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Other urls found in this thread:

sage>imagine having a dirty spic breathing this close to you
absolutely disgusting

I don’t watch the Simpsons and I literally don’t know who these roastie whores are

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>saging the first ever simpsons thread
Why are Jannies such cucks?

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>depicts the supposedly "good" people as acting bizarrely in unison, outnumbering and towering over their opponent

I really think this was secretly pro-Trump

how disgusting, i hope that never happens to me ha ha.

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Hasn't pretty much all the muh russia shit been disproven?

Or are liberals mad that we are not hostile towards a nuclear power for no reason?

It was real in my mind

Can someone explain to me why getting along with Russia is bad?
The public seems to flip-flop on whether they want the president to incite conflict or befriend problem nations.
For example when Trump was agitating North Korea everyone was up in arms, but when he started making historical meetings to try and improve relations suddenly that's the wrong thing to do too.

it's going to be canon in historical record. it doesnt matter if its true or not.


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People don't know what they want until the media tells them what they want.

NPCs are a real thing, and Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.

Anything Trump does will be reinterpreted by the media as a bad thing. Doesn't matter what the thing is. It's the media's impetus that Trump remain the villain. That's how they continue to get clicks and views.

come on man

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the ultimate irony is that Trump is actually not getting along with Russia all that well and we're heading into a very dangerous new arms race, but nobody cares or reports on it because it doesn't fit narrative

>president I like does something
This is great and will save the world
>president I don’t like does something
This is the worst thing to ever happen to America.

us intelligence officers at g7 this week said trump gave putin a tiny handjob

>your tears say more than real evidence ever could

She looks like she fucks white guys

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>watching the simpsons in 2k19

Because they view Trump not constantly abusing Putin as endorsing Putin, because as we all know not being able to go to the cinema and watch 2 poofters tongue wrestle is the greatest violation of freedoms ever

All of them fuck white guys, Omar has a white guy she's having an affair with, Kamela harris is married to a white guy, AOC is dating a white guy, etc etc. Their entire shtick is to go out there and say "white people bad" but they go home and get deep dicked by white men every night. They're a bunch of hypocrites.

Who's the old man now?

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I felt like that smile was really sinister and made me feel bad for trump since in that clip we did not see him call anyone an old man

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And this happened at Chuck's Fuck and Suck

Establishment Simpsons is worst Simpsons.

When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey in "Friends" he only had $11 dollars to his name. When the cast got their paychecks, the first thing that Courteney Cox bought was a car. Matt LeBlanc bought a hot dinner.

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Exactly. Like how it's Historically canon Hitler had one ball and a scat fetish. Does it matter he didn't if everybody believes he did?

Russia is just particularly hated by our spy agencies who are still stuck in cold war mindset that has them overlooking China and pretty much anything else because they hate Russia that much.

Politicians that get cozy with the intelligence agencies start thinking they're right about Russia, so you end up with people like Hillary ranting about them, which leads to the media that wants to consider themselves enlightened and connected to those politicians agreeing with those spy agencies. Which is how you get the Washington Post and New York Times sucking glownigger dick.

Why can't they just let the Simpsons rest already? It's honestly just sad.

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The funniest thing is that after all the shit they've pulled, your average prole with the memory of a goldfish still believes every word out of their asshole mouths

So why isn't Trump criticized for doing literally everything Israel wants? I mean there you have actual examples of things he has done and it's not just a retarded conspiracy theory. Yet being a complete submissive bitch to that foreign, imperialist ethno-state is almost never criticized.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you, if the Israel lobby went full anti-Trump he'd be out in a month

Is politicians always do everything for isreal but don’t get confused

Isreal is our little pet project not the wither way around

I would probably make out with AOC (but only ironically)

So many filthy Slav posters. I thought Yea Forums was blocked in Russia.

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Am I late for the daily cry about libs thread?

Asian """"""""""""""""men"""""""""""""""""""

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I would hate fuck her, impregnate her, and force her NOT to abort.

Slavic hands typed these.

Seethe more

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You mean like starting a war with iran?

Oh wait trump didn't fall for that

so this is the power of Asian masculinity


I think they proved some Russians made some pro trump Facebook ads. Also they helped inform the American public about the Clintons by maybe being involved in leaking emails? Totally real emails? That's bad because reasons.

The Russians made both pro trump and pro Hillary ads.

and not one with a proper fitting suit.

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I wouldn’t worry about it user haha why don’t you just go to sleep, long day of wage slavery tomorrow!

They also created fake news.


Because the stuff he's done for Israel has been largely meaningless.

The couple billion a year sent to Israel isn't really sent there as it mostly has to be spent on American companies, it's a way of subsidizing our weapons industries. Moving an embassy is hard to get worked up over and recognizing the Golan heights as Israeli isn't that big of a deal given they've had it for decades now.

Israel has also been decent enough about offing nuclear weapons researchers in Iran to prevent them being that much of a threat and has been working with friends in the region like Saudi Arabia to deal with terrorist groups. Which is also part of why the media hates Saudi Arabia.

Why do liberals recognize Israel has too much power over politicians but refuse to acknowledge diaspora Jews' control over the entertainment and business world?

>Paying Israel to pay your own armaments industry
Why not just pay the armaments industry to send shit to Israel? It's such a fucking bizarre charade to play

Unfortunately hip style is to ware clothes that are too tight and too small.

It’s the opposite of the old loose fitting zoot suite or baggy business look of the 1990’s

Suite style has gone very 1960’s (thanks to mad men IMO) but trendy fags make all their shit too tight

As a thicc guy and former lifter I can’t pull off the tight suite bullshit it looks gay

nothing is more cringe than kpop

This is your brain on kynsian stimuli

Better optics. Subsidizing your own industries is seen as foolish, but helping foreign nations is seen as empathetic.

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In all seriousness though Trump only punches down, like a coward, and for all his bluster he has never DARED criticize Putin or even Jinping.

This. We also want Israel better armed due to how they keep others in the region like Iran in check.

>not wearing SEXCore
Hi incel

he called chinese the enemy not a week ago your country is in the middle of a trade war kek

Trump is too nice to Putin but the only politician he actively sucks off is Beni.

But you can’t say that on tv

Can’t be ... the first ... to stop seeding and feeding!

>The couple billion a year sent to Israel isn't really sent there as it mostly has to be spent on American companies
>Israel is also the only recipient of US military aid that is allowed to use a significant portion annually to purchase products made by Israeli companies instead of US companies. (The costs to Americans caused by this unique perk are discussed below.)
Shut the fuck up Schlomo.

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He threatened to nuke north Korea and called their manlet king short and fat

The red tie is meant to incite violence against the president and charges should be pressed. They've gone too damned far now.

It's not about getting along with Russia. It's that Russia rigged the election so a puppet president of theirs could be put in control of America.

This is, of course, complete bullshit made up by the Democrats to claim that Trump's election was invalid. If any country, it was actually Israel who "rigged" the election by funding tons of ads for Trump. To be fair, the Saudis were the major funding for "rigging" the campaign for Hillary with funding tons of ads.

Of course Simpsons would never point out how the Saudis "rigged" the election for Hillary. Or how Hillary rigged the DNC primary for herself. Or how Hillary actually used her media connections to help promote Trump during that primary because her camp thought he'd be easiest to beat.

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They murdered anglo and dutch children

They think that Russia spending money to produce propaganda influence the American election invalidates its results despite the US doing the exact same thing themselves all over the world

>Fly aircraft over an active war zone
>When you know Russia and Ukraine both have and are using AA guided missiles
>Get shot down
If anyone's at fault it's clearly the airline for playing roulette with their passengers lives

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why is everything politics now make it stop

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nope, nothing going on here

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Yeah that's what I thought

>matt groening is proven to have taken trips to epstein's island

Progressive ideology demands it.


>Why don't Liberals shit on the guys funding their electoral campaign?
That's a pretty dumb question

Sometimes a tie is just a tie.

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Usually I think it's just overly sensitive electionfags, but the imagery here with the red tie looks pretty bad with how he's lying down.

>hating on /ourguy/

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Is he gonna say it?

>our campaign
>pic of him and obama
that makes it look a bit different

..also what does the N stand for?

John Stewart reinvented the Daily Show into Fuck Bush and Colbert followed up with the Ironic O’Reilly. People loved this at the time because of how shitty Bush and Fox are so now every comedian wants to emulate their success.

There is nothing wrong with getting along with Russia, or at least its no worse than getting along with Saudi Arabia and Israel.

The reason this all started was in 2012-2013, Russia passed an anti-pedophilia propaganda law.
This law was as you would guess to stop and criminalise anything that was trying to normalise or promote pedophilia as normal, natural, okay or should be decriminalise.

However SJW, the democrats and liberals looked between the lines and came to the conclusion that it was an anti-homosexual law.
Because part of it was cracking down on people teaching school children that it was okay to be gay.
While at the same time people were abducting fags and uploading humilation torture online. And people pelting faggots with eggs.

So the liberals called up the media and made it known far and wide that Putin, the Russian government and the Russian people were making homosexuality illegal in Russia.

So any diplomacy, respect or the like offered to Russia was seen as being a bigot.

Thats why the Sochi Winter games were protested.
In turn, Russia said fuck Obama back.

George W. Bush got along with Putin. So much so that it really looked like an alliance with Russia would come before the end of the decade.
But then the fags, liberals, and Nigger King refused any olive branch because of the fact a majority of pedophiles are fags and a great number of fags are pedophiles.

So when Trump gets along with Putin, its because he's anti-Obama which makes him racist, and anti-gay.

The democrats would rather there be a nuclear war than admit homosexuals are pedophiles.

And if Hillary had won, we'd be at war with Russia.

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>3 results

I would mog all of them

Dead meme

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But the Church is where the pedophiles come from.

Not statistically.

Who said anything about the church?

Based sneednigger giving (you)s and pretending to be upset to boost morale

From what I remember sex offenders come from schools just as much as from the clergy

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>The Russians made both pro trump and pro Hillary ads
I'm not of the opinion that creating ads is rigging an election but I'd love to see one pro-Hillary russian ad

Church is the only hope against pedophiles.

pedophilia rates are far hihher amongst teachers and fags than priests


new link pls

This. Pedos choose positions with power. If it's not priest it's teacher, CEO, Lawyer, movie director, doctor etc...

This is for boomers with hideous and amorphous bodies. Anyone under 40 will look better in a slightly fitted suit. Even following the 'correct' standards in that pic will make someone of lean build look like David Byrne.
Same demographic who say "shorts should never be above your knees" and "you always have to wear an undershirt"

>when you realize the left hates Russia because its the largest white majority country on earth after America

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1) Not true
2) Most priests are fags
3) Teachers don't have multi-billion organization to back them up, hide their crimes and, if they get discovered to be pedos, to protect them, pay them lawyers, or just relocate them

where do you get these notions the only people who unironically believe this shit were raised by pop culture.


sneed is dreadfully unfunny

>The Simpsons went from being borderline counterculture and campaigned against to being an establishment loyalist with all the sanitized, correct opinions that come with that territory
This is the real tragedy of the state of modern Simpsons. It really should have died after 2004 or '5, at the very latest


because the old culture was wholesome and American now its what they want it to be. simpsons was always subversive shit

>Which is how you get the Washington Post and New York Times sucking glownigger dick
Haha yeah, surely they aren't being directly influenced by the CIA, that would be nuts. And I'm sure the owner of Washington Post being a literal CIA contractor has no bearing on that either!

What, why would it be? I'm on Rostelecom, a literal govenment internet provider, and it works just fine. Archives like warosu don't seem to work though, so I just use proxies for those

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not only has the canadian prime minister now fucked both trump's daughter and wife, but trump once again had mto beg like a dog on putin's behalf to the leaders of the world. I can't think of a more cucked man in existence.

are you retarded or something? Trump is literally president. he IS the establishment.