Other urls found in this thread:
look at this dood
bad cgi
she doesn't have massive nips
>ugly face
>horrific tits
Is it nepostism? How the fuck is she anything?
how is her face ugly
So, that's how models look like?
I want her to bully me and peg me while I'm screaming her name.
Hot nips
She looks like a tranny.
Those are her cute nips user. She's revealed them before.
>huge caterpillar eyebrows
>balding hairline
>ugly eyes
>man face
Have you ever looked at it?
Only the wings are cg, fool
she's so ugly
>these tits
>when you obsess over trannies so much that you see them everywhere
nigga her face is fine
pls post Karla Crome nude debut
I disagree.
How are her nipples so big with those little tits?
>is it nepotism
>he doesnt know
She's pretty much a disaster visually
>here's you titties, bro
Well you're just being a silly goose.
Since when do they do digital tits?
In all fairness, those titties are exactly like how you would imagine a fairy's titties would look like.
she's pretty much aj soprano
since that switch up film with Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds
Here tits are all lopsided wtf.
like a 30 year old woman that should have worn bras more frequently?
At least her nipples are nice.
I love those kinds of tits.
Puffy areola are the best however, I smashed a 3/10 girl for a month because she had puffy nips.
What the fuck, she used to have perfect breasts like 1-2 years ago
fairies are supposed to have giant beautiful tiddies
Does she have a tumor in one of her tits or something?
Why are they so aysymmetrical?
men don't have nips like those
Okay user
Wearing bras actually cause tit droopage user.
>he has boobs like that
user, I...
she couldn't possibly fly
the eyebrows would create too much drag
she looks like shes a boy named Hunter or Kieran
>Not wearing bras causes saggyness
>Wearing bras causes saggyness
Those nipples are still a disaster. Her tits are just a little fuller here.
fucking hot
Cara is ugly and has the bone structure of a worm.
She also bought her way into fame via her rich as fuck parents and has since proven to be devoid of talent or charisma. The British Gigi Hadid.
She just lost weight. A chubbier cara would be cute
peak aryan beauty
obviously wearing them, because then the body doesn't need to work to keep them up, so the functions atrophy.
All women have asymmetrical tits.
>a tumor
tit on the left looks fucked up
What's this from
The live-action version of Bondage Faeries is looking great.
I don't like this live action remake of Peter Pan
I can never unsee that now. She is even as dumb as AJ
Sure smells like piss in here now. I wonder why.
>this person is a model
>that face
>those lopsided tit
her only redeeming feature are her eyebrows
Wearing them causes droopage.
There was a multiple year study on it and everything.
Inconvenient truth to the underwear salefolks though.
Don't you fucking dare compare this garbage to Bondage Fairies.
wrong. I've been to /gif/ enough times to know this is a lie
I swear, the standards of you fucking cumbrains are ridiculous. You'd think you were all 10/10 gigachads from the way you talk.
>bondage faeries
Patrician spotted
jesus christ user control your bladder
Do you know about the cup sizes?
Carnival Row on amazon
the right breast being a little bigger than the left is actually quite common.
t. breast expert
yeshua cristo
I'm not seeing the disaster
most dudes dont dig the man face and 12 year old body look user
What's happening here?
When did she ever play a fairie?
>tfw nudes of girls dont give you a boner
should I lay off porn for a while? normally id be rock hard at this
Meanwhile in perfecto land
Like the left testicle being bigger than the right.
What did God mean by this?
Blessed trips confirm.
Wish more actresses did soapy boobie and wet boobie scenes
So is the show worth watch, or are we all here to fap to tits?
It's just normal. My ex had one innie nipple while the other was an outie. One boob slightly higher than the other.
Is this from Dark Crystal?
these tits are so sad that Janny won't delete the thread
it helps you avoid squeezing/crushing your nuts
same for grills and their bobs
I'm seeing a cute
There's Pornhub for that
Then you're fucking blind, m8
I still love her lads.
a boy with his shirt off isnt against the rules
>can't tell whether this is ripping off Saga or Perdido St Station
holy shit, this is hypnotic
No thanks, I'm not a degenerate
El Atrocidad
Why would he delete a picture of a shirtless boy?
Right on, user.
I watched episode 1 last night and don't have a lot of hope
does it get better?
I had sex with a tranny that had better tits than that
there's a huge difference between watching a slutty actress, and a literal whore
>implying actresses don't sell their bodies for roles
What movie?
yeah, but not nearly to the same extent, at least the vast majority of them. as I said, there's a huge difference.
>why yes i am a 10/10 gigachad how can you tell
>You are WAY off your baseline!
show us your deformed tits cunt
You guys are just as bad as the Emilia fags. All waifu fags must hang.
These aren't standards for some girl I'd date. These are standards for a entertainer that is meant to grab people's interest and portray rare beauty that you'd expect to find in fiction.
I'm pretty sure most people here (especially the horny and lonely posters) would empty themselves inside of her if they could, if only because they can't afford to be picky
What is wrong with that nipple?
>I'm pretty sure most people here (especially the horny and lonely posters) would empty themselves inside of her if they could, if only because they can't afford to be picky
cope harder cara
Legit looks like a tranny with those broad shoulders and weird tits.
Now I'm off my baseline. Great.
Nothing, he's retarded.
Show, ep 3 of Carnival Row.
so Cuba is perfecto land?
I started watching the show and thought "that chick looks like cara d but isn't anywhere cute enough"
how do you hit the wall at 27 fucking years old?
I didn't think that was physically possible
is she jewish irl?
Any non meme answers for what boobs feel like?
one areola is much larger than the other
and the dissymmetry between both tits is off the charts
if both were small and perky like lefty it would be fine
if both were larger and floppy like righty that be fine
but the combination of the two looks comical
part of it is that pic is taken mid-thrust as you can see in the webm so one is being pushed up and back from the force of her getting ploughed but it's still not good.
I mean tits are like pizza even if they're bad they're still pretty good but that pair doesnt rate higher than 5/10 i reckon
I mean, she does look around average and the fact that she is being pushed as hot when she isn't makes her seem worse than she is, but I'd still hit it.
>if you have to ask...
MODS, it's barely a talk about tv or movies
That you know which nipple I'm talking about is exactly what's wrong with it.
They're soft and warm and feel like heaven.
what about cunny?
time for the blackpill user, she was never that beautiful to begin with, you were just tricked by the media
They're literally blobs of fat so feel up your beer belly or something
>the wall
Yeah no.
>sad tits
>man face
>12 year old boys body
>droopy sloped eyes
>digusting eyebrows
>no ass
>pencil thin legs
she is decidedly below average
confirmed for never having felt a breast before
was gonna say this, not sure why though
I see more beautiful women every day. Like the average is better than her. She is a 4/10. I never understood what people saw in her.
Feels hairy if I do that.
>tits so sad jannies don't even bother to delete the thread
Really soft. Like freakishly soft.
your fake fat transplants arent and dont feel like real breasts tranny
Blessed webm.
nips too big tits too small 1/10
Cara a cute, A CUTE!
Soft. If it's not it might be cancer.
Trips confirm.
The new Ferngully reboot
The solution is to wear bras that supports.
If you dont wear bra, your chest skin will stretch with the weight from the boob.
If you wear a bra that heavy pushes your boobs up or mid to get cleavage, you will stretch skin at under your boob and armpit.
But it all comes down to age, skindensity, boobs weight and genetic.
based A CUTE poster
Honestly don't understand the hate she gets on this board.
She's charismatic, funny, has a nice voice, looks interesting - to me she's infinitely better than, for example, Daisy Ridley.
So she's been pushed by nepotism, so what? She certainly doesn't lack the talent.
milked coins of sandbags
Yea Forums hates nepocuties.
Doesn't stop me from loving her.
my wife had amazing perky tits when we got married and within a month of being pregnant her boobs inflated and became saggy
they never recovered
No, just in fantasy.
what fucking happened
Carnival Row
>Tfw you go in for the kiss and she kisses your head
Would that I could inhale some of that intoxicating fairy dust.
that's pretty much a normal pair of tits, you're gay
genuinely sorry for your loss
man, I would kill for kissing her beautiful feet
Lost weight
>ugly face
no argument here
>horrific tits
tits are fine. Nothing special.
Why does every show have to have forced sex scenes
A boy her age shouldn't yet have a receding hairline, should he?
>Legit looks like a tranny with those broad shoulders and weird tits.
>How are her nipples so big with those little tits?
>Here tits are all lopsided wtf.
GOd imagine if she forced you to smell those shoes after she was done wearing them for the day
These are flawless tits. Prove me wrong.
Nice projection, fatty.
>mosquito bites are normal, fine breasts
Let me guess, you're a pair of those homosexual "ass" men, right?
She was never good looking.
seething leg beard detected
Let me guess, you're a virgin, right?
There's only one nipple showing that picture you idiot.
just like in africa right
So is this show as trash as it looks or what?
I have two children. Yes, I did father them.
The funny part is if she was a man, she wouldn't even be a handsome one. At least Zendaya or someone would be a prettyboy if they were male.
ahh alice, my favorite fake tittied fake assed whore
So the ugly cunts career is dead and she's now doing nudity to get attention!!!FACT!!!
I think you taking "she has big nipples" as an insult says more about you.
tits or gtfo
>those pencil eraser nips
What movie?
thanks, me too
we have a newborn, so it's not so bad at the moment while they're big and saggy, but in a year they'll barely be b cups with zero perk
Cara and Rihanna were the best things about Valerian. And I say this as someone who likes Dane Dehaan - he was just xtremely miscast.
Neither are fake. That you have to make this up to "explain away" her tits and ass says it all.
with the pug nose and thin lips the resemblance uncanny!!!!FACT!!!!
>alicefag stays lurking
Get a life and have sex
I see you're a man of class and taste.
>with the pug nose and thin lips the resemblance uncanny!!!!FACT!!!!
Genuinely buy her a boobjob, start saving up now and you might be there when she's done breast feeding. It'll make you both happy.
Seething fag
is that a scar?
legit 10/10
I'll wait until we're done having kids - we've got 2 girls and I'm not fucking stopping until I have a male heir
by that point I'll be making a lot more money, too
Stay seething gay homo faggot
What do you mean?
Just a reminder that these two women are around the same age.
Psoriasis. Comes and goes
I do believe in fairies I do, I do!
>Nice projection, fatty.
>seething leg beard detected
>I think you taking "she has big nipples" as an insult says more about you.
Being THIS triggered.
>the best thing about Valerian
don't forget her fake lips and fake abs
Shit compared to Lily Mo Sheen
>but not nearly to the same extent
( . Y - )
based. cara uglies on suicide watch.
oof, imagine being the guy who scores that, thinking you've made it as you're about to fuck a supermodel, and then she pulls those out..yuck
>around the same age
Ana is four (4) years older
is this show worth watching?
So is the show any good?
Thanks, now I have something to watch before my free trial of Prime runs out.
Might be awkward to watch on break at work though.
is this sarcasm
Yeah that sounds good. Many women get it after having kids, it's common - babies rek boobies. Best of luck to you.
Thats sad. But pregnancy will make them too heavy and big for the skin to survive that.
is she a robot?
based ugly jumping to defend her fellow ugly
>how do you hit the wall at 27 fucking years old?
It is possible
>Pic related, she is only is 26 years old
Is the show good? If I don't care about her or her tits should I watch the show anyway?
>Seething fag
>Stay seething gay homo faggot
This is not an argument in Cara's favor.
>waifus an uggo with a boys body and face
>calling anyone gay
projecting faggot or ugly femcel detected
I'm not very good at it, sorry.
both of them were extremely miscast. It's a shame because it's easy to see how the movie would have been better with more charismatic actors.
that's horrifying
I know
come back when you touched some boobs
She was the same age here as Cara is here
it's one of those "fun story, poor execution" movies
I still enjoy them, but it's sad thinking about how absolutely phenomenal they could be
what is that type of asymmetrical god forsaken tits called?
Well...those are a shame.
you've been ruined by porn, that's a maybe slightly above average amount of asymmetry.