What makes Zoe Saldana so good at playing aliens and/or sci-fi characters?

what makes Zoe Saldana so good at playing aliens and/or sci-fi characters?

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Being pretty hot helps.

I'm guessing she's a sci fi fan and likes those roles.


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does she like almost naked blue girls too?

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Its a pretty alien concept that she's so dark skinned but hot.

two of those are just colored skin with a human body no different than playing a regular character
the third is a giant blue cgi creation that hardly even needs an actor/actress

Name one movie where Zoe doesn't fuck a white guy.

I'm not sure if she's particularly good for that, maybe just typecasted.

She has a very pretty and very cute face though. Pixie like almost.
She's not the hottest or sexiest of her complexion, but her thin cute facial features give a distinct look to her.

the MLP one, probably I haven't watched it but I was under the impression there weren't any humans at all

>the third is a giant blue cgi creation that hardly even needs an actor/actress
sure it does, it's still Zoe's acting just in a CGI body

>if its not A then its C
>what the fuck are you talking about, of course B doesn't exist

Fact: she was in two of the highest grossing films of all time
Other fact: both times she was an alien

>the third is a giant blue cgi creation that hardly even needs an actor/actress
I'm still amazed how people have no idea how motion capture works. For some reason they imagine it's just a computer doing all the work.

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you forgot that she's in 3 out 5 of the highest grossing films.
Is there anything she can't do?

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God, I want to dump my White seed in her womb.

nigger genes. she taps into her ape like psyche to act in a primal way.

She's black, so she's believably inhuman.

Is she underpaid?

I hope not

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Saw that her net worth was only 20 million, which seemed a bit low considering the movies she's been in.
She's not the big lead so I guess it's not too strange. Pretty big deal with Avatar, but then it's Camerons effects that matter more.

considering how much money the films made and how much certain other actors get that is a bit unfair I guess. I mean she doesn't exactly play a minor role in those films after all

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It'd be hot if she did.

>Zoe Saldana
>dark skinned