What is this phenotype

Attached: grimm.jpg (620x420, 25K)

i dont know whta that means lol

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Same, OP is such a nerd lmao

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Ok so what the fuck is this phenotype i legitimately thought these are the same actor

facial blindness is a symptom of autism

White people often look samey.

grimm chad is daddy type

you could call it your physical ancestry, the combination of genetics from your family line that influence the way your face looks. different phenotypes have distinct characteristics that allow you to discern someone's ancestry just by looking at them.

/his/ will help better with this question OP.

Based Grimm poster

Attached: GRM_647.jpg (1080x720, 87K)

Perfect Batman or Superman material. Shame he's not cast to play that role.

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>INB4 He plays Moon Knight.

Would be too perfect of a casting choice for 2019. For me? It's Will Smith as Moon Knight especially since he is of African descent

he’s good in AHS

He's great as the son of a rancher and lawyer in Yellowstone.

He was great as the villain in the first Ghost Rider movie

A phenotype is the set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genetic constitution with the environment
I really don't know what's so hard to understand here.


more likely EEF and AAF


In England we call this phenotype "Black Irish"



the "with the environment" part would be extended phenotype, wouldn't it?

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