Remember going to Blockbuster Video?
It gave me a reason to leave the house...
Remember going to Blockbuster Video?
It gave me a reason to leave the house...
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Yes. The excitement of going there on a Friday afternoon, knowing you were going to rent a movie or two for the weekend, and you'll probably be having pizza for dinner as well. Comfy and fun.
I miss it too, if you got there at 5:31pm on a Friday night all the new releases were gone, 5:29 there might've been one copy left
You are both faggots and I sincerely hope you kill yourselves.
>be a kid
>friday night
>dad takes us to blockbuster
>only can rent 3 movies for the weekend
>most of the new releases are sold out
>scan the asiles for 30 minutes finding 10 movies
>spend another 20 picking 3 to choose from
>guilt trip dad into buying junior mints at checkout
>have a fun weekend
>dad panics when the movies are due so he wont get late fees
Itt zoomers getting nostalgic for their trips to the video store when they were five
Hollywood video master race
>not going to blockbuster when they only had vhs
the only reason people went to hollywood video is because a blockbuster wasn't close
can confirm
Zoomers get the rope.
My family was forced to go to Blockbusters after our local mom and pop rental place closed. But it was still cool, I guess. Rented American Psycho, Squid and the Whale, Freddy vs. Jason. Not bad.
I wasn't even born when blockbuster was a thing so who gives a shit? fuck off boomers
Just because you had a shitty childhood it doesn't mean you gotta be an asshole to other people here
Now go back on sucking your father's cock
i live in civilization, so we had one of each in the same strip mall
I miss it and Holly Wood video, heck I even miss Family video. Those are dying now too. No video stores to go to now.
No more going and getting some B horror movies that ocassionaly turned out to be kino, or renting a new movie to avoid buying a piece of trash. Im not interested in streaming services
if you're not a millenial you're either too young or too old to post on Yea Forums/nel
so which one is it? either way, fuck off and don't come back
Every grocery store, Walmart, and mcdonalds has a redbox.
And theres a fraction of the movies the original video store had. The 2 for 1 movie section alone at family video made red box look tiny
Those were the times. Fuck.
No one under the age of 35 should be allowed to post on Yea Forums. You're all fucking pozzed, limp wristed, LGBT nigger lovers.
movies are for retards
>tfw no one talks about going to the public library for movies
These faggots are 27 and just remember mommy paying attention to them for once.
we didn't grow up poor so we could afford to rent movies every week
samefag. kys racist homophobe
I had a local family owned place that I got N64 games up to xbox 360 games plus movies from.
They outlasted all the blockbusters in the area till a Redbox went up at a 711.
I still have Command and Conquer that i rented and couldn't bring back because they closed.
Don't tell me what to do mom
I worked at blockbuster from 2003-2006 ama
Did a manic pixie dream girl start working there, draw you out of your nerd shell, and find the diamond that was hiding in your little lump of coal?
>Zoomers who grew up in the downfall shit era (late 00s-early 10s) are now the majority of Yea Forums
>pretending that video rentals was a better time
Shut the fuck up, you idiots.
It was SHIT. Sick and tired of these nostalgia threads, as if renting a VHS was so much better than now.
One movie, one game and one snack, what are you picking anons?
1. Indiana Jones and the Lost Arc
2. Starfox 64
3. Sweetarts or movie theater butter popcorn
why ya'll niggas renting movies when you should have been renting video games?
So you’re basically 11 or 10 ? Considering blockbuster faded away around 2008-09
Dump faggot brainless piece of shit motherfucker zoomer
Remember when there was no running water in your house and you had to go down to the river? It was so nice leaving the house, going for miles with your buckets, there was always the risk of getting ambushed by bandits, bears or indians ofc, but that moment had soul
I never went to Blockbuster because my family bought movies instead of renting them.
You are now remembering the smell of the popcorn and plastic cases/carpet mixed together.
No I don’t. There was a local video chain I went to as a kid. They had all the normal mainstream movies plus shit you would NEVER see at Cockbuster.
I remember watching this movie at eight years old. On one hand the selection was incredible for obscure horror. On the other hand my mom was an alcoholic.
Unironically it probably was.
Life without suffering is meaningless. As we approach the mouse utopia of our species we have less and less fulfillment and satisfaction.
The problem is that we are still restrained by the limits of our current reality. All the people who talk about "change" aren't actually thinking outside the box.
To achieve utopia, we must create a new dimension where all realities are both possible and accessible. Some sort of virtual complex where you can jump from world to world and live in an unlimited amount of utopias.
This. Especially renting porns
>be 18
>go to porn section video store
>surveillance cam in porn room in case someone does degenerate shit
>put hands in pocket casually browsing
>female clerk watching cam says to another dude clerk, "if he pulls his pants down I'm outta here."
>microphone speakers also in porn room. I can hear everything clerks say
>wanna bail. Get the fuck outta there, but horny as fuck, can't
>rent pornos anyway
>can't look female clerk in the face
Fuck I never felt this pathetic and humiliated in my whole life
Don't miss those days at all
Browsing Blockbuster was kino, browsing netflix is boring as fuck
Finally a shitty wojak edit I can identify with
>Unironically it probably was.
It’s absolutely was not. I agree with you that without suffering life is meaningless. Well I wouldn’t say meaningless but you suffer no matter what. Even if we can stop the aging process, we all suffer from life not being exactly as we want.
However there is a middle ground between what we are starting to see with modern conveniences actually complicating our lives more, and having your leg hacked off with a hacksaw with no anesthesia or having 15 kids because you know over half are going to die before five years old.
Of course we “advance” no matter what. It’s inevitable.
Expensive as fucking hell.
Miss having a DVD collection.
As a matter of fact, I'm going to just start buying old DVDs and making dvds.
>To achieve utopia, we must create a new dimension where all realities are both possible and accessible. Some sort of virtual complex where you can jump from world to world and live in an unlimited amount of utopias.
What if you get everything you want and aren’t satisfied with it?
You uhh, you seem angry.
What's it like being a gaylord?
I miss it, but Hollywood Video had the better candy selection, though. It was the only place you could friggin' find BunchaCrunch outside of the theater itself.
I did this for foreign movies
Seriously smartphones pretty much ruined electronics stores for me. Used to be cool checking various portable music devices,cames,video recorders etc. Hell even TVs are kind of a bore since there is not that much major difference between the panel types.
There's a video store I go to every Tuesday and Friday and there used to be a cute pixie girl with black hair, always wore black turtlenecks and watched Star Trek on the store TVs. I used to lust after her like a barbarian but never worked up the courage to talk to her and I haven't seen her in a couple months. I'll regret not making a move for the rest of my life.
She's getting her dick chopped off
Fuck you, she was stunning and had a soft and playful voice. No way she had a penis.
Unironically I stopped watching movies by 90% when I know I can just dl or stream any for free now. I used to watch them more when I HAD to buy them.
Is that a bag of coke?
It's kimchi seasoning
Bluepilled. There's nothing like having a DVD collection you can call your own. Gives you bragging rights.
I miss walking the rows of movies and just looking at the different covers
Do Blu-Rays have easter eggs on them?
I read this in Plinkett's voice
have sex
What's that pic from?
Blockbuster for the movies. Not the videogame kiosks
The last movie I rented was borat
>I'm "woke" and see them "killing"off my race.
Gr8 B8 M8
I went to local stores and regional chains. Blockbuster and Hollywood were garbage. They had 50 copies of the same garbage and nothing good.
Mom & pop had wood panelling, porn sections, 100s of faces of death ripoffs, classic blaxploitation, sleazy horror, nazi sexploitation, they just ran out of copies of Scary Movie or Fight Club. Like I ever gave a shit about the New Releases section anyway.
heh yeah I memba
The mom and pop shop video selection was always far less sanitized.
I saw Faces of Death in the theater in high school and it freaked me the fuck out.