Faces of tv

Faces of tv

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Other urls found in this thread:


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based Guangzhou bro
I missed you since I left /r9k/

Wow u guys are J U S T like me

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Good on you for leaving that hell hole.

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Jesus Christ, I actually think I get that. Now you’ve got me thinking m8 LMAOOOO

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that board should be nuked
>pepe shit
>feels guy shit
>tranny shit
>faggot shit
ZERO good threads in the catalog.

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I left two years ago when the tranny spam become 80% of the catalog. How bad is it now?

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The tranny incursion really fucked up the board I didn't mind the /britfeel/ threads though
I stopped going there around the same time but judging from the catalogue right now it's still going on. Full of /gif/ags as usual too.


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Needs “pathetic”

they look like they shootup schools

only 1 of them did that. don't be so harsh on them.

Technically Elliot didn't shoot up a school because they locked the door on him.

Hold on did you actually post your face

Attached: ZOOMERUPRISING.png (1166x990, 1.08M)

that's wentworth miller

Out of all the times you could go technical on someone, you chose this.

Based chilongqua

Their faces make me want to vomit.

That's not the zoomer look, it's the incel look

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My name is Shahar.
And I am a 30 year old straight, atheist guy from Israel.

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fucking zoomers man atleast millenials had some class

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right one just had a late puberty
he looked like a kid but he wasn't deformed

these people don't strike me as white but then again they're americans so anything goes i guess can you please make a rollchart out of it already

The britfag threads were literal cancer in pure undiluted form. You are probably cancer yourself if you unironically enjoyed and participated in them.


Whitest of white

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>don't strike me as white
What are they then?

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Second from right hand corner is clearly oriental and the garlic shooter was iranian

>NIGGERS could be here

Who’s in that pic

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anyone have the jordon peterson voc?

What if a Yea Forums poster approached Robert and tried to befriend him? Would he be receptive?

They would be white for sure if they were successful, typical /pol/ mental gymnastics. Have some intellectual integrity, they are still tons of real niggers who commit crimes every day.

>if they were successful
lol. Look at their faces and say that again.


they aren't white because they're ugly?

That depends
is his name really Robert?

Ethnicity isn't race. There can be Caucasian Iranians and the garlic shooter is clearly Caucasian.

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If dubs I’ll post my face.

STEM fields are full of mouthbreathing incels who look just like that. I'm talking about professional success, not dating rates obviously. Being ugly doesn't necessarily makes a retard.

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And you think /pol/ would think they were cool if they had a stem job? lol

Funny thing, /pol/fags don't care about race since that would include goblinos in the same caucasian race as theirs.

congrats you've literally cracked the code with /pol/fags and stormfags

No but they're more successful than you, wagie.

Successful how, pray tell. This'll be good...

Depends if they are still a few adults left on that board but you may be right since most of them think like high schoolers.

half of em look like spic mutts the dude in the middle looks like a nigger even kek
read above

*stomp* *stomp* *clap*
*stomp* *stomp* *clap*

Not an argument


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Being a loser geek is totally cool if you have a stem job. Keep up

>he'll keep avoiding the question and posting meme replies as a form of cope
Ok, bye.

they can make sense most of the time but it's like their fatal weakness
true handsome whites can't do any harm, everyone that isn't perfect can't be white

The only one who is coping is you, wagie.

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Us that blue shirted guy Jazz before he became female(male)



I can count five hapas/spics (number 3,5,6 and 9 from first line and number 5 from third line) and the nigger in the middle. The rest is ugly but white, you would've to be mentally ill to deny this.

it's his brother jazz never went through puberty

Why yes, I do have cancer. How could you tell?

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Whites are the race less likely to be incel, the shorter whites tend to be 5'8. Also they tend to have higher status, money, bone density and facial aesthetics than other races.

Hispanics, Indians and Asians are much more likely to be incel for the sole fact that they tend to be shorter and have uglier features in general, not to mention the low status they tend to have.

And I'm saying it as a guy that IS incel. And while I'm caucasian I'm of med phenotype so I share a lot of features with non-whites.

Imagine cancer giving you muscle growth.

American hours.

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All they had to do was get a better style, better personality, and better glasses lmaoooo

Second from right top is pure asian.


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Imagine being this pathetic self-hating incel, lmaoooo

You ate too many lemons my friend

>Whites are the race less likely to be incel
>Hispanics, Indians and Asians
There are less incels in the nigger population despite their lack of financial resources, good thing you forgot about them.

can't wait to exterminate these subhumans

here u go bro

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bruh look at this DOOD

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what the fuck is wrong with his face

>And while I'm caucasian I'm of med phenotype so I share a lot of features with non-whites.
If you're an italian with brown eyes, you are basically a nigger on /pol/ scale.

Say that to my face.

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What a travesty

peak gay face bro
go on grindr

Me after installing my first oblivion mod

>the gigavirgin

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Ruining yourself that much... I don't know what is wrong with wealthy western people these days.


nigga you look like a caricature of a human being


The guy on the right is 15. He isn't the shooter he just has the same name.

whatever you need to cope mutt

> americans thinking they can handle alcohol

what is that, three steel reserve and a fifth of rum? average friday night out 'ere in eastern europe

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Stay in your mom's basement until people get virtually white enough for you to get some sun.

>The guy on the right is 15.
knew it
looked like a middle school kid

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okay mutt don't shoot up another shartmart