i chuckled... i guess
I chuckled... i guess
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I dont really care about what you like or dislike
Tranny detected
Dave is back to form. Last 2 sucked tranny dicks
why is he wearing a dress?
no you didn't
>white boy humour
LOL no thanks
reminder chappelle is white as fuck
Didn't get a laugh out of me, even though it was entertaining. Old Chappelle is so much better it hurts, he hasn't done anything great since his show. He needs to let loose, feels like he's very cautious when talking about anything.
>that t-shirt
>y'all niggers need to buy guns and overthrow the goverment
>he actually unironically says this
>people think he's "redpilled" now
I laughed at the MJ jokes I guess
He's unironically based and officially /ourguy/
Fruity nigga
>He needs to let loose, feels like he's very cautious when talking about anything.
I reeeally wonder why...
That's not what he implied at all, are you retarded? He said that if blacks wanted for gun laws to pass, then blacks had to go en-masse to register guns... because that's the only way white people will get scared.
Of course, it's just a joke, and everyone including himself knows that such laws would help no one.
But that's not what he says retard. He says all blacks should buy guns so whiteys will at last start restricting gun access.
>currently sneeded
He's playing the field because he knows his career is on borrowed time, don't let anyone convince you otherwise. He's got another year at best before the media/agencies turn on him completely and force him into another retirement.
Old Chappelle died when he got offended over a white guy laughing too hard at a sketch he was doing causing him to run to Africa and cry that Eddie Murphy or Tyler Perry doing cross dressing for laughs was an attempt at emasculating all black men.
if you enjoyed this you're a bbc loving cuck, simple as
Honestly kys. Why do idiots even watch these shows? They hear what they want to hear, parse out anything they either don't like or understand then run to their echo chambers to cry about it being another assault on whites. Like actual children, jesus christ
basically this. why does chappelle hate poor white people? why didn't he talk about black on black violence- which is much much more common than the odd white kid shooting up a school?
This. That was the end of Prime Chappelle. Now his stand up always comes off as extra bitter and angry, which isn't quite as funny.
>resorts to "muh women are the only ones to decide on murdering their babies"
found Jamal And Dequan.
Personally I found it to be pretty funny but towards the end he was just lecturing white people about how evil they are, I'm not even white by the way but that was retarded.
Like the Abortion lecture was fine, I don't care what roasties do with their bodies, I agree they can have abortions if they want, don't care.
But when he starts lecturing people about shit they can't control like their own race, fuck of with that shit nigger.
Also boohoo why can't I say faggot, but god forbid someone who isn't black says nigga around him he'd lose his shit youtu.be
louis ck's abortion joke was better in his 2017 special
You know it was Bill Burr that was laughing too hard right?
i sneedled... i guess
Did you forget the part about child support you utter snollygoster
Watching young Dave last night in Men in Tights was pretty great. I don't think his humor has changed much but a young guy mocking society's norms is funny and edgy, an old guy doing the same just comes off as angry and bitter....
Not to mention people get so butthurt over anything now that we'll never get comedy as irreverent as Mel Books ever again.
Laughing should just be made illegal because if someone sees or hears you and they aren't happy that could really hurt their feelings even more.
Comedy is dead.
I don’t know why that movie gets a bad rap. It may not be on the same level as some of the other Mel Brooks classics but it’s still fucking hilarious.