>Jim jefferies: Incels aren't owed sex
was he right?
Jim jefferies: Incels aren't owed sex
Obviously, incels need to have sex but no one owes them anything. That being said Jim Jefferies is the definition of preaching to the choir. He does his show where he says smug elitist talking points in a rough sounding accent so the city folk feel like the salt of the earth proletariat are on their side because there's is the only reality. He uses the fact that he's not afraid to say cunt as a smokescreen for being the most transparently banal of all the Daily Show rip offs on air. Say what you want about John Oliver but he does his show with the city boy intellectualism on his sleeve, Jim the Quim is way more cynical, selling his rightthink "comedy" to assholes that just want to be told their better than other people
So much this. Jim Jeffries is extremely based and incels will never understand anything.
>watching cuckody central
just like how women and minorities aren't owed jobs
>waah waah the jews the jews
Take off your tin foil hat and have sex, incel
Based ADD poster
Sure. Nobody "deserves" sex. That said I'm willing there are plenty of adult virgins who are able to take responsibility for their situation and aren't pointing their fingers at others. The /r9k/s of the world are doing a disservice to all virgins and I think that's unfortunate.
Then legalize prostitution so those incels can buy pussy.
Not up for you to decide, sweaty.
Found the Jew
nobody is owed anything, only faggots with victim complexes think they are.
this dude went from based to cuck after one month of living in california
All virgins incel or not should be slit in the throats while asleep.
Not that user, but nobody should be watching Comedy Central because they're not even funny anymore. They're just preachy and terrible. I don't give a shit about jews.
If people are owed jobs and money and housing and health care and free university educations and should be allowed to live in countries illegally and have abortions, then yeah, I’d say incels are owed sex. Why not?
There's no such thing as an incel, they're all volcels. It's a made up term to insult whites with wrongthink.
So we can agree incels are faggots? Good. I agree.
Seething flyover cuck
So then frogposters go first, right?
but they're not are they tranny
not even a burger, cunt
Volcels are even worse than incels. As human beings you were brought on this Earth to procreate and have spawn. Now let me ask you this, why else would virgin pussies not realize this?
pretty sure incelwizards can't have sex because they're physically horrifying to behold so no that would not make them volcels.
>we're not incels we're VOLCELS
He is right
Incels are just women-hating fags that think they're owed sex
No, he's wrong.
Look, I pay taxes. My hard-earned money goes toward supporting our politicians' vacations to Epstein's island and various other underground places where they can live out the most degenerate fantasies you can imagine. The government can at least provide me a cute black gf with big milkers.
Imagine getting all worked up over cartoon frogs. I bet Reddit's more your speed, friend.
I'm not the one making the rules and neither are you, faggot.
Because you can get socialized healthcare and education without raping women
it’s just cel than celibacy implies it
Freemason nigger programming.
This is correct. Volcels go first on DOTR
Excuses, excuses. Shut the FUCK up and have sex.
>incels have unironically convinced themselves that them being virgins has nothing to do with them being awkward losers who don't attract women - it's all society's fault
Pretty sure not paying or lowering your standards are voluntary actions.
so if an incel made the rules it'd be right? do you not know what kinds of pathetic virgins are on corporate boards with hire and fire powers
Who said anything about rape? Government owes incel pussy. The government can use taxpayer money to fund them getting laid. Not like there don’t exist women who will consent to sex for money. Why not? If everyone deserves all that other shit, incels deserve government pussy.
What's up with all the third worlders ITT
who gives a shit about being attractive to women you fucking cunt-eating homo
i'll kill you all and rape some bitches when i get the chance
How can you be an incel when prostitution exists?
T. Virgin white male 29 year old
My rules would be selectively breed out Titlets and sticc woman and delegalize abortion
Also suicide by breast smothering legal
He's wrong : men are owed sex
>As human beings you were brought on this Earth to procreate and have spawn
As superficial a reason to live as incels who base their life around wanting sex.
Exactly, virgin and celibate aren't insulting enough.
If only they'd learn.
You're beyond saving. Don't have sex, just kill yourself.
Just like how illegal immigrants being kicked out the country is societies fault and not a result of their actions?
The only incel I ever heard say they deserved sex was Elliot Rodger. Not even Chris Chan thought that. It's not a worth while talking point if one nigga who is dead thought that.
Except I've had sex, incel. I'm just poking fun at the people who willingly remove themselves from the gene pool as they deserve nothing but being mocked. You are OBLIGED to have sex as a human being. Missing out just means you're worthless and don't deserve any kind of voice even on an anonymous board.
You can't.
Volcels are worse than incels. At least incels want to have sex, and even when we bantz them it's usually to help them. Volcels on the other hand are beyond saving and just need to die already.
He was right, no one owes anyone anything, he's still a dicktard though.
Exactly I don't even care
Why does the normie fear the incel so much? Why do they feel compelled to hound the incel every moment of their day?
>kill yourself
Whoa! Edgy!
Just shut the fuck up and let me have my companion doll, Jim - you fuckin' rapist
Reposting my question
Throughout history the majority of males did not get to reproduce, we'll say around 70% of them never had offspring for the sake of argument.
In historic times however there were many wars in which young men were slaughtered so this discrepancy was not all that important to society.
However now that we live in peace time the un-mateable males are simply committing suicide and/or mass shootings and it is only going to get worse the longer we go without any wars to cull the male populations.
Are we just supposed to ignore this massive and growing mental health crisis because it's too inconvenient to talk about or is there anything that can possibly be done about it barring another world war?
>thinking that having sex will magically solve the incel problem
I'm pretty sure this whole attention mainstream media keeps giving to incels is a psyops to use them later.
>Why does the incel fear the Chad so much? Why do they feel compelled to cope at the Chad every moment of their day?
If incels aren't owed sex(love is what they really want) then roasies shouldn't be owed acces to abortion. Prove me wrong, but you can't
People still watch this hack?
Then why don't they just visit a prostitute and get it over with?
>Throughout history the majority of males did not get to reproduce, we'll say around 70% of them never had offspring for the sake of argument.
and what selected them wasn't how attractive they were to women you fucking brainlet
>Are we just supposed to ignore this massive and growing mental health crisis
Yes, it's tradition - but it's okay because we have mental health awareness week now ;)
kek, incel triggered.
>why don’t they just break the law
well that's how it is now in our feminized society so my question stands
Honestly we need to rise up. I'm not even memeing.
You're alone because nobody desires your personality
post face
sex is disgusting and degenerate and removed from god
He's funnier than any incel comedian will ever be. Stay seething. Yea Forums thinks he's based too so you're obviously in the minority not just in sex life but in comedic taste. Let me guess, you peed your pants when Chappelle poked fun at the white incel shooting epidemic?
No one is owed sex simply by existing; you earn it.
>inb4 muh chad boogeyman
He earns it by going outside.
Hollywood idealized notions of romance, they've been Jewed.
Because sex and companionship aren't the same thing. Paying some emotionally damaged whore to suck your dick isn't going to cure your loneliness
he earns it via his genetics lol
No one has any right to love, or comfort, or life. Only a chance.
>I am disgusting and degenerate and removed from god
FTFY incel
it'll sort itself out because it's basically only confined to the west
the west will collapse and either be conquered or change dramatically
It's not that they're third worlders. They've just turned the first world cities they live in into little pockets of the third world.
I'm homeless and am outside 24/7, now what?
>mankind nears extinction as the vast majority of children suddenly die
>living where prostitution is illegal
It's a psyop to demonize whites with wrongthink.
Nah I just have zero social networks
But yeah nuffin wrong with women amirite fellow incels hahaha it's all us silly men
Based Chad telling it how it is.
read the bible retard
Why are you framing this like it's a bad thing?
Then get a fucking Facebook or Tinder you chud. Get off Yea Forums and go outside and socialize.
roasties and fornicators go to hell, sodomite
Redpill opinion: Incels don't exist
contraceptives and abortions should be illegal
Don't even @ me because you know I'm 100% right . Trying to disagree with me just for (you)S wont work
He's been repeatedly caught editing interviews to make people look like islamaphobes and white supremacists. He belongs in prison.
Chad doesn't earn shit, he gets laid because he's attractive, something that he never had to work for.
Fuck that I'm owed life's basic pleasures literally
Fuck u hahaha DURRR chad nerd
T. Beta zeta nerd white nigger
Tried for years only seem to attract meek twinks who like cars nohomo
stop sucking baby dick rabbi, please
>He's a Christchud AND an incel
lmao the memes write themselves
I just knew it was a chapocel spamming the thread
You don't get pussy by staying indoors all day and avoiding human interaction
There is no white incel shooting epidemic. You belong in a mental institution.
No, the girl’s father generally chose the suitor based on how successful he was and whether he came from a good family. However most incels would still fail to satisfy those criteria so...
Because it's their choice.
what do you think god is you fucktard
Don't care, Christchud
BASED! Hope he never gets caught. Living the dream.
Change your wadrobe, gain height, lose weight, etc.
celibacy leads to enlightenment. they want to shame you into giving up your purity so you become another mindless npc chasing their next orgasm. that way you're no longer a threat to the rulers
You're clearly not trying considering you're homeless
If we assume society has a requirement to provide at least some of the elements in the hierarchy of needs (this is an integral part of modern left of moderate right political dogma, and the further left you go the more expansive and abstract said entitlements get) then you could make a compelling argue that they are in fact owed sex, at least at the societal scale. Now practically speaking as with all other entitlements this is pretty trivial to provide via compulsory taxation and monetary redistribution to subsidize the purchase of their need in the existing market economy. If we don't assume that society has any requirement to provide basic needs then we need to throw out most modern political rhetoric and theory since it's almost entirely centered around where the line of how much the government needs to provide vs what you need to achieve on your own.
Alternative we can go with a purely utilitarian outlook on societal structure where the two most key elements are 1. keeping young adult men placated since they're the element in society that is capable and willing to use violence and 2. keeping young adult women feeling safe and secure enough for them to have children to actually perpetuate said society. If the sole goal is stability those are really the only two abstract requirements that need to be met and everything else is largely ancillary.
hello chaposcum. time to go back
We dont
It's just a dumbfuck term some leftist cucksoys made popular on the internet which doesn't physically exist either
If you think about it we literally don't exist outside of our own heads so ye labels really piss me off
Done all that as u said it's personality + what I said with the social circle shit woman and normies can't get anything out of me as I'm a broke neet who lives under mommies boobs literally but bless them for trying its funny
DURRR user you'll meet someone someday hahaha
You make him sound like an insufferable cunt. Or worst, like the male version of Samantha Bee.
Oh yeah?
Why doesn't the government run socialized brothels? You apply and can go and have sex with women being paid to have sex.
>Incels and other desperates get to have sex
>Women get jobs and get paid
>It's safe, unlike the alternative of turning tricks on the streets
>Reduces stress on police and prisons by reducing the need for independent prostitutes
>Increases degeneracy points of society by 1
>A May 2018 policy brief by the Rockefeller Institute of Government at the State University of New York, which looked at any incident that resulted in deaths or injuries and excluded gang violence or terrorist activity, found that the perception that whites are responsible for nearly all mass shootings is a myth.
>“Despite common misperceptions that all mass shooters are white, the findings indicate that while a majority are, this proportion is just over half of the perpetrators (53.9 percent),” said the study, noting that almost all were men. “More than one in four shooters is black and nearly one in ten is of Hispanic descent.”
>Amy Swearer, senior legal policy analyst at The Heritage Foundation, said about two-thirds of shooters are found to have serious mental problems but that the media coverage has focused on those with an ideological bent such as racism or nativism.
>this is white in america
He gets laid because he actually puts himself out there.
Virgins don't because they make decisions that actively weaken their chance at getting laid.
Only an incel would cope like this lel
Mad because this user is exactly correct and you're just a seething incel.
>Volcels are even worse than incels. As human beings you were brought on this Earth to procreate and have spawn.
So when I drag you to the middle of the woods, throw you a shovel, and say dig, your little bootlicking ass will do it?
1/3 of those aren't even white. Also nice not including the non white mass shooters fag
Is this how you cope?
I don't know who Samatha Bee is but sure, why not
>>Incels and other desperates get to have sex
The problem is incels want love not sex
so no one should be entitled to the results of sex either, right? so no free contraception or abortions for women
Nah I'll just fuck your wife or your mother :^)
Cope about what exactly?
No. We need sex.
inbred retarded midgets could be successful and come from good families in the past you brainlet, incels would look like fucking ubermensch in comparison
Quick survey:
How many people ITT are actually having sex? (Hardmode: sex with your fat gf/wife doesn't count)
That would be sexist, user.
Who a-the fuck is a "Jimmy Jeffery" ?
I remember when he quoted incels called them 'chads and tyrone' there was a few accidental un-PC giggles.
>>waah waah the inels the incels
you and he are the same
I didn't realise they were produced through sex
Imagine voluntarily dealing with roastie bullshit lmao
>>>Incels and other desperates get to have sex
>The problem is incels want love not sex
Well fuck I feel another wave of anxiety and depression coming on
I'll literally kill myself when my mum dies
itt raiding chaposcum subhumans
I can't get past the hardmode. Fuck
Then legalize prostitution.
194 times, gonna be 195 tonight. Stay seething chudcels.
going out doesn't really help
Appeal to fatalism is far more common on here than blaming society I recon. These people hate themselves and deny any possibility of self-betterment, that's the pit they're stuck in.
hello chaponigger. how goes the revolution?
Learn to talk to women/go outside/change your wadrobe/gain height/lose weight. It's not that hard!
Post body
they are the consequences of sex
Are /chapofags/ just incels in denial?
>was he right?
no, because it isn't about sex it's about love and monogamous at that, that's what the hedonist don't get, since all they think about is sex. sex can be bought, affection and someone who actually cares for you and is there for you when you need someone can't be bought.
Sorry user for making you feel worse.
Yes. It's why 80% of them become trannies or gay
This is true. The entire incel thing is perpetuated by the usual batch of mentally ill twitter weirdos who think pumping yourself full of hormones and chopping your dick off is completely sane and normal behavior. There's a hefty batch of projection involved because literally no one wants to fuck their open wound.
>Sorry user for making you feel worse.
It's OK my bipolar genetics always kick in and stave off suicide
Although I am afraid something that major will make me go full send it mode and eject velocity my life
chapotrannies are such incels that they literally kill themselves over straight men not wanting to have sex with their dilationholes
Six people, assuming all of them are white and incels, which they clearly aren't, isn't an epidemic. So again, you belong in a mental institution.
Neither are fat or ugly women.
Staight white incel here imagine being a incel tranny post op God what a fucking horrible existence
Makes me feel better im physically normal
Only when it's convenient.
When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL" or use their generic insult "have sex", it's because they can't form a coherent thought let alone a counter argument, it's because women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing but herpes riddled whores!
And the so-called "men" who use those words are even worse because they're virtue signaling numale cucks who think that they'll get some of that sweet college/university hipster chick pussy when those women will be fucking Chad Thundercock and only settle for them once they're looking to nest with a beta orbiter provider after they're done riding the cock carousel!
No one self-identifies as "involuntary celibate". It's something roasties project onto men who don't put up with women's shit. As if to say "oh, if you had sex you'd agree with me and give in to my demands". This is because women think they can get anything they want with sex and believe this because their white knight lapdogs betas would do anything for a pity fuck!!!FACT!!!
Then legalize prostitution
>No, he's wrong.Look, I pay taxes. My hard-earned money goes toward supporting our politicians' vacations to Epstein's island and various other underground places where they can live out the most degenerate fantasies you can imagine. The government can at least provide me a cute black gf with big milkers.
>This is true. The entire incel thing is perpetuated by the usual batch of mentally ill twitter weirdos who think pumping yourself full of hormones and chopping your dick off is completely sane and normal behavior. There's a hefty batch of projection involved because literally no one wants to fuck their open wound.
Most young fellas I meme the incel thing at irl are aware fully of how slim pickings are for normal men atm let alone fringe weirdos like me.
Even non virgin men doing it tough
But what if I'm a chubby chaser?
That's the most MGTOW post I've seen in a while
No that's gross - fast-track the development and lower the cost of realdolls
Not really, they're a prevention against the consequences of sex. I mean what you're trying to say is obviously retarded but what you've actually said is just technically incomprehensible.
>That's the most MGTOW post I've seen in a while
Am I wrong? No!!!FACT!!!
their reddit is literally quarantined like the incel one is lol
Why are they against sex dolls?
>When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL" or use their generic insult "have sex", it's because they can't form a coherent thought let alone a counter argument, it's because women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing but herpes riddled whores!
>And the so-called "men" who use those words are even worse because they're virtue signaling numale cucks who think that they'll get some of that sweet college/university hipster chick pussy when those women will be fucking Chad Thundercock and only settle for them once they're looking to nest with a beta orbiter provider after they're done riding the cock carousel!
>No one self-identifies as "involuntary celibate". It's something roasties project onto men who don't put up with women's shit. As if to say "oh, if you had sex you'd agree with me and give in to my demands". This is because women think they can get anything they want with sex and believe this because their white knight lapdogs betas would do anything for a pity fuck!!!FACT!!!
If only u wherent a name fag and didn't end Ur posts the same way I'd unironically agree with you now excuse while I go fap to teenage oppai loli futa traps with dick growth and excessive cummies
i'll just rape some passed out drunk chick i guess
>now excuse while I go fap to teenage oppai loli futa traps with dick growth and excessive cummies
Then you're part of the problem, fuck you for normalizing obesity and making fat girls feel entitled to 7/10 men
It significantly increases your chances of getting laid by giving you a platform to interact with women.
What, you're gonna telepathically seduce girls from the safety of your bedroom?
Go fuck a fat mexican.
>No that's gross - fast-track the development and lower the cost of realdolls
Still not quite there I'd love a ai mombot gf to power said sexy automoton
Straya did this didn't solve shit
Wtf I like ctm now
Because with the invention of the artificial womb and making of an embrio without an egg women will become worthless.
society not only owes me sex but a pretty, consistently nice gf who is fine with butt stuff and tolerates me playing Devo and ELO near constantly
>It significantly increases your chances of getting laid by giving you a platform to interact with women.
Oh yes constant rejection is such a great positive interaction
>What, you're gonna telepathically seduce girls from the safety of your bedroom?
Via vidya and discord/im/dm I intend to
Hitting on lonely nerdy teenage girls online is easy outside of tindr
0 * 0 = 0
He's confident enough to put himself out there because he's attractive, if he wasn't attractive he wouldn't put himself out there and he'd be an incel.
Let's be reasonable and logical, and face up to facts. Women aren't human; they're not even like monkey's or orangutans. Those muddle-headed, pea-brained, waste-your-money liberals might want to brainwash you into thinking that girls are good for something other than sucking cock, but you and I and every other sensible man knows better. These sluts were put on Earth to steal your money; be whining, complaining and arrogant; and to serve as reasonably comfortable holsters for your erections when one is aroused by the call of nature.
First off, scientific research has it that women just aren't the same as men. They don't like things like cameras or computers or state-of-the-art stereos, simply because the higher centers of their brains aren't developed as well as a man's. Furthermore, according to a very fine article in The National Enquirer, it's been proven that women aren't as smart as men. It takes real guts to admit it, but women are mindless creatures... Don't let those detestable, ugly, disgusting, sour-pussed lesbian diesel-dyke Women's Libbers fool you, along with their cotillions of homo yes men. Women are most happy when they are serving their twin gods of Mammon and king cock!!!FACT!!!
looks like the chapotranny stopped posting. pussy lol
To be fair; incel is a reddit/puahate term. They ARE obsessed with the fact that they've never had sex. Probably literal teenagers mad that the 9/10 cheerleader at school won't accept their advances.
Robot or KHV was our term, and it was someone that couldn't find a gf that would love him; literally what you described.
>society not only owes me sex but a pretty, consistently nice gf who is fine with butt stuff and tolerates me playing Devo and ELO near constantly
Kino taste except for the butt stuff
T. Boobybro
I find irl to be idk off putting always have I either miss queues or get up staged by a socially superior man
Sex is an essential part of the human experince, that's like saying you aren't owed, food, clothing, family or a roof over your head. It's not about being owed that, but without those things you have no humanity
I've never heard an incel say they're 'owed' sex. What a retarded strawman.
Men work hard, make money, grind the wheels of business, only to fall victim to early deaths dealt out by the insane caprices of vengeful sluts... they should be rounded up in a pen filled with pigs and fucked with sticks and forced to eat filthy offal, and maybe then they would appreciate a fine figure of a man who wants to own and take care of them, even if he is perhaps just a wee bit nervous and high-strung and suspicious of some people's motives.
If you think about it logically, women really are gross creatures. They're cum receptacles that bleed spontaneously every month for a week, and they eat with the same mouth they swallow urine and cum in and expect to be kissed there. Also, the moment a woman is naked all her allure and mystery is gone and she's just a nervous awkward fucktoy with lopsided breasts!!!FACT!!!
>Let's be reasonable and logical, and face up to facts. Women aren't human; they're not even like monkey's or orangutans. Those muddle-headed, pea-brained, waste-your-money liberals might want to brainwash you into thinking that girls are good for something other than sucking cock, but you and I and every other sensible man knows better. These sluts were put on Earth to steal your money; be whining, complaining and arrogant; and to serve as reasonably comfortable holsters for your erections when one is aroused by the call of nature.
>First off, scientific research has it that women just aren't the same as men. They don't like things like cameras or computers or state-of-the-art stereos, simply because the higher centers of their brains aren't developed as well as a man's. Furthermore, according to a very fine article in The National Enquirer, it's been proven that women aren't as smart as men. It takes real guts to admit it, but women are mindless creatures... Don't let those detestable, ugly, disgusting, sour-pussed lesbian diesel-dyke Women's Libbers fool you, along with their cotillions of homo yes men. Women are most happy when they are serving their twin gods of Mammon and king cock!!!FACT!!!
That said thick tomboys are fucking amazing I wish I could waifu one but they are so rare and pusy washed by chadcock
>Go fuck a fat mexican.
>Sex is an essential part of the human experince, that's like saying you aren't owed, food, clothing, family or a roof over your head. It's not about being owed that, but without those things you have no humanity
I am owed basic human rights as anons said that's the ability to reproduce
Arnold turned into a gigafuck chadsoy
WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? My one single wish is to be left to my own asexual devices, free from the thorned grip of perverse temptation, unclouded or swayed in my noble search for intellectual playthings of the mind, yet by your hand I am endlessly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will these hands ever feel a woman's swaying weight in their open palms? Will I ever know a plump, ruby pair of lips perched betwixt my shoulder and my ear, whispering "I want you, I want you now" in that chocolatey croon I know so well from dreamtime? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole, indicating the completed unity of our unhinged sexual impulses?
Life is a constant hell. Day in and out the tired red eyes glaze in some attempt to shield me from these images. I am floating in the blistering heat of my id's vacuum, castrated and blinded by my wretched libido. No wonder I resent women so!!!FACT!!! youtu.be
They have a biological drive, overriding all things we consider human, in order to get pregnant with the most fit offspring by what they PERCEIVE to be the healthiest/alpha male, all the time subconsciously, meaning they are cattle and not fit for society because they possess zero logic and can at best parrot it but never understand anything behind the logic.
This is why women NEVER built a society, never will and are natural born destroyers!
Truth hurts, doesn't it roastie whore?!? Better work on that personality because once you hit 30 Chad will get tired of your shit and start shopping for a younger model. This is why you'll die alone, unloved and overdose on Haagen-Dazs and cake frosting while your bloated corpse will be devoured by your 100 cats which will provide them with sustenance and nourishment thus making yourself useful for the first time in your worthless existence!!!FACT!!!
This is now a push-up thread.
Last two digits of your post is how many you have to do.
>Hitting on lonely nerdy teenage girls online is easy outside of tindr
but where?
Mainly edgy games that weirdo edgy teens congregate like siege
Gl the games actually quite fun even ubi tries to ruin it then roll back whatever dumb shit they've done every other day
we used to call it buzzword back in the day
>9/10 cheerleader at school won't accept their advances
it's not just that, it's people thinking highly of themselves, yet they won't step out of their comfort zone an date someone "below" them. incels are just proof that most people (90%) are shallow egoists.
girls actually do play vidya, they are usually the wallflower type
Saying incels aren't owed sex doesn't make women owe you sex
Well when you say incels don't deserve sex, which is really the most basic biological instinct that's responsible for any of us being here, is it really surprising when they lash out at the society that's been centred around the idea that your contributions to society are only helping to perpetuate this new culture of you not having sex?
the silence following this post is deafening
Most feminists and smug leftists of this kind are communists or at least socialists, and they have no problem stealing other people's money in order to redistribute it, because it's unfair some people have lots of money and some people have none. Then they become die-hard anarcho-capitalists when it comes to the sexual market. It really is something to behold.
Incels are like flies.
Yes please. End my suffering. You can send your dehydrated cunt of a mother to do the job.
Actually it did.
Porn shills and people who are terrified that men will speak up about wanting women for more then sex are doing a pre-emptive PR campaign.
Then legalize prostitution
Post your sexual partner
Illegal prostitution is not a problem. Incels don't fuck because they don't want to. They're actually volcels.
way to go jidf
As opposed to the wealthy capitalists and rich oligarchs who steal money and redistribute it to themselves?
Same people will spend untold millions on pushing GUBMENT BAD BUSINESS GUD when it comes to people wanting to regulate things however.
It's quite a sight to behold
Face it, the left and right are evil subhuman monsters who are all in it for themselves.
seeing a prostitute does not affect virginity status
Imagine his crooked nose twitch as this fellow white typed this out
Then what's the harm in legalizing prostitution and subtly telling said incels to go visit them for a GF experience or to bust off one when they are tense.
What's the issue?
Will make things safer for everyone and create a decent little market.
>seeing a prostitute does not affect virginity status
What in the fuck are you talking about you deluded cunt.
Volcels usually dont abstain from sex forever you know that right? And those that do, usually do so in pursuit of some form of enlightenment. These represent a small portion of humanity and I think it makes sense for a few eccentric types to exist.
Yeah good plan except for the part where all these dudes start pair-bonding with whores and end up killing them
Prostitution is a business transaction.
The girl wants your money, not your seed. Thus it doesn't count.
Hey man, I'm not here to argue economics. I just think it's amusing to see how hypocritical these people are.
>you can't just force people to have sex
And the next second they'll tell you about the innate morality of stealing money from someone at gunpoint in order to give it to someone without.
He is an insufferable cunt, he appeals to people who get the tingles saying cunt because it might be disrespectful to women but it's edgy enough to get a laugh out of them.
>Face it, the left and right are evil subhuman monsters who are all in it for themselves.
Let's not pretend the people in the middle have zero self-interest.
relationship is the same only with social credit included
You creatures legitimately belong in cells. No one this mentally ill should be roaming free.
>grug do animal bang with gruggette me worthy now, me follow noble animals
Agreed, anarcho capitalism when?
Thank you, only sensible post in this thread and understands the whole point of the arguments.
>social credit
lol still bluepilled
>incels need to have sex
not sure what made you seethe so hard about my post, I suggest having sex
>blatantly mocking the disabled and mentally ill on live television
Welcome to clown world
perform coitus.
no, tranny you can't use my penis to dilate, stop asking you mentally ill freak
Who is seething? People too mentally ill to function in civil society should be removed from society. It's better off for society and it's better off for them. There's nothing unreasonable about that.
>Jim Jefferies is the definition of preaching to the choir.
1 out of every 4 US adults between 24 and 35 have not had sex at all/since they were 18
1 out of every 3 US adults over 25 are still living and are dependent on their parents
this has to be a small choir
Why should they be? I had to work and put effort in to have sex, why should they have it handed to them when they're technically every bit as capable as I am?
He also says fuck religion. He really makes you think.
incels aren't mentally ill
>i'm mentally ill that's why i can't get laid!!!!!
pathetic incel mindset lmao
>Face it, the left and right are evil subhuman monsters who are all in it for themselves.
G*d, if only there were a third option.
>Incels are like flies.
Because white women are shit?!?FACT!!!
You're telling me they're perfectly sane?
I'm an incel and I'm mentally ill. Checkmate.
>Obviously, incels need to have sex but no one owes them anything
It’s literally societies fault. There should be some kind of government program to import third world girls and have dating lotteries. This is a mental and physical health crisis you all are ignoring. Don’t complain if there’s another mass shooting near you I swear to god.
And you can't even follow a simple conversation. You're not winning any points on the functional human being scale here.
I agree. I'm fucking sick of hearing fat cat's eye glasses wearing uggos complain that men have no interest in them sexually.
Lose weight roastie.
looking at shootings in general shows otherwise. Good amount of them never got their dick wet and went nuts for it
Do you really want to talk about shootings in general?
That's normal. It's the dudes who can't get pussy who DON'T shoot up someplace who have something wrong with them.
Of course. What does that even mean that they are owed sex? By who? It seems like such a fundamental lack of understanding of reality. Woman and you are single. You both are attracted to one another. You start a relationship.
Do the people he is talking about just think there is some assembly line of real women somewhere where they issue out real women like some sort of communist hell? Also those women would be so substandard it wouldn’t be funny, they’d be malnutritioned and have zero personality.
Get in shape, eat healthy, have a purpose in life, get a job. Literally if you have these 4 things you can be a -1/10 and still land a 10/10
Nobody's owed sex but acting like you can tell a large amount of disenfranchised men to just suck it up and get over the fact that current social trends have boxed them out of the possibility of family life is asking for trouble
People are always going on about the dangers of "punching down" but then turn around and savagely mock virgins for no greater crime than being socially awkward
I thought the world was rid of Chapochuds after one of their cohorts was shooting up night clubs in Dayton? Guess not
why would they support a society that hates them and let's them know it every day?
I do, most had pretty shitty time getting laid
Low hanging fruit for low brow audience
He's talking about a lefty boogeyman that literally does not exist.
strawman, it is common knowledge jews run hollywood and that comedy central has been trash for years.
Sex has nothing to do with it jewboy. Just because Rabbi bar mitzpha’d your anus doesn’t mean the rest of us are lunatics
none of the things you listed have a bearing on attraction
Bud it ain't hate. It's worse than hate, but it's not hate. They are a ghost to society. You don't shot the place up because you want them dead. You shot up a place because that's what it took for any of them to realize you were ever there
That's weird. Given the birth rates in the ghetto and number of single mothers, I wouldn't have expected young black guys to be incels.
>Get in shape, eat healthy, have a purpose in life, get a job
I have none of these and attract girls. Why?
I don't approach women thinking I need to prove myself and perform parlor tricks like a trained monkey. That's desperation and seems to be the modus operandi among men these days.
I'd rather prod and poke to see if she's going to be a burden instead shooting pickup lines.
Birth rates for black women in the US is right around 2.0 (right below replacement level fertility) but they do have record abortion numbers so someone is humping all those women
Society will pay dearly for this. The prospect of getting pussy is what keeps civilization running. Without a realistic prospect of a wife (and therefore children) most men just don't bother. Without a wife and children, men can live on a very tiny salary for the rest of their lives. A lot of potential wealth creation get lost if men stop bothering. Sooner or later, the state's money will run out.
Liberals really have gone all-out in the 'everyone has to be terrified of white men!' moral panic.
>virgin bad
>sex good
>virgin very very bad
>sex good porn good eat now sleep now
Go jump off a bridge with a loaded shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger half way down you fucking waste of my oxygen
could be a 30/70 curb. Like in dating and hook up apps where only about 30% of the male users are getting constant hits and what not. You can sleep with more than one woman