Getting a haircut in 40 minutes

>getting a haircut in 40 minutes
>stomach hurts from being anxious about it
Kinos for this feel?

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>What kind of haircut do you want?

The 40-Year-Old Virgin

just cut your own hair or take a shot of whiskey

Haha same when I go in public. Just buy a electric hair trimmer.

What do I tell them?
Is “short on the sides, longer on the top” enough?

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Take a shot of whiskey then cut your own hair.

>just fuck my shit up senpai

>So any big plans this weekend?

i fucking hate going outside but you cannot function in this society without interacting with the outside world

just ask for a buzz, can't fuck up a buzz

just show a picture from your phone...

>not becoming intimately familiar with your hair behavior and skill shape by cutting your own hair

say something like No. 3 on the sides and cut the top to about half the length it is now
or some shit

Is this bait or are you really nervous about something that trivial?

Short back and sides with a tidy up on top

am I really that basic if this is my haircut?

>Go to barber
>He's a young "hip" guy
>Tries to make small talk with me
>"Yo my man you know you should really get your haircut every few weeks"
>Smile and nod but inside I just want him to shut the fuck up and just cut my hair.

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I used to cut my own hair in high school and it looked like shit, that’s why I’m going to a place now

Would you kindly post your face so we can recommend a suitable haircut for your future appearance, user?

i haven't had a haircut in about 8 years. who /longhairmasterrace/ here

stop larping, even normies are nervous about getting their hair fucked
most barbers are low IQ fucked up

>not cutting your own hair

Here, sir!

>ok user, how do you want it parted?

Boy I sure hope you don't have to take a shit while the girl is cutting your hair.

>i enter the trendy new barbershop down the road
>as i slide into the distressed cushioned red chair the barber stares at me. "can i help you, sir?"
>with half a smirk i produce a single faded polaroid from the inside pocket of my jacket, turning it with my fingers so the light hits it just right (pic related)
>the man's eyes widen in astonishment. it is clear what i want, what he must do
>he pulls out a .45 caliber pistol and shoots me in the face, killing me instantly

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I can't grow my hair out it's greasy,dry and curly, though i wish i could

>not cutting your own hair

He doesn't know that your shitty mess of hair is part of your multi-level defense against getting laid.

Just cut my long hair after 2 years of growing and now girls talk to me more

curly hair are kino just high maintenance

Here. Don’t really care cus this thread’s probably going down anyway lol
Just respond fast it’s soon

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I’m going to the dentist in an hour and I’m having a panic attack

Not trying to be mean but, stop being a pussy.


This is what you should be scared of desu

>and lets pull your hair back to reveal your receding hairline...

>t. zoomer

Being this agressive
Project some more faggot

Just say the hitler youth, usually makes my hairdresser laugh

>give me the zoomer

The dentist episode of Dan Vs

did this, was the most expensive haircut I'd ever had, still fucked it up

right here bro

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i know that feel

It's thick curly, impossible to do anything with it so i shave bald

i just haven't cut my hair since 2007

are you literally fucking 12?

get a picture of that haircut you want on your phone

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>getting a haircut
>hairdresser is a hot young milf
>pop a semi-boner every fucking time
should remember to fap right before going

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Was he aware of how fucked up his hairline was?

Just cut your own hair you dumb fuck. Men don't need fancy haircuts.

I skipped cutting my hair this summer because of that

'2 on the sides, slightly longer than finger length on the top, ask for a high side fade

>that hairline

I’m older than I look, hence why I want a better haircut

>he unironically wants the bert and ernie zoomer look
dont do that
just show them a pic of a male celeb who has hair you want

>Going anywhere nice on holiday this year?

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nice nails

they're all drug dealers barbershops are just a front for selling drugs

>not buzzing for life
I save between 200 and 300 dollars with this one weird trick

i like this guy, he looks like an Oblivion character

checked and agepilled


>wanting to look like an alt-right neo nazi

