I wish I could save him in some sort of time machine

I wish I could save him in some sort of time machine

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So he could be another soulless husk like Leo? He did himself a favor

some things are too good for this world

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If a fascist government ever takes over, I hope they comb through the servers and round up every faggot poster on here and put them on a bonfire.

Degenerates druggies bring nothing of value and deserve to die.

t. Ahmed

For me? It's going back in time to 2000, getting into contact with Christina Aguilera, seducing her with knowledge of future financial investments and career advice, fucking her for a few years until she loves me, then coming back to present day and reuniting with mommy Christina.

You are no fun at all
>tfw you will never shoot heroin with prime River

these young lads are to be appreciated
not spoiled



Why do I smell faggots in this thread

then we wouldnt have this absolute kino record of joaquin police call where he crying and stuff

He chose his path. If anyone is worth saving it's Brandon.

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nothing would give me more pleasure than taking them on hikes, fishing, shooting, or sailing, watching and their confidence grow. i would love to see how their enthusiasm for life encourages other around them, and how that youthful masculinity is then channelled into creativity. i want to see them start a family and have many happy children.

maybe if they would let me give them head pats that would be nice too, but more than anything their energy for life is to be preserved--not sucked out through anus magic

Was he abused as a kid or was he a junkie for no reason?

kek, says the user on Yea Forums.. what makes you think you’re above anyone?

I don’t think he was a “junkie” per se, I think he just took something at a night club someone gave him

His dad was in some cult, so probably.

this is why young males need positive, meaningful activities to do

I'm not a faggot.

messed up childhood, lots of abuse and the family lived on the street. Also, dumb luck, most celebrities take lots of drugs, some die

This. A lot of faggots and pedophiles have exposed themselves on this thread. Decent people won't put up with your perversity forever, and you still have to answer to God. Repent.

>taking the Bible literally

doesn't their exuberance fill you with joy?

You think He was kidding when He prescribed the death penalty for sodomites?
No, filth being happy that they've chosen to be filth makes no sense to me.

>taking anything in the Bible at all except for some of the things that can be independently confirmed as historical fact as truth

>they've chosen to be filth
im not talking about sex or anything, man
i think a part of why children are so fucked up these days is because adults won't let them be enthusiastic without thinking there's a predator around every corner, which in turn sterilises their childhood and turns them into freaks

He still wouldn't have sex with you.

no better epistemological source than Christ's word, my man

>You think He was kidding when He prescribed the death penalty for sodomites?
According to Ezekiel, the crimes of Sodom were inhospitality and oppression of the poor, not homosexuality. And a lot of religious Jews see the ban on homosexuality as referring to men who molest boys.

In Leviticus, the Lord specifically states that if a man lies with another man as with a woman that it's an abomination and they should be executed.

First of all, it's not clear that this is a moral law; Leviticus is full of other strict rules that serve largely ceremonial purposes. Secondly, it's important to take into account the context of the text. Religious Jews deal with the text in its original language so it's safe to say they aren't novices.

>Jews follow the Old Testament

why would you come back to the timeline where you are a loser though?

The Tanakh is literally the same books, just in a different order.

Guess you would be the first to go then whiny little nonce

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red pill me on phoenix kino. which movies should i watch first