

>The peaceful town of Centerville finds itself battling a zombie horde as the dead start rising from their graves.


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it is shit, shock horror. boring/10


Holy shit, Adam Driver is such a bad actor. How did I not see this before

The best zombie flick since the 90s night of the living dead and one of the best comedies since the 70s
top 20 of the year for sure


Easier to find release just came out.

>Jarmusch’s hipster zombie satire, a dull and lazy dud, demonizes all the right (right-wing) people.

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this and 99% chance of bill murray being in the movie for 10 minutes and lazily acting

Holy shit, that fast? Anyways, loved Paterson and I like Jim in general, don't think he'd be a good horror director tho



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just get the other release ITT you bitch

The worst Jarmusch film i have seen and i have seen all of them. The political stuff was hamfisted as fuck, the film isn't funny and it isn't hangout chill film as some of his others are. It's just an annoying garbage.


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No one gave a shit about your gay ass thread lmfao dumb BITCH hahaha numale fingering his asshole with a sword

post magnet link please

Why was Tilda an alien?

Why are people unable to do political satire properly anymore?

He's right you know.

Based and true once again

Thanks to Disney, your average moviegoer is like 10 IQ points dumber than before 2000.

Weak bait

>post magnet link please

I found one anyone

>Why are people unable to do political satire properly anymore?
It's just liberals who can't meme.


name a more underwritten script from this decade

it has so many stars it can't be bad
wtf is this in spanish?

use the other release

was rly looking forward to this but it was cringey and unfunny. i turned it off

Protip, nobody can. What a shitty flick. I love his eighties movies and I consider Dead Man one of the most singular American movies of the nineties, but the guy nowadays has his head stuck up his ass so deep it's not even funny.

Why do plebs hate it so much bros? It's safe to say that this is his Only God Forgives and Paterson/Only Lovers is the reddit approved Drive

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The cinematography in this was terrible, what the fuck was Jarmusch doing?

Better than 2049 for sure

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How is he bad exactly? It was obviously the direction.

This is the only movie where Chloe looked cute but this pic is not cute.



Not really. The digital in this was hurting my eyes.

What a pleb faggot you are

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Is this the worst movie Driver has been in? I would say yes.

EVERY Jarmusch movie is boring as shit!

I usually love his movies but half of this should have been cut for real.


literally whoms'tve?

could've been better

Nope, they are all slow and none of them are interesting

I liked the way Iggy Pop looked as a zombie. That was the only thing I enjoyed.


It's not very good. The only time I remember laughing is when Adam Driver drove up to the diner in his smart car.

Alright, ADHD zoomer.

that was the joke

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Because le earth isnt worth le saving

Best joke in the movie is at the end when pic related says:>Cliff and little Donnie, 4 years...

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I liked it until it went all meta and LE RANDUMB XD in the end

Jarmusch is a meme director for tumblr teenagers past their tim burton phase

oh shoot this looks so epic, I love Kylo ren and the always excellent Bill Murray (personal fave). Looks very quirky and weird, me and my friends love random humor!

Can't wait to pick up the Blu Ray!!!!

only lovers left alive was SHIT. Loki is black and his opposite is Tilda and she only wears white now here comes a girl that wears grey WOW SO DEEP

90s Night of the living dead sucks, dude
>but muh Savini!
Still sucks