Can someone explain what the fuck is going on with this board?

Can someone explain what the fuck is going on with this board?

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Why couldn’t they pick somebody who actually speaks English to administer an English language image board

I don't even know what that gook is trying to say there.

hot dinner

Kelly C made it to the front page of reddit and from then on, screencaps of us were all over reddit. When something of ours hit their front page, millions of normies were seeing it. They loved us, and other boards. Yea Forums and Yea Forums just so happen to be the most accessible boards.
What a coincidence that in the next few years, a bunch of retarded anons campaign to get Yea Forums moderated. Feet? omg ur weird lol. Banned. Pedos? Banned. Oval? Gone. Actress discussion? omg waifuists are weird. Banned. Movie discussion? Ignored. They begged for moderation. For anything not forced memes to be purged.
Reddit came here to spew their shit. This was their place where smear shit on the wall and not get banned. They get off on smearing shit on the wall, waiting for the home owner to come home and laughing when the owner freaks out. Why would they discuss movies here? They discuss movies on reddit, their home. Yea Forums is for memes and memes only. Yea Forums to them was a place famous for being shit, so they came here to shit.
Once the teenage reddit mexican Yea Forums and Yea Forums faggots realized you could create any meme by spamming it for months, this place died its final death.
tl:dr: bane and Yea Forumseddit cancer killed Yea Forums

>implying anything will change
These threads are useless

This is Trumps America now.
and seed


Liberals push their agenda too hard into media. This site is the last bastion of free speech. You do the math.

moot would kill hiro in a fight

he overruled that newfag

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Republicunts push their agenda too hard into media. This site is the last bastion of free speech. You do the math.

Hiro speaks perfect English. He just pretends to not understand as a deflection tool.

He pretends to be an idiot with a very poor grasp of the English language but he isn't. It's just a cute little act he thinks fools people and meanwhile he's selling your data and posting history to anyone that'll buy them

Thank God Conservatives are helping our fight.

i would drop the infograph + the shite he did to japenese imageboards but i’m on my good boy ip

I can't turn on a TV show without being bombarded by conservative propaganda, disgusting

This. Spics are infamous for this shit.

i just want an anonymous imageboard both political parties are

waifu threads were banned somewhere between 2009 and 2011
This opened up a permanent rift between the mods and userbase that has never healed. I think it's the longest unhealed wound on the entire site but gives Yea Forums its unique dynamic. Waifu spamming gave rise to bane, c.unny, blacked, and even s.need.
I also think Yea Forums is a favorite of swaglord who probably ensures the board is lightly and arbitrarily moderated to ensure the memes stay fresh

>shill threads
>box office threads
>forced memes
>waifu threads
>multiple threads about the flavor of the week blockbuster
>political and race bait threads
>completely off topic shit that isn't funny
that's pretty much it aside from some autist trying to """""discuss""""" films once in a while
dead site


I just want to post pics of Emilia

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the greatest rift ever was the reaction of Yea Forums moderation to gamergate around the same time some user got banned for saying n*gger on Yea Forums, seeing your timeline maybe something went wrong in 2010/11

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Chinks are DDOSing the site because of the Bradu Pittu meme

>wasting time and resources because of a meme
chinks are not retarded

You redditors treat Yea Forums like Yea Forums but then cry for the mods when old Yea Forums starts posting like how it use to be

this most of all

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I really don't know but in the last month's the quality of the board has reached new lows. I'm sure it's mostly due to the same shitposters enjoying their summer vacations.
I'm all for good OT threads but the amount of shit on this board is sometimes close to Yea Forums level, I think the only thing that partially restrained it is that we're on a blue board.
I can't believe I'm actually saying this but the mods should actually start fucking do their job and properly, be more severe. And maybe take some more because it really fucking shows when there's no one keeping an eye on it, and it's daily.
Also, and I've been saying this for years, capeshit and SW should be exiled to fucking Yea Forums or finally get their own board and rot there. They pollute the place worst than Pokémon did on Yea Forums.


People only start spamming shitposts like crazy when mods start deleting funposting threads. There's almost no moderation during Australian hours and there is way less spam

Maybe Americans are just cunts

>Soulless bugmen are not retarded

Who you trying to fool here Chang?

Same, unfortunately some janny is extremely assblasted with her for some reason

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Don't even get me started on le /ecg/ rebbitbros.
You retards are the lowest of the low and bring down the whole board's quality down. There's a good reason for your shoah.

This but unironically

Liberals hate free speech

>You retards are the lowest of the low and bring down the whole board's quality down
Ah yes, one single waifu thread is dragging the whole board quality down

We haven't had a good movie to talk about in at least a decade.

Americans are the scum of this board, the 2016 elections fucking killed this board and turned it into a second hand /pol/. Only two years later we started getting over all that shit no one else cares about that was spammed 24h. But I'm sure they'll start again one year from now once the next polls approach.
Also the average amount of fucking garbage in the board FAR outweighs any funposting.

they are only adding fuel to the flame, they will not defeat us

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You're seething for no reason and our threads are more on topic than 90% of this board

Literally 2 clicks and you never have to see a thread on a topic you don't like btw

hiroshima went to college in the USA. he speaks fluent english.

>Republicunts push their agenda too hard into media.
Are we even living in the same universe?

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Mods on this board are incompetent morons.

"My bad"

sneed happened

unironically better than either the reylo or got general, and I've never seen it posted outside of the actual thread


she’s so hot

If you aren't actively pushing for a /cape/ containment board then you are part of the problem

Delete /pol/

It sounds like you're referring to something but are too stupid to say what it is.

See, faggots like this should be permabanned, unironically worst than Hitler.
Also this.

Honestly, how could anyone hate that face? Jannies are fucking faggots.


/qa/ is the worst board on the site and posting a thread like this will actually be seen my a mod when they delete it but not like anything will ever happen

Someone edit Hiro over Bruce Lee's face in the brad Pitt meme


For some reason, they've decided that moderation is only needed every 2 hours or so. And when that happens, they're so backed up with reports that they only can be assed to delete shit that a lot of people have reported.
They think this is a completely fine system. If you want to talk to them about it, /qa/ has a guide. They won't give you a good answer though

that doesn't mean shit. all of these asian students cheat on their english requirement tests by paying people who actually can speak english to do it for them.

that said, it's probably true that he speaks it well enough and that he's hamming it up as a way to deflect as the other user said

imagine the smell

This but they will actually delete everything in the queue without checking anything

Just look at the posts ITT, you have 2 modes:
Avatarposting your gargoyle looking waifu
Seething because you got rightfully assfucked for constantly violating the board's rules.
You lost all cognitive ability and are worthless.

these people want to turn this place into r*ddit. that's what's happening

/pol/ happened.
After the red boards got quarantined, they essentially died because no one bothered browsing them anymore, even though they had long been coopted by people trolling whites.
So unironic /pol/tards decided to raid Yea Forums with Bradu Pittu but janny b& them all because it was a low effort forced meme.
And now the autists are DDOSing the board probably for some other butthurt reason.
/pol/ is the reason any and all boards are shit now.


>This rulecucked datafarm
>Free speech

>muh rules
>stop posting a actress i don't like

>reaction images are avatarfagging when I say so!

Fuck off you 50 IQ troglodyte

> i could totally just hide this thread but i'm going to act like a cry baby instead!!!!


Don’t think you suddenly care about the board’s “rules.” The only rule should be nothing illegal.

>but i'm going to act like a cry baby instead!!!!
You could hide or filter his comment just as easily.


Op here, thanks for the advice. I wasn't aware I could do that and suck massive cock simultaneously.

The majority of the active userbase doesn't discuss television or film, and organises to kill and bury threads that attempt to do so. The only thing that's "allowed" is offtopic meme shitposting.

That never made sense, if you already believe that they're coming to other boards then what difference would it make if /pol/ were deleted? Their IPs aren't tethered to the board, they'll just remain regular Yea Forums users and you'll have to find another name to call them when they make you mad.

I don't even watch visual media.

Sound webms on all boards. All boards NSFW but with conditions (only nude scenes in movies and TV for Yea Forums is allowed, etc). It'll at least mix shit up a little.

If you want porn so badly, just go to the porn boards.

all of Yea Forums should be nsfw but he row wants those pc shekels.

The problem isn't the format of the boards, retard, it's the user base and the lack of moderation.

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I don't want porn, though. I just don't think R-rated nude scenes should be a bannable offence.

WHO HERE /applyingforjanny/???

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They can go back to /r9k/ or some other incel forum.

I am. And you can all say goodbye to meme spamming. Especially sneedposting and frogposting.

But you're entitled to being here?

What you'll get with that change is nothing but porn. Take a 10 second glance at Yea Forums.

>bare tits = porn
The absolute state of America

everything is fine
no one wants to harm Yea Forums
we're all just one big happy shitposting community

Are you that desperate for attention.


If this is what you honestly believe, your IQ is too low to suggest a fix for this supposed issue

cringe fag

...and cringeposting

You were 3 seconds too slow, but here: >What you'll get with that change is nothing but porn. Take a 10 second glance at Yea Forums.

Reminder that this guy gave an underage alita drone illegal substance and hasn't been fired yet

for free

Fuck you i didn't post that shit. Kys

Based and hiroconspiracypilled

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I'll get paid in incel tears.

Then why isn't /pol/, the worst board, not covered in porn spam despite being NSFW?
And Yea Forums getting porn spam is nothing new. All allowing TV related tits would do is make the lacking moderators focus on actual porn to delete instead of rummaging through webm threads.

I am entitled to be here because I don't shit up the board about muh jooo and don't shoot up schools and mosques.

you won’t be the first that tried

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Dubs and I get a 8/10 girlfriend in September.

No rerolls allowed

how can one be fired from a job that pays no money?

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>I don't shit up the board

>Then why isn't /pol/, the worst board, not covered in porn spam despite being NSFW?
Because the mods remove porn threads and the users have other memes to spam. Yea Forums webm threads already are almost nothing but fapbait. Also Yea Forums is the worst board, take my advice and take a 10 second glance at it.

You can still get a 9/10 qt girlfriend (male).

Porn threads get to 100+ replies daily

Probably because mods do actually work on /pol/, and the nature of it is already pretty prone to shitposting. What here is junk OT spam there is a legitimate topic.

>/pol/ not spammed with porn
you typed that and have to live with it

>muh joos and small pee pee, race car now

Yeah a very well moderated and quality board with utmost intellectually rigid discussion by well educated users.

Wouldn't recommend doing this unless you're actually gay. They might look female but then you get up close and personal and they smell like men, and you've got their man breath all over you and you look down and you see their dick and you start to realize maybe this is unnatural and a sin against God and you start crying and the guy that's dressed like a female calls you a pussy and you leave and wonder if you're technically gay or not and the abject shame and humiliation that would have ensued if you'd brought "her" home to meet the family. Or something.

>Also Yea Forums is the worst board, take my advice and take a 10 second glance at it.
Another important detail you're intentionally omitting is that Yea Forums has one rule. Webm threads are already fapbait that have bare tits despite the rules. Making the board nsfw would pretty much just make webm threads OK and contain the fapfags, and mods can just keep deleting the actual porn as usual.
This is the most accurate reason why it's not like this already.

wtf is an underage drone

I don't know, I just made an assumption based on your post. I rarely visit /pol/. But the second part of my post is valid.

This board is pretty gud apart from the normies and the fucking astroturfing. Even the anti-/pol shit is good. It proves that shills feel a need to counter an organic concensus on this board about global power.

Shut the fuck up you retarded pedophile.

I love you VF


I'm unironically going to. I don't have anything else to do with my time and hey it's a free Yea Forums pass so no captchas

I went to college with a lot of asians and their english skills are questionable at best

big fan here


>Once the teenage reddit mexican
this is the exact moment when Yea Forums died, for this /pol/tards with their plebbit, twitter mexicans races boogeyman, fucking pussies

Here you go, my guy.

Unrangeban phoneposters

>muh shills

Keep deluding yourself until you believe that joos and niggers live in your closet and are conspiring against your small pee pee.

Oh is this the guy? I thought the story was that it was a janny that showed up, not some tripfag


fuck off sneedposting discord tranny

But then how am I gonna evade my permaban?

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Shitposting has ramped up since 8pol was deleted, and you want to make things even worse?

I love you too user
unless you're from /trek/

we need more based tripfriends

>website is unusable except for a few boards for 14+ hours with no updates or explanation from hiro
>janny applications go up immediately after the website is fixed


It's not just this board, it's all of 4channel. We're too mainstream, and the normalfags are coming en masse. It's too late to restore the quality of this website. I used to be a Yea Forumsfag, but that board is too revolting to endure. At least /ck/ doesn't suck so bad... yet.

What phoneposters deserve are triple the captchas to solve, no ability to use a 4chang pass, 20 minute posting cooldowns and no ability to post any images or webm's.

Valley Forge, i want to use your body as a pleasure device

Yeah your post is what I’m talking about. Buttblasted adhoms versus anyone who doesnt support degeneracy or globalism. Enjoy your AIDS.

>report over 10 threads on Yea Forums daily
>implying anything will change
Yeah, Feels Bad Man

In the last 5 years, allowing game of reddit, reddit wars and capereddit generals

hiros been replaced by a pod person.

pretty rad

I'm one of the Ezraposters

>GOLD Yea Forums 2003-2012
>SHIT Yea Forums 2012 - today
the 17yo racist virgins edgelords with androids and new Intel i3's ruined this place, stop blaming other things, when access to computers and smartphones became very easy, this place went to hell

The 2020 election shitshow will finally kill this website, good riddance and I will finally be free.

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/ck/ was better when they had al/ck/ threads. Had some good times there to be sure.

I'm gonna make a change,
For once I'm my life
It's gonna feel real good,
Gonna make a difference
Gonna make it right

They won’t cry, they’ll just reset an make another thread that turns your face red


That's what piece of shit janny gets for permabanning me for CP

now /ck/ is just a Gordon Ramsey roleplay board

>triple the captchas to solve
>no ability to post any images or webm's
Already like this


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see you back the morning after

Gold Yea Forums ended in January of 2008

That's a bingo!

this, the MAGA bullshit put the last nail here

>racist virgins
Again. The memes against racism are hilarious. Yea Forums was always an anti-globalist board.

which came from /pol/iquor damn it i still want it back

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you will happy

Why do you shittalk us, VF? We've given you so much of our time and love.

There's little good tv or film to talk about

You’re a mistake



4chin is dead since 2010, delusional newfag.

trannies go here

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>maga is the problem
wanne know how i know you’re burger

>he's still crying about the thread
What's your BMI? 60?

I remember when "Avengers" was in theaters, the superheroes were not mainstream, Yea Forums loved that movie, there was no elitist shit or racism or incelposting, this was a place to enjoy things, now when you enter Yea Forums is for trolling or fighting

>xe outs xerself
Yep. lol

Keep skewing history like you always do racist brainlet incel.

>website is fixed
They were purposefully slowing down the websiteto let feds catalog and comb through posts.

>not mainstream
please die slowly in a fire. Tv got better when it ditched the marvelshit

yep. seethe faggot
>t. leftist subhuman
you will never corrupt this board

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Because you're obsessed with American culture and Americans in general?

Probably lower than your T-levels you fucking abomination

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You weren't here before before 2012 I guarantee it. Don't bother replying. I won't read it. I win.

We had respect for nigras but they were nigras. Do you have any examples shillbro?

that's just silly

what does kino mean

>someone makes fun of you
holy shit the tranny hysteria in ITT

>skewing history
you know nothing shill better go back to some mcu thread now

Yeah they'll do that once every couple months, someone probably threatened someone they shouldn't have

>the 17yo incel has spoken

>proves his leftist neurotic mentality
You win. I surrender.

>seethe cringe sneed leftist t. yikes /pol/ maga fuck negros yikes faggot
kill yourself Timmy, you ruined this board