ok movie but the best payoff since Inglorious Bastards
Tarantula's done it again
Ok movie but the best payoff since Inglorious Bastards
>less then a week and already the forced meme spam is gone and no one is talking about the it
into the it goes
OUTIH is much much better than inglorious basterds
Are you still fucking whinging about it?
it's a good movie but it kind of lacks direction, some of the scenes don't really fit, like Brad Pitt repairing the antenna just felt like a parody
Yep. I don't get the IG love. This was a far better film.
He can't complain about pol every thread
I think I will go see it again when ticket prices go down for the last week. Pure mood kino.
>mfw this entire movie
>takes care of your home
>drives around when you need it, no questions asked
>drinks with you and talks kinography
>will repair your cable if shit goes out
>genuinely enjoys your company
>will back up your bullshit stories
>has a cool dog
>will use his marine skills to defend your turf
>never asked for anything in return but friendship
Rick better fucking visit Cliff in the hospital
biggest bro in movies of the 10's
I never combined about /pol/ you illiterate retard. Its a stupid unmemorable movie with a cult following of redditors that have been shitting up the board. Its you all to go back.
>I never combined about /pol/ you illiterate retard.
The payoff was fucking terrible. Quentin just completely lacks balls for any kind of serious movie.
when was this movie ever serious?
It's basically Inglourious Basterds/Django Unchained but for white people.
When was ANY Tarantino film particularly serious?
Before the payoff it felt a lot more grounded in reality than his other stuff.
Inglorious Basterds had no payoff.
it's really not
>The payoff was fucking terrible
Nigga please. Young Louis from Jackie Brown showing up and shooting Sharon Tate and framing some peaceful hippies was a masterstroke, and Deniro's makeup or cgi to make him look young brought a tear to my eye.
Yes it is. It's basically another power fantasy but this time the hero is white people against chinks, instead of Jews against Germans or blacks against whites.
Is that Epstein on the left?
This was great because it didn’t force diversity, it didn’t try to be political or have an overt message, it was just a movie that showed appreciation for the whole industry.
The best thing was the atmosphere/meta moments when there was a show playing within the movie or a movie within the movie.
It's literally one scene you obsessed fucking loser
you have to be a special kind of retarded to actually think this
>killed his wife
bad person
he's just along for the ride man
>killing a woman
fuck off to reddit
seethe more chinkoid
>the 9th film from Quintin Tarantino
Something about that just sounds so arrogant.
Not really because our guy Cliff dies at the end
but hes not?
Like fuck, he feels a bit woozy and goes to get a band aid from the ER. What are you, 10?
the payoff is much better than in IG. IG is a bloated mess, OUTIH may be Tarantino's best film, it's a tie with Pulp Fiction
tarantino is plebbit, just look at ricamnmortin, fucking normie
Why did no-one see that the car window frame looks like Leo's pee arc?
FGS, that should've been picked up.
The other, illustration style poster is much superior, anyway.
At least put a spoiler warning like this user
They movie's not even in theatres anymore my dude
Wasn’t it stated or implied he gets paid by Rick as his “gopher”?
This was an actual good representation of most male friendships.
anyone else surprised Eastwood didnt even make a cameo in this movie considering how big of a roll Spaghetti westerns play in the story
Didnt need 3 hours of unrelated bullshit for it
the old fuck probably don't even know what planet he is on at this point
>he didnt enjoy 3 hours of Tarantino's 60's playlist and feet
It's a great film, only asians mad at the Bruce Lee scene hate it.
they could have gotten his son to play him
or atleast mention Eastwood in some capacity
What payoff? The fucking hippies that are brutally killed at the end are some literal whos that haven't done anything for the audience to hate them and cheer at their deaths.
But you know why they were there in the first place mongoloid
I don't give a shit about some sixties actress. And the movie does nothing to make me care about Sharon Tate as she does fucking nothing at all.
you really don't want me
>the ending is good
if you unironically think this then go back to Yea Forums
Well yeah, Cliff has to eat and live, he can't just do all of that stuff for free; at that point, it would make Rick a bad friend. Still, Cliff says he likes being Rick's gopher. They're very clearly bros.
Fuck, this movie makes me wish my friends and I were close again. I miss having a bro.
His dad was a lot better looking at his age.
>revenge fantasy for jews
>revenge fantasy for asians
>revenge fantasy for niggers
>revenge fantasy for boomers
what's next?
>revenge fantasy for vampires
this movie had no plot and you cant prove me wrong
>inb4 lel pleb filtered XDDDD
This was my main problem. There wasn't really a focus or arc, just a series of scenes that loosely connect by the final scene, mostly by coincidence. I enjoyed the movie overall but it's hard to call it an actual story.
You understand Tarantello wrote that in the movie just cause he couldn't directly show Polanski killing his, right?
I think the plot works better when you ignore the real life implications. Then it's a story about an actor trying very hard to make it who does everything in his power and then only gets noticed when he burns people alive. It works as a metaphor for the all satanist hollywood shit. As for Pitt, he's basically a dog. His character basically just acts like Leo's dog and there's no arc, but it's nice.
From dusk till dawn.
It's mostly about the conversation that Rick had with the girl, about getting a little more useless every day as you get older.
You got filtered: ^)
At least he treats his doge well.
Polanski just chucks his dog a ball to get rid of it.
How do I become cliff? Minus the killing the wife part
>It works as a metaphor for the all satanist hollywood shit
It's a 3 hour glorification of Hollywood. The only reason he added the Manson stuff is because they ruined his Hollywood nostalgia. Man, I enjoyed it but what an asinine film.
Agreed. That was over rated garbage
How the FUCK was I supposed to know about some dumb fucking killing spree that happened like 20 years before I was born sometimes in America and why did Tarantino make a movie that only makes sense if you know about it?! I swear to god, you Americans think you're the centre of the world.
>How the FUCK was I supposed to know about some dumb fucking killing spree that happened like 20 years before I was born sometimes in America
Why the fuck else would you watch it? The issue is Manson shit being heavily marketed when it's barely in the film.
Going in without knowing about the murders, the movie felt incredibly pointless. The Sharon scenes become even more obvious for unnecessary foot worship. Wasn't even a pure love letter to Hollywood considering the movie shits on Bruce Lee and the underage roadhead exchange (which Tarantino was continuing to footfag anyway?) It was a meandering film that was extremely padded, even if it had some really good scenes.
The vampires didn't get revenge though.
I don't know why you're assuming every American knows about Sharon Tate. Most millennials probably don't.
You don't know how ridiculous you sound everytime you do this
What this user says is right even though he sounds like an actual brainlet. The movie does not establish who tex, sadie, and the other chick exactly are and why they're so important. While most people remember the murder of sharon tate it's not so well known like Hitler, to compare it to Inglorious bastards.