Inevitable Disney Alien reboot when?
Alien reboot
With KStew as Ripley
But she needs to be a women of color.
>Cast is all black and brown because no whites in the future
>Aliens are now completely white colored
>Looking at a dead alien they say "They kill us. But at the same time they need us. Parasites"
>... just like "them"
>Cast nod sagely to each other. Remembering reading about white people in the history books
Alien was complete PC ahead of its time:
>Strong woman as lead hero
>Token POC character
>Transgender character
who was the transgender?
I would kill whoever geenlights that.
Daisy Ridley as the alien
It's in the OP's post, you illiterate. (That realy is from the official extra materials btw.)
Is Hunter post op?
Are any of the alien 3 scripts worth reading? Are they better than the trash we got?
there's a bulge in euphoria so probably no
Could be a prop tho
I’d be upset if it was fake
i like both options. She is cute with a dick and cute with a vagina.
There's a comic of the Gibson script
Lambert was a tranny? Fuck.
>implying she won’t OD before then
There's an audiobook of Gibson's script with Henriksen and Biehn.
She's suicidially depressed child rape, lesbian rape, victim who's gone full lezbo as an adult.
She'll be dead by the time she hits thirty....two. She's a legit goldstar and has never even seen an erect cock.
Look at how hard the wall has hit her. It hits gay women who don't occasionally or frequently get dickings ten times as hard as normal women,