What makes it so much better than the other Harry Potter movies?
Prisoner of Azkaban
Other urls found in this thread:
GoF is better
Emma hitting her prime
It was directed by an actual director instead of a studio yes man
It's the best book in the series.
The story is self-contained. The pacing is good and the plot progresses all the time.
Oh and Voldegay isn't even in it.
desu, i liked goblet of fire the most and order of the phoenix the least. prisoner of azkaban was was good, but never understood the praise it got
Imagine the foaming-at-the-mouth mental idiocy required to even consider debating which of these "movies" is the best "movie" of one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
competent direction
it's far from the best of the series still
But its not better than CoS
I personally like a good time travel plot that uses the paradox of it all.
CoS isn’t a very memorable movie.
it's pretty overrated
it started the angsty phase of the movies and it begun the gay sirius surrogate father plotline
half-blood prince is the best comfiest movie besides the first two, because it's just harry being a real shithead fucking around hogwarts with some good exposition, atmosphere, humor and pacing, and with malfoy being the de facto main character
the wand raising scene was pretty cringe though
>kids spend most of the movie out of their iconic robes
>”Black is everywhere” in a literal sense
>that hilariously bad werewolf
>no real memorable new songs
>practical effects start getting stripped out in favor of mostly CGI
>all the warmth and color of the first two movies replaced with shitty filters
The list goes on. There’s a reason this guy didn’t make it past a single movie.
Order of the pheonix was obviously the best
Based Lupin had a major role.
nigga that's one of the worst
imagine being this retarded
>There’s a reason this guy didn’t make it past a single movie.
Lol. The reason he couldn’t make the next one is he was still in post production on PoA when they began filming.
It was directed by someone who wasn't a retard.
Cringe. Deathly Hallows is better, and thinking that Prisoner of Azkaban being a good book is what made the movie good is even more retarded.
Order of the Phoenix is also a better book. 7 = 5 > 6 > 3 > 4 > 2 > 1
This. Time turners are the weakest part of the whole series, fuck that whole gay ass sequence. However the end of Prisoner was fucking riveting to read as a kid. Really raised the stakes.
>the soundtrack
>Emma at her cutest
>Harry blowing the fuck out of those dementors at the end
Second best HP was OoTP.
Best book, worst movie.
>Second best HP was OoTP.
Holy shit, imagine being this retarded. The Yates films are all absolute trash. Even Goblet, terribly paced as it is, is better than all the ones Yates did.
No, second best. Order is the best book.
Half blood piss was shit. The tone was edgy, depressing and dark then next thing you know they are making jokes about testicles (lol so radomz!!). Dumbledick was a literal faggot and was portrayed terribly in that film, when he died it wasnt emotional. It was the most disappointing movie and epitomizes the phenomenon of millenials being satisfied with dogshit as long as it has quips and shitty teen romance. 6 was arguably the worst one.
It was very memorable. As a child the whole dementor and werewolf stuff were very scary.
As an adult tho rewatching it i liked more the half blood prince.
I can almost respect that order (I'm ), but putting anything, let alone 6, above 1 is pretty indefensible.
The comfy atmosphere. Way more realistic than the first two, and not as glossy and rigid as the following 5. Fantastic music too.
the movie had a comfy tim burton feel
came here to say exactly this
I love the parts of HBP that don't involve romance but it feels like such a weird hole in the whole continuity. Not only was the romance out of left field, awkwardly written (not saying teen romance shouldn't be awkward in it's self, OotP handled it much better if you ask me) contrived and even out of character in many parts, but it took up so much time in the books. Reading JK awkwardly try to describe what I can only assume is Harry having an erection is weird.
>>no real memorable new songs
Besides the messy time travel bullshit, it's a coherent story with a perfectly paced plot.
The romance subplots are a little forced and excessive, but I didn't mind them that much. The only parts I remember really making my roll my eyes was the stupid love triangle and the "will they won't they" shit with Ron and Hermione. The lore surrounding Voldemort and everything after Harry and Dumbledore leave for the cave is absolute gold.
The main reason I don't like 1 (and to a lesser extent 2) as much is because they read much more like kids books than the later books do.
Why was ron a child chess prodigy in book 1 but an utter dumbass? Does he even play chess again in the other books?
True, alot of things are over simplified and that's also why I listed them near the end. The Inferi and how dark the world was getting, the flashback of the Gaunt House (missing from the movie) Amelia Bones murder as well, agree with you there. Everything not romance was good but it still detracted from the book as a whole.
It's great that they shot POA on actual locations in Scotland. I've been to Glencoe and other shooting locations, it's beautiful and the movie does them justice. The castle also feels a lot more lived in, tangible and realistic than in the other movies, making you feel properly immersed in the universe like when you're reading the book. The best part of the harry potter books, and probably the top reason for their success, is the world building, the story is very meh after book 4. First 4 books/movies are the best because they're mystery/adventure stories and almost self-contained.
For me, it's 3>6>5>4>7.1>7.2>1>2
I have a strange weakness for 6, really like the tone, humour and pretty much everything (iirc i liked the book the most too), it's definitely Yate's best
I hate Yates, but I'd agree that it's Yates' best, closely ahead of 7.1. I *hate* 5. It's just the worst.
You mean the film where they cut out the Dursleys entirely along with just about everything that made the book memorable? Yeah, nah
PoA is when they started dressing like regular modern teenagers instead of wizards, and when Harry started to have rage issues. Also the color filters started in this movie. GoF and CoS are the best.
Shit taste, Goblet of Fire is top tier.
I just want to rant about Yates for a second. It's almost like he doesn't understand the emotional beats of the stories he's adapting. In 5 and 6, he makes two critical mistakes that absolutely ruin both movies.
At the end of Order of the Phoenix (the book), Harry blows up at Dumbledore. It's this huge cathartic moment after Sirius's death and Dumbledore's refusal to acknowledge Harry through the entire book. Yates just skips it like the braindead robot he is and breaks the entire story.
Similarly, at the end of Half-Blood Prince, he ruins what I think Rowling intended as the climax of the book. Harry's chasing after Snape after he's killed Dumbledore and calls him a coward, and that makes Snape snap and scream at Harry (which doesn't really make sense until after you read the chapter near the end of Hallows where you see Snape's memories). Having it be *that* important to Snape that Harry called him a coward basically sets up Snape's actual character, and what does Yates do? He has Snape calmly say the lines that he screamed at Harry in the book.
And don't even get me started on how badly he fucked up the entire Battle of Hogwarts and Harry's showdown with Voldemort in Deathly Hallows. He's so stupid.
Everything felt distinct. Hard to say in detail without sounding repetitive, but the pacing, the tone, the score, the camera angles, the acting, all of it felt organic and was given exactly the right amount of time to flourish, whereas the first two films felt too long and the latter four were cut too short.
meme opinion
Just like thinking Spider-Man 2 is better than 1
BARTY CROUCH __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________JUNIOR
riding the hippogriff music is best harry potter music
Yates was just there to read the script, look at the storyboards and then tell people where to stand and where to point the camera. He's basically a studio puppet, he has no artistic talent. The Yates-directed Potter and Fantastic Beasts movies are made by the producers and the writers
Goosebump scene. Perfect music.
>worst is 6
Classic brainlet, every time I discuss the series with someone whose opinion I don't respect they always have the same least favorite book.
I’ve always said it’s the best movie. It’s the first one that gets really dark.
Cuaron was also somehow able to make John Williams write a score that doesn't sound like GenericStockJohnWilliamsOrchestra.avi
>the first one that gets really dark
But that's not Goblet of Fire
6 is super comfy because for most of the film there isn’t any real threat, instead there are underlying mysteries (what’s slughorn hiding, what’s Malloy up to) that have no real immediate impact until the very end. Compare that with 4 (Harry constantly in danger) or 5 (no real mysteries at all) or 7 (climax) and 6 stands out as a beacon of calm and intrigue. Combine that with getting to watch characters go through romances makes it a book too comfy even for yates to fuck up.
Finally somebody who thinks Harry isn't being Emo in OotP and is justified. I recently rewatched the movies and I was apoplectic about so many missed or misunderstood character moments in the movie. Even the fight scene with Voldemort where he punches and kicks Harry goes against him completely. I lost count and I can't even remember half of them. Take Voldemort dying and becoming frosted flakes instead of dropping dead with a finality. Or how he dies, instead of it being swift and climactic yet anti climactic, it's all long, drawn out and stupid, and everybody's wand can initiate priori incantatem for some reason. Or how Bellatrix didn't hit Sirius with a lethal curse in the books, making Harry nearly commit suicide wanting to chase after him through the veil
PoA is the perfect balance between the whimsical fun of the first two movies and the darkness of the last five movies. It's the true sweet spot.
Yates is a hack they hired to end the series because he was cheap. Zero style. Horrible changes, worst scripts, unremarlable music. That's his legacy.
But had by far the worst hair.
GoF is dark, but it’s not the first dark HP movie, watching PoA as a teenager I was actually pretty scared after the werewolf scene at the start, then Sirious Black escaping supposedly to kill Harry, then the Werewolf scenes at the end. Then killing Buckbeek. Was true kino and felt like a horror/thriller.
Based dubs with based facts
I can understand changing out of the robes in PoA because there were outside a lot of the time.
But after that film why did the uniform become just a normal English school looking uniform?
They only wore the robes occasionaly
all the best things about HP in one nice and neat, well crafted package
I actually meant trips but I’m drunk so fuck me and my post
Competent director for once, and only once
>The story is self-contained. The pacing is good and the plot progresses all the time.
Woah, I said absolutely nothing!
Emma was reaching her peak
Official movie power rankings
4 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 5 > 7p2 > 6 > 7p1
Change my mind
2 was the best one solely on how great the borderline horror atmosphere was and that it was basically a mystery film in a magical setting.
>when fp is the wp
>How did Sirius escape?
>What happened to the Time-turner?
>Who are the creators of the marauder's map?
I need answers Cuaron!
This, there's less summer/pre-school stuff than in the other books, and it's almost like a day-to-day life at Hogwarts with the characters without much of the bullshit going on.
I really like the end of CoS, like everything returns to "normal." It is the best end of the movies.
heheh... I like 2 the best.... because it has a big... funny.. SNAKE! hehe!!! Snake!!! SNakeE!!!!
>Snake? Snake?? SNAAAAAAAKE
It absolutely baffles me that we are 90 replies into a thread and nobody has pointed out that you cannot have good things in the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
>posting the regular version after I post the “AHHHH!” version
Catch up loser
Unironically based
I'd swap 1 and 2 but other than that its a good list.
4 and 3 are the best. Then 2 and 1.
Then 5 is the best of the final 4 but a clear step down, then DH2 which is solid nothing more. Then 6 is meh but obvs better than the fucking boring DH1.
Azkaban is the best HP novel. It makes sense that the adaptation would be superior.
Order of the Phoenix was the best one though
Order of the Phoenix has too much angsty Harry, too much keeping Harry in the dark for plot purposes, Harry forgetting things for plot purposes, etc. The DA vs Umbridge subplot is kino but the rest is shit. Except for Luna. Luna is also kino.
How fucking hot Emma Watson was
I really liked 7.1 though. Thought it was interesting as it didn't have to rely on Hogwarts for the setting. Pacing is a little off, but I find it very interesting. Plus the London and Godric's Valley sequences are gorgeous.
7.1 is an amazing British travelogue movie. I wish someone made a cut that took out all of the Harry Potter.
It was also the first film to actually make regular duels look very threatening. Like you can really get fucked up. The scene were they almost get busted in the London cafe is brutal.
Lunar Harmony 4 life
FUCK Ron and fuck Weasley people
I wonder if that pink hoodie will ever pop up at a movie prop auction and how much i will have to spend to purchase it
>The castle also feels a lot more lived in, tangible and realistic than in the other movies, making you feel properly immersed in the universe like when you're reading the book.
A fantastic point, getting those extra bits and slices of the day to day life in that world was an honest pleasure.
A menage a trois isn't a harem
>Muggle clothes
>Muggle bandages and stiches
Why did the spic do this to the franchise?
"Angst" was kino though, especially when he trashed Dumbledore's office and knocked Draco out
Ron's my pal.
This a thousand times. Subjectively of course but hot damn does it strike the Goldilocks zone
Chamber of Secrets is the best HP movie and my opinion on the matter will never change.
Every night scene is lit up like day
Everything about Dementers - That stupid looking soul suck vfx - That lame virgin glide where they swoop about
Sirius was neither menacing nor scary
A downgrade from Chamber of Secrets, which did a better job with lighting and creepiness.
And fucking hell, does Harry hate chocolate? Instead of actually eating it, he bit a micro particle bit off.
>'Ere, 'Arry, eat this. Chocolate cures dementer dementia.
>'Arry takes a nibble.
>It'd take a nibble too if wizard chocolate was 100% cocoa and tasted like shit.
GoF was shit. Voldemort instead of looking like a snake looked and sounded more like Herbert from Family Guy.
HbF prince reveal was as bad as Khan reveal from Into Darkness. Was expecting gore from the Sectum Sempra but was disappointed.
Good to see more chads coming round to how good Chamber was. Movie was creepy as fuck as a kid, William's score fits the mood perfectly.
Best book + best director. Simple.
The lack of Voldemort really is what stands it out. It's the only movie in the whole series that actually allows for the characters to breathe and grow without worrying about this deeper meta-plot. They experience the world around them and it's the closest thing we get to the kids just *living* within said world. In fact, the plot is about Harry's insecurities and how deathly afraid he is of the meta-plot, something we hadn't really touched on much in the first two stories. He gets a proper mentor character that can actually relate to him on a personal level and is even capable of opening a proper window into his lineage, instead of an old, flighty gay guy that is eventually revealed to be using Harry as bait his whole life. We're offered a darker version of the world that feels almost LOTR in its grittiness (even down to the music, there are some tracks in Azkaban that are just gorgeous), as opposed to the pure whimsy of the previous two. I'm not saying Harry Potter SHOULD just be like LOTR, but Prisoner of Azkaban really feels large and unrestricted, like how LOTR feels. A lot of the action actually happens *outside* of the castle's walls, which I think facilitates this feeling a lot.
It's hard to say exactly what it is, but the movies after Azkaban have this very rushed, corporate feel and the only truly serviceable parts are when Voldemort himself is on-screen. I think it has something to do with the fact that Azkaban is really the only film that tests if the HP world can stand on its own two feet without the bad guy popping up to scare everybody. There is *a* bad guy, but he's cleverly not what you think. It's really the closest Harry ever actually gets to feeling like a kid who's just at a school for wizards (it doesn't entirely feel like this, but it feels the MOST like this).
People often excuse HP's poor writing by bringing up its worldbuilding, and when I watch Azkaban, though it's by no means perfect, I get why people use this defense.
It is definitely the best movie out of the HP series. But the best scene without a doubt happened at the end of The Goblet of Fire. Cedric's dead and his father crying over him was by far the most kino moment of all of the HP movies.
That song gets my eyes tearing
Based explanation
How is 2 not dark? Harry fights and kills a giant demon snake that has been hunting down the students of Hogwarts in a racial cleansing and then murders part of Voldemort’s soul with the demon snake’s fang
Based long-form post user
The Columbus films are the best, Goblet of Fire is the worst
Have I missed any good Harry/Hermione fics? This is my 'favourites' list which means its anywhere from OK to excellent, I'm looking for something new to try though:
>Harry Potter and Future's Past by DriftWood1965
>Like Grains of Sand in the Hourglass by Temporal Knight
>Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path by Temporal Knight
>Harry Potter and the Last Chance by LeQuin
>Breath of the Inferno by Primordial Vortex
>Heart and Soul by Sillimaure
>Broken Bonds by broomstick flyer
>Don't look back in Anger by RobSt
>Hunt by White Angel of Auralon
>Faery Heroes by Silently Watches
>What We're Fighting For by James Spookie
>Recipe for Change by Elunas
>Harry Crow by RobSt
>One Wizard Too Many by KUCrow1997
>Weary Wizard by Yunaine
>Death's Pride by Paladeus
>The Fates Decide by Elunas
>Bound by Harry50
>Harry Potter and the Temporal Beacon by willyolioleo
>Hermione and the Tournament by losthpfanficwriter
>H J Potter by S.M wane
>Nothing to Lose by Writing Warriors
>Ladies' Man by Harry50
>Dark Lord Rising by AndrewsQuill
>Unexpected Assistance by SymphonySamurai
>Harry Potter and the Mind by Overdog
>Souls Abound by RobSt
>No Hurry At All by RobSt
>The End and the Beginning by muggledad
>Harry Potter McGonagall by witowsmp
>Death's Doorbell by Paladeus
>Lord of Caer Azkaban by Rorschach's Blot
>Harry Potter and the Champion's Champion by DriftWood1965
>The Time Meddlers by witowsmp
>Harry McGonagall by witowsmp
>Harry Potter and Afterlife Inc by dunuelos
>The White Rose by DragonKatGal
>Can't Have It Both Ways by RobSt
>More Important Things by RobSt
>Ginny's Trial by Paladeus
>Knowledge is Power by RobSt
>One Hundred and forty nearly Twelve by broomstick flyer
>Time Again by broomstick flyer
>Ground Hog Day by Rorschach's Blot
>Harry Potter And The Summer Of Change by lorddwar
>No Thanks by old-crow
>Harry Potter and the Time Turner by R. K. Thompson
The only thing OOTP did better than the book was Avada Kedavra Sirius.
They fucked that up though because he didn't drop dead the second it hit him like it's supposed to, he still stumbled around like he'd been shot or something
>suddenly having a lot of serious non-DEH Harry Potter threads in the past few days
Did something get announced or is this just a coincidence?
I generally like Radcliffe's performance but this moment was a little forced IMO.
Based copypasta
I'd also mention the limbo scene in DH2.
>spend the entire book doubting and seething at Dumbledore
>freak out when it turned out he helped Grindelwald
>finally meet him in afterlife
>the single most emotional chapter in the series where Dumbledore lays his heart bare and answers all of Harry's questions, holding nothing back
>Harry forgives him
>"Yer a Horcrux Harry"
>"K, can I go back?"
It felt so empty without any buildup and no resolution (since there was nothing to resolve).
I think you guys are underrating Yates. Yes he fucked up some things, but he's way better than Mike Newell.
6 and 7 part 1 are really good. And 5 and &.2 have their moments. Yates isn't a styleless puppet, he just rides the line between subtlety and blandness.
The Fantastic Beasts movies don't feel directed by the same guy though.
>A downgrade from Chamber of Secrets, which did a better job with lighting and creepiness.
I always found it more creepy, a hypnotized little girl doing things against her will than "spirits" sucking happiness.
i would put 4 and 5 last and would put 2 in the top 3 2bh
There are no good Harry/Hermione fanfics because Hermione is shit.
>“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
I-i like that.
Go to bed, Ginny
Is that a direct book quote? I can't remember.
Yes, DH chapter 35.
It was an emotional high-point for harry. It was the first time he wasn't just "the boy with a dead family and a weird school rival" it was when he discovered that he had still family out there. It was when the whole Voldemort and Potter family plot was fleshed out from "random act of violence" into "there was a plot going on, and you got caught up in it". We started to learn more about Harrys Family, some of his mother, and how his father was loving but flawed, human even. How snape came to be so bitter.
In short, because it was the moment when the books and the movies switched from "just something for the kids" to "there's an actual story to this"
Forgetting about the most memorable scene in cinematic history, are we?
Animagus transformation.
Returned to the ministry.
Lupin, remus, potter, wormtail
>None of this is explained in the movies.
an everlasting gobstobber!
I was under the impression that (besides the time tuner) that later movies covered it. I'm probably wrong. Time to re-watch!
Shitty books
Mediocre movie
"Oh i just forgot my potion", nice plot advance retards
I was never too into Harry Potter but the Prisoner Azkaban JRPG on Game Boy Advance was kino
only harry potter movie I saw in theaters, besides the last one. Kino soundtrack
>It was 15 years ago
>cast 10/10 qt
>only give her fifteen seconds screentime and like one line in the entire movie
Her character was based on Rowling's childhood bullies, so she wasn't allowed to have any good things whatsoever.
Emma peaked at 12
Best Hermione/Emma is from CoS.
The director
This. It's sad how much of the book was cut out for the movie, but GoW is severely underrated. I love everything that is there.
I had never noticed until recently that the movie is very fast paced. They spend a lot of time in the dragon test and after the lake test there is almost no rest until the labyrinth.
GoF was just pointless side stories under an umbrella of a super pointless side story (the wizard cup, which does nothing). GoF's only saving grace is that it's the first book where the Voldemort plot actually gets meat to it.
The worst movie is #7 because it was a blatant cash grab
Also the walking around the woods was LotR tier, except not as comfy and a bunch of bickering