>Young Turks literally getting triggered
Liberals Confirm Dave Chappelle is too Controversial
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>Young Turks
Cenk...stop shilling on here. Also the Armenian genoicide happened.
Someone call Juicy Smooveeyay to resolve the issue.
It's a streaming comedy special, its not even on TV or Cable. Why are they even treating this like news?
Don't mind me, just pirating some jokes.
A lot of people watch Netflix
>he thinks everyone feels the way he feels and won’t say it, but i domt think thats the case.
because you put yourself in an echo chamber of crazy people pretending to be progressive and don’t realize that it is EXACTLY how mist people think.
OP is literally H*san
Fuck you you brown nepotista
this whole special was him telling black people to go vote for whichever Democrat will oppose Trump
I don't know what they're fussed about
>It was real in my mind!
t. Kardashian
These people are really pathetic.
I'm quite left winged and from the third world, if I have to chose between a black guy and a white first world tranny, I'll always side with the black guy
After his shit last 2 specials I thought this was great
T. Poor white male virgin in his late 20s
News is basically an advertisement now. When it's not shilling a product it's shilling the views of some government think tank that wants you to fear the boogieman or had created. When it's not that it is shilling the machinations of some rich billionaire asshole. When it's not that it's (((JEWS))).
He made a trans joke and they reeeeee
those are the authoritarian left not the same thing as liberty liberals you daft moron. MIGA and your president is owned by Saudia Arabia and Israel
Phone posters need to be gassed
50 minutes of him dogwhistling retards taking the bait and proving him right.
Best part is he's a pro anti abortion Muslim nigger jew and they can't touch him it's hilarious.
Even funnier watching Netflix literally go down in flames Woking themselves into another dimension
I see you're going down the buzzword path
please just stay there
you started with the buzzwords w the phone posting. im not even on my phone also
does anyone know the name of this model I forgot her name fuck
>no u
It is quite beautiful
Netflix is a service not a channel. Nobody watches this special unless they go seeking it out after putting in multiple passwords on their computer to do it.
Go away cumbrain
how dare you speak that way to me
>durr if you say anything bad at anytime well take everything away from you hurr durr
>that’s you!
*audience claps*
People really are sheep
who fucking cares. something that is controversial doesn't automatically make it good or funny and that's exactly the case with this. Chappelle isn't funny anymore. He hasn't been since he fucked off to Africa.
>why do you want to say the n-word so bad
I don't now, user. Why do YOU want to say the n-word so bad?
ok thats based
>N-no it didn't they just moved away in the middle of the night!
>I'm not a nigger either
is the joke here that he was lying to here? I don't get it
A lot of cunts
I bet when people tell you the truth about yourself you go cry on /pol. But the rest of us, especially those of us who go to see comedians famous for roasting the fuck out of people including their audience, well we take it in stride and even laugh at ourselves because it's healthy.
He pretty much let everyone watching him right then that he was going to say some shit that could offend them and they should deal with it. I thought you pussies were all about that?
>I never see or encounter trans people but trans people bad
I think this is "her"
No dissent from the current talking points can be allowed
Didn't you know? Nigger is a word that used to describe garbage black people, blacks call each other that as a joke, to tease.
>after putting in multiple passwords on their computer
You really don't live in the real world. Here's how most people do it
>tv on
>device connected to tv on
>I was a part of the audience because I watched the special but he wasn’t talking about me though. He was talking about you pussies. And this somehow involves pol which you are a part of
That webm. Holy crap, what a time to be alive
lanky kong
she needs to do some squats and eat more
But they are all the same tho.
It was an ok special. Nothing groundbreaking or different from any of his past stuff.
>I'm quite left winged and from the third world, if I have to chose between a black guy and a white first world tranny, I'll always side with the black guy
What the gigafuck did I just read?
Ur a guy right? That's like saying you'd rather stick the world's hottest red chilli in your dick then salt and pepper it's still gonna burn
Aids faghot
Why is he wearing green overalls?
I watched that whole video. They get pissed about the tranny jokes and go off on a tangent about racist white people, but NOT ONCE do they bring up the fact that Dave made fun of kids who were potentially raped by Michael Jackson in the very beginning of the fucking special. What kind of clown world is this where tranny faggots are more protected than child rape victims???
>I was a part of the audience because I watched the special but he wasn’t talking about me though.
I never said that, but you knew that when you responded like the clown you are. I'm the part of the audience that can take a joke and laugh at myself.
Nigger just ended racism with that line. Prove me wrong.
Why does he cry and shivers everytime?
Why are his teeth so gross?
Why would you record yourself being so fucking ugly?
But you did. You removed yourself from the equation so you can play the "one up" game and cast judgment on a group of people. And now you're backtracking which is sorta pathetic.
>we take it in stride and even laugh at ourselves because it's healthy.
that's not why you laugh though
you laugh because you dont acknowledge it
you laugh because you think he's just joking
you will never admit that you are wrong, that you are evil
you dont comprehend it
joke of the year
holy shit that vice article reeks of shitty soi
no wonder there are no good upcoming comedians, no edge or bite
i dont mean it in a
>nigger nigger faggot ahaha
but these new comedians are so unwilling to take a risk that all of their sets are just safe and sterile, where they think gross=edgy
>Device connected to TV
Trying to be elitist when you don’t even have a smart TV
who is this thing?
Son both your internet provider and netflex require a password and both require you to pay them individually while using that password. Just because you forgot it does not mean you're not using it. People are jumping through multiple hoops here to pretend to be outraged.
What a a bunch of thin skinned fags.
Fucking kek
holy shit bet you those same cunts rated that schumer special 5/5
"Nigger" and "Nigga" usually refer to the redneck equivalent of black people, not just black people, in current context. Chris Rock did a bit about it as well.
These are the same people who love Hannah Gadsby and declared her comedian of the year. Normies don't even know who the fuck Hannah is.
Reminder that this nigger literally cried about a white guy laughing at his show. He wants to be anti pc but whines about racism at every moment
>Reminder that this nigger literally cried about a white guy laughing at his show
prove it. I say it was the closet fag Mooney that got in his head because he was jealous.
This is what I've always appreciated about Chappelle: More than almost any other modern comedian, he loves to prod and see how far he can take a joke or a point, and then gets excited about the pushback.
For anyone who saw that fucking terrible Peele Twilight Zone episode about comedians, Chappelle is essentially a counterpoint to that episode's soapbox. He's not telling you what to think or just lobbing facts at you like a newscaster, he uses touchy subjects as a platform for a legitimate punchline instead of just talking.
He'd probably get outraged over white people saying nigger the same as many of the blacks in the audience.
As a liberal I found the jokes about Aplahabet people was the funniest bit in a long time. His other edgy jokes seemed like he was just doing as a "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" stance. They weren't really that funny, just controversial. Dave knows he can get away this on Netflix and probably thinks he such a Legend he can get away saying it just in general
Doesn't he have an old bit about that, though? Pretty sure the punchline was that he doesn't care.
I took the "Fuck white people" thing as almost a way to go "What can I say at this point that will divide the shit out of everyone who watches this?"
Kind of like his impression bit, which was genius.
2 grown men hen pecking
Both of those guys are gay. No way they're straight.
Pretty sure the punchline is that he's a black guy and not a nigger.
Why are people throwing such a fit about this? It was the tamest of his Netflix specials so far.
Literally stolen from a white supremacist anti-semite comedian:
>corporate backed anti-American cocksuckers that give platform to communist swines cry about muh PC
Reminder that Yogurt got ousted out of his own political party for being rapey pig and that Kasparian headed a segment called 'Whose cameltoe is that'.
>quite left winged and from the third world
No need to be so long winded, your country is third world because you are left.
The lgbt group in the car joke was mean to trannys so the whole special is problematic.
People have been making fun of that abbreviation since it was half the size.
Those are vastly different jokes with minor similarities. And both jokes sucked.
>these people in the same group are not the same
You really think that only one person in the world noticed that?
as a white poor (ex) heroin addict, this was one of his best specials
because i know how to take a joke and not cry about it when im the punchline
oh shit is this thread really on autosage?