How come nobody talks about this show here? it's kino as fuck

how come nobody talks about this show here? it's kino as fuck.

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also the redhead is so fucking hot please let her do a nude scene soon it's HBO for chrissakes.

Power rankings

i agree with this for the most part. shiv is going to get royally fucked by her dad, figuratively speaking.

i guess i should have expected crickets. have no idea why nobody watches this show here.

Jesus, Shiv is higher than that

I love it, but find some of those “PC” namedrops weird. Like when Tom goes to the Corporate Retreat and goes “ah, Europe, old-timey, anti-Semitic Europe”. Or how ATN is supposed to be Fox News. How am I meant to take it all?

I mean, any of the characters doing PC namedrops just makes them more of an asshole. Like, these people are not capable of redeeming themselves in the eyes of anyone.

i don't think the show is particularly friendly to anybody. the bernie sanders clone shiv was working for turned out to be a fucking sleazy bastard. try not to watch every show with your /pol/ sensibilities.

tom is literally my favorite character

he bullies the weak and gets bullied by the strong

he seems gay but he isn't, just metrosexual

and he looks like a Manning brother that never played quarterback


It's a game!


Absolutely love the show last episode was fucking hard to watch. The way the old man commands his power over them is terrifying and terrific

>try not to watch every show with your /pol/ sensibilities.

tom is definitely top 3.

also what's up with roman not fucking any of his gfs? is he gay/asexual or just has some kind of hangup?

up until today i hadn't seen a bit of promotional material, except 2 threads on this board. stumbled across this on the HBO website, am thinking of watching for Culkin and Cox alone. is it any good?

oink oink oink oink

it's great. the lesser known actors in the show are all terrific too. definitely watch it right away.

oh he's definitely in some kind of deep denial. He keeps up a playboy/asshole attitude, but it's all just his defensive mask.

he's a cuck, or at least someone who is sexually into being punished or whatever

the only time he's been sexual with a girl was when the latino waiter got his girlfriends phone number and called her, and he rubbed the phone on her pussy

then ken locked him in a cage growing up which he thought was bullying but actually he loved it

he wants to be humiliated because his entire life has been a coddled, privileged rich kid who can say whatever he wants to whoever he wants (except daddy)

i watched season 1 some months ago. I loved it. season 2 is great too.

Brian Cox deserves an Emmy


it starts kinda slow but gets better episode by episode. The humor is incredibly mean

In terms of "rich people porn" its way better than billions or empire or any other show

fuck off Jeremy Strong deserves an emmy

greg the egg is working his way up
you will see big power moves form him in the future

it feels like a close look into the soros family for some odd reason for me

Kendall is going to fucking slay by the end of this season, best character arc imo

I hope he grows some balls though, he looked heartbroken when he found out Shiv fucked another guy. He needs to stop being a cuck and end this open relationship bullshit

i think it's kind of a composite. don't know about soros i was thinking more rupert murdoch/sumner redstone.

he is just the stay at home fuck-toy for shiv. thats the deal. how he seriously thinks he will be ceo of the company one day of this marriage is beyond me.

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nah i don't want a badass redemption arc for tom, I love him as the househusband

>She made me eat my own cum! Isn't that super hot guys? Guys?

i think the egg will be CEO by the time the show is over if HBO doesn't make them end it after 3 seasons or something like they're doing with the deuce.

he's a useful tool to shiv, but he feels like he's the one manipulating events.

He thinks he's a lot smarter than he actually is, basically. He's like a barracuda that just swam into a pool full of sharks.

i think they're ending the deuce because james franco got metoo'd and don't wanna deal with that shit

nah franco got me'too'd before season 2 even started shooting. they're ending it because the ratings aren't great and it's expensive to produce.

i don't think succession is that expensive because it's mostly just people talking in rooms so hopefully that'll allow it to get 4-5 seasons even if the ratings aren't stellar.

soros could be a part of the composite but he's not a media magnate. redstone and murdoch fit much better IMO.

Do we know if it’s gonna get another season, because a lot of shit is appearing to go down by the end.
>No one knows that Kendall killed someone
>Roman is part of an investigation involving the failed shuttle launch
>Tom and Shiv’s relationship is disintegrating
>Logan is still not healthy
>Greg made copies of the cruiseliner shit(will probably use this as blackmail once Logan finds out he called Pencil)

honestly people are starting to talk about succession

on r*ddit's television sub more and more people seem to talk about it

the hype is growing, I think it might be a Breaking Bad where slowly more and more people start watching

i'm sure they have plans to go beyond season 2 if HBO renews it

doesn't have the same type of mainstream appeal as a show like BrBa but i hope you're right. would hate to see it end prematurely.

it's good, that's honestly all that matter

breaking bad, the wire, mad men: just be good and hype will build and people will watch

unless you get cancelled.

It's been renewed for a third season. The ratings are on the rise too so the show should be fine.

HBO has always needed these types of shows to keep people subscribing

It was Sopranos for awhile, then that ended but they struck gold with Game of Thrones

They desperately need a series like this that critics love, people on internet discussion hubs fucking love, etc

It's already got a season 3 and the hype grows stronger episode by episode. It isn't the fucking deuce

nice that's good news i hadn't read that

is it actually worth a watch? what's special about it?

it's just a razor sharp black comedy with great performances. not for everybody though. watch a few episodes to see if it clicks with you.


intense interfamily power struggles where you are interested in seeing people win, and deeply satisfied to see them fail

>Watch a few episodes to see if it clicks with you
This is the most important thing. The show is good but episode 5 onwards is on another level.

new episode when? I made the mistake to marathon ep. 1-3 in one sitting...

Episode 4 got released early for labor day. It's great

yes, and if you like it find solace that season 2 is even better.

Shiv us a whore who just cheated on Tom with a literal streetshitter she picked up at a dive bar. A white woman who could even find a Hindu attractive doesn't really deserve human rights.

seriously? awesome had no idea. gonna watch it now.

So Roman is the BLACKEDposter?!

So is no one going to point out how amazing the theme song and opening credits are? It’s on par with Twin Peake and TD s1. I like the opening of s1 better though, it’s mostly focused Kendall and Logan

I think season 2 is superior to season 1 in every way

yeah the theme song and music for the show is really on point. credits great as well.

i think the last several episodes of season 1 are about as high quality as season 2 so far.

i like when the theme song shows up mid-episode

thats when you know shit is about to fucking go down when you hear that piano tinkling

you really think Shiv cares about race at all? She's rich on another level, she's beyond race.

She gets off on having power over others. That guy was an easy fish for her to catch, so she did.

The guy was actually attractive though, in the top 1% for Indian men

A woman in her position wouldn't lower herself to picking up fucking Indians in shitty bars to cheat. It just doesn't fit. She does like having power over others, but she'd be going after bodybuilders and models and fighters and shit. Not Habeeb from tech support.

So still in r bottom 10 percent of everybody else? Women will literally choose chinks and niggers over Hindus.

you clearly are a /pol/ race obsessed poster

every single race has really hot people. There's a major difference between Beyonce or Rihanna or Dany's handmaiden from Game of Thrones whose name I forgot and your sterotype obese black welfare queen

much like there's a difference between your average indian guy and the stud dude that shiv fucked

It got annoying real fast. I like other parts of the soundtrack though.

>third place Connor

>you really think Shiv cares about race at all? She's rich on another level, she's beyond race.
Lmao this post

There are masculine Indians, the guy she brought home wasn't one of them. And understand that a woman who is attracted to other races is worthless trash doesn't make me /pol/. Until very recently all people of all races naturally understood this.

>And understand that a woman who is attracted to other races is worthless trash

I'm guessing you don't have a lot of sexual intercourse
It's 2019. Fuck who you want and don't care who they fucked before you

He had a ring on in the pilot so I think he was supposed to be married and a dad who was maybe cheating on her with male personal trainer. They changed it to him having a single mom fiancée, but he left her. And now he's not a dad, gay and not fucking his new fiancée. Whatever he is, he liked being in a cage.

>t. literal cuckold

The year doesn't change basic morality. I'm not perfect either. I fell in love with a woman who had been with 9 guys in the past. I spent years treating her like garbage, smacking her around occasionally, fucking some half Asian friend of hers, making her watch me get dances at strip clubs, and mostly fucking her in the ass. I also spent a large amount of time drilling into her head that she should hate herself and feel disgusted for being so worthless to ever have had a crush on anyone before me. I guess you could say I brainwashed her. She is 100 percent loyal to me, and now double checks with before making decision about anything. I'm not saying do the same thing, some people think I went a little overboard. But the prior conditioning has to be broken, and she was only salvageable because she did feel guilty about her disgusting past. I'd experimented with my "process" on past girlfriends but since I didn't really care about them never bothered keeping them around to complete the process. This chick had been literally raised to be trash (her mother tried to have sex with me, pristine role model for her). But they can be turned into what you want them to be. Remember, the society we live in today is completely unnatural. I think a lot of women know that SOMETHING is wrong, but most women are nearly mindless and need a man to take control of them and undo the programming their mothers and kike society have done to them. You break them and put them back together how you want them.

No you missed the point, when you're very rich race doesn't matter.

literally none of that happened

you're pretending you made a girl into your submissive fuck slave but you haven't, it's your weird fantasy that you haven't accomplished

Tom is a pathetic bitch.

I think Roman will be revealed as a serial killer.

Think what you want, faggot.
Why would race not matter to the very rich? Who have extremely vested interests in maintaining power and producing intelligent offspring?

Cry more.

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spend more time writing essays at how you trained your "sex slave" that doesnt exist and then watch some facialabuse vidz

Are you by any chance Indian?

Shiv ass on my face please

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You were going off track so I reminded you what's hilarious about the other post, implying that somehow when you have more money race stops mattering.

im white

i've fucked black girls, latino girls, asian girls, jewish girls, latino/asian girls, pacific islander girls. And yes, white girls

haven't fucked a muslim or indian yet but hot pussy is pussy and you're a brainwashed /pol/ cuck if you think otherwise

I'm saying race of course would matter to the very rich. Jewish nepotism is only one example of this. The mega rich are MORE racist if anything.

There is a difference between a man fucking women of various races and a woman doing it. Do you seriously think the function of men and women are identical?

you realize giving two shits that a girl is sleeping with "wrong" races is entirely a you issue, right?

I don't give a shit that exists, but your insecure little hangups are the reason others use that as troll material

It's a shame you have no morals.

its a shame you're not smart enough to fight back against your alt-right programming

Are you jewish?

You'd care if you were settling down, since it's more likely it won't work out the more partners she's had.

Lol having morals and hoping that society can be salvaged is "alt right" now. Next you'll say not taking your kids to "drag storytime" is altright too. Ah! I see you've reported me for not supporting miscegenation. You're pathetic.

>are you indian?
>are you jewish?

my dad is british/irish
my mom is ukranian

both were born and raised in the states catholic

ya'll seem intent on shaming other races as if that makes me inferior. It's a pathetic little alt-right hangup you have

Find someone you think is cute and who thinks you are cute that you can have a conversation with. Whatever stupid "group" they fall into is entirely irrelevant

Answer If I don't return you've reported me again.

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Completely untrue. Race has been demonstrated to effect IQ and behavior. And expecting your children to look like you is completely natural. You seem to want to marry a woman who has been dipped into by all of the world's scum. You are defective. And reporting those who don't agree with your ridiculous views is cowardly.

Ouch. That hurts.


No I'm not you baby

Society is doomed because girls are conditioned to demand a Channing Tatum prince charming and guys are conditioned to be whatever fucking incel shit is going on in your brain

It leads to people staying indoors, refusing to "settle", and genuinely living a life of unhappiness because their fucking standards are ungodly high.

It's entitlement

Go out and get your dick sucked instead of obsessed over the criteria a partner needs to meet in order to blow you. That's the ultimate fucking redpill or whatever. Fuck identity politics, fuck politics, fuck everything you heard on /pol/ and just go bust a load on someone you think is pretty.

best thing he did was Manhunter, fuck hopkins

all those dog shit genes

That approach is fine for dating. The problem comes when it's time to settle down and start a family: a woman who has demonstrated poor decision making is clearly not the best suited mother. But due to the breakdown of society decades ago, there aren't really "good girls and sluts" anymore. Guys are going to fuck around, and it used to be if a girl was a slut you had fun with her and threw her away. She's fun but not wife material. You getting upset that sane people realize "the girl I fucked in the ass in her boyfriend's car isn't the woman I want raising my kids"? Seems a little ridiculous.
To think all of this because you're dead set on convincing others that a wealthy married Irish woman commiting adultery with a stinky Hindu is totally realistic lol.

HBO needs a new formula. Succession is entertaining but we're supposed to believe the (((billionaire media mogul family))) is Irish? Yeah ok.
The Deuce is garbage. It's just degeneracy for it's own sake.

you are literally the male equivalent of a screeching cat lady

congratulations on all your internet opinions on the high standards a woman must meet to land such a prize as yourself

the rest of us will be out in the world not caring who white women are having sex with


Lol, yes, wanting a quality wife is the mark of the incel, and monogamy is an altright concept created by Donald "Hitler" Trump in the 2019!!!
Do you understand how you sound? I'm not talking about sluts you pick up at the bar, I'm talking about your wife. And you're bragging that you don't give a shit who she's fucked (or fucks). Lol enjoy your fat pockmarked redhead from Trenton with hoop earrings, tight to the head MMHMMM hairdo, and 3 half breed kids to 3 different dads. You continue to tell yourself you're superior, the rest of us will laugh at you in the supermarket.

you need to take the time and get to know a girl before deciding if you want to marry her

have you ever had a relationship? If she's a slut or drug addict or whatever, you dump her and don't marry her.

you honestly sound like a virgin 34-year-old who has never touched a boob in his life but has very strong opinions about what he demands from a woman. You're not supposed to be master/slave, you're supposed to be partners. And if you get to the point where you've bought the engagement ring, it means you've vetted this girl way more than your absurd "if you've ever sucked indian cock you're disqualified" shit

>gets a white power fantasy show
Literally why? I don't care about Kikes and Niggers, and here's finally a show about rich white people. I'm glad it's got no kikes in it.

you're both pathetic faggots and need to shut the fuck up

Tom second only to Logan!? What kind of man let's his wife cuck him not only in the bedroom but also in the boardroom? Tom undoubtedly has a lot of good qualities and potential, but there's no fucking way he currently outranks any of the offspring. Connor being number 3 is also a laugh and a half.

Lol, I've been married for 15 years. You're the one who's repeatedly been championing whoredom and miscegenation. And you're so ANGRY. You can call me a virgin incel all you want, it doesn't change that you've posted all over this thread that you won't mind marrying a woman who's been passed around by everyone. Leftists like you always try to sound worldly or whatever. In reality, it sounds like you delude yourself. You militantly scream "IT DOESN'T MATTER IF A GIRL SUCKS OFF HINDUS!! REAL MEN DON'T CARE WHO THEIR GIRL BLOWS!" As for the "partners" thing, it's clear YOU'VE never been in a long term relationship. Every "partnership" divvies things up according to specialization, and eventually one partner will be overall more dominant. But I guess wearing the pants in your marriage makes you a virgin lol. It's far more impressive to be tolerant of a coalburning whore!

Hold on, there is a VERY angry liberal in this thread who wants us all to know that its totally normal and ok for a rich woman to suck off Indians they meet at the bar.

>married for 15 years

oh, you're a boomer? You should have said that in the first place, I don't bother arguing with retarded boomers

Meh, fair enough. You're generation is interesting, a lot of normal people are drifting almost towards Nazism, and then there's weirdos like you who extol the "virtues" of blowing Hindus.

you've been arguing for over 2 hours. you're both retarded niggers

In my day, we ALL argued like retarded niggers! And we LIKED IT!!

I just wish HBO would make a faithful series based on The Turner Diaries.

What are you talking about?

I agree with you that it's incredibly degenerate for a woman, rich or not, to slut it up at a dive bar with some random guy, shitskin especially.

What I was saying is, how in the fuck could a man who knows his wife is doing this shit and allows it, ever be considered number 2 in power rankings?

I was making fun of a guy I was arguing with earlier. You're right, Tom is a fucking faggot.