What’s the overall theme of The Matrix?
What’s the overall theme of The Matrix?
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do you faggots that make these threads just sit on twitter/whatever tranny blogsite all day waiting for posts like these to screencap & post a bait thread here?
Implying that Armond White is a tranny
Maya and realisation of the self
>used to be a staunch liberal
>upset with /pol/ colonization of Yea Forums
>go there to fight on their soil
>end up having all my arguments dismantled
>end up seeing things I can't unsee
>end up taking the redpill and never looking back
Movies for this feel?
Isn’t the red pill them realizing that they are transgender?
Matrix never had an SW-level cult following, dunno what this nigga is smoking. The second and third movies killed all the hype.
>Armond can't let himself admit he likes The Matrix unless he comes up with a way for it to be a conservative film
What a cuck
they're posted by the authors of the articles dumbass
The original Star Wars Trilogy is the conservative Star Wars.
How so?
Forrest Gump. Because you're retarded, get it?
>end up having all my arguments dismantled
>end up seeing things I can't unsee
>end up taking the redpill and never looking back
wow dude you're really on the front lines of this epic war! your keyboard is your sword and your mind is your armor! epic redpills bro!
No, Star Trek is
Gnostic Christianity
aka fruitbat d&d religion for comic book fans
There's nothing conservative about it
Messiahnistic hero's journey.
I think the author of that is genuinely confused by the rights use of redpill and its origin in the matrix, thus assumed the matrix is conservative.
I too like to use exclamation marks to express satirical thought!
Jesus Christ. Its literally everything.
"Neo , my own personal lord and saviour jesus christ" he is literally born again
Coming foretold in prophecy
Tank and dozer , peter and Simon.
Betrayal by Judas.
Saving the true believer knowingly at the cost of his own life. Death and resurrection. Performing miracles
Councillors Haman is literally Haman from Eshter seeking to sell the people of "Zion" to the machines(Persians)
It goes on and on and on.
Go on
The ship the Nebudchanezzar , the babylonian king in the bible who has dreams of the messiah. "Morpheus" the hellenist name for the God of dreams. The messiah is essentially "ferried" by visions and dreams
Reloaded delves deeply in the nature of "creation"/"the matrix" attempts to understanding why this was made to begin with. The architect is the father. Neo is the son.
Culmination into revelation in revolutions. The attempt to destroy creation and Zion.
Pic is final image of Neo in final film. There is seriously a shit ton of biblical reference its hard to keep count
Neo is literally born into the real world from the womblike incubator that he's existed in all his life! The imagery in the movie is even symbolic of a birth - from an enclosed sac (complete with several umbilical cords!), down the chute of the birth canal into the world
Thomas Anderson - The name "Thomas" can be linked to "Doubting Thomas", in that Neo never really believed that he was The One. "Anderson" is a play on "Son of Man", where the 'Ander-' finds its origins in the New Testament Greek root 'andros' meaning man. Christ was often referred to as the "Son of Man". "Neo" means "new" (And that's exactly WHY Neo was there - to make things "new", to bring about a new world order).
"Neo" Anderson = New Son of Man
Neo is also an anagram: Neo - Eon - "One".
>read the byline
>my fucking sides
It's about being transgender.
Are you just now seeing Christ metaphors in a movie about a guy who is literally "The One"?
Now that I think of it Simon (stone) and Peter (rock) exactly mirrors Tank and Dozer name wise.
Armond... What are you doing..?
You gotta define conservative, lad. The central point of the Matrix is that conspiracy theorists are right and humanity is controlled by inhuman shapeshifters. The solution is twofold, militarisation and some kind of new age pseudo-oriental liberal radicalism.
No. But you'd be surprised how many people miss the narratives within narratives. People legit think the movie signs was about aliens
Hows this for a hot take? Man of Steel is The Matrix for the next generation.
Q&A 2006 with Shymalan.
Shit Mel is a preacher who denounces his faith. Does the whole last supper bit. Refuses to pray. Demonic activity gets crazier the more angry Mel gets.
Defeated with "water" all that bullshit. The "devil" is in the details
thats me but instead I btfo incels and become a stronger lefty
Damn that's crazy as hell but I see it now that you mention it
/Pol/ couldn't dismantle a sandwich
She lost, get over it.
>anagram of "One"
>Neo is "The One"
mind = blown
posts like this remind me that most zoomers got great observation and analytical skills, I'm truly impressed and very optimistic about the new generation
Mudrace zion good, White Matrix bad.
Both these pills are a false choice. The blue pill keeps you enslaved to The System. The red pill condemns you to a life of suffering where your good deeds are tracked and your extinction is inevitable. Worst yet, it is revealed that the red pills are all part of a system run by the machines necessary for blue pill survival. None are truth or freedom from the system. You either willingly accept the system or falsely believe you're rebelling against the system, unaware you're merely playing a different role and shockingly vital role in the same system. In other words, both choices are lie-filled shit choices and red pills are merely another form of blue pill. Whichever you chose, The Matrix has you.
What the Wachowskis are trying to tell us, at times begging us to understand, is that our options are never limited to the choices laid in front of us. We are free to find our own path. The true pill is no pill.
The Matrix
The most surprising things are Morpheus' lines
>Morpheus: "You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland, and I show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes."
>Stay in Wonderland
Stay in Wonderland? The fantasy? Funny how taking the red pill does that. Neo is supposed to be pulled out of Wonderland, out of the fantasy, not pulled deeper into it.
Consider that, ALL the films, the Oracle offers Neo a red pill. What does Neo do with them? In the first Matrix, Neo takes the red pill and swallows it. In Matrix Reloaded, Neo takes the red candy, but does not swallow it. In Matrix Revolutions, Neo does not take the red candy at all. In each film, Neo’s decision evolves. He does from swallowing it to rejecting it. This is the Oracle’s purpose, the function for which she was created - guide Neo along the Path of the One, into the Architect’s Room where he is meant to go through the left door & allow Zion to be destroyed. In other words, every last red pill is still enslaved to the system. Even The One, the Matrix equivalent of Jesus, is the system's bitch. Just see check out what Neo tells Morpheus after
>Neo: It was a lie, Morpheus. The Prophesy was a lie. The One was never meant to end anything. It was all another System of Control.
Even The One was another slave to the system. If the most powerful of the red pills is another cog in the machine, what does that say about all red pills? Neo recognized that.
What makes Neo stand out isn't that he's a red pill, there's many. It isn't because he's a One, there's many too. It's because he was the first One to recognize this, and reject BOTH red pill and blue pill. And instead of doing what he's told like an obedient servant, he creates his own path. This path he created, though it cost him his life, it ended up bringing a new future no previous One came close to. Peace between Humanity and Machine. In other words, both pills are lies. The truth is to see past both pills and make your own decision.
>made by a pair of tranny “sisters”
>protag is miserable with his identity
>discovers that his world is a lie and his identity is really special and different
>can literally rewrite reality in new persona
>villain refers to Neo by his old name (Mr. Anderson), or in other words, deadname, when Neo is his preferred pronoun
It’s literally tranny propaganda guys
That may be what you take away from it but that has nothing to with the narrative
based and bataille-pilled
That's just a pasta, not his own actual thoughts. I've seen it a few times before.
the architect scene is a false dichotomy. it's basically a masonic ritual. neo is presented with a choice but one of the options is a lie. sure, it's true enough the trinity will die someday but the architect never says it has to happen right now. also the architect never states that if the system crashes zion is also doomed. a mathematically precise program is not inclined to lie, but telling the truth can be just as much of an obfuscation. the oracle does the same thing. she tells neo he isn't the one because he needs to hear that to be the one. the architect tries to manipulate neo with his love for trinity into rebooting the matrix but neo has wised up to that trick
>the value of truth changes because i disagree with the personal choices of the person who conveys it
have you learned nothing here
The theme is Gnosticism
You are correct.
it's green
Not him, but it's the hero's journey. One of the oldest and most traditional types of story there are.
>hyper diverse community living underground having raves and fucking indiscriminately
Real conservative
Something about being a cog in a machine and only people matter.
You can choose to either walk the line and ignore issues around you or you can take a stand and make a difference.
Neo literally says it at the end of the movie.
This is the theme. You plug yourself in, expend all your energy, disconnect then die. Then you get tossed into landfill to pollute the soil.
20 years ago people understood Star Wars to be the final frontier of ANCAP and the Matrix to be a leftist fever dream.
This is a disturbing misunderstanding of each franchise.
What the fuck are you on about nigger? It’s pretty clearly an allegory for the Wachowskis embracing their “true selves” as the Chosen Ones (ie chosen to chop off their nads) and the more you think about it the more obvious it gets.
Fuck death of the author
>He's STILL assmad his president can't be fucked to do anything he set out to do except gum up the system further and take credit for latent economic recoveries from the previous administration
>He's STILL trying to force funding for his retarded wall
they live is the conservatives star wars
The original Star Wars trilogy(and arguably the prequels as well) were conservative as fuck, while the Matrix 1-3 were left wing if anything."Journalists" have shit for brains.
Rebelling against the system is actually accounted for and part of the system's strategy of control. The only way out is radical self discovery on a societal level.
The so called out there rebellion is fake and backed by media.
They even corral certain portions of the population to act as eternal bad actors that the majority can both mimic and blame for their actions.
Possibly. my dad and myself are both conservatives and we both love the matrix, and we both think starwars is gay.
Would be ironic given that The Matrix is one of the most post-modern films in mainstream culture. They even namechecked Jean Baudrillard in it.
And Morpheus's speech is totally a call to armed communist revolution.
>“The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”
It's no coincidence that most of the "freed minds" are minorities and women and all the Agents are white males in business suits. Also, it's no coincience that Cypher the traitor that wants to go back into "the system" is also a FUCKING WHITE MALE.
Spicy hot
Did you you miss the second film entirely?
Is Hugo Weaving back on the menu?
They Live
I remember my /pol/ phase. It'll take a couple years but you'll be out of it soon.