Everyone knows he's right

Everyone knows he's right.

Even if they don't agree with his methods, everyone can admit on some level he was right. So why does no one listen? I think it has everything to do with comfort. The body's basic needs. Food, water, sex, socialising, warmth, shelter. Even the lowest of the low possess these in society. Their brain tells them "this isn't right" but their body is drunk with comfort and says "fuck off faggot, I can't be arsed with you right now". It's something like that but I can't pinpoint it better, anyone else wanna have a crack at it? At why you think nobody follows in his footsteps despite agreeing he's right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


uhhhh ted when did you get internet access?

I loved him on Mr. Show

Just watched My Dinner With Andre, was surprised that Andre was basically saying prof ted stuff

If he's right, shut down your computer and go forage some cherries.

Manhunt on Netflix is great deconstruction of him and his actions. In summary: he was just lonely degenerate (with some obvious ideas) who needed to get laid

>Netflix told me

I don’t watch that shitty propaganda piece. It was obvious after 2 episodes they would paint him as a tragic, sad figure.
MC man is some fucking guy that kills his own soul for the fucking fbi, and we’re expected to feel this is the right way???
They did Ted dirty, he did literally nothing wrong except break the so called “law”.

>muh vagina
>get laid lmao
Literally too smart to fall into the female trap

I wouldn't be surprised if the writer was familiar with the same sorts of philosophies that influenced Teddy

I can see you glowing in the dark from here, fuck off.

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Based and blackpilled

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>have sex incel

Please use this one in the future.

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Thanks, you have more?

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>working as a pizza delivery driver last summer
>wear hat + sunglasses + beard because too lazy to shave for this lame job
>random customers says "Dude, you look like the unabomber."
>just laugh and say "Yeah" when in reality I've read ISAIF multiple times


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Yeah, of course he was right. Does it matter anyway? What can we do about it? Nothing. Too late. We're in full corporate-tech dystopia now, the masses are brainwashed by media and all dissident thought or action that poses a real threat to the system is instantly detected and erased. Our chance has passed, it's all downhill from here.

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Any news about Teddy in the jail?

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Why do the bioluminescent african-american intelligence officers keep spaming the Unabomber on 4channel?

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There is not such a high level of control as you think. There is a window of time between now and when technophiles use genetic engineering to stop violence where technoindustrial society can be destroyed.

Anti-Tech Revolution was only published 3 years ago. Perhaps he is preparing another book?

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He killed innocent men for no fucking reason. If you gonna say it was for a purpose of getting attention for his ideas, he could do that by blowing up a building or something and reach the same result. So in the end he was just murderous psycopath

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Well nobody's perfect

He was trying to destroy society as we know it. It was righteous violence.

Of course someone “plugged in” would think he was worse than the worst rapist and serial killer.

You can't get rid of technology, it will mean humanity's inevitable death. Unless he's talking about something else, I never really read his stuff.

Humanity survived without technology for way longer than it has with technology.

Are you alright?
I'm alright, I'm quite alright
And my money's right


Care to back up your claim that humanity will die without technology?

He looks like the Kurgan

If he tried to wake everybody up and present his ideas to them then literally the stupidiest thing to do was to start randomly killing people. Now even those, who could agree with manifesto and his other work (normies, who support Greenpease or stuff like that), hates him and will never accept him. So if he really tried to destroy the current state of society and wake people up, he fucked up big time

Doesn't matter. No technology = never leave this planet and eventually die. Technology might bring slow death or fast death, but also a chance of survival, spread of humanity through the universe and who knows what else. To deny this and live like cavemen is the biggest crime we can commit.

But he needed to kill people because of his mental problems. Stop idealizing him and his methods, it's pathetic

This is the most reddit ideology there is. You're really worried about humanity dying when, what, the sun dies or something? So what? A billion year lifespan isn't enough for you? You technophiles want to live forever even if it means being a slave to machines?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Also, fuck the techno-industrial society.

What mental problems?

Lmao, as if “green parties” really want to save the earth. All they want to do is remove the cognitive dissonance of partaking in activities that destroy the earth (like being a part of the global economy, being a consumer) with the personal feelings of not wanting to be a part of the system.
The capitalist industrial society cannot be reformed or healed. If you can wrap your head around that, kaczynski makes sense.

The problem with the green party is that they don't actually think technology itself is the problem. They believe that they can simply solve problems caused by technology with MORE technology

Sorry to tell you this, but having a space-faring race simply isn't possible. There just aren't enough resources on the planet to support this. If it was possible, we'd have evidence of other races doing it. Sorry bud

read ellul

Where do I start?

Anprim is too far. You want to throw away thousands of years of medical advancements? No way. And that's the tip of the iceberg.

Didn't this fag want to become a girl?

There's no way to pick and choose which elements of techno-industrial society are removed

i can't wait for all luddites to be fed into the bioprocessors to fuel my distributed cyborg body network spread across the solar system.


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You’ll be slave nonhuman (no soul) before that happens. A perfect drone

How about none of them.

I have, it's pretty interesting.
The Technological Society.

>never leave this planet and eventually die
so like every other organism that's ever existed on this planet? who said we need to "spread ourselves throughout the universe"?

Guns and the means to effectively combat other men with guns aren't going anywhere. It's a nice idea but there's no going back, other answers will have to be found going forward.

Ted was wanted to go back to pre-industrial revolution. He wasn't anti technology itself.

The Amish have a pretty good system of selecting what innovations they want to include or disregard based upon how it affects their communities and families
what Ted K. is proposing would require almost religious anti-technological beliefs among the general population so I don't know if I entirely agree with his assessment

Yes, if America could essentially become Amish that would be based.

Ah yes, so glad we had a Netflix show to set the record straight on this real person and deconstruct his actions

quiet, meat.

he points out the industrial revolution in particular, especially his thesis but upon reading the rest of the manifesto he does not actually advocate pre-industrial societies so much as total anarchy, tribalism, and anti-technological beliefs
for instance advanced division of labor and complex social structures existed in societies such as the Roman Empire and by his anti-authoritarian views I can only imagine he would not support such a society either

Basically he says there's a difference between a tool that a small community can make (a wagon) and a technology that requires an industrial society to make (a refrigerator)

>tool that a small community can make (a wagon)
Or even a tool that you can make yourself. For instance when he was living innawoods he built his own single shot .22 rifle.

I get the idea he was very uncomfortable with anything less than total self reliance. In his writings he admits he wasn't able to ever truly be fully autonomous, he still had to buy some supplies, but he did try.


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The ones who defends this guy in any social media it's a retard. Fact.

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it's a very anti-individualistic lifestyle though I don't think a lot of people quite understand that
there's a reason that in a population of a couple hundred thousand there's only a handful of long term converts
you really have to be born into it

>fast car, nascar, race something
I want a toad for this feel

Hopefully more people will understand as the nefarious influence of technology grows

This. It's probably the closest thing to actual communism we'll ever see

Did Kaczynski ever speak openly on the JQ?

>be capitalist living in the USSR
>"Dude but you LIVE in communism lmao you're such a poser!"

As far as I know, no. He didn't care about that stuff.

No, he wasn't a brainlet

does he just want to only abolish modern technology or does he want us to return to hunter gatherer ways and shun symbolic thought as well

He seems to be fine with technology that can be accomplished on a small community scale

No, he was a cowardly murderer. Get offline and rethink your life. The last past is ironic.

so he wants people to become amish?


>he just needed sex trope
Fuck off kike.

imagine living in the world where facebook, google, apple, and assorted media conglomerates run rampant and still thinking that computer scientists are innocent

I totally agree with him and his methods.
I can't be arsed to actually pull shit like that though. The pure existential pain of knowing I did this much so literally nothing changes anyway is too much for me.
I prefer laughing it all off.

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Learn to think for yourself faggot

he's really old


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>Teddy will die in your lifetime

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>imagine living in the world where porn runs rampant and still thinking that Louis Daguerre was innocent

Yall think Ted has lost his virginity yet?

Weak faggots
We said it, we want to and some will do it or die trying. What sets humans apart from other living things? Our thirst for knowledge and our refusal to let nature dictate how we live, among other things. We bend mother nature over and force her to do our bidding.
Will we ascend to the stars? is it possible? Who knows. Look at all the things we thought impossible that now are possible. This is what it means to be human.

>he unironically thinks space travel is feasible
yes goyim keep destroying the planet

>We bend mother nature over and force her to do our bidding

And how has that worked out so far? Climate change is currently he biggest threat to humanity's continued existence

He killed dozens...
...to save millions

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We’ll live, well some of us will. A small price to pay for progress. We will find a middle ground eventually

>You will die
>But it's okay, Elon Musk will take us to Mars! Epic!

>inherently good

Yes, the last 100 years have been non-stop fun

I agree that our society is a massive shit in need of flushing, but that doesn't mean a technological society isn't possible. We're just doing it wrong and need to cut our losses and start over with something a bit different like national socialism.
If we follow Ted all the way then we'll never reach the stars and we'll all be some advanced alien civilization's rape dolls. We'll never see the liberating mass automation and production that follows a singularity or answer our deepest questions. We'll just inevitably end up arriving at a similar point over and over, breaking the system again and again until we accidently wipe ourselves out for good.

>In his writings he admits he wasn't able to ever truly be fully autonomous, he still had to buy some supplies
To be fair, he was one person in the woods. In the more ideal settings he imagined he would have been living in a community and wouldn't have had to settle for buying a lot of the things he bought since others would have likely made it.

Anyone involved in defending Exxon deserves death.

No, his wizard powers allowed him to build good bombs. Fire powers.

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>but that doesn't mean a technological society isn't possible
Nobody said it wasn't possible.

I'd really like to see someone debate Ted's ideas who isn't a total retard, because that is all I ever see whenever anybody tries.

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Supposedly he had a book in the works attacking his brother and a book he wrote, but it was never published. It would be nice if his autobiography were published too, at this point the only way to read it is to go to Michigan.

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Not once did I say progress is good.
We make progress and attain knowledge for it’s own sake

I'm surprised this thread is still up

Read his biography. Regardless of how logical his manifesto was, it's clear he had severe mental and emotional issues and that these dictated much of his thought patterns. In his late 40s he was still trying to contact some girl who he thought had a crush on him when he was ~20 years old, and was asking his psychiatrist to set him up on a date with one of her female patients.

More will be saved as a result of technological progress than will die as a result of it. It has always been that way throughout history with very few exceptions

If it's not good, why do it?

>severe mental and emotional issues
I wouldn't say it was severe. He clearly had autism, true, but the schizophrenia diagnosis is bullshit. Also, even with the possible mental illness, it still doesn't take away from what he said, which is overall pretty good; his weakest points tend to be his descriptions and discussions of society, possibly weakened by his autism. Again though, the diagnosis is spot on.

On the contrary, the events of history that caused the most death were all caused by technology. Plagues and famines are a result of humans living in crowded cities and relying on a few crops. Wars and genocides are a result of civilizations.

The top causes of death are diseases caused by technology (cancers and heart disease) and things like car accidents. Technology has absolutely killed and hurt more people than it has helped and our populations are only as large as they are due to technology.

Fact is, a technological society can exist if we somehow find a way for FTL travel. In that scenario we won't be Earthbound and conflict/poor management of resources will drastically go down, so we might be able to live with commodietes and comfort without the psychological and sociological blights of the modern world.

But as of now, FTL travel is purely sci-fi.

“Technology” isn’t just a fucking iPhone. A spear is technology. A point rock is technology.

But people are discussing technology here as per what Kaczynski describes, hence it being a Kaczynski thread.

Because we want to, that’s why. Theres an endless expanse outside of this prison of a rock we call earth, are we forced to remain shackled to it because environmentalists and moralists say so?

>Because we want to

I'm totally convinced. Just put the chip in my arm now.

The Neolithic Revolution was a mistake

So, how does he plan to deal with natural planet-level threats, e.g. asteroids?

Shoot arrow at them?

How many people have been saved because ambulances got them to tge hospital on time? How many people have been saved because of medical science? How many people have been saved because modern farming techniques allow us to feed millions who would have otherwise starved? How many have been saved because water is readily available in their own homes instead of having to travel miles just to get to a natural water supply? How many have been saved because you can warm yourself easily during the winter instead of freezing to death? I could go on.

Nobody is trying to convince you, that’s what you don't understand. Your support or consent is not needed.

When you take into account that our populations are unnaturally large due to technology, the number of lives saved by weak shit like "ambulances getting to the hospital on time" is nothing, especially since again the largest causes of death are things caused by technology (and modernity) like infectious diseases, cancer, heart disease and then violent deaths like car accidents (which kills tons of people).

Before anyone point it out I am aware that heart disease and especially cancer can exist without modernity, but they are far, far less common than they are now. Heart disease for example is extremely rare in hunter gatherers.

Also having to fetch water rather than having indoor plumbing isn't as deadly as you seem to think it is, not sure what you meant by that. And people managed to warm themselves for thousands of years (remember humans existed during the ice age) without needing industrial technological systems to keep them alive.

>Techno babbies get BTFO in every Ted Kaczynski thread
How's that possible?

>board dedicated to television and film is the most greenpilled

How's THATpossible?

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Have you read the books about his life?

Answer this

What books specifically? I read his psych report, his brother's book, the Robert Graysmith book and his letters (though I guess those don't count).

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Medical science is the one thing that would really be missed. But your other points are over-exaggerated. We only need modern farming because technology allows for these massive populations. And hunter-gatherers typically do not just starve and die since they can simply migrate to find more food. They had countless generations of survival knowledge so the outdoors wasn't as dangerous for them as it is for us.

Not him but obviously do nothing. Even now there isn't a guarantee that our technology could save us (the bigger issue being that there isn't even really anybody monitoring this in any real or official sense).

linkola or bust

So, the anti-technology stance is one that cannot guarantee the survival of the species.

Why should I or anyone else agree with it?

Harvard and the Unabomber is a good one, Prisoner of Rage (the lengthy article), etc.

I mean, it's clear that he struggled to relate to and converse with others his entire life. Sure he was a genius mathematician and his manifesto is very interesting, but much of his behaviour was fuelled by anger, frustrated and desperation.

>TFW your slow burn, bone chilling crime spree is interrupted by a jumpscare-type law enforcement crackdown which deprives you the chance to live in an organically nurtured, thought provoking, society.

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Because neither can the current techno society. Asteroids? How about the fact that we're destroying ourselves this very moment with climate change?To me, this and the loss of meaningful autonomy due to technology is more concerning.

>Just let the asteroid wipe us out guys, dont even attempt to save yourselves
Wow fantastic, I'm convinced.

Those things provide a public good though

And that's why we should keep on developing it.

-Develop Technology
Possible solution to extinction level disaster

-No Technology
Guarantee no solution to extinction level disaster

Industrial technology can't guarantee the survival of the species either. And the possibility of an asteroid ending everything is just that, a possibility. And as the other user said, we are guaranteeing our own destroying by destroying the environment.

As opposed to what we are doing now, which is nothing. Look it up.

>sir, the Behavioral Analysis Unit went through all the forensic data, interviewed dozens of witnesses and consulted with the nations top psychiatrists. Here's the final report.
(The director opens the folder)
>There is only one page. And it says "have sex"
>Yes sir
(dramatic pause)
>excellent work, Agent Johnson. Your team is a credit to the law enforcement community

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Stop being scared to die you maggot

>So, how does he plan to deal with natural planet-level threats, e.g. asteroids?
>Shoot arrow at them?

You man up and die.


They were right about 90% of things and screaming JEWISH isn't going to solve that

>Hunter gather societies dont just starve and die
They dont anymore but they used to, all the time. Many hunter gatherer societies died out because of hunger and disease

>develop technology
>destroy the earth ourselves
>live in weird inhuman conditions

>no technology
>But what if an asteroid hits us?

Honestly I think this is a bit of a weak argument. Asteroids are a hypothetical threat. Are they even a common occurrence? I don't really think so.

I thought that was Clancy Brown for a sec, sorry I'm not American, just read through the thread and he's The Unabomber.

Prisoner of Rage is good, I haven't read the Harvard one yet.

It is true that a lot of his issues affected how he saw the world and some elements of his life, I'm not denying that (though I also don't think it negates any of his ideas). I do wonder if he had been less autistic if he could have joined a hippie commune or some survivalists and been happy there because you are right, for as much "philosophy" he had, some of his attacks on people, or even attacks he fantasized about, were purely about rage and less about philosophy or direct action (aka terrorism, whatever you want to call it).

Humans are pretty good at surviving because they can adapt

I don't think that's the case. However, there have been many devastating famines and diseases in the history of civilization.

Do you have any citations for that? I'm obviously not saying they are invincible but mass starvation and disease are far more of a threat to established civilization than they would be to hunter gatherers in relative isolation due to the nature of how disease spreads and how these cultures get food. Remember that humans survived the Ice Age as hunter gatherers.

>As opposed to what we are doing now, which is nothing. Look it up.
And who’s fault is that?

Well certainly not Ted Kaczynski's.

>And the possibility of an asteroid ending everything is just that, a possibility.
A possibility become a certainty after millions of millions of years. And it doesn't have to be an asteroid, there are plenty of other potential threats. (not to count that the Sun WILL destroy the Earth after some time).

You guys are pretty shortsighted.

You're pretty shortsighted (well, badly baiting but we're biting so kudos I guess) if you can't acknowledge that our guaranteed, current destruction of the planet that we live on due to technology is better than the chance that an asteroid might hit the planet at some point.

Luckily due to technology we'll all likely be dead or soulless robotic genetically engineered cogs in the machine so in the event that an asteroid hits us (because nobody is really watching out for them anyway, I should say again) we won't care.

Do you want the human race to live forever? Do you want us to outlive the heat death of the universe to? You will die some day. Your son will die some day. Why do we need an infinite line of humans at the expense of the ones who are alive now?

he was a victim of mkultra

Haha the only short-sighted one here is you. You seem to be highly influenced by dystopian sci-fi too

Why not though? Why not try to ensure that our species lives on as long as it can? Who knows what me might discover? Theres literally nothing to lose

Not really. There is also the strong possibility that technology itself could solve the issue that technology create.
Technology is in itself possibility.
You are throwing possibility out of the window because you are scared and/or uncomfortable.

I wish I had to not die. The only thing that offer the possibility for that to happen is technology/science.

Other than the literally guaranteed destruction of our own planet (happening now) and the billions who will die as a result of that. By the way, that will include you.

I think that there is something to lose. I think Teddy was right and that techno-industrial society is not as fit for humans. I think that if things continue, there won't even be human consciousness for long, only machines. "Disneyland without the kids" as Bostrom says. I also do think that technology is very dangerous as it could destroy the planet via climate change, of course.

You're going to die. It is improbable that the secret to immortality will be discovered in the next 50 years.

>It is improbable that the secret to immortality will be discovered in the next 50 years.
This is right but the guy you're responding to reads like he's 12 so I'm sure he has more than 50 years left.

instead of looking up and imagining all the sci-fi possibilities which will NEVER happen, you should turn your Eyes on the World around you. You should see how sick and venal society is. Space is a fucking pipe dream that keeps you from looking at your fellow man


When the alternative is certainty, I'll take that bet.

I think you just underestimate death. In front of death the quality of life stop having any meaning; a king and a beggar are the same the moment they die.

>I'll take that bet.
You're going to lose, just letting you know now.

Agreed, and I didn't mean to criticize his manifesto on the basis of his having had a life plagued by loneliness etc, it's just that I think his life surely contributed to his becoming so extreme. It's a sad story for everyone involved.

Not shortsighted, just pointing out that humans are very adaptable and thus good in surviving, even with a hypothetical asteroid hitting earth.
And not only will the sun die out eventually but so will other locations in the universe that could be hospitable since they would need to be near a star. It's all inevitable and even with technology that could potentially create immortality, but only the rich will make sure they're the ones who get it and no one else because fuck them right. And then with all the technology they have at their disposal they will be able to ski on the moons of Jupiter or whatever they think is cool in order to try to fill the emptyness inside, degenerating further and further in their madness until they realise that death is what makes life worth living, and living a good life means (according to Ted) close knit communities where people can look after themselves and have a feeling of control.
Leaving earth will be fun in the Disney Star Wars ships but will also lead to nothing


At one point Timothy McVeigh admitted that if he had had a gf/wife (and the possibility of a future, implied) that he likely wouldn't have bombed that building. I have to think probably would have been true for Kaczynski too.

putting your faith in technology like a pagan would worship the sun because you're afraid of death seems like a losing proposition. And it is foolish.
Accept death. Watch a person die, or visit dying people. Many of them come to terms with it, they have families and they can see it coming. At the end, they're just tired of Life.
Clinging to Quality Of Life seems like just the type of poison modern society has given you.
There's other things than being comfortable or being sedated.

Timothy McVeigh seems more "Surface level" than kaczynski, to be honest.

I just started reading ISAIF and holy shit is this dude a bad writer. In the first paragraph alone he repeats himself like 5 times.

Admittedly, the opening is basically a rant against liberals and not as insightful as the rest. I do think it is largely accurate though.

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He intended that to be published in major publications so he wanted it to be extremely simple and straightforward. Probably especially to start with, since he likely knew a lot of people would just read the first paragraph and give up.

>death is what makes life worth living,
That's a lie.
>Watch a person die, or visit dying people.
What makes you think I haven't?

>Accept death. Many of them come to terms with it, they have families and they can see it coming. At the end, they're just tired of Life.
I firmly believe most people live their lives lying to themselves.
>There's other things than being comfortable or being sedated.
I don't particularly care about being comfortable. I'd trade the most enjoyable, happy life possible for an immortality of constant suffering. I'll repeat myself but everything is secondary in the face of death.

Yes, he apparently had a lot of resentment towards his mother (who left the family partly, apparently again, because she found his father too boring). He tried to date a female co-worker in his mid-20s but had no luck, but then again he reacted with hostility when other girls showed interest in him. Also a very intelligent guy, academically speaking.

Strangely enough they ended up sharing a prison wing for a time, and enjoyed one another's company. If I recall correctly, Tim suggested that Ted read Into The Wild, the Jon Krakauer book about Chris McCandless's adventures in the wilderness.

>I'd trade the most enjoyable, happy life possible for an immortality of constant suffering

Why? That's quite strange. Do you have any mental health conditions? Not an insult, genuinely wondering.

He didn't repeat himself once you tard

>what makes you think i haven't?
oh i dunno, the absolute TERROR oozing from every post in this thread?
when you see death and accept it as a natural thing, you'll be a lot happier.

But we’re going to die anyway right? Might as well die while striving for something bigger rather than wollowing in our own muck until an asteroid wipes us out or disease or some other thing we could have prevented

Assuming this isn't bait (though I actually hope it is for your sake), you need to accept the inevitability of death. Your life will be a lot easier if you start doing that now, because even if tech does manage to "beat" death it won't happen in your lifetime and even if it somehow does (it won't), a pleb like you won't get it. Just accept it now.

Since this is Yea Forums I suggest you watch The Fountain.


I wouldn't say living a simple, natural life is "wallowing"

Because my leading value is Truth. But even that is meaningless in the face of death. You can spend your life researching, studying and learning, yet the moment you die is the moment you lose everything.
This is also the reason why I pine so hard in favor of science/tech; I do strongly believe that to be the best tool to reach any meaningful truth.

I don't particularly care about happiness. Shit is overrated.

Quite literally THE most Jewish sentence uttered on this website.

Since we're going to die I'd rather live a life of satisfaction, contentment and independence (not to mention rational acceptance of the realities of life) rather than living in a shitty situation to maintain a shitty structure that is only making everyone's lives shittier while also destroying the planet we live on guaranteeing death for everyone (or nearly everyone) just for the bizarre hope that the shittiness will theoretically save people down the line.

And again, even if there is an asteroid or disease out there that can kill us, technology is absolutely no guarantee that we'll ever beat it.

You're sounding even edgier than the people ITT who idolize a guy who mailed bombs to people


He was definitely based.

On the Adam Carolla podcast they showed a picture of young Ted and the cutey Jewess news girl blurted out that he was hot. Don't know if she actually thought he was or it was just a "dangerous and famous = hot" thing but imo Ted was a good looking man in his prime. Mental to think that he never had sex (and never will)

The opposite of edginess is dullness.

It's never going to happen. It just won't. We, on average, just aren't smart enough and don't live long enough to produce enough talent and great minds without having to breed like fucking rabbits. Humanity having to breed at unsustainable speed in order to maintain scientific progress, which as we delve deeper into constantly requires larger teams of scientists and engineers, means that we will have to endlessly fight the uphill battle of providing basic needs for the growing population until we reach breaking point where no realistic progress can be made as all the resources and all the effort have to be put into maintaining survival of the population. Add the fact that we're a tiny speck in the history of earth and we'll most likely die to some planet wide cataclysm before inventing galactic colonisation and yeah - having those optimistic, naive opinions on mankind's future starts looking pretty reddit.

>right wing environmentalists

How do you end up getting this brainwashed and retarded?
There's nothing right wing about being a tree hugging malevolent piece of shit.

Man was made to conquer nature, deal with it.

The planet will get destroyed by the sun eventually anyway.

Attached: PAFF_121516_angerdisgustmorality-609x419.jpg (609x419, 39K)

>end industrial society
>"finally we gamers have risen up"
>*gets minor cut on rock,
>gets infected
>no antibiotics to treat it
>get gangreen and die without having sex

He was objectively attractive. He had weapons grade autism though, hence why he never got a gf (a lesson to all the lookism devotees).

Attached: ted kaczynski young.jpg (306x423, 42K)

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>And again, even if there is an asteroid or disease out there that can kill us, technology is absolutely no guarantee that we'll ever beat it.
I dont think anybody said there were any guarantees. But technological advancement offers a chance of survival at least.
Then theres the Issue of defence. The native Americans were wiped out because they lacked the technology to defend themselves. Sometimes you cant afford to remain stagnant.

No it wasn't.
Go die at age 30 and stop using technology you self hating piece of shit.

You people are brainwashed and lose every argument.
Stop using computers if you hate technology so much lefttard.

>which will NEVER happen
Oh you naive child.

This mentality is sickening and is everything wrong with the world.

Attached: Quote-Aubrey-de-Grey-1-aging.jpg (600x400, 39K)

What a load of rubbish. If we all had your mentality we would all be living in caves still. You vastly underestimate human ingenuity

This is now an Aubrey thread.

Just die already eco faggots.

Attached: Aubrey-De-Grey-2.jpg (998x1178, 275K)

Acting like humanity is doomed without tech is saying there is a guarantee, even though it is ignoring the guarantee of deaths that destroying our environment will lead to. Since technological industrial society is guaranteeing the destruction of much of humanity (not just through environmental degradation but through everything else it causes already discussed ITT) I don't really think the remote possibility of it helping prevent an asteroid strike really justifies it.

And Ted said that all tech needed to be wiped out simultaneously (unrealistic, I won't deny it) to prevent situations like with what happened to the natives (who were mostly killed off by disease, another issue technology won't necessarily prevent).

>not wanting to end biological aging using technology

Attached: 40221878-Quote-Aubrey-de-Grey-1v2.jpg (600x460, 68K)

Imaging unironically anthropomorphizing the environment. lmao

Attached: 062858F00000044D-3022363-image-m-37_1427933887343.jpg (634x616, 87K)

This thread makes me want to throw my beer cans in the trash instead of the recycle bin.

Where did that post anthropomorphize the environment?

You clearly don't know what "anthropomorphize" means

>Where did that post anthropomorphize the environment?
It's what all you tedcucks do.
You subconsciously think "mother nature" is being hurt and must be saved from evil humans.

>You clearly don't know what "anthropomorphize" means
see above


Attached: 395.png (1024x475, 323K)

Except that nobody used that phrase in this thread, and discussing negative effects to the environment is not anthropomorphizing it. You just proved you don't know what that word means.

*well apparently someone did but it was not me and still does not apply to the post you responded to

just fucking wash the wound with soap and get some Clean dressing for it.
also even an infected wound can be healed, and worse case scenario you can Always get your limb chopped off.

funny thing is, with the current Medical (and farming industry) use of antibiotics, we soon will have bacteria that no longer respond to antibiotics, so even in the Tech society we will die to Cuts and scrapes.

>and discussing negative effects to the environment
You care about the environment for the sake of the environment, we care about the environment for the sake of benefiting humans.

>*well apparently someone did
No shit, you people do it all the time.
It's quite funny you call yourself right wing while adopting left wing views.

>funny thing is, with the current Medical (and farming industry) use of antibiotics, we soon will have bacteria that no longer respond to antibiotics, so even in the Tech society we will die to Cuts and scrapes.

Cauterization is another possibility.

>we soon will have bacteria that no longer respond to antibiotics
>what are bacteriophages and countless other antibacterial techniques that aren't mainstream yet

what a fucking tool.
why is aging so bad? It's literally your body dying because the dna have reached their lifespan.
People get sick all the time. Anti-aging people are just scared of losing all they have, they are too focused on their strengths and abilities and Quick wit but this is all just transient properties.
Grow the fuck up.

You're making a bunch of shit up though. I never called myself right wing, and in the posts that are clearly mine I repeatedly said that environmental degradation will negatively affect humans (by killing them).

Obsessing over what fits in perfectly to either a "right" or "left" wing ideology just exposes you as the brainlet you are, though you already played yourself by not knowing what "anthropomorphization" means.

>wanting to live for millions of years

Attached: 428BFBE3-C570-4EDD-BB85-5C0E1D2D145F.png (499x516, 308K)

>what a fucking tool.
You're the tool lol.
You want to be a tool of your body instead of the other way around.

>why is aging so bad?
It results in pain, suffering and death.

>It's literally your body dying because the dna have reached their lifespan.
You people commit the naturalistic fallacy constantly, thinking that it MUST be this way and just because it's natural, it's good.

>Anti-aging people are just scared of losing all they have
Uh, no shit retard. That's the point.

>Grow the fuck up.
Listen to yourself.

>I never called myself right wing
I'm obviously referring to tedcucks. Obviously there are plenty of them ITT.

>Obsessing over what fits in perfectly to either a "right" or "left" wing ideology just exposes you as the brainlet you are
LOL So pointing out extremely obvious contradictions and nonsense makes me a brainlet?
ok kid

Lol. Shut up, you gibberish spouting moron. You're not bending anyting to your will. You are just a weak-minded slave to technology.

i promise you this, if you come up with an alternative to antibiotics that is as good or better at combating bacteria than antibiotics you will literally earn millions.
Problem is, it will not happen.
Antibiotics was Lightning in a bottle, we can not count on that type of genius invention to push us forward, rather we should change the way we look at disease and let the MRSA type bacterias get killed by regular bacteria. This means no antibiotics for a while.

>not wanting to live for millions of years
inb4 the i'll get bored argument, as if your brain would be the same condition it is now

>You are just a weak-minded slave to technology.
That's like saying you're a slave to freedom or a slave to something that improves your life.
You make no sense.

>i promise you this, if you come up with an alternative to antibiotics that is as good or better at combating bacteria than antibiotics you will literally earn millions.
No I won't.
They already exist but the entire industry is controlled by the government, especially in the USA. They have a monopoly you can't go against.

Of course it is, you imbecile. It's mandatory. That's the whole point.

Tedfags tend to say they are neither left nor right wing though; Kaczynski says that himself. And what is the "contradiction" in stating that environmental degradation is happening?

And you're a brainlet because you don't know what relatively basic words mean but you try to use them to seem smart. Making up shitty arguments based on imaginary statements about shit you clearly don't know about is just icing on the cake.

You don't even understand what the argument is, idiot.

>thats the point
the logic of a petulant child that doesn't want to lose his goodies, and instead vows to change the very fabric of the body doesn't exactly inspire confidence.
I promise, if you accept the transient nature of all Life you will be happier. Clinging like you and other do only leads to anxiety in the end.

>They already exist but the entire industry is controlled by the government, especially in the USA. They have a monopoly you can't go against.
In that case that technological society isn't helping you much, since it'll clearly let you die for its own benefit.

>Tedfags tend to say they are neither left nor right wing though
Is this a joke?
He's shits all over leftists in his book.
All tedcucks online are right wing eco primitists

>And what is the "contradiction" in stating that environmental degradation is happening?
That wasn't where the contradiction is you disingenuous retard. The contradiction is a radical eco faggot pretending to be right wing when this has always classically been a left wing position.

>And you're a brainlet because you don't know what relatively basic words mean but you try to use them to seem smart.
Sorry your IQ is too low to understand basic words.

those companies would earn so much fucking cash for an alternative to antibiotics. You're not making any sense. Accept it, no wonder technology will save us this time. Not from asteroids and not from killer bacteria.

There is no argument in this post.

>the logic of a petulant child that doesn't want to lose his goodies
top kek
What kind of retarded argument is this?
You're greedy for wanting bare survival?

>and instead vows to change the very fabric of the body
So what?
Why do you treat the body as something sacred when it's just a meat puppet?

>I promise, if you accept the transient nature of all Life you will be happier.
It only makes stupid people and insects happy.
It makes actual humans upset.

He also shits on conservatives, and a lot of Ted fans online are not right wing. I am not. The majority of them say they don't belong to either the right or left and you'd understand why if you had read anything he wrote.

And the "contradiction" you are bringing up is based on arbitrary bullshit that you made up instead of anything happening ITT, gotcha.

lol that you keep proving how dumb you are. Again, go back to the post you originally referenced, where is there anthropomorphization? You can't find any because there isn't any, moron.

>sex, socialising
>even the lowest of the low posess these in society

Attached: image.jpg (768x431, 28K)

>un-enlightened transhumanist nigger
>is a cheerleader in the false right-left dichotomy
i'm not surprised, you of all people are the most inundated in globalist rhetoric

>it'll clearly let you die
Are you honestly this stupid?
What exactly do the state and it's interventionism have to do with technology?
State interventionism has existed since the first states tens of thousands of years ago.
Why are you conflating two different things?

If it wasn't for the industrial technological society you would have had a gf.

I fucking wish. Say you think about human caused climate change or getting a more energy efficient car and you'll get spammed with duurrr bluepilled cuck. The sad truth is that every autist likes Ted because contrarianism and fuck society but they'll never practice what he preaches.

>So what? Why do you treat the body as something sacred when it's just a meat puppet?
it just doesn't seem very rational to me. Instead of doing the simple thing of looking inwards, you seek to change REALITY as it is now to address your fear of dying.
That does seem like the logic of a child to me.

>those companies would earn so much fucking cash for an alternative to antibiotics.
They aren't allowed on the market due to the FDA and AMA you absolute brainlet.

Why do you think they banned simple things that work like fecal transplants?

>He also shits on conservatives, and a lot of Ted fans online are not right wing. I am not. The majority of them say they don't belong to either the right or left and you'd understand why if you had read anything he wrote.
He mainly shits on left wingers and wanted traditionalism.

>where is there anthropomorphization
I already pointed it out.

meme related is me, except I'm totally fucking torn between left and right, and replace the words on the right with stone-age anarchy

On days when I feel good-looking and confident I trend to the left, and on days when I remember that women hate me I lean to the right (side of the image).

Attached: DpFW4T9UcAAbijx.jpg (710x473, 104K)

his point is that industrial society is taking away avenues of true relation and meaningful contact.
It cheapens it, not just for loner middle class guys but for literally everyone.

>Instead of doing the simple thing of looking inwards
Oh you mean like deluding yourself?
I bet you're one of those faggots that "meditates".

>you seek to change REALITY as it is now to address your fear of dying.
Pretty accurate, and there's nothing wrong with this.

>That does seem like the logic of a child to me.
Because you're a child with terrible arguments.
This is basically an ad hominem attack and nothing else.

No, you didn't, you made up some shitty strawman. Again, go back to that very specific point (here, I'll help you ) and point out where the "anthropomorphization" touched you.

And you clearly didn't read his manifesto, he also shit on conservatives and literally stated that his ideas went beyond the right/left wing dynamics and clearly explains why. The manifesto was written in simple, easy to understand language for brainlets such as yourself, give it a read.

>I'm enlightened because I want to die at age 30 of preventable disease

>>is a cheerleader in the false right-left dichotomy
A large portion of the right left dichotomy is bullshit, but there are portions that aren't.
Case in point this eco shit.

Sorry, i'm just struggling with your logic.
For me, it does seem simpler to accept your inevitable demise than to try and claw your way towards some sort of uncertain future, all based on your own primal fears.
It seems healthier that way.

I pointed out that you brainlets anthropomorphize nature and the planet and subconsciously think it's a sin or something to damage mother earth.
People like me on the other hand only care about the environment in the way it benefits humanity.
If we have to burn the planet and move to the moons of Jupiter then so be it.
Care to actually refute my point?

Here's a better question?
Why don't you just kill yourself if you hate yourself so much?

Convenience is destructive. Start looking for ways to make your life harder

Because practising what he preaches on your own it's literally just a waste of time, sure you might live a good life in the woods but you'd die with the regret of leaving the rest of humanity behind.

Making up ad hominems to fight reasonable conclusions when people tell you to accept the inevitability of death--a bold strategy.

Too bad none of your shitty arguments will help you when you're on your deathbed.

>it does seem simpler to accept your inevitable demise
Of course it's simpler.
What's even more simpler is to kill yourself right now.
You wouldn't have to do anything else.
Just kill yourself.
Why don't you do this?

Just because something is simpler doesn't make it good.

>uncertain future
Humans have massively progressed for the better so far.
What reason would I have to think this trend would somehow stop?

there's been far less "mother Earth" and "climate change" handwringing in this thread than you desperately want to make it seem.

Ted's best points are how modern society is shaping our very psyche.
Every transhumanist nigger ITT has been posting with desperation and dread oozing from every post.

Why didn’t he send a bigger bomb?

> If we have to burn the planet and move to the moons of Jupiter then so be it

Why even bother saving humanity if we have to be so selfish and negligent

>Making up ad hominems
I had arguments with my ad hominems.
You mainly just had ad hominems.

>reasonable conclusions
How is it reasonable to want to suffer and die at age 30?

>when people tell you to accept the inevitability of death
We accept the POSSIBILITY of death. This is pretty reasonable.

>Too bad none of your shitty arguments will help you when you're on your deathbed.
Neither will yours.

And you still can't find the anthropomorphization! Probably because it isn't there and you're making up a bunch of bullshit to cover your own stupidity. And as that post literally stated, if you destroy the environment, it will destroy all of humanity, or at best, the vast majority (including you, because I need to point that out due to your low IQ).

As for the rest of your shitpost you are clear baiting to get attention or you are so hopelessly stupid that there's no point even explaining your own stupidity to you, it's beyond even your grasp.

case in point: just read your post over and over until you give up this dumb techno-crusade. Technolgy will not bring your dead mother back.

>I had arguments with my ad hominems.
>You mainly just had ad hominems.
Another phrase you clearly don't understand the meaning of.

he's right, but I'm too deep in the system. most of us are

>Every transhumanist nigger ITT has been posting with desperation
LOL We're laughing at you fucking retards.
You literally want to work 16 hour days and die at age 30.
You people are so below us it's hilarious.

>if we have to be so selfish
What exactly is wrong with being selfing and caring about ourselves?

Is the planet going to be upset? ;(

What a dumb argument though, god damn.
Selfish lol, we're being rude to the grass which has feelings.


>And you still can't find the anthropomorphization!
It's in every post you make lol
>if you destroy the environment
There you go again thinking we're trying to destroy the environment or something.

Imagine actually being a disgusting self hating little worm.


This is true, but even to address a bit, it's almost totally impossible to get away from it at this point. Even Kaczynski couldn't quite get away from everything and that was back in the 70's, it's gotten much more difficult now.

A billion years? Dude, written history is what 6 thousand years? Aint nobody making it a billion years.

also, you didn't respond to anything in my post

Also you haven't explained why you don't just kill yourself if you hate yourself and humanity this much?

all you're doing is praying to your techno-gods to grant you everlasting Life.
It's a lot like religion.
Also disguising your fear as detachment is pretty obvious, just try harder next time, you'll kill those feelings in no time.

>Also you haven't explained why you don't just kill yourself if you hate yourself and humanity this much?
Literally no tedfag, even ITT, said he hated himself or humanity.

And the earth will only be habitable for half of that. The five gorillion years meme only accounts for the lifespan of the sun.

I love humanity, I love my common man and the only parts of me that I hate is the parts given to me by modern society.

Take your fucking meds, and kill all the dissonance you obviously feel.

People who objectively did nothing wrong thread?

Attached: Timothy-McVeigh[3].jpg (1862x1048, 123K)

how the fuck are you going to practice it? how are you going to continue your bloodline and socialize as a caveman?

>how are you going to continue your bloodline and socialize as a caveman?
Cavemen reproduced and socialized.

>all you're doing is praying to your techno-gods
Ahhh yes, we're the dogmatic ones, riiiiggghhtt.

We're basically saying human achievement is a good thing and the only way to minimize suffering is to create technology. This has been empirically true so far.

>It's a lot like religion.
LOL So realizing that we could die and using technology instead of religion to attempt to prevent this is somehow religious?
Why do you keep committing the naturalistic fallacy?

They really do though.

with cavewomen and cavemen. how many of those are around?

>Take your fucking meds, and kill all the dissonance you obviously feel.
This is cute, you're projecting or something.
I feel perfectly fine.

>They really do though.

Attached: thread derailed in 3, 2....jpg (275x183, 6K)

you're putting all your chips on someone, somewhere delivering you from pain and suffering through the MIRACLE of technology.
Wishful thinking at its best.

It's scary that NPCs like this faggot are real.

really? you don't sound fine, with all the denial, coping and clinging you exhibit.

I actually like modern amenities. I also have had sex.

>No technology = never leave this planet and eventually die
Abhorrently r*ddit post. Let me guess, you also have Facebook account and you're a fan of Science Fuck Yeah.

LITERALLY Tedcuck arguments ITT:

-technology bad
-we should be dying at age 30 and eating undomesticated grains
-if you rub 2 sticks together to make fire you are bad
-if you want to use your brain to prevent aging you are going against nature and therefore BAD!!!
-if you want to change or modify your body you are GREEDY and MEAN!!!
-everyone needs to accept they will die and be a nihilistic self hating piece of shit, it's only natural

Attached: brainletbbb.jpg (205x246, 9K)

I agree that 1 person escaping society isn't doing much, but small actions like buying only essentials, not using plastics and taking public transportation/getting a fuel efficient vehicle helps the planet, no matter how much you get called an ecofag.

oh shit, he brought out the wojak
pack it up boys

>if I keep repeating this false analogy I win the argument

You're the ones literally advocating millions of people die.
You have psychological problems.
yeah dude, wanting to live and breathe oxygen is clinging and GREEDY
This is why people laugh at you.

nah, it all needs to go. that green movement shit is not going to cut it, its just neoliberals trying to soothe their dissonance.

>can't even greentext
Lurk moar leftypol skinwalker

>oh shit, he brought out the wojak
Hit close to home didn't it?

Attached: rich.jpg (309x307, 23K)

I agree, and I already do that kind of stuff, it's a better way of living imo. A lot of people do for reasons other than the environment (though of course, that in itself is not a bad thing).

>calls me leftypol
>repeats leftypol arguments

People that use this bullshit vague term are the ultimate brainlets.

tedchads really made this one upset lmao

it's grade schooler-tier trolling, at best.

>it's a better way of living imo.
Throw away your computer.
Nah, you wouldn't actually be logically consistent in your worldview, right

Wow my post really hit close to home lmao
It was pretty accurate.

Seems so lol

Attached: 1561297716957.png (614x676, 538K)

>he's still just GRASPING for anything
your desperation is more sad than amusing

>autistically replying to everyone
Keep dancing monkey boy

You people are literally advocating for people to be beta males.

Attached: transhumanism.jpg (660x330, 70K)

absolutely seething, you can't even greentext

>continues to post without an argument or refutation

It just keeps getting worse for tedcucks.
They still won't tell us why they won't throw out their computers.

>grasping for ANYTHING
This isn't going to help you when you die at age 30 from preventable diseases.
See the poorest shitholes of africa? That's you.

>>continues to post without an argument or refutation
As are you.

Said the pansy with the death phobia.

Transhumanist chad here.

You poverty lovers have been great.

holy shit you're legitimately blind, are you crying or something? see where you click you sperg

>Said the pansy with the death phobia.
Said the pansy with the death philia.
and no, we're not "afraid" to die, we just prefer to avoid it, like any sane person would

I was legit replying to you.
Do you get this upset when you get bullied.

Stop getting upset when people point out that you're a newfag and just learn how to use the site, tard.

Lots of apparently healthy people still die young in first-world countries and it's no less morbid. Everyone else their age is enjoying life.

you didn't respond to the right person you absolute newfag, and can't greentext either. you don't belong here, go back

>you're a newfag for using dashes to separate items in a list
I used greentext all throughout this thread and you suddenly get butthurt over the one time I don't?

>Lots of apparently healthy people still die young in first-world countries and it's no less morbid.
It's still pretty rare though.
It used to be a lot more common before technology and modern medicine.

No sane person would rather have an immortality of suffering over a happy life and the acceptance of death. And hoping against all reality that death will be cured in your lifetime isn't sane, it's just delusional.

umm he KILLED and RAPED people wtf is wrong with you guys

>No sane person would rather have an immortality of suffering
Why do you automatically assume it would be suffering?
What if it were like you were 18-25 physically and mentally forever?

>a happy life and the acceptance of death
How exactly is suffering, pain and dying early "happy"?
How is watching your loved ones die "happy"?

>And hoping against all reality that death will be cured in your lifetime isn't sane, it's just delusional.
Actively fighting against human technological progress due to some cult ideology is delusional.
Again, we don't "REALLY SUPER DUPER HOPE!!" that aging will end in our lifetimes, we just think "it would be nice".

he raped millions

>Again, we don't "REALLY SUPER DUPER HOPE!!" that aging will end in our lifetimes, we just think "it would be nice"
So defending the industrial technological system based on the idea of some unrealistic possibility being "nice" when it clearly won't happen in your lifetime makes sense?

As per the suffering bits it was based on this post >I'd trade the most enjoyable, happy life possible for an immortality of constant suffering. I'll repeat myself but everything is secondary in the face of death.

Based "if man were meant to fly god would have given us wings" poster

>talks about truth as a value
>spends his time here
life is short, don't waste your energy here if you truly mean that

Such a weird time post 2001 where so many pop songs had all this imagery in it. What the fuck was that all about?