All those shills who claimed the huge crowds yesterday would be indicative of the land's turnout have been BTFO.
According to reports, Disney were expecting consistent 'level 9' crowds, but it's been at level 1 all day.
All those shills who claimed the huge crowds yesterday would be indicative of the land's turnout have been BTFO.
According to reports, Disney were expecting consistent 'level 9' crowds, but it's been at level 1 all day.
>one ride
>a bunch of shops
>nobody notices or cares about the nigra sneaking around
What did they expect?
I crack up every time I see footage of the black chick theatrically sneaking about and nobody even looks at her.
Wow so all those paid extras didn't come back next day??
can someone explain this?
Why only one ride?
Webm that shit pls
what is level 9 and level 1? I dont speak disney
bob iger is a worse CEO than Eisner ever was
Bob Iger is a weatherman
>level 9
The cringe doesn't stop
have common sense
Some blue haired lardass writer wrote a character who is a black female and happens to be the best spy who is trusted by Leia. Apparently the character was created just for the park and she can be seen roleplaying as a spy, sneaking around, following the stormtroopers and shit. Of course the only reason they have that character there is for customers to interact with, ask her question about the resistance and stuff but noones interacting with the character so it's kind of hilarious to see a wagie sheboon sneak around the park in the hopes that someone would talk to her
is the level of aerosolized particles of s o y in the air
I don't trust these random Twitter users, sorry.
Too many of them are just the normal Yea Forums type who would rather see Star wars fail than anything else in the world
>this level of damage control from a shill
>reddit spacing
They should have invited him
I don't know why you are seething all of a sudden. I don't even care about star wars
I just call things like I see it and admiral acbar saying "it's a flop! (Part 2)" in the thumbnail doesn't exactly sound unbiased
There are also storm troopers walking around and my little cousin is full on pro empire and walked up to a storm trooper to point her out hoping it would lead to a fun scene where they try to arrest her
All they say is they see nothing out of the ordinary, you can’t even role play your forced to be a rebel
Muh girl
How much does Disney pay? Is it per post or per (you)?
consider dilating
>contradicting strawman
this is why no one takes you seriously. You're like the guy that calls /pol/ trannies unironically.
>Wears a bright orange jacket with the rebellion logo on it
>Nothing out of the ordinary
At least the battle droids in the PT had an excuse for being stupid
Yeah I’m pretty sure an impending hurricane soon to make landfall doesn’t have anything to do with it
It's a jewess writes nigger character. oh surprise it's literally a nigger character
The Harloff curse is real
They really don’t want you to help the storm troopers they want you to just take a picture of them and move on while the stupid spy will spend 10 minutes talking to you
The other guy explained it already, but since you were kind enough to give me a (You):
Basically she's a NuWars OC that Disney shat out for the parks. She looks like she was spawned directly from Tumblr - black skin, blue hair, feminist attitude - and is positioned front and centre of this new land. She sneaks around the area as part of the 'immersion', but since nobody knows who she is and even if they did nobody would care, people just walk on by.
So you have hysterical scenes of this SJW looking negress creeping around while guests either stare at her blankly or walk right past nonplussed.
Wasnt it open for months already?
worst smuggie ever
No that's the Disneyland one in California. The one OP is talking about is the Walt Disney World one in Florida.
I hate when someone writes an assertive statement but then uses a question mark at the end
>I-it's not people losing faith in the brand or being pissed off by Mickey's agenda!
>I-it's just the weather!
>T-those endless days of zero crowds in the Californian land despite blazing sunshine mean nothing!
Shill harder, mousecuck.
Did somebody call the police on her?
*blocks your path*
I don't care if TLJ turned out to be the most kino flick this side of Citizen Kane, you'd have to pay me well upward of six zeroes to ever set foot on Irish soil.
Based Jon tron
Do you think this cunt would talk about her hair if it was a white female character? these so called liberal SJW are more racist than your average soccer mom, yet they like to pose as champions of diversity and representation. i only see contempt and stereotypes, and I bet she doesn't have any black friend.
Please tell me someone has a webm or a YT link of the creepy shadewalker rebel.
>you'd have to pay me well upward of six zeroes to ever set foot on Irish soil.
Why is that? I personally found this AChto island ugly and stupid. Ach-two is absolutely retarded as it sounds like R2. They wanted to imitate Yoda's swamp which was eery and magical. here you have an ugly rainy rock in the middle of the sea. It doesn't look like another galaxy, it looks like Ireland! There' on earth!
I wasn’t shilling, just saying. What sane tourist would go to a state that’s about to have a natural disaster which is heading straight for Orlando. Just so happens to occur on the same week Disney opened their attraction for what many Americans consider a vacation period.
It's absolutely glorious to watch nu-wars fail in every department, the movies are bombing, the toys are stacking up, the parks are failing. It's beautiful.
Jontron is Disney's pet sandnigger troll.
He'll be licking the asshole of Abrams in his next shilltastic video and there will be Disney payed shills here whoring the video that Disney paid youtube to put in the trending tab and post in the "you might like" tab of people who've never even heard of that halfcaste camelfucking nobody.
why would there be salons, I imagine every random squat just has all the necessary equipment for personal care
I work in toy retail, our shelves continue to be lined with specifically Rey and Rose figures. They literally went down to like 1.50 a pop in a recent sale and people still wouldn't touch them.
It's over.
I wonder what their real value is. You could set their prices to negative and people still probably wouldn't touch them.
Get a life.
Walmart cancelled Star Wars altogether. they don't sell their toys anymore
Just put a load in my fiancee and am currently enjoying a plate of chicken and chips. Doing pretty well on that front, thanks very much.
>I work in toy retail, our shelves continue to be lined with specifically Rey and Rose figures.
>This has nothing to do with misogyny, though
ho ho kay
You'll never be a woman.
Looks like someone at Disney figured out that diversity hires are cheaper than animatronics.
Based and dubpilled.
T. Mouse
LOL please say someone has a video on this, I can't find anything on youtube
She's a leftover from when they were gonna have random stunt shows on the roofs throughout the day, but that got cut when Chapel decided that having CMs spout out wacky space lingo was entertaining enough that they didn't need to pay for live actor aliens or roaming Droid or trained stunt people.
What the fuck is a "level 9 crowd"?
Current wait times.
>people actually waited 5+ hours yesterday for a simulator
>second day
>already something closed
Never change Disney
>Having the fucking Disney Mickey Mouse app
Holy fucking shill!
>you need it to buy mouse tickets, dinner, etc
Thunder Mountain railroad is from a different part of the park
It's been open for decades
Thunder Mountain is like 40 years old and one of the rides that needs the most maintenance.
>implying princess leia didn't sell toys
stop talking about shit you don't understand, tranny
Oh yeah, and that character was for a fucking book that no one has bought, lmao
>Paying $200 JUST to enter a park and wait in line
Bad meme
This but unironically.
It's also so fucking good to see the paid shills in the access media do the damage control.
Oh God, please tell me someone has a link.
>STILL over 2 fucking hours for Avatar ride despite new land and off peak time
Fucking hell. I'm going in late September and was hoping to get on this thing in under an hour. What the fuck.
>I’m a newfag that doesn’t understand greentexting
>Trust no one, not even yourself.
>going to a Disney park
I really hope you people don’t actually do this.
Why are they gyrating after the dole whip station?
Fucking Mendleson....
>announce that you are litwrally oing to throw away ALL the Old Canon.
>have no idea what to do next except kill of beloved characters and subvert audience expectations.
>wonder why it is the Most Hayed Movie.
Sorry to say it, but jews actually think that way.
Some of the bigger stores are gonna continue to sell the Black Series but that's only because the figures of OT, PT, and the occasional EU characters will sell.
Almost every character that wasnt a robot or Luke from the 4 Disney movies clog shelves for years with Rey, Rose, Boyega, and the purple haired dyke being the worst offenders.
It remains to be seen if Disney will pay to have Rise of Skywalker plague the shelves for years to come but the toys department should have about 1 more reset left before Christmas
I hope it gets replaced by a Sneedy and Chuckie land
> 1700 "cast members" to run Galaxy's Edge
> No customers
Learn to get a fastpass
My brother and I were in a mall and went a huge toy shop to fuck around. All overpriced garbage and we were the only customers there. A bunch of employees greeted us at the entrance and I ignored them. One of them started following me around the store. All I could see were employees playing with the same products and they kept staring at me. It was also dimly lit in certain areas so I had to only walk in the brighter parts whivh made it difficult to escape the employee that was chasing me. I even accidentally made eye contact with her at one point
Why isn't the one in a wheel chair a droid?
No amount of Disney money is going to make Walmart and other stores keep their poison on their toy shelves.
They fucking killed Toys R Us with their bullshit.
Also, the OT and Prequel stuff is selling worse then it's ever sold as well.
Disney SW is so bad that it's retroactively killing the SW brand.
To be honest I watched TFA 4 times in the theater and TLJ 3 times and enjoyed it all everytime, all this imagined hate is all stupid and unreasonable. The rides are great and the wait time is worth it, and the Resistance spy is a really clever idea I had tons of fun.
The most hysterical thing about the land is that apparently the cast members are obligated to remain 'in universe' at all times and will act dumbfounded if you ask about anything not canon to the Star Wars universe. So if you ask them where the bathroom is or if someone needs first aid they'll just go 'what's a bathroom' or 'what's first aid'.
There are straight up stories online from people who tried to have serious conversations with these people when their kids were injured or they were desperate to piss or whatever but the staff insisted on maintaining the charade.
yes good slave, make them spend even more money!
You don’t deserve a you for such weak bait.
I think all the Disney staff wearing a costume are required to act like that. I can understand wanting to let the kids have fun but it gets weird when they're not allowed to break character talking to adults.
Planning to rope drop it, no point wasting one of the three on it. Using them for River Adventure, Kali River Rapids and Expedition Everest instead.
How long can I expect to wait if I get there at opening
someone post that gif where Rey whispers into a childs ear
me on the right
Why are white people so pro-Empire these days?
When I was a kid everyone was pro-rebel.
>call a medic and security, a man has lost consciousness
Upvoted for laughter
Well if you're doing rope drop you should be ok.
The human race stands corrected.
How has no Chad groped a park Rey yet
> Reminder: Galaxy's Edge is for fags only.
Because Chads aren't into SW, they're into sports cars and making money.
The worst part is that the very people directly responsible for this disaster are still in charge and didn't pay anything. KK just said she loves the feedback. WTF, just get fired you awful cunt
As I said in , that's all because Bob Chapek decided that having all CMs stay in character and speak only in Star Wars lingo was a valid substitute for paying actors to dress up as aliens, have free-roaming droids, or have stunt shows on the rooftops. He even said some horseshit like "Galaxy's Edge has the most characters in any Disney Theme Park Land because all the Cast Members have their own backstories and are characters".
Great the land is already contaminated with AIDS already.
Jews and their cattle. And it's beautiful.
like lambs to the slaughter
that time of year again?
Because the resistance are uncharismatic jerks.
> Hey, know where can I get a Coke?
> Over to your left --- err -- spaceman!
The Rebels have been cucked to oblivion and aren't cool anymore, whereas the Empire comes across as ridiculously powerful nowadays, to the point that it almost seems wiser to stay on their good side. They're clean, uniform, powerful and appear strong. The underdog aspect has been pushed to the point where it almost seems pathetic calling yourself a rebel when you see who they consider their modern heroes to be. That, and an overabundance of Empire iconography for merchandising has probably made them the "face" of Star Wars, in many ways.
The nu-Rebels have no real face or uniform, and never do anything truly heroic. They're ran by bitchy, unlikable people that think they're correct and there's nobody truly "heroic" in their ranks, barring maybe Poe Dameron. One could argue the Rebels were attractive because of rogues like Han Solo and supernatural entities like Luke and Obi-Wan, the type of people you would expect to find in a ragtag resistance. Now you just have geriatric fools, "saving what we love" Asians, an emasculated black guy, a plain looking, overpowered bitchy chick who doesn't use her power to actually do the right thing and a Hispanic dude who nobody knows how to write for. Top that off with Rebel unforms/equipment facsimiles that are like the originals but more boring, and it's no wonder nobody finds the Rebels inspiring. That, and their pure existence should technically be unnecessary now that there's a Galactic Republic, again.
One Loik Tovk please
Why are fags so disgusting?
Pretty much, and not to forget that now we see how incompetent Nurebels really are and how in the greater scheme the Empire did really keep the peace and the new republic just let anarchy rule the galaxy allowing for a stronger government to take hold.
So if I ask Rey if she wants to have sex what will she say
> Han Basedlo....
I was always pro empire as a kid, probably because I had a good relationship with my dad and never saw the stormtroopers as evil. They were just guys doing a job and keeping order, the rebels were pissed because they were getting fucked, so I didn't blame them. But when Vader told Luke he was his dad I was emprie for life. I asked my dad "why didn't luke just go with him? He thought his dad was dead and sintead he was the most powerful guy in teh galaxy besides teh emporer, why not convince his dad to be good and rule with him?"
My dad just laughed and got me to watch the last movie together.
I guess it's more to do with how you see it as a kid, initially I just thought the storm troopers were cool as fuck and teh rebels were lame looking.
> Ham Basedlo?
>TLJ 3 times and enjoyed it everytime
How can you sit there and say such a boldfaced lie
You're quoting some Youtube or Reddit comment, right? Right?
I saw it 3 times and enjoyed it, but probably not for the reasons they wanted me to.
TLJ is your version of a donkey show isnt it?
They really fucked up on the parks. Yet again, what should be a no brainer is turning out to be a billion dollar turd. Iger is ultimately responsible, but he's been captain who's aiming for the iceberg anyway.
Nobody cares, because there's no surprises in the Florida GE. We know what's in it - not much. If they were smart - and they're not, they would have opened the second ride there first, so each park had something unique. But, no.
And, the funniest part to me is they're banning people dressing up as characters they love Star Wars FOR, because people would pay more attention to them, than some pavement ape with blue hair who nobody knows who her character is, or that she even works for the park, I'd bet a large percentage of visitors think she's a shoplifter.
I've worked my ass off being a Star Wars fan, and this is how you repay me?
The prerecorded voice clips for the stormtroopers is so fucking awful.
Where does Disney find these people? You'd think they'd know how to spot someone who has an eye for managing and designing theme parks but they constantly shit the bed on it.
If only they'd rewarded his hard work by inviting him in early, he could've saved Galaxy's Edge. All those hours spent shilling, lost, like soi-filled tears in rain.
As a kid I thought it was terrifying that Yoda told Luke he had tofight Vader and that he will be alone. But at no point did I ever think Luke should join his evil dad.
>that video with a guy recording her
Is there a name for ghetto talk in SW '''''''lore'''''''?
Chapek, the guy who's responsible for this, is an advertising wonk who came up through the ranks in the home media and film distribution channel, and then all of a sudden they thought he was qualified to run the park division.
It's the MBA curse, once they get their piece of paper with "MBA" on it, they think they can do anything.
It's kind of sad - Disney used to be respected as the gold standard in the theme park world, everyone strived to be as good as they were. Imagineering created incredible parks and rides, and millions showed up.
Now? It's Universal. The team that put Harry Potter World together are the new standard, and the talent in the industry is trying to work there, not Disney.
Chapek is the kind of guy who will destroy a division, and walk away without a single care, because he got his bonuses.
All of a sudden Yea Forums cares about theme park attendance.
We're going into a recession, retards.
Looking at going to Universal soon. It's not as expensive as Disney, and the lines are actually manageable. I don't care about any of the movies they have there, but I remember it being a good time when I was a kid. Disney World seems so packed now.
>reddit tier smuggie
Go post your transition pics in CTH faggot
I'm saving up my money, and I'm going to Disney World when this thing hits, and I'm going to have my middle finger out the window during my whole drive to Florida.
Maybe she liked you
You sum it up in a nutshell.
Art, Talent, Creativity is what matters most here, and none of that is taught in MBA
Jon "but then they'd start breeding with us" Tron
It’s like seeing a literal NPC in real life kek
I get Rose but shouldn't Rey be somewhat popular at this point?
Where did the rumor that they were gonna reskin GE with Aladdin themes even come from?
9/11 changed everything. Fuck sandniggers and their rebellions.
that sounds fucking akward.
It's bizarre that they put pure business people in charge of something as subjective and almost artistic as theme parks. You'd think they'd try to pull from imagineering when it came to getting someone to make broad design and set up decisions since any mook can crunch the numbers and tell you if something is financially viable or not. The inverse of getting someone from business to know if a design is going to captivate crowds or not is borderline impossible.
most of the iconic imagery to come from star wars is the empire. rebels have like a couple ship designs and a logo.
You better not harass her.
Now THIS is degeneracy
Friendly reminder that 3 movies into the trilogy, Rey hasn't been pivotal in a single battle, and arguably only partially successful in the one "mission" she's been given. For all her obvious power, the plot revolves around things happening around her rather than her demonstrating any real agency or initiative. The closest she's come to an actual choice was going to surrender to Kylo. Contrast:
>Given the choice to seek out Ben Kenobi and an "adventure"
>Aunt and Uncle killed, giving him the resolve to join Obi Wan and oppose the Empire
>Begs to be allowed to serve as an X-Wing pilot in the assault on the Death Star
>Finds BB-8 by sheer luck
>Has no idea of his significance
>Keeps him for no clear reason other than, maybe, she finds him cute
>Expresses no clear desire to escape her mundane scavenger existence, just simply sit and wait for her parents to return
>Has BB-8's importance explained to her by Finn, later expanded upon by Han
>Literally chased off Jakku by an FO assault seemingly aimed more at killing her than capturing her
>Found by Han and Chewie
>Again denies a call to mystery/adventure
>Captured by Kylo Ren
>Rescued by Han and Finn while seeking a way off SKB
>Plays absolutely no role in the destruction of SKB
>Defeats Kylo motivated primarily by self-defense and loyalty to Finn, no deeper significance
>Despite her negligible role in these events, is *still* chosen in lieu of Poe to complete the mission that was essentially his from the start of the story. In fact, he's not even asked to come along.
This is textbook Mary Sue shit. In spite of her being the goodest, bestest, and strongest, she's never called on to ever make any significant choices or confronted with any moral quandaries. Everything just goes her way and she's just accepted, loved, and praised.
Nailed it.
cause dole whip
Yes goyim, the sandniggers did it!
Imagine being the one guy in that crowd who actually paid to be there.
are there no bathrooms in the star wars galaxy? do they not have star wars themed urinals to piss in?
Kikes are sandniggers, too. All desert animals deserve the rope.
It’s only a matter of time before she gain access to a time machine.
>roaming piss droids
she cute ngl
I honestly feel bad for her. Just imagine the deep sigh she breathes every day before walking out and starting her shift.
Who gives a shit
She gets to meet weird white people
>i called the police on this awkward black women hiding behind pipes
>I work here
>I won't move until the police is here
What were they thinking?
Eh. Everything I've heard about Imagineering is they were gutted by the MBAs a long time ago, the people who built it and the parks are long retired or dead, and the MBAs have made it so political and bullshit nobody wants to work there.
MBAs ruin everything.
Will the Galactic Starcruiser fair any better?
This is a Vi Moradi thread now. Watch your backpack
Holy fucking shit.
>tfw too poor to stay at the hotel that looks like something from Blade Runner
Holy shit
So if I rape them..
, they'll just cry out for some vague Galaxy police or curse the empire or something instead of alerting a security guard?
Sounds uncomfortably plausible. You'd think they'd have learned after nearly averting catastrophe at Disney Paris thanks to Imagineering pull their asses out of the fire with Discoveryland and Space Mountain.
sell your ass
>Posts pictures of women, because reasons
>Are all still working under one man named Chapek
>Posts anyway
It will all be re-worked into Original Trilogy Land within two years.
I mean he's not wrong
Isn't there going to be a hurricane in Orlando soon?
>What's your name
Go at 6 am its a wasteland
Getting paid to do nothing and having solid job security (no way they will axe the character) sounds pretty fucking based.
>People are already losing Int
Funny how that one man is responsible for everything yet their web page keeps talking about these female imagineers...
>Darth Black Guy at the far right
Minimum wage Rey is really cute
>no way they will axe the character
The parks will be entirely rebranded with some other IP that actually maks money. Star Wars is dead.
>3200 a night
Fuck you Disney
>And, the funniest part to me is they're banning people dressing up as characters they love Star Wars FOR, because people would pay more attention to them
This has been pointed out a million times: it's so diddlers don't pretend to be staff.
>wearing a high visibility jacket with multi coloured hair
This is where the nig comes from. And guess who wrote it? Lol
>literally figuratively tried to point out the jew for the nazis
she unironically looks like a lazy cosplay.
someone pointed out that they don't allow adult guests to dress up as it would confuse people on who is staff and who isn't, but this outfit is so basic I still don't think anyone would assume she's staff.
She's literally wandering around in a branded but normal jacket, she could easily have just left the gift shop.
The character is way hotter than the park wagie.
>my instagram account was just banned
tell me it's true
Uhhh it’s pronounced Conk Lonk, sweatie
I believe it. Most of the newer rides and attractions are heavily market-based (after Disney properties) with little imagination and care that went into the original park's attractions.
I find it telling that all of the CM Reys that are around the park are prettier than the horse-faced real thing.
>wow, you're black, female, AND autistic? you're hired!
>larping in a theme park
>solid job security
Are you retarded or just a zoomer?
Based schizo poster
Fast passes are free you fucking idiot
Funny how you still don't have a point.
She's a literally who character not even from the movies, why would anyone care
Why the fuck are people with AIDS allowed out in public
Should have made them good characters.
Who could have ever predicted boys don’t want to play with an action figure of a chubby Vietnamese woman
Neither do you. The biggest problems of this park is that the new Star Wars movies are absolute trash and they based the park on the new material instead of the OT. Who made this decision? It's more important that clowns jumping on rooftops.
If they'd made the whole thing OT themed, it would've been a smash hit. If they had Luke, Han, Chewie, Leia etc walking around, they'd constantly be surrounded by people. Nobody knows about some random nu-EU character, and even if you told them who she is, they'd have to force themselves to pretend like they care.
>in the hopes that someone would talk to her
I doubt she gives a shit. Between clocking just to sneak around for a bit and having to interact with annoying children I would prefer the former.
Great idea, poor execution. 5/10
I don't know nothing about no Dis-nee I'm just a simple farmer
you're presumably not a normie black chick who had thoughts and hopes of feeling like an important larp character who brightened people's day
work of art
Basically the key problems with the new Star Wars land can be summed up in a single sentence:
It's a shopping mall set in a continuity in which everybody's favourite characters are dead.
I'm dating a black chick, I showed her the park OC and she just laughed.
Oh, so just because user is literate enough to post here you assume he's white??? You fucking bigot!!! HOW DARE YOU?!?! I...I just can't even...
ill admit it those stormtroopers have it pretty good
what? people still need to take a piss in the SW universe. so it won't be breaking character to tell them.
lol The Republic government doesn't even believe in the resistance, they are secretly hoping for that emperor to magically come back and don't want to be offed by him when he does for having a history of rebellion support.
Hello there!
>The line into the Millennium Falcon ride has catwalks above the store below.
>The catwalk is a steelframe you can see through.
>Look up to see each and every panty when skirt and dress wearing women walk over you.
If you remove the ducktroopers and the wookie, it will look like the artwork for a space ship set on Doctor Who.
VERY few women wear dresses these days, especially somewhere like Disney. And the ones that don't want to see.
Based if true
Yeah, they all insist on wearing those fucking annoying denim shorts. Only landwhales wear skirts now.
There was a really unnatural radio spot on my local news talk radio station in Rhode Island this morning where the anchor had a 10 minute conversation with a reporter about what a marvel star wars galaxy park is and how excited people were about it. Just in between the weather report and a segment on how public schools in Providence were falling apart. It was truly bizarre.
Tampafag here, this hurricane is a fucking pussy. I bet we won't even see a Cat 2 by the time it gets here. Irma, now that was a solid storm, but not fucking Katrina levels or nothing. I can't wait for the day that a huge storm blows this whole city down, and that's someone who makes a living building the skyscrapers out here.
niggaz alwayz be creepin
Did you photoshop his torso or did he?
There's a huge fucking hurricane headed straight for it. I was going to fly in this weekend for other reasons but had to cancel because of the weather.
>little girls and little boys are NOT begging their parents to buy them Rey and Rose figures
>this is misogyny ho ho kay!!!!!
Level 9 is giganigger punching women in toontown
Yeah, I'm thinking JonTron is based.
Jesus fucking Christ is "the left can't meme" is real.
Care to explain why? You can't just say "dgeurr i liked it", you have to give reason for why you enjoyed them and counterarguments for their criticisms. It's like ignoring your doctor's warnings of lung cancer because "i like smoking".
Just listen to the level of autism she has to deal with too. The negro can never get a break in America.
They can’t get the other ride to work.
Apparently Pajeets cannot into code.
>When I was a kid everyone was pro-rebel.
No they weren't. As an old ass boomer I can tell you outside of Luke, Leia and Han nobody gave a shit about the Rebels. They all looked like dweebs. The empire had the cooler ships and soldiers plus they had Vader. You would sell a thousand Stormtrooper toys for every Wedge
I was a Jedi fan and loved this game.
I wouldn't touch a fag even in photoshop. Any alterations were in the op.
This post has not aged well, and it has not been very long.
That's the Jedi though. We were taking about these dorks
It's definitely gonna be a Cat 4 when it hits the coast but it'll be Cat 1 at best when it hits tampa. Boo hoo tampa gets a little rain and everything is closed for a day.
You write really well for an 8 year old. You’re not old enough to post here but hopefully you could help Disney write their next Star Wars script.
Based JonTron
> Whatchew wan whyte boi? Weed? Rock?
Should have been the Guntank.
> See Rey encounter hideous dangerous alien species.....
>crowds drop on second day
lol, I don't even fucking care what we are talking about but this is a straight up retarded thing to make a headline, this is how literally every hype based thing works
Based JimCam wins again.
How much money is Avatar 2 going to make? At least $3 billion?
The future is “female”
Ariel is a qt.
Why do trannies always have stronger jaw lines than mine? I guess I'm not manly enough to troon out.
If you a choice between riding the Millennium Falcon and not getting killed by a hurricane, which would you choose, Yea Forums?
>Will the Galactic Starcruiser fair any better?
People aren't going to be able to afford it.
What state can you marry fleshlights?
Crowds drop on the second day for literally everything that has a first day crowd.
The wine aunts from San Francisco that made that character care. That's why they shoehorned her into the park.
>If you a choice between riding the Millennium Falcon and not getting killed by a hurricane, which would you choose, Yea Forums?
Not getting killed by a hurricane.
t. madman
lmfao the voice for the stormtrooper sounds so cheap
Try dilating your mouth maybe
Call security on her
> schlop schlop schlop....
>looking for the last popeyes sandwich
I wonder if she tastes like fish, down there.
Akshually, it sounds like Act-II, because TLJ is the middle of a trilogy, and you eat popcorn at movies.
Bright orange
>danger blue hair that niggers don't have
I really wish for a terrorist attack on disney world right now.
They have opening dates set though.
>Bright orange
She's using the Naruto method.
Enjoying this timeline again.
I'll allow it.
I could understand posting this in an MCU shill thread but brother, this was wasted on DisneyWars
Rebels in the OT looked like they were dissident noble houses and parliaments. They had clean, high tech meeting rooms and matching colourful uniforms.
Rebels in Disney look like "Syrian" "rebels". They meet in a basement with what looks like one fluorescent light in Rogue One. Someone throws dirt on their face so you can understand that they're poorfags. Everything is dirt and piss.
>hey sugar if you're selling I'm buying
They all need to burn in a gasoline fire.
This is so fucking awkward holy shit....
GTFO glow nigger
Wtf bro, Tanner is straight gangster
Rebels in OT were normal looking americans. Rebels in ST are gross north african and levantine types who would probably talk about you behind your back in their gross language, then laugh derisively.
> spy
> wearing the Rebel logo on her jacket
Level 9 is what a weekend, especially during the summer, should be. But Galaxy's edge is empty. It is basically a shopping mall that you have to pay to get in to. It literally makes no sense. Even when Harry Potter world opened it had rides and all the shit in the shops was stuff people actually wanted to buy, not fucking droids.
>stands out like sore thumb on Earth
>blends in perfectly in a Star Wars cantina
Things will pick up when the $1000 per person per night Star Wars hotel opens. That'll bring in the regular folks.
Avatar Flight of Passage is the best thing i've ever rode it literally made me cry. I don't think Smugglers run is the same thing because you dont wear 3d glasses on it.
If I want to see sketchy blacks sneaking around I just have to go downtown, why the fuck would I pay for it ?
Ah, I see.
Mossad fast-tracking their next oligarch blackmail factory after cleaning up Epstein Island lel
she was hot for you and missed the opportunity to talk to her user.
good for you, protecting your viginity
hired guns are paid to be nice to you, even the incels.
This, Yea Forums is the secret accounting and real estate board moot had promised for years. The fucking kikes here don't even watch movies let alone discuss them, they are here for Abatap stocks and to laugh at Disnep parks
They should put up wanted posters that say "have you seen her" so people atleast recognize her when she is walking around. And if someone tries to turn her in there will be a chase with storm troopers. God there's so many cool things they could do with her but they'd rather have her hide and sneak around like shes pick pocketing people.
Sucking dick unironically makes their jaw more defined.
It’s like those people who chew gum to get a more defined jaw, except more effective.
God I really do feel bad for her.
>feeling bad for someone who voluntarily does a job
If she hates it she can always quit. It’s not like slavery has been reinstated.
Around rebels never relax
Harry Potter World is basically a glorified shopping mall as well, but people actually fucking care about the location (Hogwarts and Diagon Alley) which is the whole damn point of a theme park. If Disney recreated the Mos Eisley Cantina complete with animatronic band playing the theme for 18 hours a day it would be a smashing success.
I mostly agree but it's worth noting that HP land also opened with multiple good rides
Also why has Hollywood Studios always been such a shit park? Outside of Rock n Rollercoaster, Tower of Terror, and The Great Movie Ride (rip) there's fuck all to do there. They added Toy Story, now Star Wars, and it's still a big piece of shit because the new lands suck. Was it just planned to be the shitty park you can skip from the start?
Some of the shows like the Indiana Jones thing are cool but I don't need to see them every time.
>the mos eisley cantina is adult only with alcoholic beverages
>some manchildren cant handle their liquor and begin a fist fight over some petty sw lore squabble
>security stormtroopers escort them away
could be funner i guess
>Hey mister, there's a nigger hiding downstairs!
>"oh yeah?!!! Well I'll punch first!"
tumblr hair ruins it
U get a (you), for you are me
he was right about everything
>Huge arms
>Tiny ass waist
The fuck?