What were the initial reactions when it first came out ?
Did people like it ?
What were the initial reactions when it first came out ?
Did people like it ?
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It made Phantom Menace look a lot better.
the love theme was fantastic. the electric guitar in the zam wessel chase was surprising. never thought williams would use include one. return to tattooine sounded great. and the imperial march ending was outstanding. otherwise, i remember being underwhelmed. phantom menace soundtrack was better. easily 3rd best score in the franchise.
I was 10 when it came out and no kid wanted to see it. We just wanted blasters and light sabers.
Some kid with a rat tail had a birthday party at the movies and we all watched it and liked the final fight scene
It was the equivalent to TLJ, if TPM didn't make you check out of star wars at that time and put it behind you because you finally realized it was for kids, the Clone Wars most surely did
Yes, even moreso than TPM.
As a child, I thought the last 30 minutes were really cool. I remember my father hated it more than he hated the Phantom Menace. As an adult, I now understand why. I do have a newfound appreciation for AotC though after how bad TLJ was.
II did have a good score, but I wish more of it was utilised for The Clone Wars. Keiner (sp) used so many motifs from the OT for Rebels, but he didn't even reference Across the Stars in The Clone Wars
>It made Phantom Menace look a lot better.
So will Rise of Skywalker be like Revenge if the Sith and be the new best Star Wars movie?
People loved it when it first came out. The hype around Yoda fighting, seeing the Clone Trooper look alikes, hundreds of Jedi's fighting.
Didn't take too long for reality to kick in though and for people to realise it was dogshit.
>revenge of the sith
>best SW movie
>What were the initial reactions when it first came out ?
Laughter, lots and lots of laughter. It was the best theater experience of the prequels.
TPM - Confusion / I think I need to see that again
AOTC - Laughter / God that was so dumb
ROTS - Depression / Well at least it's finally over
>Did people like it ?
Not really, it was a joke from day one. Even kids laughed at Yoda and Dooku
As a kid, I was in awe with Yoda fighting Dooku. I hated episode 2 though still. I liked episode 1 a lot, mostly because of pod racing and the final fight.
I liked it a lot when it first came out, I was in high school. This movie and Revenge of the Sith sort of blend together in my mind like they’re one movie. I don’t know how I feel about it now but does it matter, not trying to sound like a snob but I really don’t have the patience to go back and revisit movies like that, maybe that means it’s not amazing? But it’s not like I watch Casino every day but I have seen it more than Attack of the Clones. I liked it a lot when it came out, I was in high school
Don’t remember. I was 10 when it came out
That was supposed to be the airspeeder noise
>That pic
Is this what early 2000's internet humor/memes looked like?
I mean, star wars isn't supposed to be taken seriously to begin with
I thought it was pretty nice. Across the Stars is the only reason to rewatch those Anakin/Padme scenes.
>Across the Stars
>prime Herschlag belly
>Christopher Lee
>Jango Fett
>Vehicle designs
Pure kino. The assassin and pogo Yoda get memed a lot but overall it was great.
It was like "alright cool Anakin isn't a child anymore so they'll have a cool story and great action" but we got 2 he's of politics and search mission followed by boring battles with corny monstors and more droids while Obi Wan and Anakin got burried by the no dimes drawing Doku while Yoda bitched out and let him get away
Attack of the Clones was originally seen as an improvement on a bad movie by most. Bearing in mind Phantom Menace had become toxic in the 3 years between the release of Clones. It didn't take long for people to say that Clones and Menace were both complete shit though.
Yes. The enitre PT was good and people liked it. Now, cue the revisionist history.
>watch the prequels
>love them
>later get told they were bad and adjust your opinion to fit in
Happened to all of you. Don't lie.
I thought they were inferior to OT but nowhere as bad as people exaggerate.
I was 100% mad that they introduced dual-wielding lightsabers only for Anakin to only do it for like 10 seconds
I hated Star Wars when I was a kid because the only movies in the franchise that my family owned were Episodes I and II.
All my friends went to see it and I remember talking about it, but I dont remember Star Wars being anything close to a defining cultural event back when the prequels were happening. Movies like The Matrix and Fight Club had way more impact as far as your friends quoting them or talking about them months/years later. I just remember people goofing on Yoda fighting, but nobody _hated_ it. It just sort of came and went.
For me and my friends, the whole Star Wars thing just evaporated the week after TPM premiered. Then you knew it wasn't going to be the late 70's / early 80's all over again and you just went back to living your early 00's life and got interested in other events.
The prequels aren't for kids, so it makes sense.
this minus the last part
I still advocate for the prequels and don't give a fuck about reddit letter medias fag shenanigans
I liked TPM and still do
AoC is a fucking awful movie but a lot of the things it introduced are god tier. That said introducing good lore doesn't magically make it less shit.
No. It sucked. I hated it.
But it was the beginning of the end of my fascination with nerd culture, and for that I am profoundly grateful.
And the soundtrack song titles spoiled Qui-gon's death. What a fucking shit show.
>clone wars
>barely any clone action
the romance shit also lasted way too long
Unfortunately as my brain developed into adulthood, I realized that they're even shittier than I once thought
It got everywhere.
The love theme is good but besides that I think AOTC has the weakest soundtrack (only counting George’s movies). Whenever I hear one of John Williams’s blander songs, I can’t help but think wow this sounds like it belongs in Star Wars Episode II
The Kinosuer: appreciates the Prequels for the sublime world-building, interesting political intrigue, and incredible soundtrack
The Pleb: gets confused as to why there isn't a Han Solo figure doing quips and slapping ladies asses, and then fumes about it on some shitty early 00's message board, while he wears out his Spaced video on constant repeat
>be 10
>phantom menace is coming out
>mom asks if i've seen star wars
>what the fuck you've never seen star wars she cunts about
>goes to the video store and rents the trilogy
>makes me watch the trilogy
>it's okay
>phantom menace debuts
>takes me to see it
>she hates it
>i think it's boring and just want to go play on the playground with david and his sister
>she completely forgets about star wars except for watching Space Balls every few years
>if you ask her what she thought about attack of the clones or the 3rd one she doesn't even know they exist
fuck mothers
Sounds like your mother has good taste and you're a faggot.
>fuck mothers
>sublime world-building
>interesting political intrigue
What the fuck are you on
I was 8, just about to turn 9 at the time. My dads friend worked in showbiz and had tickets to a press screening of the film about a week or so before it came out and gave them to my dad as he wasn't particularly interested. I loved it, but I can be excused for that as I was so young. What makes me laugh to this day is the audience (made up of critics and journalists) applauded the part where yoda drew his lightsaber. They also clapped at the end. Top kek.
>interesting political intrique
>8, just about to turn 9
>attack of the clones
George lucas hate was full effect when it came out. It still had a better critic reception than episode 1. It was hailed for special effects, but lauded for romance scenes.
>the plebs are here
You know "lauded" is another way of saying "hailed", right?
>tfw went to see Phantom Menace when it just came out with my pedo uncle
>never had any interest in Prequels after that day
Really gets the noggin joggin.
i meant applauded
Literally the same thing quarter brain.
Understandable ≠ interesting
take your pills boomer
It was better than PM. But Obi Wan's mullet was really distracting.
natalie portman cummy tummy!
I was in theaters for all three, they got standing ovations opening night.
All hatred of it besides Jar jar was low fruit.
OTfags might have hated them from day one but I was in theaters for all of them and full rooms full of people clapping for nobody besides appreciation of the movies.
But I do remember crying to my mom to buy the shitty stickers book + stickers.
I remember thinking at the time of its release “I LIKE DUH LIGHTSABURS HUHUHUHUHHUHUUHUU COOL”
And yet Yea Forums rages over the lore integrity of a switchblade lightsaber.
A terrible movie but a memorable theater experience. I'll never forget the audience losing their shit at Yoda whipping out that lightsaber.
It was ok, there wasn't the huge hate the nu trilogy has triggered.
It was a disappointment but not considered a bad movie.
I think this was the first Star Wars film I saw because it was the only one we had on DVD. I remember not finishing it because the love shit was boring but then as I got older I enjoyed it more. Phantom Menace was the last SW film I saw and I never really liked it. Always though AotC was better. Maybe people just seem to forget the much better action scenes like Jango v Obi Wan, the coruscant car chase and the entire genosis sequence.
Yeah, it was great.
It was awesome. Everyone loved it, seriously. The clone war, Jango's sound bombs, the origin of the empire, it was great.
When I saw it as a kid thought it was pretty cool but I didn’t care much. I distinctly remember older people disliking it, I had a Xennial brother who was a big fan of the OG trilogy who hated the prequels upon their release.
Now years later as an adult I rewatched it and probably like it the most of the prequels and think it’s kino. Meanwhile my brother now has a wife’s son and believes the Russians hacked TLJ RT audience score theory.
Honestly even a lot of the other kids didn't like it
My first star wars movie was phantom menace and besides the dual light saber, I just remember being immensely bored. Didn't even bother with the rest.
After growing up and seeing every man child rave about the original, I watched the one rip that's apparently from the master tape. Again, uniquely boring.
Isn't that basically every Star Wars at this point? Make the previous films look good in comparison.
me too. i see it like the Western cowboy effect. there is this brain problem some queers have that make them love westerns, cowboys, deserts horses, pistols, cacti
they're not wrong, they're just broken. the same way science fiction fags are broken, blasters, lightsabers, ti fighters, ships, the force, space, they see this shit and they can't help themselves, they give it a pass regardless of how shit it is
No one liked it.
I have a complete set of that somewhere
I loved it since the day it came out
This blew my mind when I saw it in theatres, so did the battle of Geonosis
Horrendous taste.
kino lego
The best cinematography in all of the prequels. Such gorgeous shots.
I remember my computer class teacher was a boomer who read the script before the movie came out and said it was going to be best Star Wars movie ever.
People were mostly confused
Anakin got memed on hard, but most people liked Obi-wan and the scene with the sonic mines that go BWOOOM was universally liked
Despite revisionist history efforts, almost everybody liked the flippy fast paced lightsaber fights
There was a general feeling that Phantom Menace was somewhat irrelevant in hindsight, and that the prequel trilogy should have started at this point
It felt more like a genuine SW movie to me while TPM felt more like a spinoff of SW (think made for TV ewok movie).
It was badass, at times tarantino-esque . I remember the audience losing their shit when Yoda turned into crash bandicoot at the end. Chris Lee, bounty hunter chase, Jedi squad, anakin avenging his mom, jango and boba. The threepio dad jokes were cringe though, jar jar level cringe.
>There was a general feeling that Phantom Menace was somewhat irrelevant in hindsight, and that the prequel trilogy should have started at this point
This. And it still IS relevant. They fucked up by making The Clone Wars mostly portrayed in cartoons while they wasted an entire live-action film on essentially cartoon characters doing cartoon things.
They should have started with an animated series that gradually becomes darker and then jumped right into Anakin, Obi Wan and the Clone Wars. We lost an entire film that could have been badass.
I liked it when it came out. Not my favorite but it's entertaining.
Yeah, I remember hearing many times
>wait, so the clone wars are just going to be the last movie?
and then it wasn't even that
Nobody expected 99% of the clone wars to take place off-screen between films that's for sure
>And it still IS relevant.
With current knowledge, we see that it sowed many seeds for later plotlines. The Jedi having lost their way, a criticism Qui Gonn had, Anakin's issues of attachment and not being indoctrinated from an earlier age, etc.
but those seeds could have been sowed just as effectively in an animated series, too. No?
Unless that animated series goes from Anakin's childhood to adulthood or copious amounts of flashbacks, no.
I remember people complaining that there was too much going on and it was hard to follow the plot, but overall it was initially considered to be much better than TPM.
The prequels were masterpieces compared to the new movies that have come out. And since the new movies, especially compared with other modern movies coming out are mediocre, by the transitive property or whatever that makes the prequels good movies. Not as good as the original, not 10/10 movies or anything. But on their own just taken as movies, they are good sci fi films. Sad how every time they make Star Wars it gets worse though. We went from great to good to average. I’m assuming next time a round of Star Wars comes out they will be flat out bad. I see no reason to assume the trend won’t continue especially considering movies in general keep getting worse the past few decades. Don’t see any reason this trend will slow, stop or reverse. Who is to blame for this? And don’t say Jews
Presumably, it would cover basically everything from the beginning of TPM to the beginning of AotC. The prequel films wold pick up with AotC and you would have two films for the events of RotS and The Clone Wars
If it goes from everything there, then it'd need to be somewhat long. Then the clone wars themselves, who took multiple cartoons and books, would probably really shortened.
Saw it in theaters. Had to beg my dad not to leave because as the movie went on he was getting more and more pissed off. After episode 1 he apologized to me because it was so bad. I thought it was fine.as clone ended he said he was done with star wars.
i don't know why everyone hates on the the prequel movie so much i enjoyed it.
i thought the jedi knight chick was badass.
millennium falcon didn't look how i remembered it and chewie had less hair but other than that i thoroughly enjoyed it.
People fucking LOVED the prequel trilogy when it came out. Then (((they))) convinced audiences that the prequels were shit so that (((they))) could lowball lucas.
I thought it was okay at the time. Looking back on it now, there are serious problems with Anakin in the middle part.
Yeah I’m sure Lucas felt really low-balled getting billions of dollars without having to work his ass off making more movies
The movie itself was garbage. But people respect it for spawning some of the best Star Wars games
Republic commando
Battlefront 1
The arc was classic.
The execution was hot fucking garbage.
There is no other option besides this one that is correct.
this current era of SW video games is so shit
nothing good has come out, at all
no new Rogue Squadron, nothing
pretty much just Battlefront and the new uncharted clone
such a fucking waste
I don't know why people keep saying that back when it was released, Yoda's autistic moves were cringe. Literally everyone loved it. Yeah, in hindsight it looks pretty shit but when ppl first watched it back then they all made soifaces in awe
the parts with Anakin and Padme were pure diarrhea tho. Lucas can NEVER be in the dialogue department, he is a complete failure when it comes to that
Nah man there were definitely people that thought the yoga fight was rediculous then, I was one of them. But at the time, and now I understood how hard it would be to do a proper yoga fight with his size and age. The better plan would have been to make it purely or mostly a force battle, or better yet not have him fight at all. It was never not going to look silly, no one could pull tang off.
Might be okay if it plays anything like the academy games
yeah but even if it's OK it's still embarassing to compare the ST video game output to what was going on during the PT era
They've shown gameplay, it looks awful
As a kid I bought more toys from this movie than any other, Jango Fett, Slave One, Obi, Anakin, Dooku, Mace Windu, that dreadlocks guy, the colosseum monsters, good shit. The scene with anakin on his swoop bike and slaughtering sandpeople in the night, wooie shit was cool when I was a kid.
It wasn't until many years later when I was older that I was convinced the movie was utter fucking unironic sci-fi kino.
Never trust the E3 product. It usually looks worse
Not that guy but they don't even have dismemberment for some inexplicable reason.
I literally remember people saying "FINALLY YODA LIGHTSABER!!!!" and showing up to the theater with those little green lightsabers
All my memories of Star Wars I remember the crowd being hype before and after, except for Last Jedi. Awkward silence and some "huh" afterwards.
I would switch TPM and Force Awakens tbqhfam
To be honest, what's wrong about Yoda being competent at lightsabers? He was shown teaching younglings and there's some throwaway quote where Obiwan says
>If you spent as much time practicing your saber techniques as you did your wit, you'd rival Master Yoda as a swordsman.
I expected Yoda to be competent at virtually everything Jedi related and responding
>Judge me by my size do you?
To anyone who thinks otherwise. Besides, I'm betting Yoda wasn't born a Jedi Master and had to learn how to be a Jedi, including lightsaber training, like everyone else.
Because he’s a decrepit little goblin who literally needs a wheel chair in previous scenes.
I loved tpm when it came out. Aotc liswas okay, but rots was great. It's 3rd to empire, and anh. Rotj is good, but the fucking ewoks fucked it up. Vaders redemption was amazing,but I hate e that movie since I watched it on the when I was 4.
People knew it was shit in the theater. They just didn't want to admit it. It took until ATTC until they admitted it.
ROTS is really good, it's my second favorite Star Wars movie behind ESB.
>who literally needs a wheel chair in previous scenes
>when he walks just fine on dagobah
Revenge of the sith is the only movie after the OT that was better than the most recent movie (spinoffs included).
My friend went and saw it and gave the best movie review I've ever heard to this day
> Picture the worst movie you've ever seen, then put shit in your mouth
Where I was everyone hated it. Even the die hard star wars fans dropped the series after that.
I liked it for the action in the 2nd half
I went to a midnight showing with a bunch of huge mega nerds. Even they were a little let down after walking out.
>spinoffs included
Before it was released it was being billed as darker and more mature than TPM, which I guess is right, but response was still very lukewarm from what I remember.
Hayden Christensen and the romance scenes were reviled by pretty much everyone.
A lot of people weren't keen on the Jango/clone army thing.
R2D2 flying was either love it or hate it.
Same with Yoda fighting Dooku; some fans felt having Yoda physically fight someone wasn't in keeping with his character.
Dooku was a somewaht disappointing villain, especially after Darth Maul.
Basically the response was "better than TPM but still meh."
Kek. I actually liked the romance build up. Especially pic related scene where they were being led out to slaughter and they shared what might be their last kiss and padme finally admits she loves him. Lucas trimmed a lot of the romance roastie beef filler scenes out that didn't really add to anything. I felt he left in enough. The awkwardness of anakin trying to mack on padme was kewt imo.
I'm a guy b,,t,,w,
It's hilarious all the complainers whining about how shit the movie was. When the movie came out, it wasn't half as bad as people make it out to be.
Sure it wasn't a great movie, but it was nowhere close to TLJ. For all the weak love dialogues between Padme and Ani, there was some good one, notably When Dooku is talking to Obi-Wan.
I don't remember. I liked some scenes like the Obi vs Jango Fett duel and the Geonosis battle area and the Doku vs Obiwan+Anakin but aside that it sucked. One tiny scene that sparkled a little my interest in that movie was that very short scene of podracing on a tv sceen on Coruscant in the pub when Anakin and Obiwan were chasing the bounty hunter.
Anakin and Padme should have been under constant attack.
I was in the theater on opening night, you could feel the cringe permeating the theater during all of the romance scenes. People were hyped for the last like 30 minutes and the jango fett fight and thats about it
Here were the reactions
>the love dialogue was dumb
>the action was cool
>padme was hot
>there was basically no jar jar save a few scenes
>also no little kid anakin
Personally, I didn’t like TPM when it came out but thought AOTC was okay.
genndy can do no wrong
The move he does in RotS where he just effortlessly tosses Sheev's goons like they're ragdolls was pretty based, but the rest of his physicality is comical, at least on film. It's just the truth.
It's my favorite film out of the 3 since it reminds me of a fully realized world like Dune books.
Kids loved it, star wars fans loved it, everyone else hated it or thought it was very boring.
I was a kid and I shit you not, I remember going to see this movie but not actually watching it
I was memeing before memes were even called memes son
nah, I only like them as a kid and when I got older I thought they were boring as fuck and that less is more.
rogue one > solo
Explain. Characters in Rogue one were about as stale as you possibly can get.
I still think Attack of the Clones is the worst movie. Even The Last Jedi is better.
Nah, I like Yoda jumping around. It’s like when you see the old man jump on the sword in Kill Bill.
I was actually kind of mad Yoda was computer generated and not a muppet anymore.
As with episode 1, everything that wasn't a lightsabers scene was cringe and/or forgettable.
Actually it was the opposite. People praised the lack of Jar Jar and more action scenes but the love story got slammed hard.
You are fucking high. Clones has some good parts, I’d argue quite a few. And the worst parts of clones don’t even come close to the worst parts of the last Jedi. People were audibly moaning when that scene with the “prank call” to the star destroyer happened and that was in the first 5 minutes of the movie, that was the tone it set, if it even really had a tone(not a consistent one anyway). Further, while aotc had flaws to be sure, especially the cringey romance shit(and you could even argue that while it was awful and not done well, it was neccessary somewhat, you have to show snaking and padme getting together at some point) you could write a damn novel on all the horrible shit in the last Jedi. There’s literally nothing redeemable about that movie, and I believe truly that when we look back decades from now the last Jedi will be seen as the final death nail in Star Wars. The prequels may have started the decline but the last Jedi was the final blow, fatality.
It was universally beloved until the RLM fags started trash talking it and it sort of snowballed out from there in online forums.
For people that don’t use the internet a lot to discuss movies they don’t even have any idea that people actually think they’re bad.
> > Across the Stars
> >prime Herschlag belly
this man gets it
Which should be a clue to audiences that he's relying on the force so he can move like he does in the duel.
I saw every one opening night, theatre was sold out and people clapped at the end.
I fully admit I was like this. Now, I do enjoy ROTS (especially because of the Clone Wars), value what George did with TPM and how he innovated with it and at least admire the last part of AOC.
Just picture the Clone Wars series as top tier.
Rogue One is S-Tier.
the plot was a little confusing but the set pieces were so brilliant no one gave a shit. especially the asteroid field dual when your eardrums shattered from the seismic charges and you felt like you were on a thrill ride. everything on geonosis was a blast
Set piece and atmosphere wise, yes. Character wise, fuck no. I barely remember anything about the cast (including their names).
Memes were created in 2012
>I barely remember anything about the cast (including their names).
Not even my bro Cassian?
but wat if i like western cowboys and sicence fiction
If it wasn't for the D+ series, I honestly wouldn't remember his name desu. I do remember enjoying him more than the rest of the cast, but he didn't leave a big impression on me.
>later get told they were bad and adjust your opinion to fit in
Where does this cope come from? I mean I watched a lot of crap films as a kid that I absolutely loved, but I don't feel the need to pretend that they're the masterpieces of a misunderstood auteur now as an adult.
I quit Star Wars after Attack of the Clones. I thought Phantom Menace was completely forgettable, and after this one I was fed up with this Galaxy.
I have that poster on my wall.
There were no memes back then, son. The Internet was for serious business only.
If the PT came out today they'd get absolutely roasted.
I was registered with Selective Service when The Phantom Menace came out, they were alright but ultimately disappointing. Phantom Menace was probably the best one despite the usual complaints of Jar-Jar and the kid.
The main problem with the prequels was that they were 100% George Lucas. He had no drama or setbacks producing and developing those films; wasn't fighting studios for their basic existance, wasn't buidling up a new mode of filmmaking, wasn't building up technology to bring it to life. These were all major issues in the original trilogy, something that required a lot of collaboration and delegation. The prequels never had anyone like Gary Kurtz or Lucas' ex-wife behind him to rough out the parts where Lucas was lacking. He had no other major directors in the prequels like Kirschner who could handle subtle slow romance arcs (and both Hayden and Natalie, while great actors, were too young to pick up the slack themselves). So a lot of aspects of the prequels failed hard because of this. Worldbuilding, set designs, and general aesthetics were all solid in the prequels however. But dialogue and subtlety when required were nowhere to be found.
KotOR is overrated trash that shit on a unique esoteric era and replaced it with prequel-era generic. KotOR 2 did try to flesh things out a little better but couldn't fix the damage done.
Katarn series and TIE Fighter are better games too.
Episode 2 marked the end of Cinema by being fully filmed in digital
I was 6 when it came out and missed the arena battle on Geonosis because I had a tummy ache and my grandpa had to take me to the bathroom. He was a massive SW fan and he was so pissed that he almost wanted to give me a swirly. He told me 4 years later.
I was 8 at the time but i just remember that the hype and marketing campaign were huge.
I watched them as a kid. Didn't actually like them, but because it was Star Wars, I convinced myself that I did.
Genndy did such a good job handling power levels
Fans were eating that shit up. See Triumph's comedy video about those star wars nerds.
>What were the initial reactions when it first came out ?
I was a huge Star Wars fan as a kid (still love it despite Disney) and I actually loved Episode I. I was 12 when it came out and I think I saw it in theaters a half dozen times because I was so excited to have new Star Wars and it was a fun ride despite its flaws.
I went to see Episode II and it was pretty obvious that it was a misfire. I loved the parts with Obi Wan fighting Jango Fett but the rest of the movie was ponderous and the C-3PO slapstick was really cringey and honestly way worse than any of Jar Jar's shenanigans ever were (although still better than the failed humor in The Last Jedi). It didn't really kill my enthusiasm for the series but it did make me think for the first time that a Star Wars film was mediocre and I didn't nerd out over it like I did Episode I.
I prefer Rogue One to Solo and while I agree that the characters are paper thin its got a lot of cool shit in it and it doesn't have any bad annoying characters like Lando's God awful fuck bot.