Horror movies you love

ITT: horror movies your personally love

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that's a good movie

how do you feel about beastmaster or should I say BESTmaster

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I used to love that movie. HBO used to play it almost daily when I was a kid.

As above so below

I like Phantasm V. It's almost film noir at times. It was a perfect comic book version of the saga and I mean that in the best way. Some of the CGI is dodgey, but they clearly ran out of money. It's a great conclusion to the tasms.

Not them and question, have the ferrets always died in every version? Used to love it too.

It sucked but I enjoyed it

What I really want is for the Phantasm novelization to be reprinted

The Nightflier.

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>It sucked but I enjoyed it
lol quality

>What I really want is for the Phantasm novelization to be reprinted
No one scanned the original?

actually it's about time for a rewatch

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Patrician taste. Dat ending.

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>No one scanned the original?
Find it online if you can. It's a hell of a lot of work just to devalue a possession worth hundreds of dollars.

Last Shift. Can anyone recommend something similar? Any atmospheric horror movie of someone or a group of people alone in one place [hospital, forest, police station, house, etc..] for the whole movie? Stuff like last shift, the ritual and 1408

The Graveyard Shift

The Void is a group of people trapped in a hospital while shit gets crazy. Great practical effects, great movie.

How come there’s a lack of monster movies?

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Been on my watchlist for a long time. I'll give it a watch tonight.
Yeah sadly I already seen it. Loved it tho. Someone in another horror thread recommended See No Evil 2 [people trapped in a hospital while Kane fucks them up] but didn't really care for it.

Monster movies require more work, ghost stories and slashers are safe bet for studios.

Billy Zane is great in this one

Just watched this. Ferrer was great as usual but it was clearly padded out from the source material. Good effects during the climax but the ending was lame


Who’s your /horrorfu/?

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That fat old bitch used to scare me shitless.

Good fucking choice! That movie spooked me out as a kid, even though it’s campy and fun as hell.

one of the best recent horror films I thought

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Steven King sucks ass and he’s a nigger

ya that film good though

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Personal favorites are:
F13 1-3
Wishmaster 1-2
Trick r Treat
The Whip and the Body
Blood and Black Lace
Anything by Rob Zombie (fight me)

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based i like all 4 last 2 are so bad they are good

the british film hellraiser, and its sequel, hellraiser II.

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The Thing
The Shining
28 Days Later

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my guy

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