what's your favorite movie about gigastacy, Yea Forums? mine's gotta be A Simple Favor.
What's your favorite movie about gigastacy, Yea Forums? mine's gotta be A Simple Favor
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Blakekino thread is back
>Stephanie is a single mother with a parenting vlog who befriends Emily, a secretive upper-class woman who has a child at the same elementary school. When Emily goes missing, Stephanie takes it upon herself to investigate.
Guess the twist!
i was so hoping they'd end up in bed. But there was only a bicurious kiss.
Which is why there’s more to the twist than the twist
I just realised clothes are designed to fit properly for a very specific female and male body type. This is why either most of the population looks like they can't dress for shit (they can't either but that's another point for another time), but also that despite some people buying the same brands or laying down the same amount of money on clothes still look like a little boy in daddys clothes compared to others wearing the same clothing.
For example in Sweden where I'm from, no man that isn't fat and is above ~185cm can ever "dress badly", everything fits them perfectly and it's like the clothes were specifically designed for them. I'm myself 180cm and with a good physique, but I have to search a very long time to find something that both looks good and fits me well, it's infuriating. And it's even worse for guys shorter than me or for fatsos.
Yeah so anyways recommend me a good non-jewish movie with no love themes because that only reminds me of my ex thanks guys.
why play a gigastacy when you can be one?
She looks like a drug addict.
>Stephanie is a single mother with a parenting vlog
> Emily, a secretive upper-class woman who has a child at the same elementary school
No way these kids would go to the same school
Leg like a spear!
does she use them to spear the inferior womanlets in her way?
i get the feeling anna is probably annoying
she seems annoying in all her movies
gigastacy would bully you for that opinion
so...they scissored right?
Anna is cute!
This is justified in the film
The not even subtle "THEY DYKING" thing in that pic and the OP's pic screams it.
Extremely stylish well dressed women are God's gift. Louboutins are like the cherries on a Blake sundae
what are gigastacies actually like irl?
For me it's martinis at the graveyard
Stephanie fucked her brother?
>Extremely stylish well dressed women
Dressing up like a man isn't stylish.
It's just gay.
You mean dyke?
That's not a gigastacy, that's a megadyke.
I love it when omegas shit on gigastacies
It doesn't work both ways. Women can wear masculine clothes and still be womanly. Blake makes it look great and only a homosexual would disagree
What's the opposite of a Stacy called? Betty?
She's so fucking hot. I'll never be with a woman this good looking.
Does anyone have any webms of this scene? It was very sexy. I think I made some but I can't find them anymore
Gigastacy> Stacy > Becky > Betty > Gertrude
>It doesn't work both ways. Women can wear masculine clothes and still be womanly. Blake makes it look great and only a homosexual would disagree
Only a homosexual would think she was hot because she wore male clothes and took on a masculine attitude and went full lesbo.
Time to stop pretending that you're a man who's into it and just be honest about who and what you are lezbro.
Only omega's are into chicks like that.
the way she yelled for Nicky was super
Less absurd labeling talk, more Blake talk.
Best film, Simple Favor or The Shallows?
Simple Favour > Age of Adeline > Shallows
Blake Lively is literally perfect.
Where do you place All I See is You?
Haven't seen it. Pun intended
Straight up insufferable.
She's pure sex in that movie, true but it wasn't very good overall.
Bah Dum Tiss. You Should.
I'm going to tonight, I'm on a Blakarathon
They are generally benevolent, because they are super hot and were raised in top percent enviorments. Sometimes tho, they can be oblivious and btfo some guy. I also find that low self esteem people seem to be offended just by their presence.
Most of them are self aware enough to know that people initially only like them because they're hot and the mark of a true Gigastacy is they become great people to compensate and reassure themselves that people like them for who they really are. There's a deadzone between Stacies and Gigastacies for exactly this reason. If you've got what it takes to be a top tier Stacy then 99 times out of 100 that forces you to go all the way and become a giga. That's why Blake Lively is famously such a nice person
they drive you around in their luxury car and pay for your shit
Girls in suits are hot.
Where does her self depreciating humor favor in, PsychAnon?
is this her third child
Self awareness. People who are hyper aware that the attribute people admire most about them (at least initially) is one independent of their personalty and skills tend to have a much clearer understanding of their own limits and failings. Ironically, proto-Stacies are often very insecure before they develop their Alpha personality and confidence. Blake is also very tall so my guess is she spent her younger years as a bit of a freak which would give her perspective enough to not take herself too seriously. You see the same thing in Chads who peaked late. John Hamm is a perfect example.
Second, maybe the first but don’t quote me. It’s definitely not the third. The only public appearance photos of the 3rd are the Detective Pikachu premiere.
Legally Blonde
Y’know, I was hating this labelling talk but you’re making a lot of sense. There’s gotta be some better terms to call them, but you’re making sense.
There is but that's overly academic. I like the chanspeak because it's simple enough to be understandable but you can supplement it where necessary
It works. To me it’s cringe, though. Make it sound like it’s the views of someone who lives in their moms basement and is mad at the world. However I read through it and it’s well stated.
is that a d3400? nice
Cruel Intentions
The worst thing in the world is a bad argument well made. If an argument makes sense even when you're speaking like you live in your mom's basement then there's probably something worth taking away from it but I've read enough French intellectualism to know that bullshit comes in cursive too.
Mean Girls should really be a part of this conversation
Ok but you’re using ‘Stacy’ as a term reminiscent of ‘Chad’, which are things people in the real world don’t do. I get it but I think it weakens your well made point
This guy fucks
>In the book Stephanie admits that her son is the child of her half-brother
When I make the point in the real world I don't use this kind of language and if my argument is in any way affected the sophistication of my word choice then it's a bad argument and I need to refine it.
Hey, I like what you’re saying and it actually made me understand what this term was all about. The idea of it isn’t just an Internet slang thing. I am just saying the labeling is cringe
What’s your favorite Brotherfucker? The ‘Bro-Ther-Fuck-Er’ or the ‘Brotherfucker!’?
I need Blake in more roles like this. So fucking hot
>alpha germanic woman and her pet jew, circa 2020
I guess the important thing is we understand each other. The real secret is application in a real social environment
Was Emily lying about the threesome or was Sean? And would you watch a sequel about Stephanie's Hello Moms morning show/detective agency getting a case they couldn't crack and needing to get consultation from Emily like in Silence of the Lambs or something?
Yes. Tailoring the message. I suppose for me part of the cringe, speaking the language of this sector, is my issue because it’s this place that has the racist woman hating shooting spree incels (#NotAllChanners). So speaking their language validates it and keeps them cellularized here.
And I know that’s an extreme to take but when I see Chan Language, that’s where my mind goes. Maybe if Channers stop committing shootings, I’ll think differently.
I think Emily was lying. I mean, her whole thing is lying, or at least being deceitful. Sean had a reason to lie later in the film to cover up with her, but not to lie about the 3way.
I will literally watch anything with Blake. I watched Sesame Street for the two minutes she was on playing a delivery person.
Not to sperg out but the incels don't understand their own points, I'm pretty sure they just want to kill and the not getting laid is incidental. The gun is probably a penis or something Freudian. I'm not going to change the way I speak just because some fucking loser wants to take his gun/penis and kill some innocent people because he's too pathetic to just lift some weights, comb his hair, and learn how to have a conversation that isn't about hentai porn.
Point taken though.
cute dress on the mouse