/bb/ Big Brother 21

HoH: Jackson
Noms: TBD and TBD
Veto: TBD

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for being a based showchad who doesn’t pay for shit he can literally get for free

quarky safe for another week

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Unfortunately this bitch is just making shit up for attention, couldn't find anything anywhere.

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>He doesn't know

do u guys watch this for the cute guys??/

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Mistie is surviving another week, bros. Dr Will is shaking.

I whoosh quarky had worn white last night so we could’ve gotten some see your titty action

*see thru

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Why would that be the case?


I haven't watched one of these and I'm definitely not going to start with nick

i watch them for the GBMs mostly

I always kind of want to but never care enough to watch.
Maybe when we're at final 3 and nothings going on and I'm bored I'll skim through them

What the hell is Jackson thinking?

And lmfao did he really get a new tray of watermelon last night? I see them

I haven't heard a single thing about the gbms so they definitely suck

they even hid some watermelons in his bed

lol i'm gonna have to flashback to that

Quarky make my peepee form teepee

yeah people aren't mean in them anymore

everyones fake and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN like fucking tommy

Well being mean in a GBM is retarded, so good

this had some funny moments, the way nick talks is so cool to me, and the gbms almost made me cry when nick was so excited to see jackson and calling him his dog

Lol they’re worried fatty is gonna go postal and merc the house

christie jackson holly

has hiro said what the fuck is wrong with the site

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do you really not know or are you just being a baiting faggot?

how are people as dumb as you still alive

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ive died and come back a handful of times, so im as awestruck as you are

why i feel its smarter to stick with jackson and holly?
christie is kinda fucked no matter what

Jess is a fashion model and marathon runner. She's an idol for us big girls everywhere.

women have won 7/22 comps

It's as flat as a toilet paper? Pretty sad

cliff looking at hide the veto spots

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Is Jackson finally going to target Christie this week or is he actually retarded?

Jess is better at mental comps than Christie, it's a correct move

jackson doing a great job covering his bases

He must be a Mistie fan

christie 1 month on the block

he is equally as retarded as this guy

as was divined by the universe. at first we must suffer before we see the light. this will be christies greatest triumph

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jfc look at all the watermelon

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jackson telling jess that she and christie are going on the block


stands for jeezy freezy creezy you silly nig nog

Jackson fucked up by not putting Tommy on the block. Quarky needs to tell him about their alliance, fast. By any chance Tommy wins this shit, Christie gets saved, and Jess will have to go. Then Jacky's ass gets booted on the double.

Jackson: The Goat Killer

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Fatty bout to cut a bitch

jessica wanted to be the f2 goat so fucking bad, the way she screamed about falling from the comp and whining about it made it so obvious.

Yeah Jessica's gone this week.
60% chance that either Tommy or Christie wins veto and saves Christie with it.

man jackson is such a great hoh

yea as soon as someone like nick heads to the jury house you should start making real moves
if tommy wins the double he wont hesitate

>Jess will have to go

so the person he wants out ends up being evicted? oh no

watch holly win the next hoh and tommy get evicted next to christie


>thank you Julie!
>SKD 43
what did cliff mean by this?

He’s a Freemason & Jewish operative

That's a given

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>christie goes on the block 7 times and never leaves

might be his sick little joke

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>jackson getting the last floater out on his hoh
>final 6 are 3 pairs of 2 all fighting to win like bb18


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too bad they decided to ruin that with a double eviction

>hes at a disadvantage
>holly still wins
we can only hope the melonman can do it

Tell the faggot to stop dancing like a faggot

jessica literally telling jackson to take her to final 2 as a goat lmao

why doesnt big jess start throwing christie under the bus?


why doesnt nick start throwing tommy under the bus?


Jess has done really well in mental comps and is not only against him, she is anti men so he is def her target. Considering how well Christie and Tommy do in vomps this is a good move if he can keep up his comp wins.


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Who is Nicole?

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early noms

based mistie stealing nick's strat

Fatty is pissed

cliff's pair

>jess kind of looks like a watermelons..... Mmmmm melon... *licks lips*

>be jackson
>notice two latina women still in the house post-jury
>understand the need for a caucasian to win bb21

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Imagine snackson was a nig nog and they filled his HoH with watermelon

if only her other pair wasnt herself. would've had a shot

he banished the darkies
he tried to get christie to backdoor kemi
he fucked ovi over
he evicted the 2 latinas

and jack was the bad guy

>i rather die in a white hoh than live to watch a minority in final 2

Attached: Big Jess sticks the landing.webm (1280x720, 2.27M)

being a fat tub of lard is good for you!

that's like the worst possible way to fall apart from like doing a dive and potentially paralyzing yourself

watch pro wrestling - land on your back, that's what hurts the least

>the scream
>the "thud"


its funny cause its like 6 ft tops and if she had just fell instead of throwing herself off it wouldnt have been nearly as bad

imagine if they told holly she couldn't help and she suffocated

She's furniture. Goats typically lose because they contribute absolutely nothing in the game strategy-wise. A goat only has some chance of winning if they have decent jury management, and Jessica does not. More of the jury likes Jackson more.

Victoria BB16 was the ultimate goat, and Cody fucked up by choosing Derrick over her. The actual threats to Jackson and Holly in the house are Tommy and Christie, who are a power duo. You don't keep opposing power duos in the game after Final 7, especially on a week where you're vulnerable by not playing HOH.

This is what will happen this week.
Jessica gets evicted.
Tommy or Christie wins HOH, and puts up either Jackson or Holly. Jackson most likely leaves. Cliff remains as a third renom but will probably stay over Holly or Jackson.
Jackson getting fucked on the double by keeping two threats in the house.

Looks like a fucking orca

not reading the rest of your gay faggot post

Fuck off, boy. When Jessica and Jackson leave this week, go back to this post and apologize, bitch.

shut the fuck up bbo

I can't wait for this shit season to end. Just give the faggot his cocksucking medal.

she won one mental and finished second in another comp
DE HOH will be another mental booth comp, her stats are way better than Christie's
her chances to win in F2 are irrelevant

Imagine she pierced the tarp and went right thru to the earths core

jackson and holly were both telling her to act like she was jumping on to her bed and land on her side

this is hypnotic

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the jack show will never end

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does bimbo and anal think those shorts look good

Tossed in Space wasn't a mental comp. And being in second place doesn't count.

Fearing somebody for their perceived advantage in mental comps (when none exists) over an actual threat that will boot your ass out the second they win HOH is retard play. Especially when there are more physical comps later on, and Jessica absolutely sucks at those.

reminder they rigged the final 3 comp against jc so he doesnt make it to final 2

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At least Jessica has big tits

I don’t like the sodomite touching quarky

Everybody threw first HOH to Christie. And whacktivity comp she was against two retards.

Fearing somebody for their perceived advantage in physical comps (when none exists) over an actual threat that will boot your ass out the second they win HOH is retard play. Especially when there are more mental comps later on, and Christie absolutely sucks at those.

I probably would have fallen off right after from laughing

cliff still looking for hide the veto places

wheres the fuuuuuuuckkk room?

jesus fuck I tried giving rhap last nights recap a shot and it's so fucking bad aura and melissa made me turn it off 5 minutes in

jackson and hogg going around looking at spots to hide veto

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it's a reference to his wife or something

it's beyond saving
i tend to stick to the monday roundtable but those have been a slog to get through

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it's not even remotely about the show it's just aura being a fucking ditz

Sharon Kelly Daniel
I love you

nah they just have a diaper fetish

Why is Nicole always in bed? She just seems so pitiful to me all the time. That open staring eye... like just get up for once.

Meant to post with pic

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Shut your faggot mouth

was there another earthquake recorded in California last night?
amazed I’m like the 30th (You) and no one made the most obvious joke

Hey, I’m just saying. I like her too, but you and I both know she’s going to be in this bed until finale night for 16 hours a day

shes worthless what else would she do?

she's just like us!

thanks, that’s what I figured

this post reeks of a lard based diet

thanks, I love you too

>safe again

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based worthless neet incel scrounging up what little facade of self-worth he can by projecting his own insecurity onto someone else. Reminder that Nicole has a job--unlike you--and makes a difference by contributing to society--unlike you. Reminder that Nicole is winning BB21. Reminder that Nicole has already secured a decent payday by making it this far. She's probably earned more than you ever will in your entire pathetic existence that will be cut short because if your suicide, just by making it past jury.
You won't be missed.


god damn user. i would say think of his family but they probably all hate him as well.

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Wonder if jack & sis are letting nick watch while they fuck


he probably gets up at night and camps outside their bedroom with a glass pressed against the door

also retarded

too obvious. needs a rewrite

Is this what they call seething or is this cope?

waifu autism is a mental illness

i'm convinced the retard thought she was jumping in water because the smoke machine was covering the mat painting of the water below. notice how she covers her face as she whale bombs the mat?


i'm bored of this season man
last year i got bored before jury tho

kek. it does look like she is plugging her nose and preparing for water entry. truly a play written by shamu

my gf says nicole has a nickname "angel of death" bc the person she warms up to is the one that goes out


Fuck off faggy n

not til you kiss me baby

Why do people like Nicole? She has done absolutely nothing in the game.

>Bad physical comps
>Bad at mental comps
>Bad at the social game
>Bad at the strategic game

It's almost as bad as the Kemi fags. The only reason she is even still in the house is because of the vast amounts of retarded bumbling from the other HGs, in almost any other season she would have been evicted for how incredibly inept she is at the game. She isn't even physically attractive if you're being honest with yourself. What the FUCK is the appeal?

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jackson has the right idea of keeping bullying her

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nah this is cringe, could use more work and edits
4/10 best I can give you


>Why do people like Nicole
Because she talk to the nbomb

nicole said that about herself you stupid retard



>whale bombs

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>I’m pretty hefty

projecting :)

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apologies, sir. i was not aware of the origin of the nickname

just needed to let one out

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Nick will be back on Sunday for the Reset.

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>cliff takes final 6 deal
>kat gets evicted

>cliff takes final 4 deal
>jessica gets evicted

Her social game is somewhat decent for this crop of cast members. She is reasonably intelligent as well and picks up on a lot of the house dynamics early on, so she has some strategic ability.

Also remember that this is modern BB, where the early evicts are NOT inept or weak players, but are players that chose to stand out as threats very early on. Nicole has not been a threat to anyone's game at this point; she played in the background.

>she has some strategic ability.

when the FUCK are noms

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>she has some strategic ability
look, i think it's fine if you want to waifu the ugly girl, but don't make stuff up lol

are you the guy who did the sam pasta?

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>Kemi fags

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>Thursday, Sep 5 - Double eviction to F5
>Wednesday, Sep 25 - Finale, Final HOH takes someone to F2

what is happening in between for 20 days

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>nicole lost the wall comp

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and cried lmao


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Imagine her and Kyrssie in an alliance competing together.

>using pngs

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Jess campaigning to Cliff
it's not very effective

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you're not allowed to talk to me like that

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Bruh, she's just an ugly retard that everybody pities

don’t mind me

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The worst thing in the world is those streamers who pick out one troll in a live chat and go super ape mode retarded about them, either screaming at them, trying to insult them harder or doing this.

This post is criminally underrated kino that brings the webm up from a ouch, to a 'cool' to actually truly amazing.

kek that was the first thing that came to my mind too

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She is a model and she couldn't stay standing for the whole shoot so they brought out a towel.

she is a beached whale to they had to bring out a sprinkler to prevent her from dying

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Can't wait until a marathon comp. Our girl Big Jess is gonna kill it!

What are they trying to tell us?

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kek excellent post

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have sex

women have zero drive to do anything and prefer to lay

to be fair, they like to bitch and moan too



Sep 12 - Down to F4
Sep 17 - Down to F3.

You and Rob both are really married to the whole taped eviction thing, huh? I guess they just aren't doing it this year...which, I never understood the point of it in the first place, other than to get a Battle Back in.

reminds me of someone else

i had some other picture of 4 caps of her lying down but i cant find it anymore

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winner's strat


>Jackson's laugh

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lel nice

>Snackson and Beths big moves were getting out Analyse and Jessica

jackson is just making it easier for holly to get to final 2

its cool they're trading turns as HOH til finale anyways, they just want to keep the more entertaining players in for us fans at home

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> Gorilla munch

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she's looking real chunky lately. hasn't she been fat for most of her life? she probably went on a crash diet in preparation for BB and is yo-yo-ing back.

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Reminder: No matter how attainable you all think she is, Nicole is still out of your league!

when are noms?

tomorrow at 3pm

No doubt. She's like hundred leagues below me.

>which, I never understood the point of it in the first place, other than to get a Battle Back in

there is no content with less than 6 people in the house, pretty simple reason why they fast forwarded from F5 forward for years
i guess they will just put a bunch of retarded filler at that point like BB16 - jury comes in for a challenge/Tangela get engaged in the house/Mark McGraph puts a concert for bored HGs

she's a swipe left from me

>wins veto and secures christies eviction

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this is /ourguy/

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our big girl

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excuse me?

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>falling for the vaginal jew
no thanks

soon, jackson is about to cut up another melon for nom nom time

>Cliff - Holly, you are the only who didn't get punished in the house
>Nicole - She got punished by being in showmance with Michie

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last night that fucking moron actually said he loves tommy and would never nominate him

I feel so foolish, I can’t believe forgot about him

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Is there anything more pathetic than a Nicolefag?

>Bad at physical comps
>Bad at mental comps
>Bad at the social game
>Bad at the strategic game

It's almost as embarassing as Kemi fans. The only reason she is even still in the house is because of the vast amount of bumbling from the other HGs. In almost any other season she would have been evicted for her frankly shocking levels of ineptitude. Given her appearance and general lack of poise and charisma I would have thought she at least had some skill at the game. She isn't even physically appealing if you are being at all honest with yourself. The only reason you losers like her is because she is so bland, so unremarkable, so unbelievably milquetoast that she might be realistically attainable for you.

She won't win the game, she won't win AFP, she won't be your gf. She is going to go back to long island, adopt 5 cats, and die alone.

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i appreciate your effort user. keep up the good work.

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still didn’t read

idk if it will really feel too different but i hear you

this year hasn't even had a mid-season recap concet shit episode so, maybe they'll put something like that in soon

I now need to see an edit of that walrus falling down the cliff into the sea but with jess

that’s above my paygrade, but same

Dose anyone want to see quarkys sisters


Who asked you

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I would die for Kemi.

Filthy ape

yeah, i'm curious to see about this triplet remark quarky has made.

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You can see resemblance but she’s def the cute one

You forgot about:
Bad at life
Ugly as sin

Around blacks that's not unheard of

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you did desu

stop posting day

Fuck off, cunt.
Nicole is still in the house and is not an immediate threat to anyone's game right now. She is playing safe. She is even better shape than Tommy of all people.

You Quarkyfags are the ones pushing for this cunt to be safe anyway. Just pointing out the obvious. I couldn't care less who wins this shit.

Jackson feared for his watermelon

jk love you

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is A
dietary threat
to my game
this is chess, not checkers.

>wall comp designed for manlets
tommy loses


Red firetruck

When is the Jack Show coming back on the air?

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So it's a consensus that Jessica leaves this week unless she wins veto? Why do I have a feeling this is going to be a hide and go veto?

>Why do I have a feeling this is going to be a hide and go veto?
because it's too long for a DE so it has to be this week

yup, Big Jess is donezo if no veto is wonzo

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>letting Christie slide again for another week.
lmao i swear if she wins she's just gonna put up jackson/holly. why are they not targeting her?

because jackson thinks the deal he made with her two weeks ago is still good. it boils down to holly and jackson being massive retards.

Hide and Go Veto doesn't really work during the end game. It's supposed to be done when more people are in the house to piss off the HGs not playing.

The POV comp will probably be the comics or MacGyver comp.

You can be massive retards when you keep on winning HOHs. I can see Holly winning the next one.

Attached: bb9 retards.jpg (1440x1080, 223K)

whoa you got a higher quality one

>Closest ally becomes the biggest target in the game
>Forced to vote out members of the Six because they're sitting next to her
Is there any way that his game can be saved?

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The old one I grabbed in 2008 does have sentimental value.

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i think tommy only wins sitting next to quarky/jess at this point desu

it has character

christie might be able to flip the entire jury in his favor if she doesn't make it to F3

I wish this place was around back then. Posting /bb/ to Yea Forums in 2008 didn't really work.

Imagine shitposting while watching 144 resolution feeds of Dr will and Shannon back in 2001.

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christie telling big jess that holly/jackson are working with quarky/hogg

blows my mind that they had lives feeds way back then. really ahead of the times

bruh they had them in 2000


god bless the people still watching this so I can read about the 2 worthwhile conversations each day
>Christie to Jess: "I was in an alliance for the first half of the summer, and then it all crumbled, and now they're working together. It's fine. I'm not salty, I'm just tired."


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Big Jess crying because she has been a useless player this season.

When is Jackson going to suggest the threesome with Quarky and Bog?
You just have to know they both want it.

everyone said the zings sucked this year but they really hurt the fag, the fatty, the loser, bog, and nick. they are seriously shook

next jury segment

bog and snackson are fighting
time for quarky to make her move

Are they going to upload the uncensored version directly to Pornhub?

Attached: bb21 kat.webm (1280x720, 2.54M)

*manages jury*

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that’s actually pretty cool. I thought you took it recently and made it shitty on purpose lol

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imagine that threesome. I would watch that 1 hundo p

Jack is just in the corner on his phone bored.
Anal becomes a bull dike lesbian after Bimbo turns her out.
You'd think 4 years of D1 soccer would have done that to her already.

Here's the clip

BB Comics is usually Week 11 or 12, so it's still too early. Any promotional vetos for new CBS shows such as MacGyver will also be later on in September.

There's only two more weeks they can put the comics veto; next week is F5.

Final 5 is perfect for that then.

the comps schedule is repeating from bb20
even the double eviction day
brett and haleigh played in bbcomics before getting evicted

a true piece of bb history.
I know he rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but I loved him when bb9 first aired.
and he’s still my self-insert and also the reason why Grodner probably does mandatory cavity searches on every HG. I’m happy to know that he’s doing better now though, he meant well, he was just kind of a dickhead (hence the self-insert)