all I have are negative thoughts
All I have are negative thoughts
Every single line could be absolute cringe, but Joaquin knows how to deliver it. I believe every single word he says as if he actually means it.
/pol/tards rekt
>He saw Arthur Joker
>And felt so empowered
>By a movie made in Hollywood
>It's sad to think she was once someone's son
>Like a lamb to the slaughter
BOOM! Thats the moment. Thats the the moment I knew this movie was made for me
I wouldnt let this movie color anyones opinion of the mental health profession even though im sure there are also tons of shitty psychiatrists, psychologist and doctors out there (I have perfect contrasting experiences with both). I met up with a genuinely abysmal older male psychiatrist who was extremely eager to throw me the fuck out of the room, was 100% out of the loop for why I was even there and did nothing except try to put me on meds while giving me epic advice for cutting like "try putting an ice cube into your mouth instead". Meanwhile a woman doctor I was meeting up with constantly at the same time through my at the time jobs healthcare system was infinitely more useful and practically the exact opposite even though she wasnt even technically a psychologist or a psychiatrist. Even after I myself started "stalking" her and sent her something like 60 extremely drunk messages on facebook about things like her taking my virginity she still wanted me to keep seeing her and she even told me that she was worried I wouldnt come anymore for being too embarrassed. The only reason Im not seeing her anymore is because I was subsequently fired from said job without any "reason" but its just because they didnt want a blooming mental health case
The whole line about the psychiatrist asking the same questions really hit home. I honestly think this movie will have something meaningful to say about mental health. Just something simple about being nice to mentally ill since some of them are ticking time bombs waiting to go off. Many of these people would never hurt anyone if they had just one person being nice to them.
>has an ebony cutie gf to hug and kiss
>waaaahhhh my life sux :(
fuck off with this normie
>you don’t get it! Yes we have an all-consuming, obsessivehatred for Drumpf and Drumpftards, but our hatred comes from love!
Shut the fuck up with this stupid fucking retard tier song
If it wasn’t about le ebil colored hair woman!!! it would’ve stayed in the trash where it belongs
Literally me tbqh fäm.
>All I have are nigger thoughts
this movie looks pretty kino guys
No. It is true. /pol/tard here.
Stop mentioning that shithole and they will go away.
>they will go away
/pol/ was here first though....
Man, every psychiatrist I've met was the same: never giving a fuck about my story or what I had to say. All they cared about was selling me their pills. I'm still taking them, tho.
Yeah and all /pol/lites were the first hebrews to set foot in Jerusalem.
nah we won't
>he thinks that she won't break up with him and be the last straw before he completely cracks
It's like you've never even seen a movie before.
>stop defending the last bastion of free-speech!
>just let the SJW and Jews win already!
>"last bastion of free speech"
this site is for +18 only
>muh freeze peach
Have seething cope sex.
This movie will be kino and Disney will ramp up their shills to 11 to try and slander it.
t. lefty
is that actor Jewish irl?
people already start to trash it tho, because they think thats portray joker as a mentally ill who could start killing people when they cut off his medical program who gave him his pills is very disrespectful to actuall mentally ill people. Who doesnt do crimes when they off the meds
>all I have are bad reviews
That's right, Todd Phillips, the man responsible for the Hangover trilogy and Old School is back with more stark, eye opening takes on todays society! At least Leto wasn't being pretentious
What’s /our critic/ Armond gonna think about this movie?
On the one hand it’s DC and he loves him some DC.
But on the other it looks like has plenty of mainstream appeal and he absolutely loathes mainstream pleb shit.
He is going to get cucked, which is what will be his last straw
is that a scar or a mole?
it's so disgusting
he should also lose weight
Dubs and I have sex with my crush next month.
I don’t think that she will break up with him, since all the normalniggers would screech about how they portrayed a black person in any negative fashion, so I’m guessing she’s going to die
Pretentious is such a pretentious criticism.
>being such a cuck that free speech is unattainable
god I hope the civil war starts aleady so we can purge your ass
You could have at least tried to make it rhyme