"can u introduce me as JOKER xD"

>"can u introduce me as JOKER xD"

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He looks very Jewish in this pic

Call me....JOKER

He is unironically Jewish.

his mothers parents are jews from russia. not exactly "jewish" jewish.

>Oh NOOOOO the new incel movie protagonist is a Jew
>better make up some bullshit cope so I can still enjoy it

/pol/ is hilariously pathetic

i stopped reading at "incel." your brain is so diluded that you can't even speak without using your buzzwords.

>his mothers parents are jews
Which makes his mom a jew, which makes him a jew by jew meme law
Fucking surface level capeshit numale

I guess i'm a full blown native american then since my grandmother was.

would it have been schway if he'd instead said
>I'm the jokah baybey

say that to my face mother fucker

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Judaism is passed down through the mother dipshit

no, joaquin, go home and cry into your pillow


>You got my name wrong, I'm the Human Clown

I don't give a fuck about what some dumb kike cult says. I'm talking about human genetics.

By this logic, hardly any actual Jews outside Israel even exist. Since almost all of them are mixed with Europeans to some extent.

ugly jew.

There's a difference between "a european extent", and your only jewish connection being your grandmother.

You're not white thats for sure, tonto!

I guess there's no such thing as race by your logic then.

One drop rule prairie nigger