Why was he cast as Barry Allen/The Flash when he's literally perfect to play Desire in the DC Sandman adaptation?
Why was he cast as Barry Allen/The Flash when he's literally perfect to play Desire in the DC Sandman adaptation?
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Bottom middle right looks like the hot lesbian from FFXIII
Why do people pretend like they wouldn’t fuck the shit out of him if given the opportunity?
Dubs and I get a cute gf (male)
>off by one
Yea let's adapt the sandman in 2019
> where no one has a villain
> everyone is immortal
> everyone literally a concept, no the embodiment of a concept or a being , but a fucking concept
> where the stories are about everything but the main characters with long dialogues
> where the stories are a mix between all the ancient mythologies around the world
I mean yeah, everyone knows 2019 audience like those stories where you have no fart joke, no team assembly type of shit, no quips, ...
Both super qt.
Damn I love being bi.
Rat Jew
riight you have such a good point
cus all the other great comic book adaptations that are true to the source material
damn yeah user its the audience holding it back
Yeah, you are right, why even bother with the endless' stories, fuck that, let's create villains like dream vs nightmare, delirium vs reason, desire and disgust , dispair vs hope, death vs life, or destiny vs Schrodinger's cat, or whatever, who gives.
And let's make sur no one dies at the end, it's not because they are the endless that means that the others can die or end, yeah, you get the joke user, it's so fun
Let's even give them costumes with flashy colors, yeah
Fuck the stories, fuck the dialogues, fuck their universe.
fuck everything so we the audience can have fun, fun, fun
That makeup looks really nice on him
It's for Urban Decay, he's a spokesperson for the brand.
Because most people arent faggots
I wish more guys would do this, I’m sure there’s tons of incels who would look so much better with a bit of makeup but don’t even know it.
he can star in the edward scissor hand remake
thats the approach these adaptations have had so far why on earth would this be any different
its hollywood schlock made by americans unless there is a clear bad and good guy its too risky
gays were a mistake
You were a mistake, incel.
So this guy is legitimately mentally ill right? He’s also the worst Flash I’ve ever seen.
>Urban Decay
>spokesmen is a gay jew
he's not even technically Jewish, his mother is white and Christian
OMG I love mutated judeorodents
You seem to be seething - why is that?
Too feminine. I want to fuck a manly guy and humiliate him. Yes, I reckon Henry will do.
He’s not even remotely feminine, look at that fuckingn jaw
Practically a chad
He's very mentally stable you SHITLORD
for ezrafag
>Janitor applications are now being accepted for the next ~48 hours. Apply here
you have to pretend you're not the ezrafag to apply. apply so the new jannies won't delete ezra threads and to keep this board as gay as possible
He’s jewish get over it
>I barely identify as a human
Shit I could’ve told you that.
He's half ethnically Jewish, yes
Still incredibly good-looking
>keep this board as gay as possible
We can still do that without being jannies user
What do we think his penis and asshole looks like?
He should take up the nudist lifestyle
nut if the new jannies are homophobic.
ok you don't want to do it, please gay anons, try and get the job!
being a janny is not a job, it's a death sentence
>no Sandman adaptation in our lifetime
It hurts so bad
Burh that's perfect casting
That is one beautiful man, no homo
Kill yourself samefag tranny spammer
Seething retard, the only samefag is you
Kill yourself mentally ill tranny spammer samefag spammer
Normally i dont support gay peoples life styles, but i really hate poser egotistical faggots like him.
He's not a poser or egotistical
Seems humble and sweet
t. Ahmed
This looks awfully like a spam post
He's probably circumcised
How he hasn't played at least a vampire yet is beyond me
I want to ________ Ezra
probably hairy
Ezra Miller should be a nudist
unfortunately the people who are freest with their bodies IRL tend to be the ones that nobody wants to see
I would imagine he is at least 7 inches hard.
Sadly I'm almost certain he's circumcised, given his parents lineage. I wish he wasn't. I like to think he has a big cockhead, but I don't have a ton of evidence for that.
He has big nuts for sure, there's a few pics of him in these tight pants where they look like they're struggling to be let out. There's one pic where he has a hole in the crotch of his pants and his sac is peaking out a bit and there's hair on it, so his balls are probably nicely furred.
His asshole is hairy, but manscaped enough for sex. The same shade of pink as his lips. An intoxicating aroma of musk with a hint of patchouli.
What's the best picture that's ever been taken of Ezra?
That changes pretty often for me...also depends on if it's for lewd purposes or not.
Right now it's this one, I love the way his hair sweeps into his eyes, which look so bright and sharp - intense.
What about you VF?
God he’s so DREAMY
Truly a work of art
This beauty is impossible to even fathom
What's your favorite thing about him?
his personality
Everything. I don't know where to start but honestly, probably just his confidence and bare charisma
His ocean eyes
what are other good comics that you'd recommend? So far I loved Watchmen, Doomsday Clock, Sandman, Maus (only the 1st book was great),100 Bullets and PunisherMAX. I tried reading The Boys but gave up on the 6th issue since the dialogue and writing was so bad
Yeah I can see that
He's so animated and playful, I love just watching him do stuff and be cute
He's so perfect. I wish I had a friend like Ezra.
He has the jawline of a god so that's probably my favorite physical feature about him, but I really adore how grounded and earnest he seems in interviews. He just seems like a good person
Is it weird that I like Ezra's voice? I know some people usually cite that as a negative since it's so nasally and deep but I kind of like it.
Okay now this would be an epic adaptation.
Ezra is still a fine Flash though...
>movie starts with dream trapped in glass bubble at turn of the century
>gets out
>has to find that dream gem thing
>dr.destiny is going around killing people or whatever the hell he does
there...thats basically the first arc and would work perfectly fine as a movie. I guess you'd have to give Dream a human sidekick to have him explain everything to.
Doesn’t he have a band where he sings?
I love his voice: youtu.be
Yes and he recently announced he is making SOLO music which is so dope, he's unironically a good singer and I don't really care for the type of music his band makes together so I hope it's something a bit different.
>Thanks for taking me out for pancakes user
He's relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.
>stay naked
>cover yourself in make up
wow people are retarded
Damn, he is. Hopefully a casting agent is browsing.
What is he really saying here?