>Young Turks literally getting triggered
Liberals Confirm Dave Chappelle is too Controversial
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Uhhhhh, you aren’t allowed to criticize Dave, he’s black. Liberals need to play by their own rules.
he's an anti-trump black muslim in a loving marriage with an asian woman, he's their final boss
stop posting the same thread over and over you fucking autist, there's enough actual chapelle threads.
>the most controversial people are calling someone controversial
Pot calling kettle....oh lawd.....black!
I hope they lose the final battle, with no survivors. Based Dave.
Yea, but he hates trannies and fags. And he obviously thinks women should be in the kitchen and are probably at fault if they get slapped around.
That jusssie smollett fellow is hated by the left. I suggest you think about posting before you do it user hehe ;^)
how many times are you going to post this? it's really fucking sad you only like chappelle now because LIBS BTFO, not because he's funny.
He killed the whole “Cancel Culture” kekekekek
As opposed to when liberals like comedians because they say everything they agree with? SAMANTHA BEE OMG SO BASED
We have no rule saying that we won't criticize white worshiping, self-hating uncle toms and useful idiots for fascism.
He’s not hated, he literally got off Scot free. Once it was discovered that faked the crime, all discussion died down
His show did at least get canceled, but it took awhile and a lot of kvetching
He's going to court for it now...
He basically called white people murderers and hardly said anything that bad about trans people. Why is it that the T's are the ones freaking out?
I thought the DA had decided not to charge him?
The jome that makes the left seeth
T. Phone poster
They are mentally ill and should not be listened to.
why is he wearing a jumpsuit? Looks like something from Gitmo
>white worshipping
>He basically called white people murderers
He's done that his entire run.
Reminder that one of his best friends is white.
>This Just In: Liberals now demonstrably more censorious than the “fascists” they call Nazis.
>Guys we're so triggered, pls give us clicks
Fuck off, Jank
The Armenian genocide was real Cenk. Not clicking
I love how they try SO HARD to steer away from being the typical scold left they get made fun of for being, but then veer right into traffic and try to say Chappelle is outdated and that we've moved on from his opinions
How else can I share it? I think it's funny how pathetic they are.
>Chapelle jokes about white addicts acting like addicts
>/pol/ loses its shit instead of laughing at jokes at the degenerates' expense
Can a non-tranny explain this to me?
Hooktube it (if that still works)
Boondocks did it first.
>taking a video of your tv instead of directly from the episode file
this. white liberals need to stay in their lane and sit down and be humble.
>Anthony Bourdain suicide is hilarious
>but making fun of cancel culture might have been too much
Are they doing a satire or something? The Poes Law is really getting this one.
liberals treat black like pets that shit on the carpet when they stray from the narrative
I don't want to hear some faggot complaining, where are the jokes?