DC's Titans New Starfire looks pretty hot. Im ready

DC's Titans New Starfire looks pretty hot. Im ready.

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fuck off nigger

I liked the hooker look last season tbqh, made me go out and fuck a few.

You sound gay.

fuck you she looks hot
ok fine for your standards, it's because of the suit

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hot as fuck

When does S2 drop, couple days now right?

I'll wait until I see it in motion before I complain

she looks like a fucking NIGGER TO ME
i didn't buy a 8k tv to watch niggers on it

>I liked the hooker look

Attached: STARFIRE.png (254x304, 239K)

This is photoshopped.

Is “hot” some new euphemism for “heavily photoshopped?”



delete this
Yea Forums is a progressive board now


Looks like a tranny

>Negro starfire
I really fucking hate jews

>What could have been

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omg an orange alien is played by a black woman instead of a white one, how dare they do this to me!!! I'm shaking rn!!!

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At least post an attractive cosplayer, not some ugly mutt with a giant nose.


I thought they killed harambe

Looks good.

Why not go full out and put the costume on a gorilla?

Looks better there than the previous stills I've seen of her, but not great.

you hate niggers and it makes you angry 24/7, we get it.

Quite based sir.

needs more orange skin
and more toned and bigger thighs
and a more toned tummy

>I idolize low iq barbarians

I'm not america I don't really care either way, just stop being autistic about it all the time.

nice and clean

But isnt rebecca malicious latina?

Is this real? Looks like a 30+ crack whore cosplaying as Starfire

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incredible post

>crack whore
Where are you getting that from? Doesn't have crack traits at all.

AHHHHHHHHH im so triggered.
Titans why such a good idea. I loved it so much but i cant stand this nigress. Why isnt starfire a cute ginger girl. The show would legit be a 9/10 if they just dindt diversity hire.

At this point i kinda gave up. Half the shows have a fucking unwatchable nigress. Watching carnival row no and no nigress so far but its starting to get real preachy


>Doesn't have crack traits at all.
She's Black

Spics can’t contain their hatred for niggers.

orange skin is gross

All gingers must either be niggers or fuck niggers.

Dumb brainless kike

Holy shit. Who'd thought it was a good idea to let this ugly baboon play starfire

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Well no cos starfire is robin romantic interest. But knowing tv if she was a ginger, robin would be a cuck in a open relationship

looks like diarhea skin. actually revolting. looks like a monster.

There's gotta be some attractive black women they could cast for this shit, right? Between this ugly creature and that alien goblin playing Ariel I'm starting to wonder.

>still black
whats so hard to understand?

>inb4 muh racism

they're trying to get people used to there being no redheads since there won't be very soon.

Just genderbend her and have Trump play the role instead!

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Big improvement over first season.

unironically kino

LOL no she doesn't

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Black don't crack, muhfugga!!

New haircut and makeup look like shit. She was so cute in the first season.

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Get one that's actually fuckable then. Starfire is supposed to a 10/10 in universe. Also Beast Boy looks like a fag, Raven looks like a fat goth when she's supposed to be built for Big Demonic Cock and Robin got turned into an edgy tryhard faggot covered in acne.

So disappointing they actually cast her as starfire. Such an obvious miscast and diversity hire.