Well no one's laughing now

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/Mouseshill /


Im like legitimately concerned someone is going to commit a mass shooting when this appears.

good joke tbqh


Ya got that right pal

Worry only if you are american

If I don't get a gf by the time it comes out let's just say stay home if you live in texas

Where else is there that matters?

The "can you introduce me as JOKER XD" was unfortunate.

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I've def heard it before somewhere else, maybe Rodney Dangerfield

>mfw we get James Holmes II: Electric Boogaloo
>mfw we get James Holmes Trial Livestream II: Electric Boogaloo

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He's already a billion times better joker than heat legend

Is this going to 2019s god bless america?

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Serious question, Is he wearing a wig when his hair is green? It looks completely different than his natural color, it seems less receded as well.

People used that joke on amy schumer all the time.

it is a wig

It's going to be 2019s Little Miss Sunshine

Just that first sentance should be enough motivation for this man to commit suicide in a hurry.

That makes me want to watch it more

I really hope it happens

why would they do this

just open carry

They will, everyone knows it. You would be a fucking idiot to go watch this in theatres.

That script leak was real. That was a pretty down scene how it was played in that.

This guys going to shoot up a place

why? who cares?

Lol if this movie tanks because everyone is too afraid of a theater shooting

You wish mousehomo

I mean why give yourself that ultimatum? Just get on grindr and accept your love for cock, faggot. You dont have to shoot people just because you cant admit youre in love with veiny cocks fucking your holes

No, you'd be a hysterical fuckwit to think you're going to be a victim of a mass shooting. You're more likely to be struck by lightning and the only reason people think otherwise is due to media enforced hysteria over it

>everybody knows there's going to be a shooting
>autists wait a week before going to the theater to be safe
>shooter waits until the crowds clear out and only shoots up the autists who were afraid


Im going to buy a ticket and then pirate it at home.

If that happens it's your fault, noncel.

>Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeend in the clowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwns.

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Since this scene youtube.com/watch?v=t3c3ELuSF4s I don't remember a scene with wthat I connected more like this.

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>few thousand screenings
>movie about: Mass Shooter: The Character
hard pass.

>Mass Shooter: The Character
The Joker is a mass shooter? How?

I'm Tha Joka Baybee

this is going to be pure kino

>A few thousand screenings
An hour

Don't care if it's a dad joke, I think it's funny

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Everybody laughs

This bette not just be The King of Comedy but The Joker. It'll be complete shit if De Niro is just Jerry and The Joker is a more insane Pupkin. Fucking unoriginal.

>not tipping the designated theater shooter before the movie starts

Because you're a retard who worries about shit they can't control

Dear Americans... is the threat of some crazy dude shooting up the theatre actually a real thing? Or are you guys just memeing me?

Remember the last time you guys memed you elected a person into presidency.

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ask me how i know you're an underage redditor

At this point some autist will do it only so he can be talked about here.



formerly chuckling

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>Well no one's laughing now
So The Joker is Rupert Pupkin? Didn't we already see this movie?

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Exactly. Lots of people saw the El Paso shooter in the parking lot with a rifle, but that was perfectly legal. It only became illegal when he started shooting people.

The Right To Bear Arms trumps the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. It's just common sense.

Just american things


DUDE like haha me too DUDE I'm like the first person to say this haha

*gets hit by a truck at a Christmas festival*
*gets acid thrown in face*
*ignores own country burning*
*lets families get raped*
Just Yuro thangs

Get this hot head out of here!

>be american
>get shot

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>the ability of an armed populace to overthrow a potentially tyrannical government that could take away life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is important

yes, exactly

We'll know soon enough. It's premiering tomorrow

>I'm like legitimately
>still got this many replies

I'll be disappointed if no one does.

That would be epic

No, it's not. Unless you live in some shitskin/nigger dominated city and/or town, nothing bad is going to happen to you.

It grows on you.

smile though your heart is achin', smile though you feel it breakin'

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>be european
>die from heat stroke because you refuse to buy an AC

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You're right, everything outside of cali is trash

you should be

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shut the fuck up incel

I hope I'm killed at a screening to spare my family the shame of my suicide.

Do you think that this would be a good movie for a first date? Plus explaining to the girl how you relate to the Joker because in many things you are similar to him?

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If you dont see this alone after an autistic interaction with theater staff while buying the ticket then you aren't doing this properly

>If you dont see this alone after an autistic interaction with theater staff while buying the ticket then you aren't doing this properly
This. It's always fun sperging out at the normie staff members, who always get physically upset with your shenanigans.


guys im not memeing here when I say that im not sure im ready for a kino of this caliber, like what can i do to prepare myself for this? recommend me more kinos with this feel

only if you're white and she's black

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Like a week ago I went to a little cinema that re opened recently in my city. I went alone to watch Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. That feeling before the movie starts when everybody is talking with their friends or girlfriends and you are there all alone eating something just realizing the big loser who you are, that you are just not normal, but at the same time you have been so much time like this, alone, that you just laugh inside about your nonsense existence and you just don't give a fuck about it or about anything at all. And then the movie starts and you focus on it and escape into it for 2 hours. I plan to do the same with this movie. I will go in the morning when nobody goes to the cinema and I will watch it alone, relaxed and just connecting to the movie and nothing more, with nobody to bother me. People are afraid of going alone to the cinema but believe me, it's way better than going with friends. You concentrate in the movie better. I also was ashamed of going alone and that all the people there see me alone but you go in the morning or when nobody goes and the cinema is mostly empty. I think that the first movie I watched alone was The Dark Knight and it was one of the best experienced that I have had in a cinema. It felt like when I was a teenager and used to get excited a lot watching a movie.

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The absolute state of americans

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Falling Down
The King of Comedy
Taxi Driver
Batman: The Killing Joke

oh yeah, also Fight club and V for Vendetta

This is a movie you see by yourself 10 a.m. in theaters.

>Plus explaining to the girl how you relate to the Joker because in many things you are similar to him?

yeah great idee if you want her to run away or laugh at you

Watch LOTR on acid

How do you know? Maybe she is one of those girls attracted to crazy guys. Look Manson, he was a fucking hobo with 0 money and all the pussy he got just because he was crazy and many girls liked that. He also had a giant charisma, that helped.

>bringing your gf with you to see this movie
incels will kill you on sight

Imagine a group of chads watching the movie with their whore stacies and talking all the time during the movie and saying at loud that this movie is shit.

can you imagine being american

Make sure to sit in the far back next to someone else, and when that happens, start throwing candy and popcorn at them. Blame the person next to you when they accuse you.

just be yourself

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I am myself. Who else I would be?


Legendary thread.

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How can you get in when there's a no-singles policy?

Reminder that Disney shills are making these posts and threads like “How many people will be shot?” to deter people from seeing this.

That is a FUCKING GOOD shot, man.

Let's just say wouldn't be the first time someone dressed up as the joker and shot up a theater. That's just life in America

Fuck off with your tranny SJW horse shit

Why? Why is good?

the colors and composition and framing and the music and the way he's dancing when they pull the curtains back. I don't know how to explain it

I wish Joe Kababey would appear as a background cameo in Joker.

yeah, I know, it's crazy beautiful. It's like dancing when you know you are crazy, dancing to your fuck up existence don't giving a fuck about anything. That is total freedom.

if it happened it would be a false flag. why would somebody do that in a movie like this that actually has sympathy for their shit and that sjws hate?

I went to see that movie with my parents. A guy sat next to my dad and he was alone but maybe just because the theatre was full. I agree, going alone with an almost empty room is great and I loved how Sharon Tate goes by herself to the theatre in the movie. I can relate to not being normal though but I just remember movie critics and journalists probably go alone too.

Why the guy did it with The Dark Knight then?

>another round of unfunny WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY XD GAMERS RISE UP XDDD epic memes when it's released

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>whats your name, kid

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the world was different then. plus it was probably some mk ultra shit.

>the world was different then
In 2008 we already lived in the post 9/11, international terrorism world. What was different?

How would Marvel handle the Joker?

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That pic always reminds me of the one time I finally decided to stand up and fight back against my bully, and my "friends" stopped me and held me back, asking me to calm down.

the politics werent the same, there was no sjw thing going on. the world wasnt ruined until after 2012

Jake the Snake should have gotten the role

Would be pretty epic if an incel gassed the theater when joker kills the audience in the movie lmao i mean imagine that haha pretty funny stuff

why would they? why wouldnt they go to a feminist meeting or to government or a jewish church instead? it would be a false flag if this happened at a movie like this

that said those idiots who do this kind of thing are even worse than sjws

Joker is a mass gasser, my man. He only uses weapons to kill off his enemies, which are usually singular.

So, you should be fine unless you're a Jew.

>better music
>no SJWs
>no talk about "white privilege"
>gays and straights would stick to their own kind
>less normies on the Internet
>normies werent aware of memes
>no tinder

>the world wasnt ruined until after 2012
What happened in 2012?

This. it would be like a feminist gassing her own feminist rally. it wouldnt make sense for an incel to do anything at this movie

Great fucking line.

Yeah that line made my skin crawl, and not in a good way.

Memes became a normie thing. Everyone had access to the Internet.

it already happened at Aurora tho???

I think it's going more of a "we live in a society" angle over the stalker-performer relations.

>>better music
Are you sure about that? Do you think that mainstream music have changed so much in 11 years? I don't see too much difference.

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>mother always said to bring laughter and joy to the world
>maje kuds laugh on the bus
>angry nigress shuts you down
>go to therapist
>angry nigress always asks the sane questions and never listens
>get a job as a clown
>niggers steal your sign and beat you up with it
>get run over by a car
>go home on the train
>get bearen up for laughing
>try to do stand-up
>get exposed as an incel on national television
I'd snap too tbqh senpai

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Don't forget wearing a clown mask. You need that.

You also need to smoke.

the world ended. the sjw thing became prominent. the politics shifted toward what would eventually become crazyness like cutting kids parts of and promoting that on tv as trans kids, censoring the whole internet so nobody can speak out, the acceptance of violence against people you disagree with, the mass media just dropping the veil and going insane

>Everyone had access to the Internet.
What?! Before 2012 people didn't have access to the internet? What are you talking about?

You should actually read up on Holmes’ personal life. Guy was messed up from the beginning & targeted the theater only because there were a lot of people going there. He was a psycho long before The Dark Knight, if he was born today that fag would have done it at endgame instead.

I think you should read the thread. the world was different then. it wasnt a political statement as the crazyness of todays sjw world wasnt a thing

normies got smartphones basically man. there was a bar for entry to the internet. you needed a computer, that ruled out anyone too stupid. before that you needed a computer and to be even smarter.

I just got Regal Unlimited but none of my friends have it, so most of the movies I go to are alone. I feel like college-aged people don't like going to the movies anymore for some reason unless it's the next big meme film like Frozen 2 or whatever Avengers schlock they're going to shit out next.


not really, it just seems that way because some narratives have become more prominent

It was a slow process until 2012, which was the first US election year since 2008 (less people had Internet in 2008).
This made lots of people voice their opinion online.

oh shit it's 8 bit brody

if you were reasonable you might see that some narratives becoming prominent is a legitimate reason to say the world has changed a lot. I mean they now think "its okay to be white" is hate speech. they now promote sex changes for kids. they now call normal views far right and crazy leftist racism against whites is on mainstream tv.

And people wonder why these school shooters are everywhere.


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This movie will define our generation.

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Going to the cinema has become just another excuse to meet with your friends since many time ago. Well maybe it was mostly that always but I think that now is even more that. I could be wrong though. It's just like going to McDonald's. Nobody goes there because the food is good, you go there because it's the cool place to eat with your friends and is what everybody do so you do it too to feel normal.

Are you in middle school?

I like this, soothing post.

its odd that sjws are now claiming the joker is like a representation of their political enemies.

If anything batman is the far right guy they all rage against.

>some dumb cunt said something on tv or twitter that I didn't like, this changes the world completely!

a slim minority of americans watch cable news
a slim minority of americans actually use twitter
whites are still the largest ethnic group and have the most wealth, power, land, and guns
this hasn't changed at all

It’s not Disney, it’s CIAniggers. Trying to influence incels into doing a shooting so they can gun grab and stigmatize white men even more.

Don't you think that the narratives being so radical and accepted today compared to then reflects a large change? If not, don't you think it's causing certain people to think radically different at least? Either of these two scenarios points to the world changing in a way.

Should have shot up my school but I believed in "it gets better (after high school)" bullshit back then so I didn't want to die (like most school shooters).

has it ever occurred to you that most people just don't give a shit one way or the other?

This might break my theater boycott. Last movie was the first hobbit.

I go to McDonald's alone and it's because the food tastes salty and nice and because all the diverse weirdos and foreigners go there so I feel like it's okay because Im not normal and neither are they.

But user, I'm saying people don't want to go to the theater nowadays unless it's the next huge movie event. I enjoy going to movies alone because I enjoy seeing new movies but it would be nice to go with some people more often. It doesn't seem as popular as the rest of the social gathering places.

It was Rises you moron

It's the leftist new tactic of counter-signalling anything white males show interest in. There was a sizeable amount of bitching from SJWs online simply for a playstation game releasing a Spiderman skin fron the Raimi movies simply because they hate the Raimi memes.

Expect from here on out to see media that isn't openly leftist to be countered in this way. Ignoring the fact that the only major theater shooting was done by a left-wing extremist that converted to Islam in prison.

>whites are still the largest ethnic group and have the most wealth, power, land, and guns
>this hasn't changed at all

what are you even talking about? white people are less than 14% of the worlds population and dropping. blonde hair blue eyed people are less than 1%.

If you're going to live in a bubble that is just the states you arent gonna see how shit the world is but even then, white population in the united states is dropping and the ones in control are vocally pushing for this. that's wrong and scary man. but it's not even about whites. the whole world is on its head right now.

I'm not religious but if you read revelations I think you'll find some parallels where everyone hates the good all of a sudden and the bad reigns popular.

I don't know where you live but everyone in my area freaks out at every election and midterm election. These aren't always polite topics to talk about so they're not always brought up but when they are, man, people go wild and radical with what they think. I've had to delete people I know personally from Twitter and Facebook because they keep spouting nasty leftist garbage hating on straight white males and it's all so tiring.

Well no one's laughing now

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Yeah. This Joker is even a downtrodden, mentally ill, poor guy, that supposedly makes an anti-capitalist uprising of clowns. He even likes a black chick.

I think it's just racism. If he was black, they'd be masturbating to it.

i wonder if they got this joke from when people were making fun of that comedian on here

What do the SJWs hate about Raimi?

that's sad user, I'm sorry for you

hahahaha no, why do you think that?

I could understand the part of going there because there are foreigners and weirdos but not because the food tastes good, McDonald's food tastes like shit, the meat doesn't even smell like meat. Also, I don't know in your country or city but in my city the people that are in McDonald's is mostly young people or families with kids. So it's not a good place for lonely people here.

I feel you user. You aren’t the only one who’s experiencing similar.

I know how you feel, usually it’s almost like I have to force myself to feel emotions towards people in media, but just looking at the trailers I actually felt real, genuine sadness for him. It was brief, but it was there. Maybe it’s just because this is a nice shot, but I can sympathise with how scared & lonely he looks seeing his mother dying on a hospital bed.

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Ikr? Batman is a billionaire white guy with an extreme sense of noblesse oblige who essentially uses his concentrated amounts of wealth and power for the greater good.

He's about as much of a right wing fantasy as one possibly could be yet the Joker is now seen as the great boogeyman. Why?

Raimi memes are "rayciss"

Rescuing her from the mass shooter will certainly get you laid on the off chance you don't get riddled with bullets and have your head and cock shot off.

becuase he's a white man who feels alienated and (possibly) goes on a rampage
of course that the "woke" answer to this is to further alienate and mock the people who might identify with it or just show any kind of interest in the movie

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Adults don't hang out at McDonalds with their friends

Depends who you're dating. There are a lot of depressive film chicks who might be into it, but hey that's not every women now is it?

>But user, I'm saying people don't want to go to the theater nowadays unless it's the next huge movie event.
Look, people are sheep. We are sheep. It's normal that the times that more people go to the theater is with big things like The Avengers or things like that or like when Avatar was released that everybody watched it because it was "a new thing" with the 3D. It's normal that happens when the media talks that this movie is something controversial or special. Like the Da Vinci Code too. But I think that the cinema keeps being a popular place to meet with friends or having dates. It's very special and a good place for the first date if you think about it because you don't have to talk too much and is fun. So you can talk about the movie before and after the movie and just make some jokes about it and is a good place for a first date.

>mfw some art hoe I follow on twitter can't stop posting pictures of Joaquin Phoenix from the trailer and saying how cute she is and how she would love to comfort him

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no you go to mcdonalds for free refills of their god tier diet coke that no one else has

yeah they do. i do.

McDonald's makes me feel worse everytime I go there, but it somehow makes me feel a craving for their food when I haven't had it in a while. Also, something about their sweet tea is divine, and even their sodas taste better than the ones you can get in the grocery store for some reason.

Haven't seen too many racist ones. Got any good examples? I wouldn't mind filling up my meme folder with some racist Peter Parker.

Incels are the good guys.

Haven't seen any racist ones? How new are you? Check the archives.

Maybe it's just my area or my group of friends though but it seems like no one is going out with friends to watch movies like they used to. Most theaters I walk into, in my college town mind you, are mostly empty.

Maybe I've just seen the normie ones shared in my friend group chats.

There are plenty in the archives, user

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Put yourself out there! Let her get to know you. I’ll bet you’re every bit as pathetic as he is.

I agree on that. I'm talking about young people.

>free refills of their god tier diet coke
Falling for that nigger tier trick... Nobody drinks more than one coup of that coke that is mostly water to begin with and fills your stomach and don't allow you to eat more.

>and even their sodas taste better than the ones you can get in the grocery store for some reason.
Dude, look some day when they are filling your coup, IT'S ALMOST ALL WATER, and they then put that ice that melts and is MORE WATER. What are you talking about that it tastes better than a real coke? Wake up!

Yeah, many times all depend on your perspective and where you live. Where I live, in the big premieres the cinemas are always full.


>wanting to disarm the proletariat

all the trannies left this thread at once to go make a new one to push their theatre incident angle after people starting btfoing it here

like fucking clockwork

Oh man I see what you mean. I remember the ones where they misquote the films, but I didn't think they were well-known enough for normie SJWs. I thought you were talking about some gif or image macro or whatever of Spider-Man making that constipated face going "NIGGERS!!!" or something,

Taste is relative. Im not that user but I also like salty fake meat and watered down coke.

>gets shot

Californians aren't American.

I don't know man, something about their Dr. Pepper always tastes better. When I go to the drive thru I always tell them to go easy on the ice, because they usually do put too much of it in by default. I'll tell ya though, something about it is tastier and I don't know what, but I'm definitely not the only one here who will tell you that.


I just love that Sam Raimi is now somehow known as the most racist man alive because he allowed a single gay joke into his movies

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>It's the leftist new tactic of counter-signalling anything white males show interest in.
This is an astute summation of the way it is.

I literally love everything about this. The little jig he does, the color of the curtains and them music in the trailer is kino.

>Nobody drinks more than one coup of that coke that is mostly water to begin with
I would hope it's mostly water otherwise it would taste nasty.

Then you don't like coke or something.

this post is projection

Been seeing for a bit now. It's no longer "you're an extremist if you like x", it's "I read the script and it sucks" or "I saw it and it's bad". It's 100% political based, but they are trying now to counter signal in every way without mentioning politics.

What sucks is if this was a movie aboit a black guy or a woman articles would he written about the need for health services and care for people like Arthur in the movie. But because he is white, he'll just be openly mocked and called a psycho.

I'm a Pacific Islander and get called an Uncle Tom pretty much any time a say anything even neutral about white people. Of course, never in person.

just make sure to go REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NORMIES GET THE FUCK OUT when the shots start that just might save your life

Do you think that the line "Well no one's laughing now" is a reference to Hitler?

soda is 99% water. I'm sorry you had to hear it from me.

So what? But the one they serve in McDonald's has even more water. The same happens in the cinema.

how the fuck is the shooter going to get in your kinopod, literally designed not to happen

the absolute worst things incels do is commit a mass shooting which is statistically irrelevant. So, even in their own pathetic irrelevance they then commit an act which is also irrelevant which is fitting I suppose.

Were the guys who did those shootings actually incels? Is everybody forgetting about the gay Muslim who shot up that night club?

You'd probably choke if it was more of the syrup than the water.

The whole thing is one sentance


Was pretty bummed when Deniro's character mocked him

This is my favorite poster of it.

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>the pirated version has a shooting in it

>He listens to pop

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I just made a search for the "most popular songs 2008" to see what mainstream music was popular back then.

but doctor

i am jokeriacci

Non-whites don't count in mass shootings anymore, even though they are vastly overrepresented. Also the VT shooter, DC sniper(s), Supreme Gentleman, etc.


Going to the movies by yourself is so comfy, i dont know why more people dont do it. I guess most people dont see film as an artform to be lost in and are so concerned about being seen without friends. I learned to enjoy doing things by myself and its honeslty such a great feeling. Its like i feel free.

based and jungle fever pilled

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Lookin' cool, Joker!

>I learned to enjoy doing things by myself and its honeslty such a great feeling. Its like i feel free.
Yeah, like going to another city or traveling alone.I did that one time going to another city for some days, going around the city visiting the places alone and it was very very comfy and you feel totally free. But doing that all the time is not great. It's great when you are a normal person with friends and then you decide to make a trip alone or to o the cinema alone 1 day just to be alone that time. But not all the time being alone. It's the difference between voluntary loneliness and forced loneliness.


Stop larping, pablo

Multiculturalism, like Communism, will never work and no one will ever be happy. Humans will never rise above their nature and no amount of leftist-commissioned eugenics can erase that. The world is in harmony when the races are separate and mindful of one another.

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Literally the anti Batman Begins film.

Pirate it.


formerly native

>im sorry for calling you an incel, i didn't mean it, please dont do it

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>stop using my meme against me!!

>Film flops because everyone's afraid to be another statistic

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>Well no one's laughing now

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>but I just remember movie critics and journalists probably go alone too.
Nah, some of them go to the same screening with each other.

Unironically watch The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus on acid. META. Don't trip with people you don't know or don't like

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I thought that this was going to tie in to the Pattinson Batman film, but considering the leaked script ends with Joker being lobotomized I really don't see how they could do anything else. Also makes me question why make it a Joker film in the first place.

It's so based. He finally looks so comfortable in what he is. This is what the incel strives for.

You guys act like blackberry's didn't have internet browsers. Nothing changed, it just progress further from the shit that it was. Yesterday was gay marriage, last night was trans, tomorrow? Probably pedophilia. Zimmerman happened in 2013, remember?

Do you know how fast you are implying there.

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I aint going anywhere near a cinema when this thing is released

It was a little earlier than 2012 that smartphones became a thing. Streamlining of the internet for people who wouldn't have interacted in it otherwise, etc.

I connected a lot with the original trailer. It was beautiful.

no it isn't moron

The worst is when I decide to do something alone like that and my hyper-normie friends wonder where the hell I am because I turned my phone off for a few hours, and then they assume I want to ditch them forever and I'm being an asshole or something. Then they stop inviting me places for a while, and the voluntary loneliness becomes forced loneliness. Fuck me for not wanting to hang out literally every single day of college, right?

>Humans will never rise above their nature
this sentence sums up why i hate poltards so much

So what you find?

They saw how successful Venom was without Spider-Man and decided to do that. I think I like this new trend where the movie is about the villain, but it's a new adaptation and they don't have to try to force famous protagonist in to kick his ass at the end or whatever.

only old school psychopaths had the charisma and self-confidence to get laid

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Humans will never rise above hatred

I understand that, but it's not really a Joker origin story, it's a story about a guy named Joker who lives in gotham. It's like if Venom ended with Eddie dying, the symbiote crawling off of him and killing Uncle Ben or something.

yeah I think secular ancient Japan was in total harmony and like never had any bad things or war or anything happen ever, don't you wish you could go back there bros and just like be where you really belong

>Sadly yes. Unfortunately we live in a society that likes to recycle the same unfunny jokes over and over again. It's really tragic.

hmm I thought the joker was based but it looks like he falls in love with an N

really breaks my immersion

>the joke as intended is clearly that as a comedian, no one laughing is a bad thing and you are a failure
>the movie cuts from the joke to De Niro treating the comment as if serious and mocking the Joker for being dumb and not talented
>the Joker is shown as being offended by this, thus meaning that he didn't mean it to be a joke
that's fucking dumb

>yet the Joker is now seen as the great boogeyman
because he's the great boogeyman of the batman universe? what the fuck are you trying to say here? of course he's the boogeyman, you retard.

it's all a ruse so he can get on TV and say it

Conflict and death is not a bad thing if it's what they like to do, since it's evidently inherent to their nature and culture fight.

ITT: Zoomers learning the world's oldest jokes

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*to fight

Im like legitimately concerned someone is going to commit a mass shooting when this appears.

Unless they reference Batman or other Batman characters not related to Joker, then I don't think it's anything like that at all.

>Hey things were bad under the most ideal circumstances so why shouldn't we be allowed to make things a whole lot worse?

Im like legitimately concerned theyll miss you

I will wait a couple of days and watch in the first session in the afternoon (incels wake up late).

He's not talking about Joker within the context of the Batman universe, he's talking about how all of these Reddit SJWs will pull up cringy pics of pre-teens LARPing as a badass joker whenever you make a statement about how you feel about women, politics, politics relating to video games, or have anything to say about society in general that they don't like. They'll reply with a sarcastic "We live in a society, gamerz rise up! Can we hit women and minorities?" It's super clever and original.

Murry is getting excuted on live television isn't he


And as Murray Franklin turns back to him, JOKER SHOOTS THE SIDE OF MURRAY'S HEAD OFF-- Blood splatters all over the back of the set. Some spraying in Joker's face. AUDIENCE SCREAMS! Dr. Sally dives for the floor.

>Murr couldn't make the cut, making him tonight's big loser.
>His punishment? Execution.

Attached: Murr.jpg (480x480, 30K)

They don't have metal detectors in the cinemas? It's so easy to get a gun and cause trouble they should have a bunch, especially after the TDKR incident.

Jimmy Carr used it once on a panel show

That's why you go the day after the first shooting happens. There's never two shootings back to back. Virgins don't like it when others steal their plans.

The only shooting that is going to happen when this movie is released is in the kinoplex parking lot over a pair of Jordan's, just like 99% of "mass shootings"

only whites (and the occasional asian) are bold enough engage in angry, mindless mass shootings though

spics and niggers only engage in personalized murder/gang violence

One of the last scenes of the film is one of the Joker rioters shooting Thomas and Martha, and Thomas is central to both Joker's character arc and the turmoil of the city.

reroll hand plz

Roll on snare drum

Who did it better?

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How can we know if the Joker hasn't been released yet?

Tell me about Romero!
Why didn't he shave the 'stache?

It's been a while, but is Thomas in another Batman movie?
Also, are we referring to Martha as in the mother of Bruce Wayne? Seems unlikely given the timeline unless Joker ends up being a good 30 years older than Batman. Not sure what that has to do with my comment but again I'm not fully brushed up on new Batman lore.

>We live in a society of laws, why do you think I took you to see all those Police Academy movies? For fun? Well I didn't hear anybody laughing. Did you?

That's the joke

Anyone think that the film has gone through a rewrite or two from the script that leaked? The script makes quite a few mentions to the scars on the side of Joker's face, but that hasn't appeared in anything we've seen from the movie so far.

Thomas is in Begins, and also young Bruce is cast in Joker

I'm legitimately concerned this shooting post are made by Disney© cocksuckers

Thomas and Martha are in every Batman movie, those are the Batman character;s referenced in the script. Also Bruce and Alfred briefly, there's a really weird scene where a young Bruce (who seems to be about 5 at the oldest) fondles Joker's face and touches his scars which makes Joker "blush with embarrassment". Then Alfred tells Joker to stop loitering around Wayne Manor and Joker chokes him.

its straight from "the king of comedy"

It was a different time

I'm honestly gonna be the hero my theatre needs and make sure nobody props open the exit door with a rock. Shooters copy cat and I guarantee someone somewhere is gonna try it, and you never know where it could happen.

not SJWs, but a lot of 20-something Disney types have found it in-vogue to bash the Raimi films and call the outspoken Raimi fans things like 'dudebros' and say they're 'nostalgia-blind', a sentiment which grew from the diehard Raimi-Spider-man guys being primarily anti-disney and anti-MCU

have you ever had a moment where you acted like the joker?

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Same reason they hate Nolan or this movie, Disney is their religion and any of these movies are better than anything Marvel has ever done under the mouse

We still don't know how is acting like the Joker because we haven't watched the movie.

>playing deepworld jet packing along
>see 2 dudes trading shit
>one of them puts down a cupboard and the other is going through his inventory
>I slide as I land, mine the dresser, take off in one smooth motion
>they call me names in the world chat

thank god i don't live in muttland then

I will watch in open night and nothing will happen, since I'm not from muttland.

Reminder that it premieres today at the Venice film festival

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Nah,my local theater has "no guns allowed" signs,so I think I'll be perfectly fine.


Why did they steal the joke about Amy Schumer?

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It predates Amy Schumer though

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brace for halloween cosplays.

That meme was made before this movie was even in production.

Right, because no-gun zones are where you're safe
I remember all the NRA meeting mass shootings (btw fuck NRA), and I remember how safe Columbine's gun-free zone is

The joke was made before the meme, it's an old joke

I see this shit under every Joker post. It's just some another Mouseshill tactic to prevent people from watching this kino?

It's a "meme" thats been around as long as this has been announced, warner shill
gamers rise up however is a genuine tranny/feminist psyop though

Fuck off mousefaggot. I couldn't care less about WB hacks and their shit flopping, they deserve it for being dumb retards who can't make actually good movies anymore. I just see the patterns that's all.

Sure thing, WB marketer
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/Mouseshill /

Women can't reject me if they're dead!

>n-no you're shill!
pathetic. I hope your master will cut your salary

Well im not laughing

sounds like the pools closed bitxh

Yeah, I would bet they shoot up a Netflix original screening. Waste everyone watching The Witcher. Good thing those pieces of shit don't get released in theaters.

You are as proven here and your complete lack of knowledge of this shit here

>be British
>wake up at sunrise to the salat al-fajr blaring through ever speaker in London
>wave at the CCTV camera while I'm taking a shower
>eat some shakshuka for breakfast because my wife's son says breakfast needs to be more diverse
>there's a letter in the transom saying I must pay my TV license because indoctrination isn't free
>take the underground to work and get blown up by an innocent refugee
>wake up in the hospital getting free healthcare
>wave to the CCTV camera by my hospital bed
>hospital food is harira and fried grasshoppers since it's halal
>get a notice I have to pay for my email license
>realize I've been circumcised while I was unconscious, Dr. Patel says it's' more sanitary this way
>Sharia Police runs into my room and demands to know why my wife's son isn't wearing a head scarf
>try to mansplain that he's a boy
>my wife's son says he doesn't identify that way anymore
>Sharia Police kill everyone in the room
>my beheaded body is paraded through the streets while everyone chants "fuck white people!"
>the Guardian and Telegraph says they're worried about my public execution because it might cause Islamaphobia
>be buried in Highgate cemetary
>my bones are being monitored by CCTV
>have to renew my burial license next month

Nah, they've evolved and are going for the 'mass reign of terror' angle now. Last rightist one had a leftist go immediately after cause he thought killing was really cool.

You'll be amazed but it's possible to hate shitty monopolistic megacorporations and also not be a shill for another corporation
For instance I'm an arthouse fag that hates every single Hollywood megacorporation to death and won't even give them the free advertisement of naming them

wtf I love sharia police now