Why can’t kinoplexes just work with franchises for better food? Probably generate greater sales to make up for lost margin.
Why can’t kinoplexes just work with franchises for better food...
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why can't Americans go 2 hours with stuffing their fat faces?
Why do third worlders starve?
i love chick fila but this type of mac and cheese is total shit
>soggy overcooked noodles
>gummy cheese
>no crunchy cracker topping
big yikes from me
>Yes, please
There's some with actual restaurants you know? Not talking fast food either. Stuff like these:
Reminder the human body isn't meant to eat more than once a day. It can take up to 24 (twenty four) hours to fully digest just a single meal.
You just described the best type of mac and cheese.
>implying america isn't a third world country
americuck is a third world country
Your body can digest multiple meals at once. Your stomach will be empty while you're waiting to shit out whatever you ate almost a day ago.
As far as big meals go I usually don't eat 3, usually it's 1 or 2.
Im lactose intolerant fag
>Your body can digest multiple meals at once.
But it's not supposed to, it speeds up cellular degeneration, burns more energy, and ages you faster, as well as constantly fucking up your gut biome
predictable responses
>$35 for a chicken sandwich at the theater
Chik-Fil-A is good, but not that good
Why are americans so infatuated with eating pure grease.
Every time I see a video of an american cooking its drenched in butter and wrapped in bacon dipped in the thickest greasiest melted cheese.
Fuck is wrong with you when I see those videos I actually gag an the comments always have a bunch of americans saying yummy or looks great!
Why are third worlders so easily baited into such predictable responses? You DO realize we do that shit intentionally to make you dance like a trained circus monkey, right?
>But it's not supposed to
Says who? God?
Easy on the homophobia friendo
Have a nice warm cup of soylent
didnt chickfila ban gay people or something and it was later found out they donated to trumps campaign... how are they still in business
>crunchy cracker topping
t. shitskin
says the baited amerikoon
I don't know if your doctor told you this while prescribing your diabetes medication for $10,000, Pedro, but humans aren't supposed to constantly eat.
Why are foreigners so obsessed with anything Americans do. Get a life, buddy
every gay person I know eats at chic fil a
Other people don't want to smell your disgusting shit while watching a movie.
because you keep broadcasting it all over the world
rural and suburban retards hate gays and love trump/fast food
do the math
>hes not American
Seriously, why would you even come to this board? Everything discussed is American. All the memes and tropes are from American stuff, the movies and TV shows discussed deal with one aspect or another of American life. You have to be the biggest cuck to be a foreigner and come to this board.
>Why can't kinoplexes share the revenue of the only thing that turns a profit in theaters?
Some people might be interested in slowing the aging process and maintaining a healthier athletic body, not everyone is a fat piece of shit waiting for death
>crunchy cracker topping
that's gay
Science says 3 to 5 meals, buddy.
Imagine thinking $10k is a lot of money
Fucking poorshits
Dinner and a movie never meant at the same time you fat fuck
That's untrue. Have you never been on a date in your life?
chickfila meat is just ground up homosexual children
The mac n cheese was good, but honestly I can't see myself getting it over the waffle fries.
99 cents and you get a box of KD.
This is probably $3 and is 1/10th of what you'd get in the box.
>no crunchy cracker topping
That shit would only be good if you made it yourself
won't that cut their margins even smaller since they have to split the costs with the franchisor? even worse if they dump those costs onto the consumer, you'll be looking at $10 for a fucking chicken sandwich
>crunchy Mac and cheese
Nigger detected
seething poorfags raised on microwave stouffers
>undercooking the noodles
>watering down the cheese
>putting fucking crackers on a box of kraft mac and cheese
Why don't you chop some uncooked hot dogs into it, and then toss that shit in the trash and eat it straight out of the garbage like a trough?
ironically cracker topping is what poor people do
This. It's trailer park/ghetto trash.
He showed him.
For me, it's their deluxe grilled chicken sandwich. With pepperjack cheese subbed in.
We really don't. Your local media does that so don't blame us. Also nothing is stopping you from thinking about such else.
Good morning third worlders. Daily reminder you will never have running water, cheap burgers, or quality porn in your mudshack nation. Now excuse me, I need to go buy a gun next to the burger king.
Imagine living life without dairy. Just take a lactase supplement.
If my Mac and Cheese isn't spiral I will throw a chair
most of their revenue already comes from the concessions they sell.
Is there any place that actually sells good mac and cheese? I've never once been anywhere that could outperform the fucking boxed shells and cheese sauce you can buy from any grocery store. Retail mac is always weak as fuck.
>you're eating mac&cheese like a person of low status! You have to eat it the patrician way
>this is what Americans really believe
this. cheese needs to be not too thick, not too thin / watery, and the noodles need to be too soggy. When it's chunky and each noodle isn't separating, it's fucking wrong.
>go to kinoplex
>sit in seat
>have to deal with people eating fast food during a film
no thanks
>because you keep broadcasting it all over the world
No we dont. You foreigners actively seek it out because youre totally and completely obsessed with us. Nobody holds a gun to your head and makes you watch our movies and tv show. you do it because youre obsessed.
Small meals, not a Big Mac and fries everytime
That's literally what the user behind and said, only to mocked because putting crackers on mac and cheese is what poor trash does thinking it's somehow high class.
>turn on TV
>like ten American shows for everything produced in our own nation
>turn on radio - same
>turn on internet - fucking yanks everywhere
You're like a plague.
Because they make most of the profit from selling super overpriced snacks and drinks. Can't really do that with a franchise in your theatre.
>implying niggers won't ruin the kino anyway
I find the idea of going to visit foreign countries to experience different culture, only to find out it's all the same shit and there's a mcdonalds on every street to be depressing af.
Humans also aren’t really built to live past 50 but what would you rather user? Everyone lives like the apes of our past, like people in Brazil and Mexico? I’ll pass.
Not him but he's right: your own countrymen buy the rights to air these American shows in their own countries because you stupid faggots watch them and it makes them all money. You also apparently live in a country where they didn't make it a law that only X% of media can come from foreign nations, which again is your own damn fault. Quit acting like such a victim and solve your own problems instead of crying for help from America, you bitch.
It's all pretty much the same but just minor differences. McDonalds is good example of this: it's in every country, but the food varies slightly from country to country. Whenever I go to a foreign country, I usually try to go to a McDonalds on my last day there and order something unique off the menu. McSpaghetti is shit, by the way.
Care to post the scientific journals on this one? Not calling you out but I would love to see your information on it.
There should be hookers available at the theatre too. I wanna have my dick sucked while I watch Kinographie.
I've been to Inda and went to a McDonalds. It's funny because they don't eat cow at all there. There were only chicken and fish burgers.
I'm not crying for help. I'm bullying you on the internet because it's funny.
Well please don't bully me it's rude.
breadcumbs on mac and cheese taste like sand, the only acceptable topping for mac and cheese is bacon
Did they have shrimp burgers? Those are pretty good.
The benefits of fasting have been proven as hard and true facts now, you are not supposed to arbitrarily eat 3 times a day, that breakfast lunch and dinner is nothing more than a byproduct of the daily 8 hour work schedule of the industrial revolution.
For me? The best Mac n cheese is
Slim Chickens
Post the proof.
literally why would you consume unnecessary calories, it's not like it's bored eating you're watching a movie
>no crunchy cracker topping
nigger are you my mom? That is NOT mac & cheese. That's macaroni casserole and it blows. The only proper way to make mac & cheese is on the stovetop in a pan
People like delicious food. Who knew?
I wasn't raised on mac and cheese so its meh for me
not bad not great, leaves you feeling irritated after
10k is a lot of money to fix something you shouldn't have.
You could pay 300 dollars for a gym and some salads.
>you either die of hunger or diabetes
You're extremely ill
why do you all care about what other people that aren’t you do so much?
insecurity user. fa/tv/irgins cope with having no real skills or merits by claiming to be superior at something that requires no effort
I’m surprised there is one at my university. You’d think the trannies and queers on campus would bitch until it’s removed.
That describes all of humanity.
fags, trannies and leftists make an exception for chick-fil-a. They complain about their politics but can't resist going back for another chicken sandwich.
t. fatass
Do not eat Chic-Fil-A's (screw this Earth's gay spelling) mac n' cheese, it gives you stomach cramps.