Star Wars Rise of Skywalker Plot Leak

I'll post what you came here to read. Any other detail I left was either not important or easy enough to deduce that you can put the pieces together.

Attached: star-wars-vii-force-awakens.jpg (600x350, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>you can put the pieces together
Too much work, I'll pass.

Do rey and kylo bang?


Palpatine. Explain.

And does kylo re. Die shitting his pant and ret lose her powers?

Yeah us a big favor pls

>caring about those things

is there time travel?

I'll post what you came here to read. Any other detail I left was either not important or easy enough to deduce that you can put the pieces together.

What does matt Smith character look like?


The movie starts with what remains of the resistance picking up the pieces landing on Jungle planet Passana. The resistance group is so small that they all fit in the Millenium Falcon, but they decide to split into smaller groups to gather resources, allies, and territory.

Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewie, and C-3PO set off on a quest to find a MacGuffin (Sidious soul artifact is Darth Vader's helmet) from here after the crew meets Jannah and Lando. Finn's love interest is Lando's daughter.

Leia and Rey hug out before Rey leaves with Poe, Finn, Jannah, Chewbacca, BB-8 and C3PO. Lando stays in the resistance base.
They meet a bounty hunter name Zorii Bliss that was Poe's lover (Poe is Rey's father) on a planet with a lot of trees, and she reveals to Rey that she actually knew her mother instead of telling her the truth that she was her mother. She told her that Rey was abandoned on Jakku because her teenager mother couldn't protect her or give her a home. Poe doesn't know Rey is her daughter. But given the interaction of the force Rey kind of knows that Poe and Zorri are her parents.

FLASHBACK of CGI young Luke and Leia training in the ways of the force and a new speech that will make you change your opinion on why these characters behave as they did in The Last Jedi. Nothing special. Then, the vision jumps to Zorri leaving Poe and abandoning Rey on Jakku. END FLASHBACK- This is a vision that Rey can see. Somehow the force can show you the past now.

Rey despairs at the FLASHBACK and she is now directing her anger towards training on the forest planet. The small ball was inside the Millenium Falcon and was the same one used by Luke Skywalker.

An infuriated Rey then directs her anger at Kylo, she thinks he is responsible for the vision like Snoke connected them in The Last Jedi. Rey also blames the First Order for the loss of her parents; Poe joined the resistance and Zorri was hunted down by the Empire.

Using the Force Kylo knows Rey's location.

Where did you find this pic?

ACT II -Part I

The Knights of Ren return to Kylo from talking to The Oracle and the leader informs Kylo that they couldn't find the last piece of Vader's helm, of course,f course is a lie. Matt Smith is the leader of the Knights of Ren and he found the last piece of the helmet and the other Knights of Ren were actually on Palpatine's orders to retrieve the sharp to make the helmet whole and allow Palpatine to possess the Knight of Ren. Everyone one of them is willing to be a host.

Kylo Ren descents on the Planet alongside Storm Troopers to destroy the resistance once and for all. The snow in the forest isn't snow but ashes of the star-fleet battle scene led by Lando who came to save his daughter. Lando is the only survivor but he is injured. The First Order is winning when Matt Smith comes out of hyperspace near the planet already possess by Palpatine. Then the scene with hundreds of Star Destroyer happens and they begin to destroy the surface of the planet in hopes to destroy the resistance and the last Skywalkers.

During the fight, Kylo is still fighting Rey while the surface of the planet is been broken by the lasers since is been a year since the last movie they show a lot of feats from their training. Think off an Anakin vs Obi-Wan kind of duel.

During their fight, it's revealed that they were hiding in Endor all along. It ends on that wreck scene from the D23 footage (Kylo doesn't have his mask or cape but were destroyed and he is wearing clothes similar to Luke in Return of the Jedi) He explains to Rey everything when he meant when he said to her "I have seen what you become."

Kylo reveals that in his vision, he needs Rey's help to defeat the emperor. Kylo reveals that he had to kill Han in order to embrace the dark side enough to obtain that power and to trick Snoke into thinking he was subservient to him.

>(Poe is Rey's father)

You lost me there

This. Good fanfic though.

>Poe is Rey father.

You can stop now.

>Another shit tier LARP thread



Han Solo and Leia also knew about his plan while Leia disagreed Han had agreed to let Ben kill him after he told his parents about the vision that he had of the future and Palpatine calling up to him. That's why Han and Leia separated. Luke didn't know of these events because Leia chose not to tell him.

Kylo also reveals that he is aware of a fleet of Sith troopers controlled ISDs in the unknown regions, who were awaiting for Palpatine's resurrection to return to the known regions of space. They are lead by Matt Smith who Kylo now suspects to have succeded on resurrecting Palpatine.

Kylo reveals that he was aware that the Emperor survived his death, and that the Knights of Ren were made to destroy the emperor's remnants by Snoke, but that was a lie, Snoke was trying to bring Palpatine back.

Kylo tells Rey that he was attempting to finish what Vader started, Vader tried to destroy Palpatine but failed since his spirit possessed a piece of Darth Vader's helmet.

Rey is stopped by Luke's force ghost who appears and sends them both to a plane of existence where Rey and Kylo both talk with Han Solo and the background changes to every major event that happened in the past movies.
Ben apologizes to Han and tells him that he failed, but Han tells him that he died believing in his son that Ben is so close to success and explains things to Rey who begins to trust Ben.
Kylo helps Rey make a sith lightsaber using his lightsaber design, into a dual-blade, and Rey dons black robes, in order to disguise herself as an ally of the First Order and to help Kylo find and confront the traitor in the Knight of Ren.
The resistance escapes before the planet blows up. Rey and Kylo go to another base of the First Order in a deserted planet.

>blurry shit
sure bro

Does Sheev do the spinning attack?


Desert planet Kijimi 'red planet' Kylo and Rey meet up with the KoR, Rey is in her sith disguise (Dark Rey) with Kylo.

Matt Smith/Palpatine reveals a plot to overthrow Kylo as leader of the First Order, General Hux refuses but is quickly killed in a comedic way since he failed to kill Kylo for the last time.
Palpatine also wants to send a team to retrieve the hidden prints of the Death Star in some ruins as they are the key to bring order to the Galaxy, a battle ensues.

The KoR are unable to overwhelm Kylo with Rey's help and Matt Smith escapes to find the ruins. The Star-Destroyers are all destroyed ala push one button like The Phantom Menace.

Sith trooper controlled fleet of ISDs then emerges from hyperspace and destroy Ewok burning man festival, with their uncomplete death star technology. Kylo is caught in the backfire but somehow survives.

The resistance alongside the aliens in the festival fight back against the Sith troopers, Poe is almost killed but is saved by C-3PO who got his old memories back (red eyes scene) and remembers his combat program from Attack of the Clones when he switched with a battle droid.
The fleet of ISDs opens fire on the falling First Order, a massive space battle ensues between the Sith Troopers against the First Order and the Resistance, culminating with a small group of Sith Trooper controlled ISDs and Matt Smith going to some ruins in Mustafar.

Wow is this legit. If so I'm going to make a youtube about this Yea Forums leak.

>Han Solo and Leia also knew about his plan
Yea sure, user. Even JJ isn't stupid to do something like this.

Do it

Zoomer enters the thread.

Too late, MikeZeroh is already making a video about it.

>Vader tried to destroy Palpatine but failed since his spirit possessed a piece of Darth Vader's helmet.
this sounds so retarded I actually believe you OP.


On Mustafar, Darth Vader's castle ruins, the Emperor goes alongside a small group of Sith troopers to retrieve the plans for the Death Star that Vader was told to keep as a backup.

Kylo and Rey approach the KoR at the Mustafar entrance, a battle ensues.

Kylo and Rey defeat the KoR, but are overwhelmed at Matt Smith's treasonous swirl. Matt Smith who is possessed by the soul of Sidious shocks Rey and Kylo to the point they become incapable of fighting back.

Sidious reveals that he was Snoke, that he possessed Snoke after he died, and that after Anakin was deemed as a failed experiment, Sidious began to plot towards taking over Luke's body after he kills Vader but that was also a failure to him until he convinced Ben through Snoke to join the Dark Side. Ben Skywalker was the perfect vessel.

Then, the sequence of Sidious force lightning both Rey and Kylo beings as he is cackling at his own immortality, standing on the platform where Vader's throne used to be.

The doors to the room where the emperor is gloating about returning to power open revealing a hooded figure. Luke Skywalker comes out of the darkness, not as a force ghost but actually alive, holding his lightsaber on his hand.

>Luke Skywalker comes out of the darkness, not as a force ghost but actually alive, holding his lightsaber on his hand.
I believe it.

>Vader keeping plans for the Death Star
He hated the Death Star. He never had anything remotely good to say about it. is right. It's so retarded that it's true, all of it.

>Luke Skywalker comes out of the darkness, not as a force ghost but actually alive, holding his lightsaber on his hand.

ZOMG!!!!1111oneoneone SUCH AN EPIC GAMER MOVE!


Luke reveals to the audience and Palpatine that he has been in training for many years, biding his time and the force, waiting for this exact moment. Luke somehow knew that Palpatine survives and trained to achieve the power to keep people from dying by mastering both the dark side and the light side of the force.

Right as the Emperor begins to electrocute Rey and Kylo to death, who and Kylo still laying incapacitated on the floor, Luke Skywalkers jumps on Sidious and activates his lightsaber, and haves a short duel with him before he dismembers Palpatine's arms, and then proceeds to force push him outside the castle into the lava abyss of the mountainous region below them.

Kylo dies.

Sidious force ghost then reappears and tries to possess Rey, but is blocked by the spirit of Ben Solo (hence Rise of Skywalker) who finally destroys Palpatine's soul with the force.
The force ghosts of all the Skywalkers appear in a priori incantatum-esque fashion, along with Anakin Skywalker who has a final talk with Ben Solo before Ben is pulled out of the Force Veil-white room dimension. Luke revives him and leaves both of them on that planet.

Is unknown if Luke became once with the force again or is traveling the galaxy.

Luke's fate is vague.


Ben and Rey hook up and adopt some Jedi children to teach them the ways of the force, and establish a new grey Jedi order where relationships are allowed and everybody learns both sides of the force. Finn is leading the First Order into a New Era of peace while Poe returned with Zorri in their scene is hinted that both of them know about Rey been their daughter. Lando survived and has a robot leg. C-3PO and R2D2 are back on Tattoie with Rey and Ben Skywalker.

Because relationships now allowed, pent up emotions and passion are no longer a problem for the new grey Jedi and the Sith, therefore, cease to exist because the chain of the code is broken.

And everyone who joins the academy obtains a new last name, Skywalker.

The Skywalker saga ends with Ben Skywalker and Rey Skywalker holding hands looking at the two suns in Tattooine and in the backgrounds, there's a temple.

Roll credits -Montage of old movies and actors names.

(The Grey Jedi isn't confirmed but since they are gonna teach both sides of the force is hinted at that been the case.)

Did the annoying asian die or is she ignored?

>They meet a bounty hunter name Zorii Bliss that was Poe's lover (Poe is Rey's father)
>Oscar Isaac age: 40
>Keri Russel age: 43
>Daisy Ridley age: 27

uh OP?

There's no underwear or age of consent in space.

I didn't plan on answering questions, but someone is correct about Darth Vader, Palpatine was met with a surprise at the temple. Vader destroyed the plans for the Death Star.

im checking with the script right now if this is plausible
>rey age in script: 19
>poe age in script: 32

it would mean poe banged reys mother when he was 13...


Retaded fanfiction tier shit. We already know the entire plot, I dont know why retards like you love making these garbage up.

No one likes either kylo or rey and digging up the shitty sheeve character from pt won't make anyone think that kylo is a gud boy dat dindu nuffin nor will it make anyone like rey when she goes all me need help from big strong man on this one.

It's a fucking disaster area.
Everyone has been fucked,

so Yea Forums .... after seing this... can we say that... dare I say .... this is /our/ movie ? the movie sounds pretty based for my perspective and im an oldfag on Yea Forums.

>All those Reddit ellipses

im not a redditard and I can confirm it


fuck niggers

You were right about me. Tell your sister, you were right

Star Wars: Episode X The Rose Conflict
Star Wars: Episode XI Poe's Grand Adventure
Star Wars: Episode XII The Battle Beneath the Planet of Tatooine

Rey aged more than they did because they spend so much time traveling through hyperspace? I feel like I read something like that in one of those bullshit books back in the 90's.

You are not from reddit. I take my words back.

>Poe's Grand Adventure

Attached: handsolow.jpg (245x277, 12K)

Star Wars Episode DCLXVI: Watto's List

The Reylo prophecy had to be fulfilled, so this is legit.

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This is literally the gayest, cringiest shit imaginable so I’m guessing it’s true

>General Hux refuses but is quickly killed in a comedic way

What's matt Smith character name and what does he look like OP?

>(Poe is Rey's father)
That would be ok.

>But given the interaction of the force Rey kind of knows that Poe and Zorri are her parents.
She's not a Mary Su-

>The Skywalker saga ends with Ben Skywalker and Rey Skywalker holding hands looking at the two suns in Tattooine and in the backgrounds, there's a temple.
This better happen.

No Disney shrill, you dont understand why star wars is good if you liked this.

Oh god star wars is fucked forever.

>Finn's love interest is Lando's daughter.

The Skywalker saga will end with Jar Jar Binks popping into frame like Porky Pig and say "Deysa story is at and end, okeyday?" then he winks and it fades to black.

Best fanfic i've seen posted on here. Actually kinda hoping this is real since desu.

Reminder that not a single person accurately predicted the plot of TLJ.


omg that's so cute! I can't wait to schlick to this lol

I would be okay with that as this point. It's beyond fucked anyway.

>Everyone one of them is willing to be a host.
>help Kylo find and confront the traitor in the Knight of Ren.
You could atleast try to keep your fanfic consistent.

because the movies are known for consistency right

fucking goober

Me too ^-^ Can't wait for all the sexy fanfics!

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Please be true

I don't want to sound rude or like a jerk but you should have read the entire thing before posting. Kylo was on the planet when Matt Smith character order the attacked the surface of the planet. How would he had known that there was no traitor and all KoR were serving Palpatine?

this is bad anime tier
also a better script than anything the mouse could ever come up with

kek if this is true I honest see normie masses liking this shit
they all love convoluted stories that make no sense until they come together at the last second using time machines and visions of the past

fuck disney and fuck normies but this shit is going to be view a[s good by the average chimp

member the tlj 'leaks' about the force twins in the magic three?

user, the average normie never really liked SW.
It was seen as fun fluff by those SW geeks.
With talentless goons like Abrams and Rian heading the charge along with those people who were LOUDLY turning on the pissed of SW fans and calling them every name under the book to turn those people into like...bad guys in the eyes of the normie majority...

They honestly thought they could create a NEW SW to sell to the normies.
The thing is, if you don't pay your dues to the geeks, if yoiu don't udnerstand the source material and can make something that the normies will enjoy...
You're fucked up.

Like the T-5000 from Gynesis.

So after Ben kills millions and destroys planets he gets a happy ending?

kys finncel.

A lot like Matt Smith the actor.

This sounds like someone read some of the legit leaks and made a fake script out of them. A reasonable amount of confirmed shit is missing or contradicted. It's a good effort nonetheless and you got more right than you got wrong. Your larp is unnecessary and stupid, though.

>Luke didn't know of these events because Leia chose not to tell him.
LOLOLOLOL sorry we didn't tell you bro, me killing all the other kids was just a prank.

Yeah, they really really really want to push this shit faced cocksucker as the new face of SW...even though no one likes him.
No one NO ONE wants to see him redeemed or thinks of him as an even slightly competent villian or antagonist.
He would have better served SW by dying to luke in the last jedi.

>survived his death

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Ben isn't a skywalker, he is a solo.

He's the only one people like m8.

This is all so fucking stupid, why would he even want the Death Star plans when Starkiller base is 100 times more powerful?
>Luke Skywalker comes out of the darkness, not as a force ghost but actually alive, holding his lightsaber on his hand.

What if Leia cucked Han with Luke and that's why gyno goblin looks the way he does.

This. It irritates me that people either don't get how it works or consciously or subconsciously want to make SW Jewish.

He is Leia's son. He is a Skywalker.

>everybody learns both sides of the force.
This "it's ying and yang" shit really needs to die. The dark side is literally evil.

He feels totes sorry for that and promises it won't ever happen again. #Reylo4life

That's not how it works, user.

You're saying he isn't Darth Vader's grandson?

Ben Solo, not Ben Skywalker. For him to have been a Skywalker Leia would need to have a penis and Han would need a vagina.

So he doesn't have Skywalker blood in him?

Dogmatic view of the Jedi

They will never give us this level of kino.

It doesn't matter, his name is Solo and he's furthering his father's line, not his mother's, not in name anyway.

Real leak here /r/StarWarsLeaks/comments/cxmfsv/the_basic_plot_of_episode_ix_the_rise_of/

It makes me wish OPs fanfic was real.

Nice try faggot. That picture is from the force unleashed 2.

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>The resistance group is so small that they all fit in the Millenium Falcon, but they decide to split into smaller groups

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Fuck. This sounds so stupid it's believable for nuWars.

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did you miss the part where ever force user training at the new jedidious temple are all skywalkers?
like darth is a prefix for a sith lord or master jedi is a a jedi prefix, skywalker is the prefix for the new jedi order or old if you go back before yoda came in and fucked it all up with his monk bullshit rules.

m8 first sentence and you've already got it wrong. pasana is the desert planet according to lego sets

Rey is palpatine's granddaughter not poe's daughter

Yikes. OP's shitty fanfic is indeed better.

Poe being Rey's father is a mindfuck, but why not.

So they become the two co-founders of the Cult of Skywalker.

>Everyone is a Skywalker

its from a fucking videogame

>Luke Skywalker comes out of the darkness, not as a force ghost but actually alive

Ok, i just lost my shit and started clapping

>he a good skywalkah

I don't think they were planning on ending the "skywalker saga" until TLJ backlash

you know what, fuck the skywalkers.
i want to know what happened to ahsoka and ezra

This shit reads like an extremely shitty soap opera, but nothing would surprise me at this point.

>skywalker is the prefix for the new jedi order

Aren't Poe and Rey roughly the same age? How does this make sense?
>I've kept my mouth shut but since the leaks are opening, I'll say RISE OF SKYWALKER is basically a cross between THE FORCE AWAKENS and RETURN OF THE JEDI (esp. Lucas's 1st draft). I hope JJ can nail the emotional aspect, because from a plot perspective it's Ep 6/7 on shuffle.

I feel dumber after reading this, Classic Neu Wars.

Well that sounds like fucking shit. So happy I quit SW after 7.

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This was a hilarious and enjoyable read but this is the most unbelievable part, Disney would never honor Luke like this

Only incels don't have sex with high schoolers when they're 13


Yawn... Fake as shit

this sounds so bad that this could be true

so if this is true then what the fuck was the conflict between Krylo and MaReySue?

how did Luke come back?

how did Crylo come back?

>Snoke looks like Voldemort
>a McGuffin which is like a Horcrux
> Han Solo knew he had to die like Dumbledore knew that Snape had to kill him

JK Rolling should sue Disney if this is true

This is more believable

- Rey revisits Ach-to and the Dark Side cave
- Dark Rey emerges as a vision of who she is becoming, which scares her
- Luke appears and says her and Kylo are blood-related, which horrifies her
- Later when Kylo wants to take Rey as his queen she screams about how gross it is
- Kylo yells, "Luke KISSED his sister and says only a balanced incestuous relationship between the dark and the light will bring balance to the galaxy, order to the universe, and stop fighting"
- Rey is horrified and kills him.

This is more believable:

- Luke comes to warn Rey that there will be a great flood that will destroy all planets.
- Rey's only hope is to gather a male and female of each living creature in the galaxy to a preconstructed ark ship
- The ark ship is the remains of the second death star
- Kylo wants to board but Rey tells him to get fucked
- The waters are rising up. Rey defeats Kylo and is about to slash his fingers to send him into the sea but spares him
- The water is receding
- Luke appears and says Rey passed the test.
- There is true balance in the force because the Force Flood destroyed most of the universe, allowing it start anew.

>treasonous swirl

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>Luke Skywalker comes out of the darkness, not as a force ghost but actually alive, holding his lightsaber on his hand.

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Sounds like theyre legit making Luke a Mary sue

You know Anakin tooks his mother's name right? It doesn't matter what his name is, he has Skywalker blood and is the heir not your troglodyte waifu Rey. Deal with it.

Stay delusional and mad cucks. Rey will NEVER EVER be a Skywalker and Ben always was and always will be.

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if even 30% of this is true JJ has been smoking some dank shit

>Zorii Bliss
At least it'll have cool helmets.

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I love how big parts of the plot are just damage control flashbacks

its bullshit, but also i have a feeling that it was purposefully put to throw you off since the rest is probable

>Ben and Rey hook up and adopt some Jedi children to teach them the ways of the force, and establish a new grey Jedi order where relationships are allowed and everybody learns both sides of the force
this is so ((())) that it has to be true

the sith know its evil and they fucking love it

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>You know Anakin tooks his mother's name right?
Yeah, but his dad is Palpatine, so what's your point? His true identity never really comes out in the films unless you count Palp's admission to Anakin at the opera.

>theyre literally retreading the eu
good god

ACT II -Part I

The Knights of Ren return to Kylo from talking to The Oracle and the leader informs Kylo that they couldn't find the last piece of Vader's helm, of course,f course is a lie. Sheev does a massive hit of blow and Rey force visions her ass in kylo's mouth. Poe, Jake the dog, and Finn the human find a huge remnant of a giant BB8 where they all take turns taking massive hits from its large cannabis reserve.

Kylo Ren descents on the Planet alongside Storm Troopers to destroy Reys ass. The snow in the forest isn't snow but crack cocain of the star-fleet battle scene led by Lando who came to fuck his daughter. Lando is the only survivor but he is intoxicated. The First Order is winning when Matt Smith comes out of hyperspace near the planet already rimmed by Palpatine. Then the scene with hundreds of Star Destroyer happens and they begin to fuck the surface of the planet in hopes to fuck the resistance and the last Skywalkers.

During the fight, Kylo is still rimming Rey while the surface of the planet is been broken by the lasers since is been a year since the last movie they show a lot of feats from their fucking. Think off an Anakin vs Obi-Wan kind of sex.

During their fight, it's revealed that they were boning in Endor all along. It ends on that wreck scene from the D23 footage (Kylo doesn't have his dick or balls but were destroyed and he is wearing clothes similar to Luke in Return of the Jedi) He explains to Rey everything when he meant when he said to her "I have seen when you cum."

Kylo reveals that in his vision, he needs Rey's strap on to fuck the emperor. Kylo reveals that he had to blow Han in order to embrace the dark side enough to obtain that dick and to stroke Snoke into thinking he was subservient to him.

the eu was 100x better than this shit.

in the last saber battle Kylo and Rey fight as they walk through the sky

My point is it doesn't matter what Ben's name is, he has Skywalker blood therefore he is a Skywalker. You can't use the "paternal name" argument when Anakin took his mother's name. It doesn't matter either way, canon states Ben is the Skywalker not Rey and she never will be.

>he has Skywalker blood therefore he is a Skywalker. You can't use the "paternal name" argument when Anakin took his mother's name
He had to take his mom's name, though.

>It doesn't matter either way, canon states Ben is the Skywalker not Rey and she never will be.
Ben Solo/Kylo Ren is a worse character than Rey.