How do you go from this

How do you go from this...

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... to THIS?

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To this

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Time stops for no man.

Otherwise he has aged pretty well.

His balding was pretty weird. His hair was intact to an age where usually men that go bald are already bald. And then he suddenly lost it all in just a couple of years. My guess is that either a) He was using a wig for a time or b) He was using Finasteride and stopped

James Spader is kino as fuck

Balding is a motherfucker.

t.Balding from 23-30.


Given how old he's, I'm not even sure Fin was ever a thing back then. It was a wig.

Did you lose your last hair at 30?

Most kino role? For me it's Alan Shore

Crash fags don't at me

not doing anything about your balding despite being a Hollywood actor that presumably has the money and connections to do it

i kind of thought that his voice role as ultron would have brought him enough money for a hair transplant

""Reddington"" because that is actually the only role I really know him from aside from The Office and I don't think I could see him as anyone else now

Time is a son of a bitch. At least he was once gorgeous. Plus, he still has a compelling voice.

Even youtubers have money for that, not that expensive anymore if you are willing to travel. Still like 4k if you are in the absolute state of hair loss like Spader

Yea Forums is more neurotic about his hair than he probably ever was.

I think theres a lot of 28-35 year olds here that didn't take care of themselves when they where younger and now theyre balding at a young age and super insecure about it. These are the people that made asr/chloe threads circa 2009-2012.

I lost some hair at my temples when I was 27, just happened in less than a year.
Then I hopped on Fin and didn't lose a single hair since then.
No side effects. May change in the future or it may not but I'm gonna risk that. World is a fuck.

What does taking care of yourself have to do with balding? Spader looks like he took pretty good care of himself too.

the only pictures of me in my 20s where on myspace and myspace has lost them

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that's sad fren i hop u get them back one day

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Nothing. Dude is just trying to cope. I was unhealthy as fuck as a kid. I work out all the time now to try to keep the inner fatty at bay but my hair is totally lush and fine at 31

Hair loss cure any day now

Its obvious and embarrasing like men manlest wear lifts or super thick soles.

Well made ones aren't obvious except for people who have seen a lot of HT results, in his case it's different of course because he is a celeb and people know he is as bald as a bowling ball

He’s looking alright except for the hair though

The future of Barrett

I don't understand why people claim that the cure is being held back. This ain't cancer, only VERY few people that are balding are willing to take Fin etc. due ot risks. If there was a cure that works 100% and had no side effects then almost every balding guy would use it and the profits would explode.

I think he looks more iconic without the hair. Barely recognizable with hair.

I went full horseshoe by then. There's still baby hair on top, but no longer any visible hair strap in the middle.

I'm too much of a poorfag to have had a chance of fighting it. I alternated between shaving it all off and not. Now that I'm in my 30s and fully Black Pilled I don't care.

>yfw a few angry roasties keep making threads about men because they got told they'd hit the wall by /r9k/ and Yea Forums

t. balding faggot.

I unironically get all my Finasteride for free. I have honestly no idea why, either my dermatologist is way too nice to me or she just made a mistake and now it repeats itself every time I ask for another recipe. I'm not gonna question it lmao

Dunder Mifflin

Is it helping?

bong genes

>tfw baldlet at young age
>still got pussy on the reg and now married
Imagine thinking that your hair has anything to do with it and not your shit personality lmao

>How do you go from this...

The Blacklist

I didn't lose any hair since then (3 years and a bit) but since I only lost a bit at the temples and like 1mm at the front I didn't expect regrowth. I think I got a few insignificant hairs back but the main goal was to keep the hair I have which is working out so far.
For some reason almost nobody experiences any regrowth at the front once it's gone, only the crown which wasn't balding for me yet

Good for you that you got on it do quickly.

I'm 30 now but lost almost all my hair up top by 21. I just buzz it off every month. Getting to be that time again. It was kinda sad when it happened, I liked having shoulder length hair, my sister would comb it out for me sometimes and that was kinda cool as a bonding thing. Most days I don't even think about my lack of hair and I wear a company hat for work due to being out in the sun.

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>By 21
Bruh that is some aggressive hair loss, never had a chance to fight it

Gonna preface this with i have a full head of hair. The dude is not particularly handsome, most people would not know who the first picture was unless the were over 30.

Not really, growing up in my teens I had a noticable bald spot in the back that judt kept growing. My parents offered minox and fin but by that time I was just like w/e, it's just how I am. My dad has a nearly full head of hair but his 3 brothers are mostly bald and was both my grandparents. Just got the short end of the stick for hair genes. The upside is that now when I do buzz it down or shave for nights out I get a lot more female attention than I ever did with longer hair. I was at a reel big fish concert in NYC a few years back and some tipsy girl started massaging my bald noggin outta nowhere so I asked her if she wanted to rub a different kinda head. We hooked up that night, first time I'd ever done that with a random person.

I mean "not really" as in not really had a chance to fight it, you're correct.

Probably works due to your beard, I have basically no real beard and being bald wouldn't look good for me. Even though I am 30 my beard is still developing and has reached the state of an 17 year old's beard by now lmao. Has nothing to do with Fin though, since it was also that way all the way to 27

By being the fucking lizard king.

Same. It's even worse for me because I was a late bloomer, I hit puberty when I was 17 years, before that I looked like an absolute joke in HS, kid voice, the whole package. Still, I lost all my hair in less than a year when I turned 19. I'm 6"4' and I have a huge dick now but I fucking seeth when I think that I've waited all my teenage years to look like a man just to fucking lose all my hair when everything started to look good. Kill me already.

I could get served at 16 because my beard came in. had a patch under my chin but the growth covered it

I was a really hairy kid at 13 though, started getting back hair around then

Ikr? He should get hair plugs or a toupee like a real man.

most baldies get their hairline fucked really early around 18-19 years old

who gives a shit with a voice that sexy