What are some boring ass movies?
What are some boring ass movies?
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Please no you’ll summon the angry Tool autists
What are some movies that get worse each time you watch them?
Any capeshit will do if you're over 6yo.
They're already shitting up Yea Forums cause people are calling the album lazy
Tool fucking sucks
2001. Don’t @ me
Should be "movies that require a second viewing to understand the masterpiece".
the new korean witch movie
also the I am mother bot shilled crap
anything by crieterion
Only God Forgives.
it is lazy
>that thing when a pseud who doesn't understand music theory also doesn't understand that every tool song is smoke on the water with dynamics
I kind of regret learning bass because it exposed about a quarter of the music I used to listen to.
oh no, is something interrupting your Fantano and Clairo threads lmao
Denis Villeneuve's filmography
nah Yea Forums likes it.
any movie about boats
ITT: plot point mental midgets
Any from Yurpoor or Asia.
muh social critique
watch Man Bites Dog and try to say it's boring
Isn't that Hollywood's thing now? SJW shit in almost everything coming out of that shithole
literally any post 2010 capeshit flick
What are some boring ass movies with a kino scene about a chocolate trip?
rise of the planet of the apes
Just 2 hours of apes going ape shit