Other urls found in this thread:
Two of them aren't
formerly less american
scene looks like jurassic sneed
>hate america
>refuse to move
Trump doesn't have to move anywhere if he doesn't want to.
haw haw haw sirry arrmerican
arrmerica is not a race
who animated this and why did they think a kitchen was a good scene to draw in the white house?
>he is in his office and then err runs into the kitchen, make sure the artist draws utensils in the foreground
You tried.
But isnt that crazy Muslim literally an immigrant, who's also now found out to be a whore who craves white cock?
>immigrants can be less American than born Americans
Seems rather insensitive to our friends from beyond the border, why are The Simpsons writers gatekeeping the status of being an American to any capacity?
>In 2001, Knavs became a permanent resident of the United States.[6] She married Donald Trump in 2005 and obtained U.S. citizenship in 2006.
>I don't like this person so let me attack their wife
>ywn deepdick tulsi
atleast i fucked muslim girls before shits A+
what is the plot of this episode?
WTF that's a racist jab
What were the writers thinking?
That's how little they have on him. His wife is an immigrant and he have funny hair. They got nothing. That's why they have to resort to using Zombie Simpsons as a mouthpiece
OH NO the democrats candidates!!
Homer cowards out of a pistol-duel and hides out with the rest of the family on a country farm.
>i don't like this person, let's make fun of his appearance
>i don't like this person, let's insult his family
i wonder how many unrelated men started to feel self-conscious about the size of their hands after this
does he attempt to grow crops on the farm?
oh no
>FUCK Immigrants when it doesn't fit my narrative
Pretty xenophobic I might say famalamazoids.
>no american is illegal! Refugees welcome!
>we're more american than your wife
Seems a bit contradictory
no he mostly smokes meth and fucks lisa
A spic, an Arab, and a Somalian inbreeder wouldn't be recognized as American by the founders. Melania would. America was created to be a country for white Christians, not Muslims.
Damn, that's one of the worse ratios I've ever seen
Why is the white houses kitchen ceiling so low
Melania wouldn't even. They were hardcore WASP supremacists.
It's only 7 to 8 feet max.
>tfw super lefty
>tfw hate lefty propaganda in tv shows
I watched the new twilight zone and wanted to throw up
So when someone farts everyone can smell it and it can't rise up.
We seriously need to ducking impeach him if Russia rigs the election again. We can’t survive 4 more years of this asshole
>this is even leftist propaganda
lmao no, if this shit is leftist then I'm Mao reincarnated
>Melania wouldn't even. They were hardcore WASP supremacists.
>that time Ben Franklin called Poles and Germans swarthy
What the FUCK was his problem?
Yeah we never said anything about that ugly tranny moochelle
He literally has trouble spelling simple words
In what way has he been a bad president to you
What's your point?
Because he’s a racist, mysognistic, asshole and a complete joke of a president? Embarrassing us in front of the entire world...
Nice buzzwords faggot. Do you know how to use them? Have sex
Sneed is more American
I’d expect no less from the inbred backwoods retard that voted against his own economic interests.
You voted for a guy who can't spell
Sneed is so American he won't buy cars from Germany or Italian shoes. That's devotion.
He's literally just gone from one fuck up to the next
Name one fuck up
Citation needed and you still get no sex
1 he's ORANGE
Why can't any of you tranny's actually articulate why he's unfit to be president?
Turning farmers into welfare queens
The trade”war” with China that just fucked American farmers. The boarder wall that does nothing but kill wildlife, cost millions, and stroke trumps racist ego boner. The fact he collided with Russia for presidency and is still Putin’s bitch.
>Jim Bob who got laid off from driving a lizard truck at a surface mine votes for Trump because he promised to put him back to work
>Gets a new job because his employer can actually afford to operate again
ESL cunt
>angry npc
Whiter than you, Cletus. Nice “argument” tho
compulsive liar, zionist, anti-science (just like hilldawg)
He can't spell
farmers have always been welfare queens
Holy shit go back to college. For an actual degree this time.
I used to believe that Republicans were retards solely for this reason alone, then remembered that the Dems would shit on the working class forcing them to pay for more ghetto people programs while running for office claim they'll do all these things to help the working class and then never follow through.
"I have this plan" really means "I'm going to promise you all this shit just so you'll vote for me, yet never push any legislature during my tenor".
Farmers are the ones buying up the used brothels and turning them into successful businesses.
Your opinions are why he shouldn't be president? Okay.
Literal genocidal brown and black low IQ trash from the Middle East and an orange Zionist shill.
Honestly I'd put Melania in a crate and ship her back to Moldova or wherever in a heartbeat if it meant getting a wall built.
>fuck legal white immigrants!
Dennis Prager is not exactly my favorite public thinker, however he one said something that stuck with me at the time because it was a truth I initially rebelled against, but over the years have come not only to understand but to laugh at it.
"The foolishness of that comment is so deep, I can only ascribe it to higher education. You have to have gone to college to say something that stupid."
Farmers leech off the land and taxpayers while producing nothing of worth.
>doze r just ur opinyunz
Any white person is more American than a Person of Brown.
kill all phoneposters
thought america was all about immigrants?
Still seething from the election lol
well yes, althrough these are barely opinions. You like the man and I don't, this dialogue is pointless since none of us is gonna change his mind. Now excuse me but I'll go watch S11E5, have a good day my friend.
We were until the civil rights movement and the 50 years following it.
White immigrants. Look up the 1790 Naturalization Act.
because it’s bait you retard
>durr still upset foreign nation planted a complete buffoon in charge of your nation
>despite losing by tens of millions of educated city votes, because of a flawed electoral college
Yeah no shit we are still mad. He’s still president.
Im a spic and at least the orange man is not warmonging like that nigger who got a nobel prize for killing people
That's literally a true statement though?
So welfare queens vote Republican?0
We have this little thing called freedom here where we can criticize our government while not being shot by Chinese suicide squads, user. If that bothers your Saudi sensibilities, you can always move yourself!
i was addressing the shitskins in an imaginary way, my frens
She's an American citizen, user.
Maybe you should post in an imaginary way, too.
And he will be President for 4 more years sweetie :)
Boil about it sweetie :)
>how little they have on him
lol his administration has been a literal dumpster fire for the last 3 years but sure...there is "very little" to criticize.
They produce the seed that we feed on.
Why can't the progressives leave a single comedy show alone? Even the Simpsons has become shit.
No the fuck he won’t, if Russia rigs the election again we will literally riot in the streets of DC until Trump is run out of the whitehouse and a real candidate is elected.
>pro feminism
>targets his wife
>we will literally riot in the streets of DC
not my fault you cant abstract
His wife immigrated legally to America. One of those women married her brother to commit immigration fraud and the other married her uncle for the same reason.
Technically they all are, Melanias parents are chain migrants too
You will do dick fuck besides take it up the ass just like you did last time you worthless pissant. Eat shit.
>give the Saudis a few billion dollars
>hurt American manufacturing jobs
>spend taxpayer money golfing more than any modern President combined
>Makes us look like retards at G7
>says inflammatory shit that then gets cited in manifestos of mass shooters
>Really wants war with Iran
>let corporate drones write tax bills
I don't know bud, I'm sure there he's going to be remembered as the bestest everer!
Then I guess it the US isnt as big of a problem as the left makes it out to be. If it was so bad they would move to whatever country they thought was better.
>i was only ironically stupid
You sound like you swallow.
He got Americans killed on a botched military operation that the previous Administration deemed unsafe and too risky?
>be Somalian.
>flee Somalia after your socialist bureaucrat parents help fuck the country into mad max tier
>move to Uk and live in Islamic no go area.
>marry uk Moslem
>flee to America (thanks obama)
>marry brother to commit immigration fraud
>become representative only due to Barry hussein artificially flooding a certain voting district with fellow Somali Muslims
>says 9-11 is just a thing
>claim to be more American than the FLOTUS
>fucking Simpson’s is now backing a radical progressive socialist Somalian over the POTUS who is TRUMP.
God damn this ride is getting ridiculous
>citing a literal propagandist for anything
lol why?
Why are /pol/ tards so easy to troll?
You said pretty much nothing. What actually bad things has he done? And don't resort to more buzzwords, we've all heard enough of that
You must think you’re so edgy anonymously posting about what you won’t do.
old simpsons would have a field day with those women. aoc in particular because they always liked mocking airheads.
You say propagandist like that's a bad thing.
>n-n-no I was pretending
Not an argument.
>it's immigration fraud if it hurts my feefees
lol "Facts and Logic", amirite? Melania can't even properly speak the language. Almost every member of the "Squad" has been a legal citizen longer than she has. Cope.
Uh oh, he swallowed the hook!
>you can't criticize your country and want to make it better
Your buffoon of a President literally campaigned with the mantra "make America great again", as if it wasn't currently. I'm not sure why this double standard flies over your NPC brain.
The somali nigger can't even pronounce constitution.
>you love life makes us heave
so this is the power of american politics
just off the top of my head
>multiple gaffes in public, uncountable
>going to fuck the UK into complete submission
>muh Russia conspiracy
Where are the proofs nigga?
I accept your defeat then.
is this real
honest question, why does Yea Forums mock stuff like this when we're all white and all of us want an asian wife more than anything?
Except when you criticize jews, or criticize facets of culture you don't like that are progressive, or criticize anything that's left wing or progressive in general, or critize mentally ill trannies, or criticize gender inequality in favor of women. Yep, freedom of speech.
>We don’t have any evidence or real claims of Russian collusion so we will revert back to mocking his appearance and family
>we are mad that Hillary didn’t win because muh womynz never mind the fact we demonized someone who could have been the first female VP only a decade ago
>>I don't like this person so let me attack their wife
Yeah because republicans didn't attack Obama's wife of their children!!!FACT!!!
>Even the GOP acknowledges that Russia interfered in our 2016 election
>even Trump's family acknowledges that Russia interfered in our 2016 election
>even his SC picks acknowledge that Russia interfered in our 2016 election
It's literally just Trump and his Trumpfaggots who don't, you realize that right?
They're full. It's your turn now
The ideas they have arent about building up the country but tearing it down. You can claim differently but their opposition to border security and favoring illegals over their own citizens says otherwise. Keep being retarded.
Donald Trump's grandfather rans whore houses. His father was a slumlord who sold little Donny's tender pink ass to Roy Cohen. Trump is a conman who never earned a single thing in his worthless life. Has filed for bankruptcy protection six times. Steals money from charities. Wants to fuck his own daughter. Sucks up to Israel when not tonguing Vladimir Putin's asshole. And despite being leader of the free world, he has plenty of time to use Twitter to spew drivel. He's a loser and no matter how much money/fame/power he has, he'll never be loved or respected which are the things he craves most of all.
Meanwhile his supporters are cockroaches whose hivemind runs on fear, hate and stupidity and worship a cartoon frog while supporting a fake President because they're fake Americans who have no convictions and will say/do anything to justify their position at any given moment. This is why they spent DECADES railing against Russia but are now perfectly happy that their idol is in the pockets of a fascist dicator who MURDERS critics, dissenters and political opponents. This is one of the reasons why Trump sucks up to Putin, because he admires that sort of power, the other is that his credit rating is soo terrible that he's been recieving money from Russia and China for decades. Of course he could prove me wrong by releasing his tax records but that will never happen because it would prove his treasonous activity against the United States of America and reveal that his supporters are enemies of the USA and everything it stands for!!!
He's a silver spoon fed trust fund sniveling coward. Only people who voted for him are retards who remember the 1980's being the last good era of the USA, not realizing that it's people like Trump who sold the country out with NAFTA and Free Trade which is why their jobs got shipped to slave labor countries. Proof that Republicans/Conservatives are complete and utter fucking cretins with subhuman I.Q.'s!!!FACT!!!
"criticize Jews" just means going on schizoid rants about your made up boogeywoogies you brainwashed yourself to think were true over on your subreddit for the literal mentally unstable and you get rightfully called retarded for it.
Maybe you should wonder why? Either there is a big "leftist" conspiracy, or you're just wrong?
The entire system h as failed. Both sides are compromised. Make sure to get a gun and load up on supplies it's going to get worse before it gets better.
You sound very rational and totally not an insane CNN tinfoil conspiracy nut
She overstayed her visa you fucking liar
God you're retarded. Where is the PROOFS? Of course you hate the electoral college. Why should some Californian/New york faggot decide what is best for Cletus from Montana?
Any day now! Them collusion’s gonna be found! Any day now! Bet weez gunna find Obama’s birt certificate too!
more like the CIA pretending to be russia interfered in our election
I don't get it, is thatvsupposed to be Omar? She should be browner. Looks nothing like her.
>their opposition to border security and favoring illegals
They want ICE to be better trained and regulated and our budget to be spent on actual border defense that works, like in technology, immigration courts and better surveillance. They only "favor illegals" when it comes to access to healthcare, under the predication that it's a human right and a better path to citizenship.
But in your stupid brain, that probably is all sorts of NPC red flags. I'm not even a Democrat, but I don't invent positions people I dislike have.
>muh collusion
The official stance of the GOP user, is that Russia interfered with our election. That is their honest to shit public stance, as is the government's. Why you pretend otherwise is baffling.
They want more spics that will vote for them.
Sure they do, that's why they wouldnt try and negotiate a deal even when they got everything they wanted. You're too stupid to see that encouraging lawlessness on our borders by failing to take action is the definition of breaking the foundation of the nation. You couldnt be dumber if you tried.
based and redpilled
fuck niggers
No they didn't, stop lying :)
It's almost like your average leftist is a raging hypocritical scumbag
>"criticize Jews" just means going on schizoid rants about your made up boogeywoogies
Nope, a senator in new york was recently burned at the stake by media for complaining about jews twisting laws to suit their own ends in his community by paying their way around housing laws, because it was factually a mostly jewish demographic. They immediately labeled it racist and dismissed the claims. You know in Europe it's illegal to say anything bad about jews, you literally go to jail for life, but you keep thinking you're in the right sweetie, your non existent kids will curse you for it.
Are you talking to yourself again? Tds...sad
>that's why they wouldnt try and negotiate a deal even when they got everything they wanted.
Pelosi has literally given Trump everything he's asked for for almost the entirety of his first term you fucking dumb faggot. The GOP had a majority in both the House and the Senate up until the Midterms.
There literally is no immigration crisis you brainwashed child. It's all a meme to get him reelected.
Ah heeear ya! Then ruskies is mighty tricky I tell you what. Poor bama done made a fool when he said “nobody can rig the election!” But that poor fellah is just a swell guy. A good guy I tell ya. He just don’t know the wrong in the world! Too good for us!
How do I give this a dislike but not give it a view?
>there was consequence in the public discourse for saying stupid shit
Tell me when the government stepped in and arrested him, friend?
>>There literally is no immigration crisis you brainwashed child.
oh ok I wasnt aware we were completely denying reality, average lefty faggot at work here
Almost got me bro
>There literally is no immigration crisis you brainwashed child. It's all a meme to get him reelected.
You're a real dumb nigger aint ya. Clinton was talking about welcoming those shitty muslims into our country with open arms and pulling a fucking Merkel, it was prevented because of guys like Trump pointing out it's a shitty idea, and we're still getting illegal caravans coming over teh border.
I hope to god some unwashed migrant blows your yuppie head off with a shotgun.
I hope you get shot by a beaner that thinks you're a seal.
>They want ICE to be better trained
The partyline right now is dissolving ICE, presumably to be replaced by nothing because no one has elaborated on their plans beyond that. De facto open borders is 100% the dem platform right now and anyone saying otherwise is just being disingenuous.
>lowest influx of both legal/illegal immigration in fucking decades
>detention centers only became overcrowded when the caravan happened
>most of the members of the caravan already left the US
>our legal system is so retarded, we can't even process a few thousand detainees
Yeah, I'm the dumb one here.
Russia didn't interfere with our elections. The voting machines aren't connected to the internet how could you hack them and change votes ?
But not more European, and that's all that matters.
>De facto open borders is 100% the dem platform right now
But it isn't? We survived fine without ICE. I'm not sure why you are so dependent on Patriot Act goon squads.
>You sound very rational and totally not an insane CNN tinfoil conspiracy nut
Then explain what I said that was wrong. I'll wait...…!!!FACT!!!
They don't need to, mob rule means he no longer has a job and cannot get hired. Nice moving of the goalpost chump, the inital point was that jews were a boogyman, but I gave you two examples of them actively hurting people and countries that are recent, and you hopped to another topic. You oughta get some twink to snap your neck with a belt, that seems like the thing a limp dick like you could get off on.
>these are the types of big brains that vote
Literally do any third party research on the rate of illegal immigration.
>merely pretending to be retarded
Fake it till you make it
>Educated city votes
I know this is bait but you must have forgotten about all the dumb n*ggers that primarily live in the city
>Flawed electoral college
Only flawed because you don't like the outcome when really it worked as intended. To keep power equal between states. Now I'd you want to live in a mob democracy, try elsewhere faggot.
There is no third party research.
>>our legal system is so retarded, we can't even process a few thousand detainees
this is the only accurate statement in your post, wanna know why it is that way? because the judicial and legislative branchs have been flooded with crazy leftist radicals who both oppose any attempt to change the laws or obstruct any efforts taken to address the situation. choke on a shotgun blast you stupid fuck
With memes user. Memes. They dun memed him into the office!
And hopefully you'll get a rubber bullet to the temple, might knock some sense into your simple ass.
Tfw no african migrant gf
that isn't moving the goalposts. Most of society does not fall for your "MUH JOO CONSPIRACY AHHH" bullshit, so when someone like that senator says blatantly antisemitic shit, as a member of public office, there was consequence for it. That's not illegal. The government never arrested him and any private business doesn't have to associate with him or hire him at all.
Why do you people hate a free market so fucking much? Is it because your ideas just don't survive it? Do you want handouts? I'll fire any /pol/tard I'd get my hands on, that's the consequence in a free market of ideas. You aren't owed anything but the platform.
We just gonna ignore the fact that Matt Groening came up in the Epstein case?
I thought we were talking about Trump. What's Obama got to do with this?
Fuck your free market kike.
>wanting stds
shiggy diggy
>it's the crazy leftist boogeywoogey at fault
kek, The Dems keep proposing new bills to reinvest funding into more immigration judges but they get beat down by the GOP. Any attempt to change the immigration system has been deflected by either the Trump Admin through EOs, or the GOP itself.
You're angry at the wrong people, schizoid.
All the adults know this already.
>democrats want more judges that will let their voting base waltz through the legal process
You don't say.
>hate America
>move there to escape shithole
>try and turn America into the shithole you just escaped
oh shit, you sure showed me then! Based retard!
>Then explain what I said that was wrong. I'll wait...…!!!FACT!!!
Still waiting....!!!FACT!!!
thats a vocal minority
>We survived fine without ICE
No we didn't. Illegal immigration has been a decades long problem, with the can being perpetually kicked down the road by amnesty and attempts at amnesty from both sides of the aisle. As Mexico's unemployment problems have gotten progressively worse so have illegal border crossings. Unless you're prepared to explain how rolling back the capability to enforce while the problem is getting progressively worse is going to work you're just fallaciously presenting the issue in the context that historic conditions still hold true today, which obviously isn't true.
America was trash, it's getting better but not by much. Need a civil war. All of you anti-American scum need rounded up and dealt with accordingly. As for nu-America? Fuck that
Imagine hating AMERICAN congresswomen, leave you Zionist son of a bitch.
So this is an example of you retrofitting any dissenting information to fit your propaganda. I'm not sure why it's hard for you to admit that the GOP is at fault for this border crisis.
>the gop is the source of obstruction not the dnc
again back to rejecting reality I see, I guess it's the only thing the left is good at
>Illegal immigration has been a decades long problem
It statistically hasn't.
Yeah they're at fault for not closing the border.
Michelle was a racist pig of a woman. She deserves mockery. Melania is a throwback in comparison. Honestly they should attack Ivanka, she's the Trump female that is worthy of scorn.
>Still waiting....!!!FACT!!!
I thought so. Bitch!!!FACT!!!
I know this is bait but this is what leftist actually believe.
muslims and islam are based
but you're wrong, just because the media wasnt covering it doesn't mean it isnt a problem
Because women belong in the kitchen. Trump was going to say, “make me a sandwich you sandmonkey,” but they ran out of budget.
Nice try Chapo. Why don't we talk about Israel's interference in American elections? Even turbokike Noam Chomsky agrees it is beyond the pale.
>be majority party running every level of government
>use the caravan as a marketing tool right before the Midterms, so do nothing about it
>let your detention centers, run privately by previous members of your own administration, to stuff them up with asylum cases and hold them there, since you don't care what happens after the Midterms anyway
>give more money to ICE
>block literally every legislation to propose better border defense spending or more immigration court judges
>let it get worse
>cry that it's the fault of Dems not even working in government
>some neet /pol/nigger ends up falling for literal propaganda on the State Run Media at Fox and Friends
they’re wild today maybe their bull freed the cage for a day
you're right; legal immigration of nonwhite subhumans has been the real problem
>u wrong bc me say so da media...
fuck off brainlet.
Somali and ethiopan girls are cute tho
>all of us
fuck off
Because that's a whatabout and not the topic of discussion? Why are you people so disingenious?
>It statistically hasn't.
What statistics exactly? This is a completely meaningless statement with zero context. The number of illegal aliens in the country has continued to rise so illegal entry is still a problem and has been doing back well into the 1970s and 80s which prompted Reagan's amnesty. Ergo it's a decades long problem and remains one today.
>>use the caravan as a marketing tool right before the Midterms, so do nothing about it
this is clear gaze into the mind of the loony left, it couldn't be that there is actually a problem, because to them a crisis is just PR stunt waiting to happen. keep being an actual retard supporting the destruction of the US
>Michelle was racist
kek, how you faggot?
>me right because I say word statistic
fuck off faggot
>it was merely an act!
Fuck off retard
Help me out user, I'm not as big brained as you: why was the caravan not an "invasion" until the week leading up to the midterms and nothing passed? Then help me again: why did nothing get passed after the Midterms ended?
Again, I'm not as super smart as you, being "a lefty" and all...
>a hierarchy of who is a more worthy American exists
I love how both sides always argue against themselves.
you don't want to just "criticise the government," you want to fundmentally change the country and its culture because you despise american tradition. instead of changing america to suit your personal sensibilities, you could just leave and live in another country that suits you better. but you won't. you'll just keep trying to ruin america
I can’t wait to see how you top this.
Why is it hard to just admit that you're wrong? No researcher really agrees that we're in some sort of crisis mode. It's almost like it's a falseflag before the election in 2020? Really grinds my fucking gears.
Fuck your jew research nigger.
>singaturefag is unbanned
fuck mods.
Quite a strawman you have built for me, /pol/nigger. Did I assassinate Lincoln too?
>it's all just a big "leftist" conspiracy
I bet you think Epstein actually committed suicide LOL
>he’s a loser
>won the election
With standards that high, what does that make you?
most of the military is itching to pull the trigger on antifa faggots. I cant wait to see you gunned down like dogs
>actual border defense that works
>immigration courts
pick one and only one, faggot
The fart rises