I didnt care for lala land

I didnt care for lala land

Attached: emma stone lala land.png (746x718, 576K)

I care for emilyjean

Cute frog!

she’s the greatest actress of all time

She has massive genital warts.

Stupid frogposter

Feels good man.

Attached: 0201908301557.png (746x718, 556K)

That's fine, but I did. I loved it.
Best Emma and there is NO competition.

Attached: 169.jpg (1080x1080, 454K)

>focus on your career for now! We'll always love each other and hook back up later!
>goose does just that
>frog lasts ONE fucking year before hooking up with some jew and having a kid
Really redpilled me on women.


God damn this thread is reddit as fuck. La La Land is a fucking horrible movie. And Emma Stone is a very pretty and also very bad actress. She couldnt sing if her life depended on it and she dances like she has down syndrome.

This thread reeks of the autistic mega-virgin from /hr/ that makes Emma Stone threads there.

>best Emma.
is just a puppet

Attached: Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone Have a Lot in Common (your personal puppet).webm (1280x720, 1.1M)

It was a terrible musical, and an even worse film. Fuck it, and fuck Emma Stone. The Favorite was great though.

Attached: 72lwAM7.jpg (1146x1433, 236K)

What a painfully unattractive woman

big if true, Zack.

Shitty movie didn't even try to explore the themes of the shitty underworld in Hollywood and instead opted for retarded cop-out of the main characters getting what they want (for the most part)


wtf is wrong with Zach? like really, he doesnt even hide it.

dude i fucking love dunkey!

When is she going to join the MCU?

Attached: s-l1600-1136.jpg (696x990, 66K)

Hey man, I was enjoying that picture of her nice ass and shapely legs

Fuck /esg/ and fuck niggers

better than watson for sure

My favorite frog

Based Emmachad

>no tyrone you be trippin
