Laserdisc is now officially the best home video format

Why haven’t you started collecting Laserdisc kinos yet user? Nothing like pure smooth analog video to please the eye.

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Now that they can be losslessly ripped, I'll just wait until people start archiving them and download those.

I'd watch a rip of Star Wars OT from laser disc before Lucas added things.

>haha fuck your format I’ll just buy the DV- uhh Blu-Ra- I mea nI’ll jus stream it off Netflix-
Checkmate, digital video tards.

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You can’t reproduce the video quality with digital because all current digital video formats lack dark detail reproduction capabilities, an inherent issue with how digital images are stored.

Just watched the first two with my wife, third one this weekend. Looks and sounds great.

>there are people here who stream everything and who have never even seen a Laserdisc in action

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J. Geil's band was a great movie

It’s a rare 7” Laserdisc video music disc, quite hard to find. I have a half dozen, the Sheena Easton one gives me a boner when I watch it.

Funny you should make this thread, I just got these earlier this week.

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I also just bought the Japanese release of Phantom Menace. That Ewok shit is p. rare though.

I dont collect plastic garbage in home. I just pirate everything, can‘t even remember the last time I had a DVD drive in my computer, must have been in 2004 or so.

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>You can’t reproduce the video quality with digital
Well, lucky for us it's saving the actual frequency information and not re-encoding the video in any way.

How progressive of you. Leaves more room in your 300 square foot efficiency for cases of 5oylent.

No it’s not.

4K HDR laserdisc when?

I don't think it's the best home video format but there is no doubt that watching the original Blade Runner on LD with old CRT TV is absolutely amazing and the way that movie is meant to be seen.

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What's so special about these things? They're just big DVDs.

Best I can do is 1035i

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> dark detail
non-engineer detected
with a high enough sampling rate any analog signal can be captured in digital
the only question is sampling rate and subsequent storage capacity (higher rates without compression result in large files)

The audio standard was Linear PCM (ie. the same as compact disc), and while DVD also supported it, it took a lot of disc space so most DVDs just used a lossy dolby digital track, so that level of sound quality really didn't become a standard again until blu-ray, and even then LD is the only way to hear the original theatrical audio mix in a lot of cases.

Criterion Laserdiscs are based. Their 2001 box set has some really in depth bonus features and is apparently the only home media release that Kubrick approved of. Their Akira set is really nice too since you can use frame-by-frame slowdown

prove it by doing a flawless digital transfer

Lol butthurt trash collector

>"Oh no, people are buying things I don't like! Better call it trash and act smug about it."

>all current digital video formats lack dark detail reproduction capabilities
>an inherent issue with how digital images are stored

What kind of religious preacher have you been listening to that made you believe this bullshit.

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It's a well known problem and they didn't manage to ever correct it for DVD or Blu-Rays.

Read up on bit density, kiddo.

>doesn't know how things work
Yes you could do a flawless transfer but current home distribution formats do not support the full bandwidth picture information that a Laserdisc is capable of.

Many Laserdiscs in special edition have thousands of still frames as well. Very neat stuff.

I really enjoy watching all the Star Wars supplemental materials.

the calling card of the insecure "man"

We had them in elementary school in the mid to late 90's. I remember wishing my family had a laserdisc player because I thought they were going to be the future.

disc rot is a thing

Says the trash collector with his mountain of dust filled plastic shit.

You're probably just mad you can't afford any of this, lol

>You're probably just mad you can't afford any of this, lol

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Why would I pay real money for plastic trash in my house?
I just pirate all that stuff for free, I get the media and I get to keep my money.

Stay mad poorfag

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man those 699mb xvid rips sure was something

But I‘m richer than you, I get the Media AND I GET TO KEEP MY MONEY.
My money doesn‘t decrease when I watch a movie.

Kek, imagine paying your money for worthless plastic garbage that cloggs up your home


Why are you seething trash collector?

>37 replies
>14 posters

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So why are trash collectors seething?

>bit density
If you think that because something is analog it inherently has a higher information storage capacity, you are making a philosophical claim about what kind of data is important to you, like people who prefer vinyl records because of all the little pops and hisses which, from a scientific view are not "information" but noise.

DVD had its problems like compression artefacts, but there's no reason every dark detail in analog video can't be transferred.

I think what you might be getting at is there are longstanding issues with getting dark details from the original negative. Occasionally with newer formats they don't scan the original negative and we're left with a scan of a scan or some cases even a scan of a scan of a scan that gets compressed. The scanner may not be calibrated properly for dark detail. Who really knows what level of incompetency the people responsible for capable of? Studios don't care that much about having something detailed and faithful, they care if it sells and that's it.

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>of course I collect physical media in my home, how could you tell?

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Because we can never have threads like these without faggots like you piping up like it's your goddamn duty to call other people's hobbies "trash" instead of just hiding these threads, as if it were the only thing in your life that gives you a sense of purpose so I guess in a way, maybe you're more like the trash you criticize than you think. Or maybe you already know that and that's why you need this coping mechanism.

Didn‘t read your pile of garbage Mr trashcollector.
Clean off the dust from your plastic trash, its time for that again.

laserdisc is the video equivalent of vinyl. it's a format for pretentious hipsters that believes they're part of the enlightened fews with iq high enough to appreciate an deprecated media format that only insane people gushes about.

>Oooh, a laserdisc
>OP's talking about a laserdisc
>Everything is better on a laserdisc
>Whatever happened to the laserdisc?

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>vinyl is pointless
>haha i dont get why anyone uses vinyl!
>hahaha only HIPSTERS must use it!
>*streams album mixed for vinyl*
>wow haha this sounds SO good

autism: the post

Wrong. Every director will tell you that 4k bluray on OLED tv is the only way to experience movies the way directors intended them to be, especially Riddley. You can't even get that kind of visual quality in theaters, let alone 20-50 years ago when a lot of the masterpieces were made, but projectors were crap.

It's far more autistic to group together people you don't like and things you don't like.

>trusting something a man named "Riddley" says

>If you think that because something is analog it inherently has a higher information storage capacity
I never claimed that. It's all about how the storage is allocated. Information in the low bit regions of a word of data has far fewer 'steps' than that in the higher bit region of a word.

I don't think you understand modern audio codecs, user.

>own nothing zoomer makes a post

Directors just want to sell their blue-hued regrades.

They work in the same fashion.

Laserdisc is still the only way to watch and hear Terminator 2. Every subsequent release has been fucked up in some way.

When I was in middle school I got extra credit for helping my teacher make an interactive Hypercard stack which controlled the LD player and had film critical educational materials too.

>affects only a limited number of discs from one short period
>most are still fully playable
>almost all were reissued anyway
I have an Aliens special edition set that's supposed to have bit rotted away by now but it plays just fine. Even rot-prone defective discs don't rot much unless environmental conditions are conducive to it.

I hope Laserdiscs don't get too expensive when I have the time to invest in them.

Too late, rare titles are already getting up there. Players are aging, and hardly anybody fixes them either. If you want into the hobby you'll have to learn to repair your own LD players or pay a large premium to somebody who can.

I have ten LD players, only four of which function completely. The rest are parts spares or "I'll fix it soon" type projects. Luckily Pioneer at least still stocks and sells spare parts.

>zoomers will never hear the whirring and ker-chunking noises that an auto-flip LD player makes
>they will never appreciate the practically unlimited horizontal resolution which far exceeds the capability of even 4k

when you're 60 you'll be scowering ebay for vhs and dvd or bluray..I know your've probably already completed your vhs phase. You don't last forever and neither does anything you buy

>be MUSE collector
>buy $300-500 discs
>have difficult time finding a TV which can cope with the analog signal in current year
Looks mighty fine to the eye but it's a huge pain. Also very few releases, but the players are great for normal LDs.

I don't listen to Ridley, tho. He didn't even like the original. Fuck that guy.

I listen to Fate.

The original Blade Runner was "meant" to be seen on Laserdisc with an old CRT color TV cuz that retro tech in 2019 fits the 2019 content and setting so damned awesomely well.

And in 2032 I'll probably want to watch Demolition Man on an LCD while eating Taco Bell that I picked up in my self-driving car.

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There's no point collecting something that degrades over time, it's a silly investment.

While you're right and I'm certain working players will become rarer over time (eventually the only working ones will be the Pioneer industrial units where all the moving parts are brass or steel) I'm a Gen X'er and I also worked in TV production in the 1990s, tape is dead. Laserdiscs will last forever and even if the current crop of players all die somebody will make a new machine with direct digital output, the discs last forever in almost all cases.

Also I have DVD's, it's necessary for some things. I can't get Nowhere Man or most of Babylon 5 on LD. Same with LOTR. Too bad the Blu-Rays of LOTR were butchered but I already own the DVDs.

I use a plasma TV for my LD watching, it has the best picture quality of any display tech and my TV is old enough that it has a Faroujda 3D digital comb filter so analog materials look extremely nice on it.

LD's don't degrade with time, even the somewhat rare amount of bit rot prone discs are usually still OK.

It's a piece of aluminum in between two pieces of Lucite. LD's will last forever if properly cared for. Or until the plastic outgasses and gives out, but that takes like 100 years or more.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone figured out a way to 3D print a player that only requires common off-the-shelf actuators and laser diodes to function with maybe something like an Arduino being the "brains" of the system.

LD isnt kino because of some cumbrain idiotic ideas about resolution, its kino because its entirely uncompressed, the effective bitrate is unmatched with no artifacts.

>You can’t reproduce the video quality with digital because all current digital video formats lack dark detail reproduction capabilities, an inherent issue with how digital images are stored.

but what about resolution ? What is the resolution of a letterboxed movie on laserdisc , something like 360 scan lines ?

Cool so no bitrot. What sort of outputs do laser disc players have? Are you going through composite? Can you only watch in SD?

>Checkmate, digital video tards.

you just DL a free 1080p fan restoration from

Zippidie do dah.

>consume this plastic disks
This is a collector hobby. Not a movie enthusiast hobby. Collectors collect, movie watchers view movies.

Yeah we have ADC's that function at a high enough rate these days, heck you could photograph the pits and lands on the disc and use SDR software to reconstruct and demodulate the signal. It might be possible to play the material back at higher quality than a normal analog player could never match.

LD's have practically unlimited horizontal resolution. Depends on the transfer of course, but by the mid-1990s they had extremely high quality transfer processes mastered, THX mastering was a real thing back then.

The smoothness and detail can't be matched by a compressed digital signal of any kind. Even an uncompressed digital signal will drop detail in darker areas because of bit density, unless a new format was invented for analog transfer.

They had black bars on most discs but there were also 'squash discs' where your player would tell your TV to move the beam only on the picture height preserving all 425 lines or so.

The best players will support S-Video connections. There were also HD LD's but they are rarer. But an SD laserdisc looks better than most Blu-Rays and almost always sounds way, WAY better. Many Blu-Ray soundtracks have suffered multiple mishaps, Terminator 2 still sounds like garbage on Blu-Ray.

>implying that that can capture the horizontal resolution or dark picture detail
I've seen it and compared side by side with the LD, LD is both smoother and sharper at once. Even though the picture information might not have as many theoretical "pixels."

At a typical viewing distance nobody can tell the difference between SD and HD anyway.

>projectors were crap
zoomer detected, projectors achieved a high art state and a good one is still highly desired, the lenses alone will cost tens of grands for a top quality setup

also the 3d nature of a piece of celluloid provided a completely different visual feel compared with the 2d nature of digital imagery at the projection stage so a digital projector will never have that gentle sharpness that a film projector is capable of, because it is projecting a 2d image and not moving light through a 3d matrix of silver and dye particles

there is no adequate reference book for these theories in print when it comes specifically to moving images but Ctein's book Post Exposure has all the proofs, even though it's about still photography

>spends a couple hundred bucks on headphones, a couple hundred bucks on a DAC, and pirates everything
I have over 5000 CDs, 500 LPs, and 1500 LDs, as well as an audio setup where each component in the stack was anywhere from $1500-4000 and there are "anons" on here who have audio setups where each component cost over fifteen thousand bucks.

Nobody's impressed that you spent some money on headfoams.

>people spamming the board with shitty stale bait
>paid promotion materials abound
>ass hurt about laserdiscs
Netflix should start releasing its catalogue of timeless classics on Laserdisc.

bump, we're not watching that danny devito show again for twelve bucks a month


You can literally tap "vinyl" as a graphic equalizer setting now if you want that warm dookie sound or just buy a $800 based klipsch book speaker and sub set to emulate laserdick sounds.

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>You can’t reproduce the video quality with digital
>doesn't know what PWM is

>emulate laserdick sounds
>you can emulate what you don't have

>didn't read the reply chain

I'm shitting on you for being an audiophile tier retard, numbnuts. Oh wait, you just admitted you are an actual audiophile retard.

While I also enjoy dabbing on audiophiles there is a distinct difference between streaming your Spotify to a Bluetooth speaker pod and enjoying film and music on good quality equipment and even normies can tell the difference if you play them the songs they think they know.

You can get retarded with it but I buy everything used anyway, somebody else eats the cost of buying this gear the first time around.

I have several different versions of each of the OT on LD.

I have three versions:
>"faces" widescreen release
>Ultimate Collection, un-molested OT
>Special Edition with all of the new stuff Lucas added for the re-release in theaters

Fun fact- the TPM LD is the only legit release of the Theatrical Cut that isn't VHS.

I have all of those, and earlier widescreen and Pan & Scan versions. I also have them on CED. I do not have the making-of docs or the Ewok movies though

I have the P&S as well but they're in my pile to get rid of, no reason to really keep them.

Ultimate Collection looks the best by far to my eye even though you can see the artifacts of the special effects processes in many space scenes, the Special Edition cleaned it up but also introduced a bunch of horse crap IMHO.

What about VHS? Is it true they don't have much shelf life?
A girl I've started seeing told me how she wanted to start buyin it and make projections of vhs rarities for a small group of people. After that I bought her "Crimes Of Passion" by Ken Russell, and "Industrial Symphony Vol. 1" by david lynch, both as a gift to get her plan going. I plan on giving them to her pretty soo , i think she's going to appreciate them

The sleeve artwork is enough reason to keep them.

The VHS tapes I had and made decades ago all still work fine. As to the quality it looks worse than I remember at the age of 12 before I ever saw HD anything.

But one thing's for sure - magnetic storage always goes back to 'ground' as it were.

Yeah it's pretty epic. Why not, my wife won't kill me over 3 more discs kek.

I also have a THX demo disc with scenes of Vader's on-set voice.

Buying used is the way to go, I once snagged a really good audio system for next to nothing at a thrift store because apparently some people think old = bad and they only charged $10 bucks for a full matching set complete with a turntable, cassette deck, radio tuner, equalizer, amplifier and 2 speakers. Insanely good deal. No CD player though since it was so old, but that was no issue since there was a stereo jack input.

*excepting DSD for which there is no video equivalent, but there could be of course

No one watches movies made more then 20 years ago gramps. Enjoy your old ass movies encoded in plastic trash if it helps you cope. lol

wew lad

i have a few weird discs, a GM training video, an in-store video rental place demo of movies to rent, some porno which I guess is quite rare, some work prints, etc

Every component in my system was used and I autistically researched and waited patiently and slowly upgraded over time. At this stage I am looking more for some parts units for shit I have to keep it in operation, I am an electronics hobbyist so I can fix stuff pretty easy most of the time.

gr8 b8 m8


>tfw you have over fifty criterion laserdisc releases

Bump and sneed

Based. I’ve also experience a lot of butthurt when I start talking about audio production. equipment and how I’m “shitting” up their threads. They’re just mad they don’t have any real hobbies.

Imagine thinking that the effect of production and mixing for vinyl can be condensed down to a few moves on a digital eq LOL. The industry is going through a massive boom with companies making new lathes again. “Warm” is meme term for brainlets.

Being this mad because you fell for the audiophilia meme and bought way too much into it.

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This is a videophile thread, midge.

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>actually watching recorded video when the best viewing experience is seeing the action in person with your eyes

/br/ - broadway and neo-vaudeville when?

Good to see the retarded "laserdisc is ackshually better guyz" poster is still at it. You do you, dumbass.

Prove me wrong, you can't. That's why ima dab on you while saying 'sneed.'

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I proved you wrong the last time. I don't have to do it again. If you want to rehash the argument just go look it up in the archives, I know you know how to find it.

Your new thing about laserdisc being an analog format and thus having a potentially higher dynamic range and color space than digital video is interesting, but also idiotic because it doesn't take into account two dozen other conflicting factors (#1 being laserdisc is decoded as composite video) that completely ruin any benefit that could be teased out of the process. And as other posters have already pointed out digital photography can simply increase the sample rate to the point where the analog and digital signals are indistinguishable on a practical basis.

>I proved you wrong the last time.
did not

>rehash the argument
I don't even remember you but apparently I made quite an impact on you on the other hand. I'm flattered.

ok kid

There is at least an argument that vinyl represents an artistic standard. Musicians made music with vinyl in mind as the end product.

Film directors rarely had a laserdisc release in mind even during the heyday of the format.

So have hipsters collectively decided these are the new vinyls now or what

What the fuck makes them ""special"" besides muh le epik retro factor

>like people who prefer vinyl records because of all the little pops and hisses which, from a scientific view are not "information" but noise
vinyls are better cuz they’re mastered by competent people whereas CDs fuck shit up and noise war it do death. Also vinyl sounds substantially better at high volumes and (arguably) in the lower range.
And if you take care of your shit, there shouldn’t be any crackle. Just pristine, rich sound

>comparing vinyl to Cd
dishonest post
compare vinyl to FLAC

vinyl, super cd and a flac that has a good source are all so based it’s splitting hairs. I just personally have faith in the autism of the people mastering for (some) vinyl records. They find ways of almost using the flaws of the medium to the advantage of the sound.