never played the game but isn't it about a corpse coming back to life and killing monsters, was there any romance in the game?
Gatekeeping against normies is bad they said...
>Debicki as Eileen the Crow
That's an unironic watch from me
>lol I posted it again
>it isn't a dark souls adaptation
>Boyega isn't playing a Jubilant Catarina
missed opportunity
Debicki needs to get Blacked
>will focus on romance
Goddamn females
well, a formless elder god does impregnate a woman. It isn't really romance though as the woman is disgusted by the fucked up monster that results.
Actually, Gaten would be perfect for that role since his fucked up goblin face already disgusts me
Bloodborne is a story that cannot be represented by a medium restricted to the 12 hr format and constraints arising from their compulsive need to capture the average normies attention. Simply put, the horror of Bloodborne is a slow burn that dawns upon the player as he progresses along the loosely stitched plot, the player must discover and decipher the clues themselves to fully grasp the magnitude of the events that occured. This is simply immposible to represent in a format other than one which is tailor made to the dedicated consumers interest (video game)
Finally that I'll get that Lady Maria sex scene I've been waiting for.
There is no Netflix Bloodborne series. Google it you faggots.
At best they could show us someone going through that and try to do some kind of hinting towards a meta concept where us watching the show is part of it.
>Humantiy 0
Based Boyegaborne autist has been posting these on Yea Forums and Yea Forums for years. One of my favorite shitposters desu
debicki will be fucked by a nigger and la creatura
>debicki will be fucked by a nigger
Let's hope so
He had me fooled for years until last month. He's really good at making shit articles.
>mfw I always make a black character in souls game so when I die I can go shieeeeeeeeeet