well Yea Forums ?
Well Yea Forums ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sneed Wars: Rise of the Feedseeder
The Passion of the Christ
Grown ups 2
Scary Movie
Chronicles of Riddick
I've never been on reddit tomatoes.
I like the new Point Break.
Oh wait its not that new
Feast II
Speed Racer
The Wicker Tree
>rated 9% on RT
Kung Pow
From Paris with love
very few movies are genuinely good
Saw 1
The Wickerman remake
A cure for wellness
Also based
Tropa De Elite is 53% for critics.
Pitch black is 59% for critics (what the fuck?)
Riddick 2013 is like 56%
Chronicles of riddick is 29% for critics. Bingo.
>Chronicles of riddick is 29% for critics.
What the fuck is wrong with people?
Season of the Witch. 11% on RT and yet one of my favourite Nicholas Cage movies.
low test critics gave this 39%
I worked on that movie doing VFX. It is okay, but not as good as the first one.
Also it comes at night. Everyone either forgot it or called it shit but it was a really great movie I thought.
Hi Lily.
>I should be expected to know the rotten tomato scores for movies
I can understand that. It was very different from the first, it relied on an interest in the world, there wasn't some greater message and most critics probably just passed it off as superhero nonsense in space.
What boggles my mind is only 59% for pitch black. That was a fantastic film.
Same thing with Tropa De Elite. Absolutely fantastic film but apparently what happened there was that many critics saw it as "fascist propaganda" and foreign-film types immediately wrote it off. If it promoted trendy politics more explictly it would be a 9/10 and far more successful.
meme answer is unplanned
real answer is only god forgives or cat in the hat
Constantine 46%
>Rotten Tomatoes
damn thought it was metacritic, that would've been easier.
Die Another Day.
Norbit is always my answer too, absolutely peak comedy. Or any Adam Sandler movie post 2005
Ghost Ship obviously
The Last Witch Hunter
this is an excellent answer. tight script, fun action, beautiful setpieces and some of the best montages in film
>b-but muh vidya cutscene cgi xD
meanwhile spiderman far from home on the PS3 gets rave reviews. fucking fags
>Elite Squad that low
Since when did Rotten Tomatoes become an authority on movies?
Rated 21% on Rotten Tomatoes and one of my favourite movies ever. I don't care what everybody else think about this one and the fact is that I don't feel like a contrarian for liking it, because almost nobody watched it at the time.
does it have to be both scores, or does it count of just one makes it?
because there's plenty of films that ciritcs panned and audiences loved
Cat In The Hat
The Wicker Man
Son of The Mask
Meet The Spartans
It's kino
Does critics rating even count?
You know... he has a point....
The Zero Theorem
son of the mask
>that many critics saw it as "fascist propaganda"
Implying most of the people will not just watch it and think that the police is totally justified in continuing the cycle of violence.
I see a terrible webcomic where the artist pretends he is smarter than everyone else
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
It's fun and I always have a good time watching it. It moves fast and is nice to look at with enjoyable characters.
The animation is great, the music is memorable, the environment and story are tremendously unexplored especially in animation and original.
Blade: Trinity
Hot Rod
Reign of Fire
The Core
The Last Witch Hunter
ehh these were amongst the first i checked. theres probably loads more.
That was piss easy, the movie is great (the battle of Gaugamela is simply the best battle I've ever seen in a movie) but I just checked and Reddit tomatoes rates it at 35%
critics are retarded
it was released around the time 2d animation was falling out of favor too
shame, since it's one of the best films dreamworks ever made
Really is a simple matter of mathematics and shouldn't be difficult for anyone with half an intellect.
Total Recall
Rush Hour 3
Speed Racer
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
X-Men Apocalypse
Dark Phoenix
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
I like grown ups
He's a pretentious faggot, but this comic is still unironically true
Only God Forgives
Yeah, reminder that when The Thing released the critics bashed it and its now iconic music theme was nominated for some "worse music theme ever" parody show
Of all movies mentioned in this thread, this one is the biggest, irredeemable pile of shit I had to set my eyes upon
honestly critics are a meme at this point, and I don't see why anyone should care what one has to say unless their reviews are presented in an entertaining way.
Also what does it mean no so bad it's good? Can't I "genuinely like" those?
It's probably because I'm french, but every single moment of Rush Hour 3 was pure cringe to me, almost angering at times.
>turtles reimagined as big dumb street thugs
nigger detected
film critics are THE DUMBEST MOTHERFUCKERS around.
it means you can't post the Room because you enjoy how bad it is.
It wants you to post actual films you unironically enjoy
but they're none of those things. that movie is the best ninja turtles film ever. you can't change my mind.
This poster died shortly after making this comment due to excess soimilk consumption. His estrogen levels skyrocketed and caused uncontrollable soigasms, the seizing causing his heart to work too hard for his adult baby body.
Rest in peace.
Well I rarely read review of movies, I read mostly the ones concerning games they can be easier to read, but there have been times where I disagreed with the critic but at least I could see why they did not like the game, why it was not for them and I instead would enjoy it.
Hard to gauge exactly their problems with it from those words, but thanks for posting it.
I should rewatch that movie sometime.
You idiots need to have a moron convention.
Never trust people who don't work with something that is primarily objective.
Life advice.
Dude you're no fun at all
>legitimate fish out of water/culture clash themes
>cliches are intentional cheeky throwbacks dismissed by most as failed creative intentions
>a few legitimate shots of Tokyo that make you feel the pulse and beauty of the city
>focuses on character much more than the cars
Yeah I'm thinking it's based
Saw I, Saw II, Saw III
Easy I mean how could you hate em THAT much
Because of glass or because of my question? Also answer you nigger
Why can't I unironically enjoy a bad film? I enjoy most Michael bay films despite them being bad. Are those fine?
He should have asked for films I consider genuinely good, not films I genuinely like, because that means back shit
Statham with hair is such a bizarre sight.
not liking the taste of beer is primarily an american thing
drinking beer to get drunk is the worse way to get drunk
It's a mess, but for some reason i like
I found Bad Teacher enjoyable, a movie with Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake that had zero pop culture impact.
This movie was pure niggerkino and perfectly captures the feel of a school in an urban shithole. It's great
im not going to bother looking them up, but either your highness or harold and kumar 3. i love both those but i can only assume the rotten tomatos dosent agree with me
Literally the only FNF film I liked.
Audience Score
critics are insane
I was gonna say same because you I thought you posted "At World's End". Then I passed when it was after.
OK taste I suppose though
>tfw you'll never know what it's like to be an American and kill someone for no reason.
Why do you drink it if you don't like it? There are way stronger alcohol drinks if you only care about getting drunk
>the feel of a school in an urban shithole
"I enjoy most Michael bay films despite them being bad. Are those fine?"
that's why I used the Room as an example
most people could easily slap that up as an example of a film they enjoyed that was panned
but the thing is, most people enjoy the Room not because they find it good, but because it's entertainingly shit
just like that troll movie with the "you don't piss on hospitality" or "they're eating her, and then they're going to eat me, oh my god!"
nobody actually thought that was good, but plenty of people enjoyed it for how comically shit it was regardless
It actually did take me a few tries to find one under 50% on RT, they're surprisingly merciful a lot of the time.
Saw 3 is pure kino though, not even in a nerdy grindhouse b-movie way, it's got the best narrative of any of the films, Jigsaw and Amanda are actual complex characters for the only time in the Franchise, the traps are great and the gore isn't even that bad.
It's the most coherent game, and its just solid, memorable horror/mystery movie. Pleb critics have always had it in for "torture porn", if thy get too uncomfortable they'll just stop taking the film seriously
Easier answer in my life. Freddy Got Fingered.
Easy. Glass.
The Pink Panther reboot with Steve Martin
this one
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules
1 in 4 people has an overly strong ability to taste bitterness. It's not that beer tastes bad to everyone; you, personally, are flawed.
Good answer.
Also, I enjoyed Solo from start to finish
Why did it receive bad reviews from the cinematic journalist community?
Below 50% audience score or reviewer score?
Critics score would just be too easy
though you could post it anyway, could be fun to REEEEEE over how rarted critics are
yep this
>though you could post it anyway, could be fun to REEEEEE over how rarted critics are
alright, critics gave the first pokemon movie 19%
Lager tastes like fizzy piss water but bitters are genuinely delicious
Living in wine country is a blessing.
Timeline, the time travel movie based on a Michael Crichton book, starring Gerard Butler and Billy Fucking Connolly. I don't care what anyone says, it wasn't perfect but it was fucking KINO.
this is 100% true. beer is fucking awful. cider or vodka only for me.
This. Feast and Feast II were fucking enjoyable. Third, they were trying too hard.
Here's a list of movies I liked that were shit on by critics and audience alike:
Planet of the Apes (2001)
Oldboy remake
Shallow Hal
Robocop 2
The Big Hit
Southland Tales
Under the Silver Lake
Ghost in the Shell live-action
2 Fast 2 Furious
Triple 9
Nacho Libre
London Has Fallen
The Counselor
Horrible Bosses 2
Over the Top
To the Wonder
Knight of Cups
Song to Song
Neon Demon
Only God Forgives
High Rise
Heaven's Gate
The Cable Guy
Lost River
Pain & Gain
Miami Vice
Sucker Punch
Oh yeah, Paul Walker was also in it.
Do you produce urine at just above freezing point?
Only God Forgives (2013)
The Neon Demon (2016)
My Little Pony: The Movie (2017)
Ah right, yeah that one is pretty good as far as I remember.
I saw it in theatres with my sister.
Mel Gibson and an overtly Christian movie
it's above 50
I really like it too
this was 2 years before that tho
so it can't have been mel gibson that did it
just the christian part
>speaks French
>original movie, not a rehash or sequel
>interesting world
>solid acting
>critics desperately shit on it because they hate Landis and because Netflix isn't allowed to make movies
What a shame
Bruce Willis Death Wish
Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice
not really, it was because the plot had a shitload of flaws
like the scene where they're about to be executed by gangsters, then it turns out the Orc saved the boss's son, so he won't kill him, and then... the boss just takes the gun away and kills him anyway???
it was a pointless scene that added nothing to the film
or when will smith, who's been a serious hard ass for most of the movie, suddenly starts cracking wise and calling an orc "shrek"
don't get me wrong, the movie did a lot of other things great, and I love it for what it was trying to be, but it failed in a number of respects
it could have been god tier if it had better writing/direction
Ive always been a fan of the series
you should check out the book if that put you off the movie.
Crichton was autistics about detail when researching his books, Occitan featured pretty heavily in the book
>rating goose movie that low
is that even legal?
Ryan Gosling as an actor embodies underappreciated kino
was going to post this
Street Kings
your taste is shit
Because it dropped redpills so jewrnalists had to shut it down
it was a crappy movie desu
Butterfly effect. The time travelling shit was neat
>King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
>Ghost Ship
>X-Men Origins: Wolverine
>Total Recall
>Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides
>Alien vs. Predator
>London Has Fallen
I was going to mention all of these.
>2012 (2009) - 39% critics, 47% audience
>Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) - 29% critics, 30% audience
>Reasonable Doubt (2014) - 13% critics, 31% audience
Battlefield Earth
I have no idea why this film is so hated, I genuinely enjoy it every time. Deserves a high 6 if not a 7 on IMDB but it gets a 2.5, what the actual shit
It's not actually below 50% (Tomatometer 52%, Audience Score 60%) but I really liked John Carter.
In fact I'm not sure how anybody could not enjoy that movie, even if you've read all the books (I have only ever read the first one for the record). Did people just not see this movie and assumed it was bad?
You're dumb user.
This was insanely easy.
Olympus has fallen.
Gerard Butler is funny though I think that White House down has more of a Die Hard feeling to it, feels more helpless.
is that the mars film?
if so, then I'm pretty sure it was mostly the massive amount of CGI
gave it an ugly look
Try a belgian beer once in a while, I recommend delirium tremens, duvel, karmeliet or just a normal stella/duvel. those and many others are surprisingly rich and diverse when it comes to taste.
True Patrician Detected
This is the only reason I came to this thread. BvS for me as well. I can see why people don't like it, but there's no other place I can cheer on a superhero getting hit with a sink. There's magic in that movie in little bits and pieces.
Easy, Only God Forgives.
>If I don't like something, no one else can
What a faggot, and I say that as someone who generally doesn't like beer.
>fails to add enough narrative smarts
I hate being that guy, but if you think that you're literally too dumb to get this movie. The story makes sense, it's just more symbolical than expository. Exposition kills movies. It knocked two points off Interstellar's score imo.
kangaroo jack
show don't tell
that's what books are for
Same, I also hate that people pretend to like the taste of garlic, onions, vinegar, or pickles. Like who the fuck do you think you’re impressing when you eat salt and vinegar potato chips?
Why does it have to come out when you were an adult? In my opinion, Freddy Got Fingered is the funniest movie ever made, but it came out when I was a baby
Aside from all the obvious stupidity of this comic, I think it's hilarious how he says "lagers" as if that's a single type of beer. There are multiple kinds of stouts and tons of different lagers. Lager is a huge category and the author doesn't know shit about beer.
>people pretend to like the taste of garlic, onions, vinegar, or pickles
I'm not impressing anyone
I genuinely enjoy those foods
if it's not for you, it's not for you
don't act like just because you don't enjoy the taste of something no one does
Kick Ass 2.
Nice try.
Garlic an Onions are fruits of the gods. I guess I could understand how you sperg about pickles and vineger but the other two? You're a faggot
Knight of Cups
Suicide Squad
>my adult life
Pretty much any movie I'm nostalgic about either came out before I was born, or during my childhood and adolescence.
I turned 18 in 2010, and there are literally no movies that come to mind that I give a shit about released since then. Maybe Inception, but that's actually highly rated.
Onions are disgusting unless in small amounts and accentuating a larger quantity of meat, garlic I'm ambivalent about...but how the fuck do you not like pickles and salt & vinegar chips?
I bet you don't like black licorice either.
I don’t go on RT enough to know what critics hated.
I loved that movie
I saw it around the same time I got around to playing fallout 3,and they both paired really well together
I still don't understand why people didn't like the movie
The Emoji Movie
These two comics, when placed together, exhibit a display of hypocrisy that I did not know existed upon this plane of existence. Congrats to the turbofag who drew them.
Close enough given I consider it a favorite
also The Rules of Attraction (43%)
maybe he only tasted american beer
X-Men Apocalypse
Even capeshits hate it
this is much easier with popular music
Plot Twist: If such a movie exists, I haven't seen it yet
Understandable when it released a week after E.T. and there was probably a huge level of horror movie fatigue at the time.
I let my 10 year old daughter watch Chappie. She loved it all the way up until Yolandi died. She started crying, and I had to convince her to keep watching to see how Chappie would save her. It surprised me how much the movie affected her. She wanted Chappie to kill Hugh Jackman's character so bad.
>adult life post-2000
boomer pls
If you think about it, the comedy doesn't come from it being bad. All jokes are intentional, even if the jokes are very low-brow.
Observe and Report if it's an average of veiwer and critic
I was gonna say, if it's critics score all I have to say is Godzilla KOTM. Audience score is tougher. Have to think on it pretty good.
Why does it have to have come out when you were an adult? This is retarded
To prevent rose-tinted goggles affecting your opinion I think.
What if you didn't see it until you were an adult?
The Big Hit is Mark Wahlberg's best movie.
What a moronic comic, I was able to instantly think of Predator 2. Fuck people who hate this yet fellate the abomination that was Alien 3.
Sucker punch is the right answer
Can I not genuinely enjoy the attempts at drama, or enjoy the film for the context of watching one man attempt to make his dream of becoming a movie star come true?
The criteria is too vague, what constitutes legitimate affinity and what doesn't
>Spider-Man 3 has a 51%
I'm going with it anyway.
There is very good american beer too, therefore no, not justified.
it literally says it, and I've explained it for you repeatedly.
Do you enjoy the film for the film's sake, or because it's of low quality and you find the low quality funny?
I don't understand why you insist on being confused by this, it isn't that hard to understand
you fucking cretin
That's still retarded. Just say it can't be a movie you saw as a kid
2012's lockout
fucking love the movie. its like an old b flick.
John Carter but turns out it has a 52% critics score on Reddit tomatoes
>Hot Rod
Unironically one of the best comedies of the last 20 years, I can't believe it flopped.
he says lagers because it is the most popular type
globally you retard
I expected the low score for The Way of the Gun, but not for the other two. Fucking hell, Hardcore was easily the most innovative and entertaining action movie in years, it didn't deserve this.
>pretend to like the taste of garlic, onions
Something is wrong with you
Go get an mri immediately
I thought Chappie was okay. Well, I thought it was a bad movie, but I enjoyed it anyway. But I was 16 when I saw it so I guess it doesn't count as "adult life"
pixels, bencwarmers i mean i like all happy madison films
genisys is a fun movie though.
especially after the gritty grim salvation
>when he gets shot from behind and the bullet just whizzes through his torso and he looks to the left unfazed and keeps walking
9 years later, still in my brain
People like different things.
Some tastes are acquired.
even caramelized onions?
onion rings?
Da Vinci Code. Most people I meet either call it boring or just says it sucks. Never saw the problem with it.
This is mine. One of my favorites. As a matter of fact I host a quarterly viewing party where I screen the Eddie Murphy film Norbit. I call it Norbit night. I usually try to invite casual acquaintances as an icebreaker, and one time I invited a girl I liked from school. Another one of my classmates (we’ll call him John) overheard the invitation, and chimed in with how hilarious it is that I would have an ironic movie showing of bad movies. I stammered a bit trying to explain I actually like the film, but he cut me off asking if he could go, and my crush said that sounds like it would be fun, so I immediately said okay.
At the party, it was an unusually large turnout. I had only invited maybe 5 of my old friends (only 2 came) along with the girl and John. I guess John called a bunch of his friends though, so there was like 11 people there. Everyone kept making fun of my old school 33 inch tube television and commenting on how small my apartment was and that I was using my Xbox 360 as a DVD player. It was terrible. Everyone kept ripping into the movie, but a couple people complained saying it “wasn’t even so bad it’s good”. Even the one friend agreed with them. I kept seeing John whisper into my crushes ear and she kept giggling. Before the movie was even halfway over people started going home, and the girl I was into told me she was tired. John thanked me for inviting him and said it was great I was “coming out of my shell”. I saw John get in the car with my crush even though he came with his friends.
After the movie was over my one old friend asked me in a really pleading way not to invite him to these things anymore. I still can’t watch anything with Eddie Murphy in it, and I feel the same sick feeling of loss whenever I see his face. I stopped having Norbit Night, but I contend it’s an underrated comedy.
Surprisingly large gap between critics and audience.
What is it about?
>bitches don't read Sutter Kane
for the record I think less of you for this, anonymous person
This. I liked it so much I have it on blu-ray
You forgot the best original soundtrack/song.
>You know what DK stands for?
>Donkey Kong
Speed racer.
It's not really surprising, Equilibrium is quite shallow in what it does and requires you to go along with some quite stupid assumptions (e.g. the whole gun kata thing). People love it because Christopher Bale in leather trenchcoat dual-wielding pistols looks cool, critics hate it because that's the only worthwile thing in the movie.
Things don’t all have to taste the same. Something can taste good for different reasons. I like a bitter beer like an IPA but I also like sours and a light blonde ale for easy drinking. Enjoyment of a beer is not always about the taste.
Check out Initial D. Probably the best drifting movie out there.
6.4/10 · IMDb
33% · Rotten Tomatoes
48% · Metacritic
I don’t blame you, but everyone knows rush hour 1 and 2 are the only good ones.
>rotten tomatoes
What the FUCK. Also, real talk:
London > Olympus > Angel
All three were great though.
Saw this with a friend in an empty theater and we started laughing halfway through and never stopped
10/10 in my book
This is the easiest one out there, just a fun Will Smith flick purposely marketed as "critics HATE it!".
They forced that racebaiting blm reference at the very begining to prime the reviewers to dislike it. Modern critics are like trained dogs, you can straight up command them if you know how without any need for actual bribes.
I hate this so fucking much hahahaha
That's a rule of thumb but its not the end all be all rule of filmmaking.
mount NABI
they’re watching
incredibly based
Suck my cock, Yea Forums.
I never thought Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was that bad. It had flaws, but it wasn't awful. But I do still agree it's the worst Indy movie, hands down.
>Came out in your adult life
Sooo.. 2016 onwards then?
I’m just assuming are low because everyone usually hates found footage, but I’ve never spent a single second of my life on RT
true, there are some films that benefited from a narrator
I just think exposition is more often than not a sign that the director has failed to properly convey his message without outright telling the audience what that message is.
I liked this one.
I have a love/hate thing going for that movie.
>Enjoyment of a beer is not always about the taste.
exactly, it’s about getting fucking shitfaced and pretending that you’re doing it because you like the taste and not just because you want to get wrecked.
This is easy, especially if you like horror movies.
Very true. But generally speaking it's better to show if you want the audience to really engage with the movie.
>everybody else is only pretending to enjoy the taste of beer because I'm a little bitch who only enjoys sweet things
Mother! was the best movie of its year
I don't care what anyone says. This movie was KINO
Remove the kid and his pet monkey and the movie instantly goes up 2 points on a 10 point scale.
Man I had it on VHS and watched it at least 10 times as a kid
Based. Anyone who shits on this list most definitely has as as their top ten the same movies taken from imdb's Top 250 that are everyone's favorites and can't come up with something original.
I've tried 2 or 3 times and I'm never able to pass the 10 minute mark...
League of extraordinary gentlemen is gated and I've never known why
For me it’s Samuel Adams “Sam 76”
Freddy got fingered. Easy
Beer always reminded me of laziness and overall mediocrity
Indiana Jones "clone" adventure movies.
The first act is definitely the worst, and it looks the worst as well. After 20 minutes or so the looks starts to grow on you.
But you can definitely spend your time better than watching this mediocre movie. It looks cool, but only sometimes. Better to just watch The Phantom Menace if you want (pod)racing kino.
>Terminator Genesis
The best rottenkino ever
What the fuck
>Senses are more attuned than the average normie
Forget low rt. Give me recent movies you like and tv doesn't.
by that logic someone being sensitive to pain and being reduced to a sobbing mess in the fetal position because they stubbed their toe wouldn't be flawed
are you too stupid to type "x movie rotten tomatoes" into google?
Please do not use Jeremy Brett's sainted image in a post with those movies.
Thank you.
Did that actually review poorly? I thought it was a good movie, but fuck me if I'm sitting through all three fucking hours of it again. Normally I don't have an issue with longer films, but the two or three false endings to Cure for Wellness had me checking my clock a few times.
Van Helsing
Human centipede 1&2
The Counselor
Speed Racer
Only God Forgives
I have them on bluray and have rewatched them many times
(movie) rt works too
I second, third and fourth that :D
Last two are absolutely based
I liked it, but that might just be because I fished it out of the bargain bin and had zero expectations going in. I should really re-watch it and see if it holds up when I'm not expecting a trash fire.
Loved that movie, Equalizer 1 and 2 also. Denzel does not disappoint.
Hardcore Henry is one my favorite movies ever and Biting Elbows is pure music kino.
I duckduckgod this to make sure it wasn't pasta, and it isn't. Yet.
The directors cut was great. Honestly better than a good chunk of marvel films. DC totally gets more unnecessary hate just because it's not marvel.
I liked chappie as an adult. Its pretty chill robot movie, not gonna lie.
This movie was fucking hilarious.
>Not liking the salt and vinegar so thick and heavy it makes your eyes water and tongue dry.
Something is wrong with you.
How tf is this at 42%. It was just like shutter island
You're an idiot.
A man is waiting for a call, recieves a callgirl instead.
Steel is actually really good. The wheelchair scene at the end was kino too.
I'm always a sucker for mythology
Lily is a hot name
Not gonna lie, I liked the song by Teriyaki Boyz
Hey ya that was alright
this for sure, not even in an ironic sense
what, how the fuck is this possible?
this movie is a work of art
To discount nostalgia as the reason you like it
Kevin Kline is a god
Cowboys and Aliens (45%)
Surreal math kino
unironically Happening
also I can see how some people might like Dark Pheonix, the only so bad it's good moments were when Jean fucks over straight up, for some reason it was really funny to me
Woa... Woa woa... u need to chill
you fuckin nigger
>16% on Rotten Tomatoes
What part of John Heder and that nigga who played Pedro in Napoleon Dynamite being reunited did critics not understand?
You know the rules
Only God forgives
what sort of a cock munching faggot would hate troy?
The Cell
the only people who like Troy are those who haven't read the Iliad
and that's most of them
I could understand that justification if it's what impacted the audience, not the people literally paid to be professional movie analysts.
How do I find a list of all movies under %50 by year?
>solid acting
>will smith
Take him out, ditch the edgy elf bodyguards, and the prophecy bullshit and it'd be better.
man of steel