/trek/ DS9 Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off mallwalker

I prefer Discovery. It's new.

>going from season 2 tng of watching pulaski dunk on data and picars and snark with worf to season 3 tng with watching crusher fall in love with terrorists.
Kill me


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I liked Pulaski, she was acting like a proper human being.

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Where's VF?

banned hopefully.

Are you starved on tripfag drama already?

dead hopefully

That's going a bit far. She's one of us.

committed "sneedicide" last night in the sneedcord

Who's VF?


Posting in his sneed discord

>Who's VF?
How new are you?

>oh Kira your pussy is sooooooo deep fuck your Bajoran cunt is making my big grey Cardassian cock cum AAAAAAAAAAAA I’M CUMMING NERYS AAAAA....
>.... wow Kira, that was amazing. I just thought of your mother when I nutted. Guess I’m giving her a granddaughter, ay?

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He's a toxic troll trying to divide the community and hurt the site.

Could you just answer the q instead of giving lip?

>hurt the site.
you again

VF is just some tripfag

What does he do?

He uses a trip, so what? That's not against the rules.

He's a discord tranny.

I’m just telling you who he is, you asked.

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>In this episode however, his attempt to impress her is treated humorously, something which displeased Nana Visitor. According to Visitor, "I would have liked my character to make the point that only a few years earlier, Dukat's wanting me would have meant that he could have had me, and I wouldn't have been able to do a thing about it. So it shouldn't have been seen as a 'cute' moment. It was actually a horrifying moment, one that would make Kira feel disgust and panic. To Kira, Dukat is Hitler. She's not ever going to get over that. She can never forgive him, and that is important to me. Kira may have started to see Cardassians as individuals, but she will always hate Dukat."
What a cunt lmao

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It's absurd how much one Asian twink can disrupt an entire general for months. VF is /trek/'s final boss.

It's true.

sometimes I larp as VF and troll Voyager fans just for easy (you)s

Your just jealous you don't have a cool name like ours.

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I enjoy fun however I come here to discuss Star Trek not wannabe e-celeb gossip. VF is a hostile, volatile troll who makes these threads toxic and disrupts the community.

Imagine if O'Brian had hit it.
Battle of Britain with Jules. A few pints. Down to rub massage oil into nerys after her shift in ops, his seed growing in her womb.

Kira was built for BCC, not limp hoo-m*n dick. If it wasn’t for (((Nana Visitor))) and (((Ira Steven-Behr))) we would’ve gotten her a good Cardassian fuckbuddy, preferably Gul Duchad. None of this dickless Odo nonsense.

Right, I gotta pop off to the liqueur store for some shannon (got a bad cough) see you guys in 30
PS: TNG>rest

>PS: TNG>rest
what a safe, boring, and uninteresting opinion

Is Julian Bashir the biggest DYEL in all of Star Trek?

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/trek/ is inherently safe and boring

what a skinny twink fag

all tripfags must fucking hang

>sexy and smug
who else is able to pull this off?

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I'll be the one who ties the rope. /trek/ used to be a god tier general now it's just a tranny gossip rag


You jelly, friend?

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Old-school Kirk and season 1 T'Pol.

>sexy and smug
lol no he always looked like he was scared and was acting like a cool, tough guy to compensate
you can see the fear in his eyes

That's how I want to die.

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Yes, Kira was built for BCC, but that's Big Changeling Cock. Odo can have 2 cocks to DP her or turn himself into a giant, pulsing cock. How can the grey man even compete?

>Computer, NCC-1701-D Enterprise, deck 3 toilets. Counselor Deanna Troi, naked, in doggy style position, flatulating in constant intervals of 2 seconds, run program.

would you dare to enter?

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I huff lady braps for breakfast

I'm not intimidated by you. I have friends here.

He still gets laid tho

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Getting railed by a pack of Klinggers

>tranny gossip
You can't blame the tripfags for that. Their orbiters are relentless and unyielding.

>off topic post about VF
>gets most (You)s of entire thread

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You guys need to think long and hard about whether you ant to keep this general going if all you have to talk about is some transgirl.
get a grip and talk about star trek.

hating on voyager in some discord somewhere

That just sounds really sad.

Thread culture, chomo.

In the sneed discord encouraging someone to apply for a janny position so they have another "inside sneed man" on the mod team
Not even joking

VF is trans?

I tried to give you guys something better with /stg/ but you fucks were constantly like "it's /trek/... newfag... VF and BF really do contribute..."
You get what you deserve.

What makes you think he discusses voyager outside /trek/? He just does it for the easy (you)s.

>changing the name would’ve changed the content of the thread
What kind of dumbass logic is that?

I like VF/BF content more than /stg/ content tbqhwyf

It's VF being retarded

This, /stg/fag is fucking stupid

include me in the screenshot

>VF is the /stg/ fag
Why is it always him

By letting you faggots circlejerk each other to your stupid "thread culture" and giving those of us who want to talk about Star Trek a place to go.

Not VF, I can't stand that post-deleting, thread-nuking fuck.

The internet was literally created to give Trekkies a place to go. You sound like you're just jealous because nobody cares about you.

>things that did not happen


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>caring about muh /stg/ more than a lithe qt asian tripfag waifu
you're gay, captain


Do you not know who Picard is?

just drive us into the star.

VF is mexican

Was anyone else aware that the girl from that infamous Folgers incest commercial is Jeffrey Combs' daughter? Blew my mind.

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Proof? She looks like a happa in the pictures.

Quick question /trek/

Why is it that when Harry Kim gets laid for the first time in the show he's formally reprimanded and ordered to break off the relationship, yet when Kirk, Riker, and literally just a season earlier Chakote do the exact same thing nothing happens to them?

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We get it.

That’s not a question

i watched the pilot and struggled to keep attention because it was boring as fuck and literally nothing of interest happened

It literally is dumb ass.

/StaTre/ had a good run

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janeway was pmsing that day.

Fuck off, VF.

I'm asking this in every thread from now on

Where's BF?

>What a cunt lmao
yeah, especially thinking that dukat didn't do anything wrong

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Dead, hopefully.

>sexy and smug
your taste is very questionable

Literally any Vulcan

Those aren't pictures of VF, fool

That's a lame thing to say. She's one of us.

Probably working.

I've seen pics, gifs, and webms
dat ass tho

Kira was a shit waifu
Gul Duchad deserved a waifu who wasn't a brainlet like Winn

>one of us

we've been forsaken :/

VF's gone, post Forbidden Planet

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>George R.R. Martin explains why Forbidden Planet is his favorite movie

>"If Forbidden Planet is so popular, why aren't there any Forbidden Planet stores?"

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I don't understand this post

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>Attention Bajoran workers
>Kira’s mom is a whore
>That is all

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>"If Forbidden Planet is so popular, why aren't there any Forbidden Planet stores?"
so it's a novelty shop like Spencer's?

why is he always such a raging bitch


Here’s the first ever /trek/ soccer match. I tried to post this before but at work and phoneposting was being a bitch.

sorry in advance, at least we scored

Forbidden Planet is a classic sci-fi film that introduced elements later used in Star Trek like humans serving in a space fleet with FTL craft and a naval hierarchy.
Adams > Kirk

What does it have to do with Vee?

Kirk always wins in the end.

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How deep was the space anyways? They never explained it.

Is warp speed always a constant or does better mapping allow for faster travel?

ValleyForge was using a tripcode as Point Break and derailed an entire thread by trolling and arguing Forbidden Planet was irrelevant because it didn't have the movies, series, and merchandising that Star Trek does while ignoring the cultural importance of Forbidden Planet.

>Point Break
I thought it was Brightseid

>Point Break
Damn that's an awesome movie. I should watch it again.

Brightseid hasn't posted in almost a year

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based riker9.jpg poster

>Have you ever fired your phaser up in the air and gone “arh”?

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I want to meet some surfbrah aliens

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The USS Sutherland was known as the Polynesian party ship.

based 9riker.jpg poster

I want to serve aboard the USS Patrick Swayze and surf and do roundhouse kicks


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Hey guys! So glad to see /trek/ is back up! I was getting lonely.


disgusting wrinkle nose whore

you'd press down on her and sweat on her boobs

Tripfags suck.
Bitching about Tripfags suck.

bit late in the thread to bitch about that

What does that make you, bud?

You're not my boss.

nah hard pass

If Troi wanted you to pee on her while Barclay watched, would you ?

>tripfags suck
If you haven't been preparing a padded soundproof rape room with shackles and piss buckets for VF and BF you aren't a real /trek/ poster

What does this have to do with Star Trek?

Grudgingly, yes. I'd want him out of there ASAP though.

I've never reported anybody here and I don't intend to.

Barclay has to watch the whole thing and any potential aftermath. That's the deal.

I'll post webms of them pegging each other in their Starfleet costumes once I install security cameras.

Any trek related ASMR girls? and if you say BF, I'll slap the mountain dew right out your hand.


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You better not show at the meetup.

Oh, alright then. For Deanna.

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I'm only going if the tripfags are going. Both of them, I don't care if it's just one. They both have to be together.

s1 unis are gear-rose

I only report off topic threads I think are secretly made by staff and Elon Musk.

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I've understood as much.

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I'm not giving any baseds to fake beardless Riker posters

I'd go to a meet up for /trek/. If it's on the east coast.

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He looks like a dweeb without the beard A FUCKING DWEEB

They have to be together.

Wear your virginity as armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.

>Tripfags suck.
>Bitching about Tripfags suck.
Worship of tripfags is the suckest.
Keep /trek/ about Star Trek.

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You know they hate each other's guts, right?

but you live in Arizona.

I'm glad to see someone is still fighting, although it feels like we're the nazis in 1945.

Hello, /trek/, I hope you don’t mind but I’ll be taking control of your thread now.

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Nobody wants to meet frogposters in real life.

How the duck did you know that? Anyway, I'm not doing west coast. Too many ________

We know it's you BF.

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I wield it as a sword to destroy my nemeses

Of course he does, he has an augmented super-brain. Too bad they apparently forgot to augment his twink body.


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Good. I want to see them fight. Together.

Now I know why these threads have gone to warm piss.

I wish this was Alec Peters

It's obviously the other one using a new alt. BF is NTT

What makes /trek/ the most well established, stable and constant thread on Yea Forums, what's the secret to your success?

Balls deep

Prime Denise Crosby had an amazing body. That's why she got the role despite having the acting ability of a rock.

Remember when all the /trek/ Florida Mans were going to try to get Jimmy laid?

Fuck off fake Selarfag

Jimmy got his mom to drive him around town. Guys like that don't get laid.

With my powers of cellular metamorphosis, I can be anybody I choose. I have used my abilities to sow chaos amongst your crew for quite some time now.

You'd have to take away the costumes. Wouldn't want one of them pulling an Epstein on you.

I'm still in for it. We can get Jimmy a nice cubana hooker.

That's one of Vee's women, user

I'll see if I can find my list of /trek/ regulars when I get on my laptop.

I know it was the 80s but good lord that's a lot of bush.

Wouldn’t want one of them to be assassinated by the clintons?

The costumes are what keep it on-topic. Otherwise it's just a couple trannies pegging each other in my rape room.

Friens when will good Trek come back?

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What are you talking about? That was clearly a suicide by bedsheets. The official report and CNN both said so.

I'll bet those are a dime a dozen, ay?

Got my booze. Fun thread

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That is all

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I can find trannies anywhere. What makes it special is they're the /trek/ trannies.

Low blow.

It's because you know them and they have an online backstory.

Okay now you’re just being silly

You would. All of them.

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I have a backstory but nobody's orbiting me.

No thanks


Next time without the attitude

At its core, /trek/ is about people coming together to...sometimes talk about star trek.

One on the right is too light skinned to play Guinan (still black tho)

What attitude? Why would I post about pegging trannies in my soundproof rape room if it wasn't /trek/-related?

I think we all love trek but a lot of the regulars who come here seem lonely and I think the most important thing, to them, is to have someone to talk to.

At its core, /trek/ is about Forbidden Planet

At it's core /trek/ is about hating women.

I have the flu and now I'm drunkposting in /trek/
good times.

Not a girl, but this is breddy gud. Ferengi Rules of Acquisition as ASMR.

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>At it's core

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Seriously who the fuck are VF and BF?

>Not a girl
What did I ask for?

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trip posters who come here from time to time. Their orbiter are here 24/7 tho

off topic tripfags who want to see thirsty paypigs roll around in their own cum.


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I am so sorry my post did not meet your masturbatory requirements.

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Maybe you should put on a trip and act like a complete cunt for a while.

You're dismissed

fat disgusting piggu

Your King and Queen

Part of me wants to but BF and VF will get mad at me and I don't like confrontation.

part of me want to kill you.

You sound like a massive faggot.

You're afraid that Mommy and Daddy will be disappointed in you?

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At least I'm anonymous so I can slip back into the mass.

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based hd poster

Don't you have some niggers to fuck?

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hi bf

r a r e

My god and goddess

How does it feel when people talk about you all the time? EVEN WHEN YOU'RE NOT HERE

I give up. You guys love tripfags.

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this sin't real

The post that ruined this thread.

It's very revealing.


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We love tripfags more than bitching about Star Trek and reposting the same memes every day, if that's what you mean.

How so?

t h r e a d__c u l t u r e

fuck off redditnigger

Is Forbidden Planet a good movie?

I'm happy you're back, B. Boring af without you

It’s The Tempest in space

Quit treating VF like they came into your house and raped your dog holy shit what is wrong with you people?

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I don't know what that means

You just want to fuck him.

/trek/ meetup at Jess and Kevin's house. I'll bring the lube.

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Fuck off, VF

>what is wrong with you people?
Like you don't know.

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I feel bad you got doxed. You ok?

why is everyone being so mean to quark?

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Who are they?

cus he sold wmds to a warlike race

VF ruined /trek/ forever

oh yea! Let's not blame those poor orbiters. What did they ever do????

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Bros I haven't watched /trek/ in forever but these threads make me nostalgic.
Is Discovery worth getting into? Is it made for fans of old trek like me?

>Bros I haven't watched /trek/ in forever
You've posted like 20 times in this thread.

I'll take lies for 700, Adolf

You're the "Who's BF and VF?" poster, aren't you?

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Who's BF and VF?


This what we mean by “beta orbiters.”

make thread

So? At least BF spices things up here


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Discovery ruined /trek/. Prove me wrong.

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low quality thread

we know its u , b

Kevin's white

not really, anons just want to fuck her

>implying Kevin isn't a soiboi cuck

gonna fuck later

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she was in the ds9 docu

I'm having fun

this image but kev and jezz

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>work for insurance company
>come upon the name natascha jahr
>one customer before was named modersohn (son of mud in german)
>giggle to myself uncontrollably

Anons can ignore STD posts, and unpleasant as they are, they at least contribute to serious Trek discussion. VF's unrelenting trolling and waifu shitposting of perfect star trek gfs and Selar are what ruined /trek/

Gays usually are.

> they at least contribute to serious Trek discussion
"provides content"

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That was a good game.

you shouldn't talk about costumers


There are anons working in the shadows to kill /trek/
VF is a symptom, not the cause.

majke e a new tread

I like VF




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VF has literally dived threads in the past like when he spammed "I like star trek" for 300 posts, and posts only get deleted when VF's janny hours start