always hated how pussified T2 made him. My favorite scene is when he almost killed those two guys, but it's all downhill from there.
I never liked John Connor either. I think he's a self insert for all the kids watching, which is why the boomer generation overrates T2 so much.
>How can someone watch the original Terminator and then think making something like Rise of the Machines is acceptable?
...because it's way better than this shit.
>without the music track
Hmm I wonder why you didn't enjoy it as much.
So the whole part about the T-800 reprogrammed not to kill humans who had to find creative ways to get out of situations instead went over your head
I know we're all contrarians here, but this joke isnt funny anymore.
Why would people who don't live in America know the name of some obscure government agency?
>hurr the original point of there being leftist social commentary doesn't matter because some people are non-Americans! Now watch as I fist my mother.
Just stay where you are for the love of god
>Also, why are you watching a movie with the music track? Do you do that with all movies?
I like doing this. I watch movies the regular way then I rewatched the good ones without the music track at 400 Hz for max soap opera effect.
The rest of the world doesn't live in your countrys political bubble
That bad huh? It is like a nightmare fever-dream and waking up totally parched, yet too lazy to quench thirst immediately bad?
Arnold didn't wanted to kill cops on screen and didn't wanted to play the bad guy.
I'm actually excited for it but I don't know why you or the people who made this movie think "ok lets forget the other sequels, lets do a REAL third movie, our PROPER new terminator idea... is a T-1000 ontop of a T-800!" as if that isn't the T-X from the last third movie
Does John Connor die or not?
So when stuff happens in Europe and we do social commentary on it, film negates it, good to know. Art can't imitate life, eh?
The bit with the punks was like and SNL parody of Terminator. It was cringeworthy.
Terminator and Alien are literally the same franchise. First movie is an awesome sci-fi horror/thriller, with solid acting and worldbuilding. Second movie is essentially a remake of the first movie, but it's an action sci-fi movie instead. Then the rest of the series is utter dogshit.
Based Arnold
It’s like walking for days in a dry desert and seeing a cool glass of water on the horizon but when you reach it, instead of being a mirage, it’s a midget who kicks you in the nuts.
>Does John Connor die or not?
per leaks, Arnold is the one that kills him. But its in the 90s and Arnold grows a conscious after and becomes good
Some are saying he doesn't die and appear later on living a normal life. I want to know which leaks are true.
>That combination solid-liquid Terminator is what Skynet should have done the first time
Why? Liquid-metal is superior to a solid endoskeleton in every conceivable way.
I recently heard that the people that did the last Predator movie intended to do the worst and most ridicule movie so everyone would talk about it. Maybe Genisys was the same.
>piggyback a t1000 over a t800
I wonder if they'll explain why Skynet just doesn't piggyback a few dozen T1000s. It shows up and just starts shedding skin after skin of 50 or so Terminators.
The point is if some far left writer is trying to hamfist their ideology into it then it doesn't matter to most of the world because most of the world outside of the US don't give a shit about that stuff to the point that they don't even acknowledge of the subtext.
Yeah, and also in both Cameron kills off Michael Biehn so a strong independent wimmin can play the hero.
We should've seen the signs, there's nothing surprising Dark Fate if you know anything about him
An opinion that MAYBE they wanted to do a ridicule and nonsense movie*
>implying I give a shit about the rest of the world
Seriously, though, my point stands, it IS hamfisted social commentary like you say.
>. Second movie is essentially a remake of the first movie
Terminator 2 is, and deliberately so. But Aliens is far from a remake of Alien.
honestly the action looks solid, will pirate
dude nobody wants to watch your shitty terminator movie, nobody has since T3 broke everybodied expectatives of any new Terminator movie to not absolute shit.
Oh my god
I had big hopes for this movie
but it's a pile of shit
lease post the next example sentence:
This Movie looks incredible, I can believe the old gang is back, Arnold kicking ass along Linda Hamilton and the incredible James Cameron behind the camera, I can't wait to go watch it on 3D IMAX.
In case of negative response, reply:
Have Sex Incel!
$0.5 dollars will deposited on y
will watch on russian stream site at 360p
oh shit really
that's kind of interesting now
Can´t possibly be worse than genysis. I mean, John Connor became skynet on that one (not that a revolutionary turning tail is surprising or anything)
I would be more confident on them not being able to fuck theis up by mentioning Dark fate has the original cast... but after Disney Wars i think having the original cast is not really a guarantee anymore.
Last few seconds were top tier cringe
your whole life is cringe
no you didn't
you're just another Disney dick sucker and disliked it because it's not tagged "Marvel"
lmao what the fuck, I hate capeshit and disney, I wanted to see this because t2 is my favorite movie
>thread about Terminator
>"you must be a disney shill you cocksucker"
give it a rest, tardo
nah its another terminator that was sent after the t1000 that killed John connor
it honestly doesnt you fucking tasteless shill