Why is this movie so highly praised? Its pretty average

Why is this movie so highly praised? Its pretty average.

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It's a future post apocalyptic 70's film like The Warriors. I think it's pretty based.

The story is shit and doesn't make any sense.

Nigga, compared to what? It is pretty unlike any other movie I've ever seen.

>Its pretty average.
Your retired

it's not post apocalyptic
gee user how dumb can you be? maybe capeshit is more your speed

This scene is absolute kino.

>it's not post apocalyptic

Except it is. Society just has recovered

Is The Warriors supposed to be post apocalyptic?

It's pornographic and says FUCK DA NORMIES.
That's about it.

before the internet, it was easy to be subversive and edgy

I mean it doesn't compare to say Kubrick's other films such as Eyes Wide Shut or 2001. Hell I honestly prefer capeshit to this. The Dark Knight was honestly a hell of a good movie and pulled me in, aCO was meh.

nope. that user is just dumb

Considering how many gangs there are, it feels like it. Maybe it's post welfare state so the cities had their own mini apocalypses. The Orphans were a last generation of abandoned kids who became teenage/adult hoodlums

if you'd had watched the film you'd realize the bible is pornographic to those looking for it

It totally does , it's just wrapped in a really difficult to watch layer of filth. Once you get past the imagery and visuals you'll find it contains the same multitudes of depth any, indeed every Kubrick film has.

took me until I was past my teens and into my twenties to realize it.

>Has a gang of 5
>They let their captive escape so that she can go call the police
>They get beaten pretty bad 4v5
>Cry to police so that they know Alex's gang was the gang that attacked them

Was this guy the worst gangleader of all time? In the book it's even worse because he has a gang of 6 and they still get their ass kicked

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Lol. I heavily enjoyed the book, which was much more brutal. Not to compare a book to a movie but no need to be condescending like that. The movie just didn't do much for me.


Dummy, it's not the brutality of the film that's impressive, it's the subtlety. I will continue to condescend if you continue to offer bad opinions. My point was that the film didn't "do much for me" either, for many years, even after having read the book.

Do you have droogs Yea Forums?


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2001 is incredibly overrated, not even in kubricks top 5

Kube's best.
Daily reminder: Kube is overrated.


Fuck off Steven King

the book was pretty good
werent the girls he fucked in the book like 12 or something too?

Waahhh op doesn't like something I like. You purposefully misconstrue what I say, I'm not saying the level of ultraviolence compared to the book made it worse, in fact it was perfectly fine. Sorry that a movie just doesn't pull me in like it does to you. Id rather not watch it again considering I checked twice how much longer it was. I'm gonna re watch BR 2049 it's been a good year and is actually a kino movie.

I re-read my comment, I wasn't even being condescending. You're definitely below drinking age.

You write like you suck cocks. Do you, OP?

They were 10.

>Why is this movie so highly praised? Its pretty average.

how to identify yourself as a zoomer

The mc is literally me.

>it's just wrapped in a really difficult to watch layer of filth

Please. Ive seen much more "difficult" movies and there was nothing difficult about this one.


What is so average about it? Do elaborate if you're not full of shit.

It's not a competition zoomer, watching people get raped shouldn't be easy if you've got a conscience.
My point was that people get hung up on the visuals and imagery and tend to ignore the actual plot mechanics and character development.

Please, for your health consider using a dental dam.

truly a movie that would be unbelievable in a modern setting

>It's not a competition

You're literally retarded.

You haven't said anything substantive about the film in this whole thread. Try again.

>Its pretty average.
Indeed it is. I think it's intended to be a story that most people can relate to if they ever grew up and retained some edgy qualities. Having been part of an underground culture,I find this story extremely relatable, in a sort of shameful way.

Average implies normal. Please, say "mediocre" if you must

That's not the point of it at all, nor is it what the movie deals about. What the fuck?

thank god

Mediocre implies the same thing though. Nothing about ACO is mediocre, normal or run of the mill just for the sole reason of the unique language in the film, that was a combination of english and russian.

>watching people get raped
user, if you want a massive chunk of women to go see something, have a chad/jamal rape an average looking chick all boddice ripper+porno style without the fags making it full irreversable faggot ass rape scene fucked up.

Malcolm McDowell is in it.

I agree. It's a superlative film.

It's just a hyperbole about the violence of young men. Nothing to do about dystopia or even mind control.

This is definitely Kubrick's worst movie. This and 2001 both have the huge flaw of making everyone in the film act inhuman and robotic, and though this is at least forgivable in 2001 becausr that's what Kubrick was going for in that film, it destroys this movie since it's supposed to be an allegory on totalitarianism and gangsterism inherent in governments but everyone acts like a weird disassociated alien so why should I give a fuck about any of them or Kubrick's poorly handled message?

Every director has a dud and this one was Kubricks.

Aye, like most Kubrick films after he hit his stride with Paths of Glory. Just too bad retards here criticize it as being "edgy" or whatever pathetic "argument" they have against it to appear smart.

>characters consume milk laced with acid and synthesized mescaline every night and then go out raping people
Gee, really makes you think..

I would've liked the movie more if it weren't for that stupid made up language they were talking, that put me off more than the tacky, weird locations and wardrobe

Yeah I probably won't try again because the movie was pretty medicore. Also because I'm a zoomer and it wasn't violent enough for me.

Yes, it does. It's more or less a comparison of the things your told not to do as a kid, and the hypocrisy of being an adult, and the conflict that comes from it.


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I actually liked the Nadsac(?) It just wasn't good enough to entice me. I'd give it a 6.5/10

Off the mark yet again.

You're leaving out a fuckton, user. What about the pressures of society? A government that wants to weaken it's populace? A cautionary tale about conditioning? How humanity spits in the face of pavlovian training?

To say it's a story about growing up edgy is.....well, you sound like a fucking idiot, user.

lrn2 bantz bro you seem new

>You're leaving out a fuckton, user.
I know, but I'm not going to write a fucking book as a response. I guess I just should have chosen a post to reply based/dilate to, instead of lazily commenting to an even lazier thread.

It's possible to give a succinct analysis of the film you were just way way off

Am i the only one who laughs in the violence/rape scenes? Like, they do amuse me.

That's the point of them. You're drawn in and are in on the fun, only for the film to turn it against you later on.

I will admit my thread is pretty lazy and I didn't give much input besides "average" but I run on feelings moreso and it's kinda hard to put into words what I want without sounding stupid. Also tapering off benzos currently which is wonderful.

But it's nice that my feelings are surfacing again and im getting back into art such as films and man this film was just a bit too off-putting for me. It's not a bad movie I just don't get it's iconic status.

Literally me on the right

It’s more dystopian than post-apocalyptic. Though I can’t help but feel it’s vision of society is pretty tame compared to today.

>and it's kinda hard to put into words what I want without sounding stupid
Do it anyway, don't be an insecure faggot.

get off them before you get fucked

>Though I can’t help but feel it’s vision of society is pretty tame compared to today.

No science fiction I read predicted the kind of hell social media has put us in. Not even Philip K Dick who thought we'd still be listening to radio.

That's not busting on them, they're still good stories, but they're not fortune tellers (and neither are we)

>sounding stupid
You should try anyways, people here aren't that mean.

It absolutely is an off-putting movie, so you have to work a little harder to make sense of it desu

Oh and I will provide one valid critique. It was always bethoven No. 5 lol. every single time. Which could be argued it was just a running theme or whatever and other pieces may have dragged it down.

>but they're not fortune tellers (and neither are we)
well put

Even Videodrome, that did a good job at predicting the dangers of television and the damage it could do to your perception of the world didn't do it justice in terms of just how much more fucked up the reality turned out to be.


Yeah, huh?

If I remember correctly the only running piece in the movie for Alex was Beethoven's Symphony No.5

I guess I expected naievely from the book that there would be more variance.

Why would it need a score? Besides, the No. 5 serves a thematic purpose and fits well with it.

That's not true at all. The opening is a verion of Purcell's funeral music for queen mary. The gangfight in the beginning is set to "The Thieving Magpie"
Later on we're given a version of Rossini's William Tell Overture.

Also, it's his 9th not the 5th.

The 80's were repleat with stories and movies talking about the dangers of television, movies, and music controlling and manipulating the masses. Even subtly hinting at satanists gaining power and manipulating people.

Even children's cartoons warned us.
Take a look at old gi-joe and transformers cartoons.

Yeah, but it's the 9th actually.

Brave New World taught me that people will obsess over stupid inane entertainment and drugs, virtually grown to their place in life. Any dissenters are free to leave this shit behind and be free, but have to forego modern conveniences and most technology.

Even you anons, and even I, are not immune to the prevailing mass entertainment juggernaut and your own version of soma. My shit is movies, video games, and books. My drugs are beer, weed, cigs, and some coke or crystal here and there. Your shit is probably memes, hating shit on the internet you'll never meet online, and whatever kids are snorting these days. God knows modern faggots hate good weed and beer.

That's what I said.

Don't remember them warning us about facebook

Only a scene in the game Deus Ex from 2000 dealing with this character Morpheous came even close to what freedoms people were willing to give up for things that would make them smile, but that game was post internet and y2k, it wasn't speculative fiction from the 80's


opinion invalidated, moving on

>Any dissenters are free to leave this shit behind and be free, but have to forego modern conveniences and most technology.

Media is not inextricably linked to modern conveniences and most technology.
As a matter of fact once you cut out media most technology becomes pointless and a waste of time.
Even books that aren't reference material, how to, and nonfiction or personal journals are just taking up space.

Beethoven is famous for basically inventing self expression in music. That's why it's him and not Mozart used in the movie.