Star Wars is dead and Galaxy's Edge is empt-
Star Wars is dead and Galaxy's Edge is empt-
Based and truth pilled
>$oy wars is more popular than ever before
>the mouse pays a bunch of people to stand in line after their initial embarrassment
>s-star wars s-still matters you g-guys!!!
>sees 300 minute wait sign for a 26 sec. ride
>grins from ear to ear because my corporate overlords are successful
disneyfags should be burned at the stake jesus christ
>three mouse ears have been deposited into your account
>Dobson thread
>Expecting I will read this faggot furry cartoonist fb post
So, fighting so that billionaires become even more rich is considered an act of political activism in America?
>gay furfag opinions matter
nu-wars fans wives' sons only like basketball, not starwars
Give Disney your money
>Implying Jews will pay people to get no money in return
Come on now
>giving someone a free ticket to a strip mall with a roller coaster is giving them money
Nothing wrong at all
You said they pay people to stay in line. Didn't say shit about a free ticket. Don't twist your words now
Heh, you sure told us. Now give us your manifesto about Superman vs. Batman and Snyder to really show us how smart and redpilled you are.
nigger what
>All white school
>Holocaust class
Lmao wh*toids are slaves
>(I was banned from the busses way back in Kindergarten)
based dobson DESTROYED incels and thats a good thing.
...what's the nickname
I don't watch superhero movies.
The concept of a superhero in itself is stupid.
>Disney now relying on Dobbo for damage control
it's over
>the concept of a hero in itself is stupid
>I only watch "movies" with non-linear, non-trad narratives
Not a hero, a superhero.
The difference relies on the fact that a superhero is nothing without his special powers that are always given to him through some macguffin.
The entire plot, thus, hinges on how he uses those special powers, which are never interesting enough to make good movies out of them.
>dobsons life is so empty he derives his own self worth from how well a shitty section of a theme park does
>heh you criticized this billion dollar corporation? you must be defending another billion dollar corporation, heh
>Walt Disney Land
Stupid faggot. Why does he care so much about how long the lines are at Disneyland anyway?
Go jack off to a balloon Dobson
"I am happy that I get to pay for products"
Okay Dobby
There are no people in that photo.
how does that differ from any other traditional hero figure retard
What kind of immense cuck would wait in line for five fucking hours to be shaken around in a box for a few minutes?
The average person doesn't watch Star Wars
LOTR, for example.
Is LOTR a trilogy focused on Frodo's usage of the ring, or Gandalf's magic powers, or on Legolas' superior senses?
They aren't.
Meanwhile an Iron Man movie is always going to be about suits.
There's nothing in superhero movies, it's just some faggot jerking himself off over how totally interesting the superhero's powers are.
Take away those powers and the movies are essentially the same.
>85 minutes wait
>people are okay with this
disney world is a scam
What a terrible argument
>it's just some faggot jerking himself off
you said it, friend, but why lie to yourself about this?
This person really really cares about a multi-national media corporation's success... A little too much...
Wow, talk about damage control. Have sex and dilate
based Californians just too cool for dat shit
but honestly, galaxys edge is kinda neato as someone who hated nu wars before it was cool. It just needs another ride.
Except it's true.
Look at the MCU movies, all are pretty much the same, following the same 3 acts, sometimes going as far as repeating character arcs.
Only difference is what superpower people use in those movies.
Well first of all I asked you how your description in differed from traditional hero figures, and you replied with an unrelated argument about how well LOTR handled its "magical powers" vs. how well Iron Man handled them. You're too stupid to realize you have an issue with implementation and execution, too stupid to realize that "superhero" and "hero" are identical narrative concepts. Does someone help dress you in the morning or do you just kind of wing it?
>every MCU movie is the exact same thing it has, uhh, good guy protagonist, bad guy antagonist, and most of the time the good guy wins! Oh, and every movie has a beginning, middle, and end
This is what you sound like. Generalizing what happens in a bunch of movies doesn’t make it the same movie
I'm saying LOTR didn't focus on them, it wasn't the point of the movie.
In superhero movies the superhero's ability is the only thing the movie is about, there's nothing more to it.
You take away the superhero's powers and every superhero movie is the exact same thing.
Not a single MCU movie is unique because of this.
You can't even rephrase your argument without falling flat on your face. How much does your handler get paid, and would they feel more fulfilled having a job crash testing football helmets for Riddell?
>trying to reason
>with Marvelfags
you brave fool
Should I be surprised the millennial trying to defend superhero movies has fallen this fast into namecalling?
What name do I call you in that post?
I thought holocaust class was a meme
explain yourself burgers
Are you actually interested in what you post or do you just want the last word?
Are you talking to the mirror again user?
>140 minute wait
Thats over 2 hours. Who would waste that much time in line for 1 ride?
If you didn't have any possible defense for your terrible flicks, why did you even start this conversation?
Superhero movies are inherently garbage, even their creators see them as nothing more than easy paychecks.
I've never defended MCU at all here, I've just been calling you a moron for not being able to rectify "superhero" and "hero" being fundamentally the same roles
>They wouldn't fake ticket sales!
They already did, user
tl;dr Disney fakes ticket sales to inflate their stock price
Except they aren't, and I already explained why.
Hero movies are about people overcoming adversity through their own strengths.
Superhero movies are about people using their undeserved superpowers to beat down a generic, forgettable villain.
You haven't explained why, you made an awful reductionist argument about how LOTR has more character development than Iron Man does. It had nothing to do with the question I asked.
What the fuck is wrong with people?
Why would you spend that much tine in a line up just to go on a ride?
I like amusement parks but damn this is insane.
Not that user, but you sound pretty retarded here. Just FYI sweaty
I really am incapable of thinking why you can't understand what I just wrote.
I never mentioned character development, that's a given, but what i'm talking about is that superhero movies focus entirely on superpowers.
That's it, it's all they have.
Remove the superpower and their poor, repetitive and generic stories completely fall apart.
not as retarded as saying
>heroes use their powers to overcome adversity
>superheroes use their powers to overcome adversity, but they don't deserve them, so they are different from heroes
But that's not what's being said at all, you actual brainlet
how is it not?
To decry means to denounce or attack. Haters would celebrate the death of the franchise. Dobson is a moron.
I'm impressed of the wait times for the Avatar thing. It seems I will soon have to eat my humble pie about Avatar sequels and join in the church of Cameron.
Fucking kek.
You'll be one of us soon.
>Holocaust class
all the losers of WW2 have holocaust class. Americans have even poor niggers and redskin class, because they lost worst.
>Big Thunder Mountain closed.
>eurofags shitting on burgers for holocaust classes that don't exist in most schools
>have laws banning the questioning of the holocaust
>30 minutes is a long time
Theme parks in Texas have those wait times on week days
You ever been to magic mountain? You can call Star wars land a success when you get the crowds and wait times that place gets.
>have laws banning the questioning of the holocaust
Mine doesn't, try again, mutt.
In the EU? Give it some time Rashid
I assume normal people in Florida have more money to spend on stuff like this vs cancerous California. Also, Florida is immigrant central, and immigrants still think the USA is the good guy and will waste money on this garbage.
>EU is one country
Low IQ mutt
>the only real attraction (that is not a gift shop) has a long line
big brain time
>european union is a union
>I feel vindicated
>We knew
>We didn't expect
Why is Dobson talking like a Disney park employee?
>He thinks Brexit is still happening
It's been 2 years since the vote. People of color own Britain now and you're not going to stop us from taking the rest of the island
If this was an anonymous post and you didn't know it was dobson, you would feel pity instead of derision
what a depressing post
Huh, so Yea Forums shits on Dobson too I see.
I was at Disney Land last weekend and Galaxy's Edge was consistently full. Not packed to the brim, but crowded. Wait time for Smuggler's Run was about an hour or more at all times, the Cantina required reservations at least a day in advance, and lightsaber reservations had to be made at least 5 hours in advance, and this was all on weekdays, not even the weekends.
So as usual, the internet is making a lot out of nothing.
hate speech laws which you definitely have mohammed
how new?
i don't think Dobon's relationship with this woman lasted
>banned from busses since kindergarten
>degrading nickname that still haunts me to this day
>holocaust class
just a glance at this you can feel potential oozing
if I did not know who it was I'd still know it has a kiwifarms thread
To Yea Forums, very.
Ya, I thought shitting on Dobson was just a /pol/luti/v/e thing.
I love Dobson threads they make me feel so good about myself. Nothing I could ever do in my entire life will ever sink me to his level.
Literally every board has a reason to shit on Dobson.
His opinions are just that worthless.
Oh lord. What a retard. "The average person LooOOOoooOOOooovES the new movies!"
Give me a break.
actually I thought it wasn't dobson when I first read it because it mentioned a woman, and I still have trouble believing he could be in a relationship, but I still resented it.
Nigger it's a picture of the top of a doorway
I'd like to see you hanging from doorway in Disney World
there's usually a couple days on the holocaust during the ww2 portion of the history curriculum, son of dob is just exaggerating to make it seem like more of a burden than it actually was, by counting different subjects studied in the same class as "different classes"
Also why the fuck was he banned from schoolbuses in kindergarten? and why was it something that would extend to high school? it has to have been really bad, and I bet it's connected to why he wasn't allowed to have a locker either. I knew kids like him in high school, you never go out of your way to give him shit but somehow he keeps finding ways to step in it.
Oh that's true enough, he's garbage, I just didn't quite realize most other boards would even be aware of the cuck.
Wtf is wrong with high school? I literally played vidya all the time in school never got beaten up
You don't never buy movies tickets, when then can Force theatres to play their movies longer
someone even drew an image detailing it, basically Yea Forums hates him because he shit-talks anime, Yea Forums hates him for his terrible opinions on video games and pro-censorship stance, Yea Forums hates him for his sheepish devotion to mainstream corporatism as seen in this very thread, Yea Forums hates him for his shit art and his shitty opinions about other people's art, /d/ hates him because he created some of the worst inflation fetish content ever seen, and I'm sure there are others I'm missing. Also he's just hated broadly for his shitty, smug, entitled, arrogant, views and behavior.
If you want to prove there are tons of people at that wasteland, you should post photos that show tons of people, not a fucking number on a door.
I wanna know too
You're right, it's much easier to believe neckbeards on the internet who haven't left their mom's basement in a decade that the park is completely dead.
>banned from the school bus in high school because of shit you did in kindergarten
Holy fucking shit did he rape and murder a bus driver?
Responding to bait. There was a big crowd on opening day, because of Disney-fags and certain opening day only promotional items to buy then immediately (((sell))).
The second day is reported to be a ghost town, but there is a hurricane in the area, so the current situation is unclear.
>Twitter soiboy
>wow look this cherry picked picture of a long line at Galaxy's Edge show how popular it is
There was literally a CNBC article that came out two days ago on how low attendance was and how Disney executives were trying to claim it was intentional as they didn't was long queues, which is hilarious.
Good thing there's no other explanation for why people might be avoiding the park...