Why can't Americans make a single movie without some forced romance in it?

Why can't Americans make a single movie without some forced romance in it?

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Nightcrawler's romance was forced, that's true

>mentally challenged autist with a child's brain kissing the prostitute that was nice to him when she has no actual interest in him

It's to dab on incels.

On another note, that moment where he sees another guy in the clown mask, locks eyes and then his face lights up was absolute hair-raising kino

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Because unlike yuro incels americans actually have sex

I don't know looks like she has interest on him to me

because non shut-ins takes girls to the movies, and it makes it harder to get laid, if the film is 100% about raping women and how cool men are. so the (((producers))) throw in a little something something for the ladies

Why do virgins think every romance in movies is forced?

Romance is almost always forced. Fuck off faggot.

Romance is a part of every normal person’s life.

is this finally the movie we deserve?

"Heart" is demanded of all scripts. It's just something you have to include.

You're not "we", normalfag redditor that wasn't part of Yea Forums or this site until mid 2010s

It has to be. It doesn't pop out if nowhere, a man has to impose to get anywhere

This is the most classic complain that a virgin makes about a movie.

Mad he's not an incel like you?

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It was a power move, the character is psychotic and wanted to fuck the lady in charge. Nothing romantic about it at all. It's intentionally hard to watch.

Cause all Americans are having sex and we like to see it in our Movies to put us in the mood.

Lots of movies, including mainstream ones, don't have any romance subplots in them.

Females in power demand it.
If a male has a drive any drive that isn't about fucking then he's evil or broken.
Also needs to give nobody female talent, usually gay/jewish/fucking someone important/ugly, some work.

>he doesn't use the royal "we"
We are not amused by this peasant

They use test audiences to measure mass appeal and change things, which is why sets barely exist and even held props are CGId
Now imagine if a real artist did that; here's my painting (etc); if you don't all like it, I can change it until you all like it

There is very little art in American culture

>blue screen with only voices throughout the entire thing
>still has romance
What the fuck is wrong with americans?

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Name 10 mainstream movies starring men that don't have a romance subplot of any kind.

American art was changed over 60 years ago.
The powers that be knew the power of iconography art and music and took steps to destroy any real heart soul and idea and intellectual truth in art and replaced it with....
Masturbatory emptiness
Trash such as vangogh and the twat with the long moustache and the fag with the campbel cans and now complete retards who'll shove spaghettios up their gooch while babbling like a loon.

These things have weight and matter
Every single thing you see say read and do on this website has a fucking impact upon you down to your very soul and the greatest sin is the lie that the only thing that will hurt you are sticks and stones.

Sticks and stones will break your bones. But words will destroy you.

>Masturbatory emptiness

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