Phil Collins Hill

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Could you buy me a new phone? The one at the nearby store costs about $1000

>As a kid
Yeah , Phil Collins totally sucks
Hey, wait a sec, Genesis/Phil Collins has some pretty good songs.
Oh god, help me.


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onna deadlocs Phil made real shit


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part of south park's appeal when I was a kid was thinking the jokes were going over my head, but now I realize there was nothing to get and shit like "phil collins hill" was just something they probably thought up while passing a zig zag around listening to his music

>Elevation 9436
>Elevation 9 6
>Elevation 9.6

Phil Collins was actually pretty good. Check out Easy Lover.


I get the reference now.

You're getting older too.

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Well yeah I'm in my 30s but family still sees me as a teenager probably forever due to I guess how I just naturally am as far as interests go etc. Nothing wrong with that though. Not like I'm suddenly going to be into drinking a lot of alcohol and watching tons of sports ya know?

Wasn't the joke about Phil Collins winning the Oscar for best song in Tarzan over their movie?

What else could it be?

>You'll be in my heart is the one that won from the movie and not based Stranger's Like Me

I'm not too big on Genesis but Phil definitely had a couple of good songs.
The whole Tarzan soundtrack is still fucking amazing.

I would have called it "Hill Collins"


S1-4 was peak South Park.

>Strangers Like Me
>not Son of Man

God that was such a good episode.

absolutely, missed opportunity

What stupid, faggoty kid would see this scene, hear this song, and think it "totally sucks?"


Unironically should have been the last episode.

It canonically is, everything after is a retirement fund

Rewatching the show right now. Started at season 3 and made my way up to season 9 so far. The episode about Mr. Garrison getting a sex change kinda surprised me, it was like something people in the /jazz/ generals would write.

I'd take tranny garrison over drumpf garrison any day

I don't.

South Park predicted everything.

The torrent I'm using only goes up to season 14 so I'll probably cut it off there and not even get to current year and be spared all the election shit.

So true it hurts. I'm not sure what season they lost me but I was definitely already done by the time they reached drumpf Garrison.

Reminder that Phil Collins, yes, THE Phil Collins, is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the battle of the Alamo and has written several books on the subject.

The negroplasty was something else

For me it was the one when they added PC Principal, I think it was Season 13 or 14

It was about Trey Parker losing the Oscar to Phil Collins that year. He was referenced several times that season.

>that one episode about immigrants destroying the job market
>that one episode about jewish aliens that control all the media
>that one episode about greedy indians
>that one episode about out of control PC tolerance where kids are sent to a reeducation camp
How did they get away with it?

It's odd how they made those episodes be so good yet the new ones have similar themes but are just 10x shittier.
nothing personnel

Not too many people know this, but Phil Collins wrote this song after witnessing Jim Davis on a beach, who just stood and did nothing while a woman drowned. Later, Collins sent a ticket anonymously to Davis, to one of his concerts. During the concert, a single spotlight shone down on Davis while Collins preformed the song. I know this because I was in the audience.

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One of my favorite albums, but I'm not big on any of the other Genesis albums even from that era. Nursery Cryme is decent I guess

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PC principal is way more recent than that, season 19

phil is just a poor mans Peter Gabriel

real shit? then it's probably the season where they had pewdiepie as a guest star or whatever

In french a hill is called a "colline"
Best laugh in south park

And not only one of the best performer of all times, he also DONATED his entire Alamo collection and funded a museum dedicated to the Alamo.

Meanwhile, he continually gets derided by these two kike cunts for absolutely no reason. There is many, many more insufferable artist that could be made fun of.

why didn't Phil Collins help the woman himself

This man knows.
Supper’s ready is an Opus all by itself.

Garrison used to be one of my fav characters , one sick old racist fag

It’s been 3 seasons now I think. Can we just have regular Garrison back? The show is such shit but I continue to watch ot


He was too busy writing the song.

>Because I was in the audience
I’ll take «things that never happened, for $200»
Phil debunked that fable a bunch of times during TV interviews and in his auto-biography.
In the air tonight was written after his first wife cheated on him with a guy painting their house, while he was touring. Hence the paint and brush beside the piano in the video.

>That didn't happen
No shit.

No, THIS is cringe

If you dont bang out the drum solo from In the Air Tonight on your dashboard or the person next to you when it comes on...Then you are hopeless and life has been wasted on you.

>pre American Psycho

Phil Collins sucks
you'll be inside of me
Deep inside of me

>after AP

stu stu studio

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Peter Gabriel is better
Fuck Phil Colons

>stu stu studio

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>stu stu studio

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It’s «Stew, Stew studio»...

different tim

tim who?

tim russ

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do you still live with your family in your 30s? If so, yes, they will look at you like a teenage loser

He was actually a really good jazz fusion drummer in the band brand x.

>Peter “I wrote Shock the Monkey because I get off seeing other guys have sex with my women” Gabriel

i don't get it

That's peter gabriel genesis you musiclet

everything after this episode is literal shit, especially the internet/presidental season story arch. i find it interesting that they want to shift south parks flow, but it doesn't fit the characters.

One and Done, like in the good ol days is still superior. Bingewatching and streaming ruined tvshows

no shit

Gabriel solo>Collins Genesis>Collins solo>Gabriel Genesis

he cute

I want to fuck Ms. Choksondik

no you were just a faggot

Based. Gabriel shits on Collins

So it was Phill Collins colline?

There’s nothing wrong with drinking some alcohol and watching some sports don’t let the internet people keep you down

I stopped watching South Park a year or so after this. It really should have ended here. It would have been an impressive run of 14 years.

In french, "hill" translates as "colline" so it's actually pretty funny.

Colline Phil Collins.

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That was literally the episode that convinced me to stop watching South Park.

I remember the whole season being painfully un-funny compared to older ones and hoping the season finale will turn it around.

That episode just left me thinking “this isn’t remotely funny, sad or dramatic. It’s just beyond lazy and a waste of time”

For me, it’s Easy Lover

This. It's funny how post s4 the series became a whole new beast, different formula and everything.
yet fujos still treat it like a sol show

>anime on Yea Forums

unironically this.

They better not ruin next season with another episodic election shit.

Same. Still generally don't like his stuff but some of it's actually pretty good.


If Phil Collins was a hill he'd be called
Phil Collins Hill.

Jim Davis is not a man you can trust.

>this is the world we live in

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>[citation needed]

>the follow up episode where everything returns to normal and he just has to keep living his life
>that fucking final shot of him taking a swig before walking out the door
Way to close to home.

south park used to be funny because "how is that an insult?" the joke was that it DIDN'T make sense
they quickly turned to current events and making comparisons and it wasn't funny anymore

>started at season 3
For what purpose


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>all those jabs they used to take at global warming fanatics and other environmentalists
Couldn't be done today


Name a worse character

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Are you f-f-fucking kidding me?

I hope the new season doesn't have any Trump jokes. They're so played out. What left is there to say?

I've always been a Peter Gabriel guy, but Collins is a great drummer and wrote many good pop tunes

Outside of Cartman Jimmy is the most consistent asshole in the show and unlike Cartman he's not very entertaining

Why does hill come first?

Tweak, craig.
But Timmy is superior retard that's for sure.

Based, dab on those frogs.

>Gabriel's Genesis: Traspass, Nursery Cryme, Foxtrot, Selling England by the Pound, The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
>Collins' Genesis: a couple of good but inferior prog rock album (A Trick of the Tail + Wind & Wuthering), 2 or 3 decent pop albums and a few other catchy songs here and there

we have to go deeper
>hill colline