Just looked it up, why are you guys pushing such an unfunny meme?

just looked it up, why are you guys pushing such an unfunny meme?

all you guys laugh at is an inuendo? really are you twelve? pathetic.

Attached: 2019-08-30 22_44_32-Sneed's Feed and Seed _ Know Your Meme.png (847x208, 72K)

go back

>really are you twelve?
Formerly eleven



Attached: 1564254159990.png (558x734, 729K)

Is this your first time on Yea Forums? Yea Forums? The internet? How haven't you picked up on the sense of humor here yet?


Sneed? Why yes I do enjoy sneedposting, it is indeed peak posting on here.

>all you guys laugh at is an inuendo?

I manly browse k,v and mu. You guys are just plain unfunny

>I manly browse k,v and mu.
go back
You're not wrong though. Yea Forums prides itself on anti-humor


If you weren't a filthy newfag you'd know how the meme started by simply spamming "I don't get it."


>really are you twelve
formerly eleven

Twelve? More like formerly eleven.

>Yea Forums
>admiting to be a cumbrain
probably after you saw the le epic screen caps about a guy sticking a bullet into their penis/ napalm rounds/ mustard gas

they may be a cumbrain but at least they're smart enough to reply to the person they meant to reply to.

>I manly browse k,v and mu

Attached: 1566859744278.jpg (640x480, 63K)

We laugh at the guaranteed butthurts replying to us.

formerly twelve

How do I join the Sneedposting Discord channel? It seems max comfy

They require a few things for you to do before you get an invite
Step 1: Start on HRT.
Step 2: Buy some well-fighting feminine clothes.
Step 3: Cut your dick off and turn it into a neo-vagina.
Step 4: Dilate 115 times.
Once you’ve completed all those contact sneedbabby or ValleyForge with timestamped images for proof and you’ll get an invite

>being transphobic in 2019

I'm on step 2 can I join?