Once Upon A Time in Hollywood is Quentin Taranfootfetish's best film.
Once Upon A Time in Hollywood is Quentin Taranfootfetish's best film
>not taranfeeto
you suck
holy shit what a failure of a meme
>2 blatant cunny scenes (world record for film)
>extreme racism
>only 3 PoC in the entire movie
>3 blatant foot scenes
>one underage sex solicitation scene
>extreme violence against women
Yep I'm thinking it's based
man, leo and braddu carried the fuck out of this flick
exactly why is it a failure kek
what racism
thats not what a hasbeen means
he cant sell his weedanymore, hes a hasbeen dealer...u retard
I dont do drugs like a fucking moron so I dont know your gay little fag culture
It sure is
lmao fucin butthurt bitch fucer, sniff ma ass u penguin gouche
this post just reeks of boomer maybe even earlier, who let you out the Jurassic park
Did they alter the movie in response to the controversy? I went to see it yesterday and Bruce Lee never got his ass kicked.
They just messed around for a bit and then some woman stopped them before they could properly fight. Did the original cut not have that woman stop it?
Racism = Power + Prejudice
Since Yellows are becoming increasingly powerful (Superpower by 2020), you cannot be racist towards them
htf was that racist u clit
I read this in an Indian accent haha
im from ontario
but yea hah a