Now that the hold on Star Wars projects has been lifted how long until we get news about Rian Johnsons trilogy and the...

Now that the hold on Star Wars projects has been lifted how long until we get news about Rian Johnsons trilogy and the GOT fags trilogy?

Attached: Capture.jpg (531x435, 37K)

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>soi face.jpg

Obi-Wan diddles little Luke
Obi-Wan tells Luke to call him Big Ben
Obi-Wan pays the Sand people to raid Luke's home
Obi-Wan kills them in front of Luke's family and saves them
Obi-Wan fucks Aunt Beru and diddles Luke again
Obi-Wan gains custody of Luke
Obi-Wan tells Luke to blame Uncle Owen for molesting him
Uncle Owen is arrested and space/tv/ calls him based

I can't wait for Rians trilogy trailer so i can see all the delicious Yea Forums tears

We won't get news about them until after The Rise of Skywalker comes out, and after they announce another streaming show that centers on Kylo and Rey's rommance as they rebuild the republic and the jedi (both survive and Kylo turns to the light, and they get married).

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i hope his star wars trilogy isn’t even set in the star wars universe, it should be a capeshit film starring a dog as the main hero like air bud
that would really subvert my expectations

I love how everyone is in denial about rians trilogy even after so many confirmations
>tlj was bad so rian is fired they jost wont announce it to save face

The buthurt when his trilogy launches will be amazing

how does that retarded manlet even still get work after what happened?

Because the execs in charge dont know or care about what the fans want

he did cost disney 800 millions dollars and nothing happened so It's just nepotism

I just realized that if Luke is only supposed to be 19 and if Obi was like 30 in ep 3 then how does he look like he's 70 in ep 4?

He Was a Good Friend: A Star Wars Story

#metoo, I've never cried from laughter as hard as when Solo bombed because of TLJ

Attached: Kao Cen Darach and Satele Shan vs Lord Vindican and Malgus.webm (1000x562, 2.96M)

this looks like a rave, which is how it should be. tfw an rpg video game does better fights than disneywars.

I preferred the OT's style of the combatants mostly talking shit and being really cautious

What you have to understand is that Yea Forums knows nothing and has been proven wrong time and time and time again.

Lucas didn't make the prequels conform to the originals because he never had a real backstory. Obi-Wan truly was around 70 in "Star Wars" and the film was a one-shot (maybe) at the time with no real hope of if being a saga* because the prequels did not exist in any form until 1994.

Also consider that The Empire Strikes Back was originally called "Star Wars II"* and that there was no consideration of anything that came before "Episode IV" which did not even get its namesake "A New Hope Episode IV" until 1981, thus making TESB the first episodically named SW movie.

*Source: Star Wars The Annotated Screenplays

him and kathleen kennedy are probably fucking


Attached: its a good trick.webm (1280x548, 1.8M)

Solo bombed because no one wanted a Solo movie ever.
TLJ bombed because it's bad.
Same thing happened to TFA.

Entire trillogy is fucked and no one has any sort of hope for SW anything save for the paid off shills.
Not even Luke Skywalker wants anything to do with it anymore. He's basically being held hostage because of contracts.
He's giving the best performance of anyone in the entire damned cast.
It's like watching John Henry beat out the soulless mindless machine by swinging his hammer harder and faster then it is.

spinning is a good trick though

>Solo bombed because no one wanted a Solo movie ever.
Which is too bad because it's a good movie. Glad I got the BR, but feel bad that I missed it in the theaters.

>TLJ bombed because it's bad.

>Same thing happened to TFA.
No. TFA is fine, but TLJ ruins what TFA built.

why is Johnson getting a trilogy?
has no one told him he sucks yet?

I legit can't wait either. The deeper Rian digs the grave, the better. Burn it all down.

Truly little Annie knew what he was doing. There's even a scene of a spinning TIE fighter destroying multiple ships in TLJ. Obi-wan recognized how good this trick was and employed it against Vader but failed to consider that Anakin was the one who taught him the benefits of spinning.

Attached: Why spinning is a good trick.jpg (479x1044, 76K)

and when are the new Solo movies coming?

Attached: solo.png (798x646, 460K)

I'll have to give that a watch

If only they hadn't wasted all of their budget on the damn trailer

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wtf is this? Is this the actual gameplay? No fucking way it is

She's clearly holding a double-sided dildo.

I remember some cutscenes being remarkably wonky... but this is ART. Holy shit.
I take it that's from the BH path


>I'll have to give that a watch
It's a book.

Attached: Annotatedscreenplays.jpg (500x774, 143K)

>this is what we got instead of kotor 3
fuck this timeline

user, SW is fucked.
There....there's nothing anyone can do.
Iger's brainfarm idea and JJ arrogantly thinking he could push whatever dumb bullshit he wanted onto the low self esteem geek populace hs backfired.

It's over.


Now the execs and shareholders are combing the net watching media and seeing how big of a fuck up the people they were stupid enough to hire are.

Kotor 3 made by today's bioware would be a disaster anyways. EA rejected Kotor 3 pitch this year I think

Why did Disney pick EAIDS to do its games and why did they shut down Lucasarts? Does Disney need to lose money for tax reasons?

Solo was conceptually retarded and written poorly
TLJ was a dumpste fire
This isn't youtube or reddit. We aren't disney shills who're paid to play up TFA as some deep briliant masterpiece.
We've seen JJ.Abrams body of work.
He didn't have a goddamned thing set up. It was all just random dumb bullshit thrown at the screen with lots of empty flash and a boring uber powerful andro loser cunt as the lead

Oligarchy neopotism.
That's all.

The ability to produce a good product for the fans means nothing.
Scratching the back of friends and putting out a product that will make money with bare minimum of cost is what matters.

Will it be good?

Attached: d23-the-mandalorian-teaser-tall-A.jpg (1536x864, 177K)

I don't care for bobba fett
Disneywars has poisoned the well so no one else will watch it.
And it's obviously the chick from felicity playing as the mandalorian.

Ew, grandpa!

>Solo was conceptually retarded
>and written poorly
Disagree for a couple reasons, the original directors. That film got cut up and that it's as good as it is, is a miracle.

>This isn't youtube or reddit
We all know plebbit sucks for its censorship, but pretending you don't read it is so 2017. It's ok, you can like TFA if you have good reasons. I won't assume your genital size either way.

That's actually pretty decent for in engine. Compare to the goofy shit that goes on in something like Fallout. I don't see anyone emerging through solid objects or flying into space when they die. You have to remember all those actor movements are pulled from a premade catalog of animations and poses, so it's more like puppetry than actual animation. Now remember that the entire game and nearly every quest has these animated cut scenes, there's like days and days of them. If you wanted to show how shitty swtor was you should've skipped around through the cutscene a bit, that's when it tries to play animation keys that don't fit with what is actually going on.

Also the FMV intro they use for the game and expansion cutscenes are top tier and do indeed make Disnuwars look like absolute shit. It would be amazing if they actually made a movie like that.

but user your generation reads tons of text all of the time

>And it's obviously the chick from felicity playing as the mandalorian.
It obviously isn't, despite your retarded ass constantly pushing this in every thread.

Quality bait.

It's not Boba Fett, it's a Disney OC.

You do realize that they didnt make those prerendered cinematics? They are all made by Blur

Jokes aside, we(online readers regardless of generational label) do probably read as much as any voracious book-reader and the content is probably about the same, if the authors are contemporary that is.

[shameful grammar edit]

Basically, Kathleen Kennedy and Bob Iger said they didn't know jack shit about the videogames industry and shut down Lucasarts to focus more on films and toys. They saw people enjoying some game called "Battlefield 1" and decided to give the company that made said game to develop all Star Wars games. Disney has made the same mistake with the Avengers game as well, giving the rights to Square Enix. Spiderman PS4 was a miracle if you take into account Disney's carelessness in the gaming industry

Lol I watched that trailer and was like 'are they trying to hide the fact that this Mando is a chick? Why would they even do that? Is this really obvious thing going to be their big reveal?

I'd probably hate it a lot more if my main in swtor wasn't a qt mando for years now. Babes in power armor is my fetish.

>Basically, Kathleen Kennedy and Bob Iger said they didn't know jack shit about the videogames industry and shut down Lucasarts to focus more on films and toys.
Why didn't they simply let the head of Lucasarts handle it? Lame reasoning on their part.

>. Disney has made the same mistake with the Avengers game as well, giving the rights to Square Enix.
Square Enix....Disney really is retarded about games.

>Still thinking Ruin Johnson gets to do anything at Lucasfilm ever again.
If the Mandalorian lives up to the hype, you're going to see a MASSIVE turn around at Lucasfilm.

If they contracted someone to make them for the game they were making they still technically made them... though I understand what you're saying. I don't really care who made them. They're part of the game.

Solo was a poor movie
TFA was even worse then Solo. WORSE.

best Disney game coming through

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Every thread?
Someone else is stating it?
You know that if a bunch of people say something like that, then there's a good chance there's something to it correct?

It's another C3PO with a red arm situation. It's bobba fett in everyway except name.
I take that back, they'll just get the chick from felicity to do her best bobba fett impersonation and call it a day.

>Solo was a poor movie
Incorrect, you're just trying to be cool. Stop it.
Solo is kino and is probably the best Nu-Wars to date.

>TFA was even worse then Solo. WORSE.
Yeah I essentially admitted as much, but it's still leagues above TLJ.

>Now that the hold on Star Wars projects has been lifted how long until we get news about Rian Johnsons trilogy and the GOT fags trilogy?

They're waiting to see how Rise of the Skywalkers does.

The Last Jedi made half of The Force Awakens, Solo struggled. Star Wars as a whole has failed to grow in overseas markets. Star Wars as a whole is on a downward trend and Disney knows it.

If Skywalker overperforms we'll get a ton of new Star Wars movies. If matches TLJ we'll see a new movie once every year or 2. If it underperforms they'll push Star Wars to be a TV brand with a few movie releases.

It's likely the GoT showrunners 'trilogy' never gets made, not after they did to to Game of Thrones. Even there deal with Netflix is substantially smaller than what they would have got a before GoT ended. They basically shot themselves in the foot and don't have the clout they should. They'll get dropped.

Blur is a studio that only makes cinematics and have made them for a lot of games

>All of Han Solo's life achievements were accomplished in a week and then he drank for 10 years on Tatooine
>Han Solo's never before seen girlfriend who was better than him at everything

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>>All of Han Solo's life achievements were accomplished in a week and then he drank for 10 years on Tatooine
The movie does not say or infer any of that at all, and I suspect that you have never watched the film.

>>Han Solo's never before seen girlfriend who was better than him at everything
You really haven't seen the film. They don't get together and are not boyfriend and girlfriend ever.

I must admit I love old stuff , I just feels very sorry for these actors who are steamrolled into a dying kino

>>Han Solo's never before seen girlfriend who was better than him at everything
You got a very high opinion of the blonde.


You'd think using that much digital stuff they could afford a few extra frames

TESB was called by the media and studios SW2 not lucas or lucasfilm faggot.
Most of the Prequels are unused stuff plotpoins and names from original (many different) drafts of the star wars script.
Your source book written by some OT purists won't change the reality.

Attached: $£€¥.jpg (847x261, 229K)

>TESB was called by the media and studios SW2 not lucas or lucasfilm faggot.
Read a book for once in your life, idiot. It was literally called "Star Wars II" by Lucas as he wrote it.
>Your source book written by some OT purists
Fucking zoomer scum leave.


That strip along the center of the helmet looks stupid, why didn't they just keep it original?

Attached: boba-fett-helmet1-300x233.jpg (300x233, 27K)


I like the face Obi Wan does right before he spins
>"Oh, this one will surprise him good"

Attached: obi wan spin.jpg (589x405, 20K)

Would have worked better with dadmentum and childrenmentum

>EA rejected Kotor 3 pitch this year I think

Attached: EA not want KOTOR 3.png (880x832, 656K)

Dont worry we are getting Uncharted star wars edition soon, and its set in the beloved and mostly unexplored era between the preqeuels and ot

Canonically it's because planets with two suns cause people to age faster, which is one reason Obi-Wan hid there. He knew no one would think of looking for him here.

Methinks stress and sand aged him. He has to live with most of his friends dying, his apprentice being evil and rough, coarse sand getting everywhere.