Should he keep his opinions to video games?
Should he keep his opinions to video games?
I'm not watching this cringe, but I assume he doesn't like Whiplash?
Keep saying it.
I hope he gets kicked out of Icon clan for this.
No he likes both Whiplash and La La Land.
he is a huge Yea Forums fag btw, he posts on RLM threads and shit on doug walker
Why should he?
who the fuck watches a literal cuckold?
I liked both films, but both of them have kind of a terrible message, Whiplash especially. And with La La Land i feel like the ending while fantastic from entertainment point, is written by people who are extremely talented and were born into rich families that allowed him to prosper that fast. It's like that Bo Burnham bit "T.Swift telling you to follow your dreams is like lottery winner telling you to buy tickets, it totally works". Main characters ruined their relationship in pircuit of a dream that's unreachable for 99.99% of the people. Personally, i would've prefered an ending where they end up together and neither of them suceeds, but they're still doing the thing they love. Like he's a piano teacher that has a side gig at some club and she's a sucesfull local theater actress or something.
Dude that shit was fake fuckinf look on twitter dumb shit. Someone faked the video becaue the chick looked and sounded like this bitch
>the chick
sure the "say thank you" didn't sound anything like dunkey lol
I'm pretty sure that 'his' girl is into black dudes
Keep saying it
keep saying it
>'his' 'girl'
Sage. Not vidya
>saw him on some podcast with his girl
>he's so autistic he can barely speak
>girl has to basically speak for him since he spergs out after every question
immersion ruined
Yes, his Shinning video was shit
All I remember about la la land is hearing my girlfriend sobbing next to me, jesus get a grip GOD!
someone post the vid of him getting cucked
don't use that word it's cringy af
keep saying it
Have sex
keep fucking my ugly white gf
Bend over
Imagine admitting you're into cuckolding just so you can mention the video where him and leas voices are dubbed over
keep saying it
Show me the original video or audio clip where Dunkey says “keep saying it”. Surely if the video was fake and dubbed over someone would have found the original clip that was used for the dubbing by now, right?
He looks even more disgusting than he sounds.
keep saying it
he's only confident when he can control the script and editing. typical cuck
Hay guys ;)
>woman makes a gaming channel
>within one month 100k subs, way more now
God fucking damn it, being a woman is life on kid's mode.
Can someone link the video where Dunkey gets cucked?
Plagiarist whore
I started crying during Whiplash because Jk Simmons reminded me too much of my father except he wanted me to be good at sports.
look up dunkey keep saying it
Keep saying it
i still absolutely love dunkey and his gameplay style. dude can break any game's physics. suck it, homos
pornhub dot com slash view_video.php?viewkey=ph5cae46d9bd5fe
Yes he is confirmed for pleb
Keep saying it
well yeah, after all dunkey is black
>heh... you guys don't like this??? WELL I DO ! HA! BTFO!
Why is he reviewing movies now? Are there no good new games out?
He had two free hours while his wife was with the bull
explain in detail
Bros how can I be fat and neckbeard but still get a cute gf?
You ever heard of someone doing an impression?
literally who?
anyway his voice is annoying as fuck so no
okay cool
Jesus Christ calm down you fucking zoomer aspie
Get mentally challenged chick like the youtube guy did.
Who is this fat faggot
>its a zoomer pretends he doesn’t know who the particular e-celeb is in order to appear edgy and cool episode
Why does this white boy sound exactly like a black guy?