/Trek/ Beardless Riker Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong

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Name a more iconic duo

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"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

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Anyone remember Star Trek threads on Yea Forums before generals? They were terrible! Thank you for helping create an ICONIC Yea Forums thread!

bill and patty

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VF and BF

/trek/ is a staple of tv and is growing stronger. much thanks to you guys


eat my ass

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hang, nigger

It's time to stop.

why is /trek/ so angry all the time?

They were lightyears better than the shitshow that exists today
Zero tripfags, only comfy identityfags like Jonathan Fakes

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based riker9.jpg poster

because the franchise is effectively dead and has been brought back in zoomerized jjabrams fashion

Tripfags need to be do##ed and humiliated. There are good /trek/ threads when no tripfags are present.

Lightyears isn't really a metric of measurement, Buzz.

nose gang

The average trekkie is a fat virgin neet. So, you tell me, I guess?

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All tripfags deserve long and excruciatingly painful deaths.

I was hoping that the derailing faggots would use the other thread.

based 9riker.jpg poster

>All tripfags deserve long and excruciatingly painful deaths.

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>he's still here to complain about generals
every fucking time


Amen. My Star Trek died in 2001.

>Computer, begin Deanna Troi fuckfest program and seal holodeck doors.

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one user is building a soundproof pegging room for them so if he doesn't allow them internet access we may finally have peace

disengage holodeck safety protocols

Unironically wouldn't have minded giving Majel the dick.

big if true

Granny chasers are repulsive.

I've slammed several 60+ women, come at me bro.

based, I think

Fuck, I am so fixated on her that I never considered having different versions of her in the same program. I could have S1 Troi blowing me, S2-6 Troi rimming me and Frenching Starfleet uniform Troi, while all three caress me. HNNG!

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It is, I fully recommend it. My only regret is I wasted years fapping to granny porn when I could've been dipping my dick in them.

It's not based. At least chase tripfags if you're going to let your dick post for you.


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They were still fuckable, I take it?

Would you have fucked Pulaski? Her hairdo did not flatter her at all. But as we seen on her TOS appearances, she was pretty striking, especially those eyes.

Well she was 47 there, but I'd still fuck her, even though she has hit the wall in her 60s. I was always saddened she never got those fake tits out.

>computer create a simulation of Counselor Troi
>activate pon far subroutine
>increase counselors size by 500%
>transport me inside the counselors mouth
>send invitations to holodeck 2 to the bridge crew
>once they've arrived seal the doors until the digestive process completes
>disengage security protocols

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What do the tripfags look like? Are they cute?

Not a fan of Pulaski but I'd still give her a whirl. Obviously I think they were fuckable, don't think most guys would agree though. There's one I always remember, she was 60 and used to be a model in her earlier years. She was hotter than any girl I fucked less than half her age.

I couldn't fuck anyone over 30 without wearing a blindfold.

This is the point I always make, at 47 she's a million times hotter than most women half her age. I really don't care for younger women that much, in my perception women get better with age. That being said, Sirtis did hit a wall, not sure what happened, a bit disappointing really.

She was hot in a boomer sort of way when she was younger.

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Her face is too wide and you can tell by her eyes she isn't very intelligent.

Riker contracted inter dimensional space AIDS

Riker didn't contract AIDS, he was the AIDS virus itself.

Enterprise: Riker are you AIDS?
Riker: Yes I am AIDS

I love the idea of barebacking a post-menstrual-but-still-hot woman; giving her lots of creampies.

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I agree.

Not sure what happened. Perhaps overdid it on the surgery. She looked great into her 50s at least.

If you love dry pussy with the consistency of sandpaper than I can assure you, you'll love fucking a woman over 45.

Do women not get wet when they get old?

I don't know the biology of it, user, but I can tell you that I had some harrowing experiences as a younger man.

I'll take whatever I can get. A 20-something Stacy would never fuck me anyway.

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I don't know if I can trust you. Last time /trek/ talked about pussy stuff they said you can make it taste good if you put a jolly rancher inside but then they said you can find gonorrhea lumps too and you can eat those.

they do, but for the average woman, sexual urges don't come around as often and it might get harder to actually get aroused. But it always depends on the woman, some chicks are still fucking daily in their 70s while some woman just stop after they have their first kid.

That's one of the best bits. There was a 63 year old I'd see regularly for about a year. I spunked in her pussy so many times, no protection, no contraception.

Having fucked about two dozen post-menopause women, they all get wet just like younger women.

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Are you old or do you just enjoy fucking hags? I don't believe you've ever made a woman wet.

33, yes I do actually fuck old women, and yes they definitely get wet.

Feel free to try it for yourself, user, but don't say I didn't warn you.

I'd give my left ball to be there

I prefer Paris-Kim bromance.

I don't believe pussy still works at that age. Dicks stop getting hard around 35 and there has to be a female equivalent, dry pussy.

> ywn sit in a chair like Ruler.

not great, not terrible either

>Dicks stop getting hard around 35
user, you need to go see a doctor


I'm 55 and my dick still gets hard.

My dick is hard as ever, I keep fit and take supplements for it. Take it or leave it bro. What I'll say is if you don't find a woman sexually appealing then don't waste your time. If you do then you're only depriving yourself if you don't try it.

Nice larp but I'm 42 and I've been taking Viagra for about three years now.

Riker should've trained a little and cast as captain for tng and it would've been better and outdone the original, fite me

Why are you bothering to work out if you only fuck grannies?


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>needing viagra at 42

>/trek/ is full of old fogies

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I'm still pissed that they didn't do a Star Trek: Titan show. Riker and Troi are coming back for ST:P, but I doubt it'll be more than a glorified cameo.

Fuck off, tranny. I'd rather take the necessary medication so I can fap to dickgirls and blacked porn than go the rest of my life never having an orgasm again.

They still appreciate it. I find these women on dating sites mainly, they get messages from thirsty young guys every day. You still have to set yourself apart. I do it for myself firstly anyway.

With broke dicks, no less.

Why don't you fuck real pussy in their mid-20s early 30s if you're such a chad?

Eh, I'm 33 and never had a true rod since my teens. I hardly ever jerked off due to a tight foreskin, so porn was pretty useless to me, even after I was cut. Then I had to pay for sex anyway, which is a passion-killer. I guess I was Black Pilled a decade before it was a thing.

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>needing viagra to orgasm to women
you're the homosex tranny, user

I’m a little late asking, but how does one derail a thread that has no focus to begin with?

If you didn’t fap so much, you might have enough testosterone to get an erection desu

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If you no fap you can save your erections through your 70's at least.

you gay

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God, I want to fuck a Greek woman.

I love fapping. I've been jerking off at least three times a day since I was eight and it's the only thing in life that makes me happy. I refuse to stop and a limp dick isn't going to slow me down.

Well one, I'm not a Chad, I was a virgin til 26. I matured and figured out what I want and how to get it. Maybe that makes me a Chad on some level, but I don't care, maybe that makes me Chad too?

I have been fapping twice daily most of my life and I'm in my 60s.

Why is everyone in /trek/ so fucking old

Being a virgin is literally the opposite of being a Chad. You're practically a kissless wizard if the only pussy you can get is granny pussy.
I don't understand why you're bragging about this.

>twice a day
You're an amateur.

How old are you?

>a franchise from the 60s that had a resurgence in the 80s and 90s and has been shit since then
Gee, no idea.

Well TOS was a Boomer show.

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Not that user but I'm 25
if user has to brag about their dick getting hard, it can't get hard

I'm not bragging, I'm discussing it with fellow anons. What reason would I have to brag to nameless, faceless people? And I can and do get younger women sometimes, but I prefer older women so I choose to go for them far more.

I'm 28

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I used to fap every day but now I'm not aroused anymore. Is this male menopause? ;_;

VF was right about the boomers.

Watching TNG for the first time all the way through. Can I expect more Ferengi?

No such thing, could be one of many reasons.

I want to ________ VF

Speaking of MILFs, Dr Crusher got even hotter in late TNG.

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What reason indeed? What... Reason... Indeed...

No, they weren't properly fleshed out until DS9.

Not as much, Thank God. The build-up they gave them turned into a big disappointment. They were much better on DS9.

VF is a fucking cunt. When his dick stops working he won't think it's so funny to make fun of older guys.

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Ferengi! Wakka wakka wakka wakka!

What does VF look like?

looks like the opposite of FV

Well seeing as the other thread died, all the derailing cunts are in here.

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fuck off, cunt

A discord tranny.

VF is Asian so his dick already doesn't work.

When did you realize it was too late?

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How based was Tom Paris?

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VF is Mexican and spics breed like rabbits so if anything, VF's dick is an automatic shotgun. Too bad he's a tranny and doesn't use it.

Is he really a tranny?? I was hoping he was just a cute Asian twink.

>S06E09 - The Voyager Conspiracy
What the fuck is this episode?

Does Picard's dick still work and does Viagra exist in Star Trek or have they transcended the need for hard dicks?

Akoohemoya, on this Friday we are far from the normies, akoochemoya

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Riker looks very Kirk there. Never made that connection before.

He's a discord tranny.


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He's a poor man's Chad.

VF is a twink. He lacks any feminine traits like remorse for ruining /trek/ and harassing members of the community and none of the pictures show him wearing feminine clothing it's always black like a creepy richie wannabe.


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Riker's beard is so iconic that people don't realize he is just as based without the beard. Riker was always 'the Kirk' of TNG, which is why I liked him (same with Paris).

But still a Chad.

Slaying that half-Klingon pussy, no less.

A 'Seven gets paranoid' episode. Noted for actually acknowledging series continuity (for a change) and stitching together a semi-credible crackpot theory out of it.

>I was hoping he was just a cute Asian twink

No REM sleep and no dreaming.

>Eyes in the dark.

I completely lost interest the moment Chakotay bought Seven's theory.

Because I'm really into them?

He's the least Chad Chad I've ever seen. I'll give him props for Torres though.

traps>passable trannies>twinks>regular guys>non-passable trannies

>wanting to fuck a tripfag

How about, all are fucking disgusting, and you're a degenerate faggot?

vanilla ice cream over here

Paris is a boring soiboi. I mean, he hung out with Harry. The only similarity between Riker and Paris is that they both got fat as their series progressed.

I'm too gay for traps and trannies desu. I can do femboys, but even then not too feminine.

>create elaborate conspiracy theory episode.
>casually mention neelix was fucking 1 year old kes.

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I don't mind femboys as long as they still act manly: assertive, aggressive, and confident. There's nothing worse than an insecure, lispy gayboy.

Movie Sirtis > Show Sirtis

Based and same.

>9 results
Gas this general. You're worse than tripfags because you won't shut the fuck up about them.

Pretty sure she's just a tomboy

Why is DS9 so bad? I'm only on season 2 but TNG was better by a lightyear.

The only good things about DS9 are Quark and Odo. Sisko has no personality at all, and major kira is annoying. And the scripts are some of the worst storytelling ever.

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>only on season 2
There's your problem
Duet is a sign of things to come. If you hate that episode, though, you're a tasteless faggot or baitposting.

Everyone wants to hate fuck VF. Just go with it.

The first two seasons were pretty bad. Sisko was basically a hotel manager, not a Starfleet captain. It gets better though.

>pretending you haven't seen the entire series
dumb frogposter

Pretending you haven't seen Trek is a time honored /trek/ tradition.

Jean-Luc was a fag for not filling all her holes night and day. She was fucking begging for it.

God I fucking love Greek girls.


There are no Chad degrees. One is either a Chad or not, and Tom Paris is not a Chad.

Of course it still works, he makes it so.

Falley Vorge?

Later series Marina Sirtis is literally the most perfect female to have ever existed. I will fight anyone who disagrees.

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Normally I hate Dukautism spam, but today I'm impressed by the time and effort you put into this. Bravo!

Is there anyone more smug than Dukat?

If you were him are you trying to tell us you wouldn't be smug?

I think smugness and arrogance are unpleasant traits so no. A real man should be humble.


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Who is the mascot of /trek/? It's Dukat, right?

vanilla man back for a second scoop

So you're all astronauts on some kind of star trek?

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So you're all farmers on a sneed trek?

What's the most cerebrally horrific trek? No easy jump scares just intellectual scares.

For me, it's Schizoid Man. There could be people out there possessed by evil dead people and you'd just never know. The person you love could be possessed. The person you work with. The person you share dickgirl porn links with. You just don't know.

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What kind of card games besides poker do they like to play in Star Trek?

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Jesus she hit the wall at warp speed.



she is 64 bruh

Star Trek and horror don't really mix. Even the Borg which should have scarred Picard for life are played off like monsters of the week in X-Files.


How fucking strong was this guy? Somehow, I forgot all about the episode Crossfire where Odo turns his arms into some sort of metal pistons, crumples the metal siding of the turbolift and somehow stops it from a freefall. I had never thought of Odo, or changelings in general as being able to make themselves so strong.

Sure, I knew they could turn into creatures who were strong but somehow I never made the connection and missed this transformation entirely in previous episodes.

Who could stop a changeling on a rampage without using directed energy weapons?

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>comparing troi to one of the all time GOAT hotties
No, user, just no.

Odo isn't even that difficult to stop, he just needs a hug. Just show him some love and attention. Be the kindness he's never known.

that's just an absurd amount of plastic surgery

I'd love to see the horrors they encounter treated like a horror movie stretched out over two hours. Both Trek and the horror genre involve contrasting hope with fear and both have very similar plot structures in regards to creating a darkness so the light can shine through.
Wouldn't even have to be canon, just a cabin in the woods/haunted house away team mission which challenges the value of the Federation. The Final Girl could even be the embodiment of all that makes the Federation so noble.

Also you're wrong, Catspaw in the Original Series was basically Trek's spin on a supernatural horror story.

>Raquel Welch
>all time goat hottie
She looks fake and her last name is grapes. Hard pass.

>she looks fake
Yeah, now, but she was natty back in the day. Shit taste, user. Very shit taste.

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Belly button is gross.

Shit taste

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I hope Lower Decks is like prime Adult Swim


Okay, grandpa.

>this poster has a pickle rick poster behind him right now

>Morty and Rick being in the same league as ATHF, Sealab, Squidbillies, and Perfect Hair Forever
>getting this triggered by cartoons

If you watched old ATHF, Sealab, Squidbillies, and Perfect Hair Forever, you're a grandpa by this board's standards. The pickle rick comment was pointed at your smug, zoomeresque choice of words there, chief.

Everybody knows Sealab is the GOAT.

You're a really fun person to talk with. I'm so interested in pointing out the numerous contradictions in your post and want to continue discussing cartoons with you. It isn't tedious or labored at all.

That would certainly be the case if I had been the guy that responded to you with 'dude weed lmao' but that wasn't me.

Also, Star Trek.

M'Ress and my cock

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The fuck?

Post your somewhat obscure trekfus

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Power Play. The idea of being possessed by an entity but still being conscious and able to see everything it does while in your body.

What if that episode had featured Pulaski instead of Crusher? I think it would have been a lot better. Pulaski is the most underrated Trek doctor.

Do you think Pulaski was genuinely interested when she called Worf handsome or was it just a poker move?

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You think Worf was into GILFs?

Poker movie, Pulaski hadn't experienced a genuine human emotion other than "be a cunt" for at least thirty years.

Thanks Riker, you're always looking out for me.

yeah but what the flying hell does this have to do with space

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mystery mcguffin woman's name from Picardâ„¢ has been revealed as Dahj
>Dahj = jhaD
>J h a d
>J i h a d

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>tfw peeps like my posts

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>black guys

wtf I love Enterprise now.

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>fake tits
>lopsided nipples from poor surgery
One nipple on the declining ratings, one on the shit quality of the writing.

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oh fuck

Imagine being Trip in that scene and having to be all like "damn, T'Pol, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another "6 year old" alien in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Trip and not only sit in that decontamination chamber while T'Pol flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected putting on that gel. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, T'POL LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and Andorians and later pecan pie for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in the South. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the MAKO could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Trip. You're not going to lose your future Star Fleet career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

technically two
she's taking in every kind of meat their /pol/ack

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I'd fuck that ship.


>it's been almost two years since I made this shitty chart for a waifu thread
I'm surprised anyone saved this

Analyzing the posting times here and it's getting questionable

I'm corpserunning through the Wetlands right now, user. I don't have much else to do here but post. But I never samefag.

VF broke into my house and raped my dog

when /trek/ is boring it's usually because one retard is talking to himself

>he bought into Classic
Thanks, I was feeling pathetic for drinking and shitposting on Yea Forums at this time of night, but you made me feel better about myself.

What did VF look like?

Of course I did. What kind of loser wouldn't pay 15 bucks to engage in a fantastic journey with a few friends? So far, we've all agreed that our little triumphs and sufferings have strengthened the bonds of our friendship. It's been pretty goddamn great.

I sometimes have dreams about playing MUDs and I envy that poster

>playing WoW


Does the thought of someone having fun doing something that you don't like enrage you, user? Relax! Live and let live.

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